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zondag 1 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - International, History: April 25, 1943, Italy frees itself from the fascists (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In Italy, April 25 commemorates the "Festa della Liberazione" in memory

of that day in 1945, when Milan, the capital of the Resistance, was
retaken by the partisans and liberated from the Nazi-fascist yoke. A
look back at the context that saw the birth of the resistance groups
that fought Mussolini. ---- The post-war and crisis context in Italy
created conditions conducive to the birth of fascism. Mussolini
established a dictatorial regime in 1925. In 1940, Italy was Germany's
ally in the Second World War. It waged a "parallel war" punctuated by

In the spring of 1943, a bloody civil war began. On one side, the
militias of the fascist regime, aided by the SS and the Gestapo, on the
other, the communist and anti-fascist partisan groups.

After the defeat of the Italo-German armies in Tunisia and the landing
of the Allies in Sicily, the king, the old ruling class and the moderate
fascist leaders brought about the dismissal and arrest of Mussolini on
July 25. He appointed Badoglio as President of the Council of Ministers.
The armistice was concluded on September 3 between the government of the
Kingdom of Italy and the Allied forces. On October 13, the Kingdom of
Italy declared war on Germany.

At the same time, liberated by the Germans, Mussolini founded a new
puppet fascist state in the north of the peninsula in September: the
Italian Social Republic (RSI). Italy was cut in two, invaded and
controlled by the Germans in the north and center, and taken by the
allies in the south.

 From Partisan Resistance to Liberation
Naples was the first to rise up, at the end of September 1943. It was
the only major city to be liberated through a popular uprising, without
the help of the Allies.

A partisan movement was born and developed throughout the country,
forming partisan groups of various sizes and political tendencies. The
National Liberation Committee (CLN) was created on 9 September 1943 by a
coalition of several political parties. Many short-lived partisan
republics were created in the liberated territories of the North until
the end of 1944, taken over by the Germans and reintegrated into the RSI.

On 19 April 1945, the CLN called for an insurrection to force the Nazi
and fascist forces to "surrender or perish". The partisans of Italy and
the allied troops liberated Bologna on April 21, Parma and Reggio Emilia
on the 24th, Milan, Turin and Genoa on the 25th. On April 25, while he
was trying to flee, Mussolini was arrested and executed with his
mistress Clara Petacci.

Since the Berlusconi government in 1994, right-wing MPs have regularly
proposed the suppression of the April 25 holiday. Berlusconi himself
refused in 2004 to participate in the official ceremonies commemorating
the liberation of the country.

The resistance against fascism is still relevant today. More than just
an institutional celebration, this day of April 25 must remind us of the
importance of the fight against the violence of the State, patriarchy
and capitalism. We will therefore soon relay in these pages the appeal
of our Italian comrades of Alternativa Libertaria.

Anne (UCL Fougères)

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