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donderdag 26 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE BELGIUM - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL - Reims: Demonstration: Against the incarceration and deportation of undocumented immigrants - Sunday 22/9 in Charleroi, Belgium (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In Jumet, near Charleroi, the government plans to build a closed centre

with a total of 200 places by 2028, which would make it the largest
so-called "administrative" detention centre in Belgium. ---- The closed
centres detain people for reasons of "irregular administrative
situation" and have the official aim of forcibly deporting these
detained people from Belgian territory by plane. In other words, these
centres deprive people of their liberty whose only offence against them
is not having the "right" papers. These detention facilities were set up
in Belgium when the far right entered Parliament in the 1990s. Since
then, the machine for locking up and expelling people has continued to
be strengthened, the closed centres are expanding more and more and are
evidence of a racist, violent and murderous migration policy. Today,
there are 6 closed centres in Belgium, and successive governments plan
to build even more. The budgets deployed to carry out these inhuman
treatments are astronomical. The expulsions are carried out in series:
they number in the thousands each year. This entire detention-expulsion
system, of great physical and psychological violence, pushes people to
the limit. And the Belgian State has been condemned more than 8,000
times for failure to respect the fundamental right to receive asylum
seekers. Since the existence of the closed centres, many people have
died there, in some cases by suicide, sometimes in obscure
circumstances, and sometimes in murder.

It is in memory of Semira Adamu, an undocumented resistance fighter
killed in 1998 by the police during her sixth attempt at expulsion, that
we will demonstrate against the closed centres on 22 September. This
date reminds us of her death, caused by racism and migration policies.
These continue to claim victims: Mawda (killed by the police in 2023),
Tamazi (died in 2023 in a closed center), it is also in their memory
that we will gather. And in memory of all the others, anonymous, at the
borders, in the sea, on the roads, every day. Let us fight against the
invisibility and forgetting of the many deaths that the State causes at
its borders and in closed centers. Tracking, roundups, arrests,
detentions, expulsions ... Borders and their policies violate and kill,
the past and the present continue to demonstrate it. All our solidarity
goes to the victims of these acts of torture, committed by State
officials with complete impunity.

We do not accept the construction of a closed centre in Jumet, we do not
believe the lies and omissions of politicians, we do not tolerate them
hiding from us what a closed centre project really embodies: the
incarceration and deportation of thousands of people for the sole reason
that they do not have the right papers. We refuse that other people
perish in closed centres, during hunts, forced expulsions, we refuse
that borders kill in silence. The inhuman and murderous devices that are
closed centres must disappear, there is no question of building new ones!

Let us raise our voices and organize ourselves against these migration
policies that murder, for the immediate end of all confinement, for the
freedom of movement and settlement of all. For the memory of Semira
Adamu and all the people that migration policies have targeted,
violated, repressed, killed. Let us oppose the expansion of the machine
for locking up and expelling people.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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