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zaterdag 28 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY LIVORNO - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Livorno, FAL - Umanità Nova #26: Aysenur Eygi murdered by the state of Israel (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On September 6, the Israeli army killed Turkish-American activist

Aysenur Eygi while she was participating in a peaceful demonstration in
Baita, near Nablus. ---- The Palestinian news agency Wafa immediately
reported that the activist, a US citizen, "was participating in the
Faz3a project, which works to support and protect Palestinian farmers
from violations by the Israeli military and settlers." Aysenur Eygi had
recently graduated from the University of Washington, where she had
participated in student protests in solidarity with the Palestinian
population. She had arrived in the West Bank in early September as an
activist for the International Solidarity Movement to participate in the
Faz3a campaign.

The appeal to launch the Faz3a campaign, a few months ago, had also been
highlighted on the pages of Umanità Nova, it is in fact a grassroots
initiative «led by Palestinians born to respond to the extreme need to
organize on the ground a form of international civil protection from
Israeli violence in these circumstances. It is an initiative based and
supported by Palestinian civil society in the West Bank from all
political spectrums». A campaign that seeks to give strength to
grassroots organizations whose capacity for intervention risks being
wiped out by the war imposed by the state of Israel. A campaign «based
on the awareness that in this situation Palestinians need international
support and civil protection, and that international civil society has a
duty to act. Faz3a is not a charitable organization. Our campaign is
rooted in the awareness that building movements - both Palestinian and
international - is essential in this phase of devastation»

This campaign has been welcomed internationally as an important signal
for the construction of grassroots movements that practice international
solidarity on a clearly anti-militarist and non-sectarian level.

This is why similar initiatives are so violently attacked by the Israeli
state, because they question the very logic of apartheid, colonialism,
militarism on which not only the authority of that state is based, but
which also fuels the war that justifies its existence. Of course, it is
not just this. The killing of Aysenur Eygi makes clear the level of
violence that has now been reached by the Israeli army and the settlers
even in the West Bank, and which has risen after the large-scale
invasion carried out by the Tel Aviv government last August 29. In this
context, anyone who gets in the way, anyone who tries to block the
Israeli military machine, even on the outskirts of the smallest village
or under the slenderest olive tree, is the target of the bloodiest

The demonstration in which Aysenur Eygi was participating was a peaceful
initiative, part of the weekly Friday protests that have been held
regularly in Beita for years against the presence of a settlement and
some outposts of Israeli settlers near the village, which have taken
away the residents' land, livelihoods, freedom of movement, and also
many lives.

As Jonathan Pollak, a long-time activist of the group "Anarchists
Against the Wall" (a group no longer active for some years), told Quds
News Network, Aysenur Eygi is just the latest victim of the bloody
repression of Israeli forces in Beita: "What happened today is not an
accident," says Jonathan Pollak, "it is the continuation of the killing
of 17 Beita residents during demonstrations since 2021. It is an
intentional killing, which is now under the attention of the media and
newspapers because she is a US citizen. It is an intentional killing
that cannot be justified."

Jonathan Pollak explains that he clearly heard two shots of lethal
ammunition. "I have been attending these demonstrations for twenty
years, I can recognize the different sounds of tear gas, rubber-coated
bullets, and lethal ammunition." He says that the first bullet, after
hitting a metal object, injured a young man from the village in the leg,
while the second hit Aysenur Eygi in the head. Rescue efforts were in
vain, and she was taken by ambulance and died in hospital despite
attempts to resuscitate her.

Below is the joint statement from ISM, Faz3a, and Al-Hadaf KC

"On September 6, 2024, during a peaceful demonstration in Beita, West
Bank, Israeli forces shot and killed Turkish-American Aysenur Eygi, a
volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). As
protesters prayed, the army responded with tear gas and live ammunition,
fatally wounding Aysenur with a shot to the head.

Beita has a long history of resistance against the Israeli occupation
and violence directed at Palestinian residents by Israeli forces has
been particularly severe. Beita has seen ongoing demonstrations,
particularly against the construction of new Israeli outposts on village
lands. International activists have witnessed a significant increase in
violence by Israeli forces in recent months and the occupation must be
held accountable.

Aysenur Eygi joins the 17 Palestinian protesters already massacred in Beita.

ISM is a Palestinian-led organization that provides a protection and
solidarity presence in the West Bank. ISM was born in 2002 and has
maintained a continuous presence in Palestine since then, supporting the
Palestinian popular struggle against the occupation»

In the current tragic situation, the development of grassroots movements
that can give strength to the social base is among the few ways out that
we have, not only to overthrow apartheid and colonialism in Palestine,
but to stop the war on a global level. Of course, the reality that we
are facing is complex, and there is not just one path to follow. But it
is in this perspective that we can read Aysenur Eygi's choice to commit
herself alongside the Palestinian population. A choice that she had to
pay with her life.


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