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maandag 23 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SERBIA - ANIMALS - AFA - Animals First Aid - Aid OAZA's Mission to Rehome and Recover Animals


Save the Forgotten: Rescue, Recover, and Rehome with OAZA

Dear friends,

At OAZA Serbia, every day brings new challenges. With so many animals suffering, abandoned, and left to fend for themselves, we are their only lifeline. Our shelter is overflowing, and our resources are strained beyond capacity. But we cannot turn our backs on them. Luna, Coco, a young starving puppy, and a motionless mother dog with her four pups are just a few of the most recent souls that need your help. We come to you with a plea for urgent support – lives depend on it.

Animals First Aid NFP (AFA), is a not-for-profit committed to the well-being of animals.

Credit: OAZA

Luna and Coco – Time is Running Out

Two months ago, Luna and Coco were dumped in front of our shelter, tied up and broken. Luna, a 10-year-old Argentine dogo, was barely clinging to lifeher liver severely damaged from starvation. Coco, a 4-year-old pit bull mix, had been brutally injured in what we believe was a dog fight. His eye was torn from its socket, his body marked with bite wounds, and his spirit shattered.

They have come a long way in their recovery, thanks to the unwavering dedication of our team. But winter is coming, and we are running out of time. Our shelter is bursting at the seams, and we have no indoor space to house them. Coco’s aggression towards other dogs means they cannot be placed in the general population. We urgently need €3,000 to build a safe, warm space for them by the ambulance – a space that could save their lives this winter.

Animals First Aid NFP (AFA), is a not-for-profit committed to the well-being of animals.

Credit: OAZA

The Starving Pup – From Death’s Door

Last week, we received a tip about a dog barely alive, wandering 10 kilometers from our shelter. She was only 7 months old, but starvation had nearly claimed her life. With no one to care for her, she had been left to die. We rushed her to safety, and thanks to immediate medical care, she survived. But her road to recovery is long, and we need help to cover her ongoing medical needs and foster care expenses.

This case highlights a tragic reality – without intervention, many young dogs like her will never get a second chance. With your support, we can provide that chance.

Animals First Aid NFP (AFA), is a not-for-profit committed to the well-being of animals.

Credit: OAZA

Puppies to France – A Journey to Hope

At OAZA Serbia, we tirelessly work to find the best possible futures for the animals we rescue, and sometimes, that future lies across borders. We are thrilled to have secured foster families for a group of our puppies in France, where they will be welcomed into loving homes and given the care and attention they so desperately need. But getting them there is no small feat. The cost of transporting each puppy is €450, and with five puppies needing transport, the total for transportation alone comes to €2,250. In addition, we must cover the costs of their passports, vaccinations, and necessary paperwork, bringing the total to around €2,500.

Time is running out. The arrangements are in place, and the foster families are ready and waiting, but we cannot send these puppies on their way without the funds to get them there. We need to raise €2,500 as soon as possible to secure their transport and complete the necessary paperwork. Every day that passes is another day these puppies remain in limbo, and we cannot afford to wait much longer.

Please help us give these innocent lives the chance to start anew in a loving home. Your donation will directly contribute to their transportation, ensuring that they are safely delivered to their foster families in France, where they will finally know what it means to be loved and cared for.

Animals First Aid NFP (AFA), is a not-for-profit committed to the well-being of animals.

Credit: OAZA

The Motionless Mother – Holding On for Her Pups

A mother dog was found lying motionless in a ditch by a busy road, her four puppies huddled beside her. We believe she was hit by a car, but miraculously, she still has reflexes. Her puppies are now safe, but we fear for the mother’s life. We are doing everything we can, but the costs of veterinary care are piling up, and time is running out. With your help, we can give her the treatment she needs to survive for her puppies.

Credit: OAZA

Animals First Aid NFP (AFA), is a not-for-profit committed to the well-being of animals.

Credit: OAZA

Thank you for everything you’ve done so far. We know that many of you have already given so much, and for that, we are eternally grateful. It’s because of you that OAZA Serbia has been able to save lives, provide medical care, and offer hope where there was once none. With your continued support, we can keep doing this vital work.

Phone (US): +1 7733002544
Phone (UK): +44 (0)204 542 4474

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