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dinsdag 10 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY SOLINGEN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Remember the victims of Solingen, fight Islamic fundamentalism and fascism! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Last Friday evening, an attacker stabbed people celebrating at the city

festival in Solingen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Three people were killed
and four others were injured, some seriously. ---- We remember the
victims and our thoughts are with their families and friends. We wish
the injured, who are now fortunately out of danger, a successful
recovery and the best possible recovery from the wounds and trauma they
have suffered.
Fight Islamic fundamentalism!
The suspected perpetrator initially managed to escape from the city
festival and later turned himself in to the police. On Saturday evening,
the "Islamic State" publicly claimed responsibility for the attack. If
the letter turns out to be authentic, the Solingen attack must be seen
in a series of many other attacks by Islamic fundamentalists in recent

They prove very clearly: Islamic fundamentalism is an extremely
reactionary ideology. It proclaims the oppression of women, queer
people, people of other faiths and non-believers in favor of a small
minority that uses religion as a tool for its brutal rule.

The attacks of the last few months and years in particular also prove
that, despite the military pushback of the "Islamic State", the danger
posed by Islamic fundamentalism has by no means been averted.
Organizational structures still exist in the states of West Asia, as
well as sympathizers here in Europe.

For us as anarchist communists, it is clear that our fight against every
form of exploitation and oppression must include the fight against
Islamic and every other religious fundamentalism. As against other
reactionary ideologies and movements, we can only lead this fight from
below - together with our colleagues, neighbors, classmates and fellow

With them, we must organize and advance the fight against capitalist
exploitation and patriarchal and racist oppression across different
sections of the working class, thus depriving reactionary ideologies of
their basis. At the same time, as an anti-fascist movement, we must seek
confrontation with fundamentalist structures and restrict their freedom
of action in our neighborhoods.

Against bourgeois instrumentalization...

Even if bourgeois politicians are now ordering mourning measures for the
victims of Solingen everywhere: In our fight against Islamic
fundamentalism, the bourgeois state cannot be an ally.

We must not forget: It was and is the policy of the imperialist states
in West Asia that has given Islamic fundamentalism the support it could
and can thrive on. It is the racist oppression of Muslims here in the
European states that has fueled and fuels their turn to Islamic

And the voices of bourgeois politicians are already being raised who
want to continue and intensify this policy on the backs of the Solingen
deaths. CDU leader Merz is calling for more deportations to Syria and
Afghanistan, a suspension of the admission of refugees from these
countries, permanent border controls and other measures. Instead of
really depriving Islamic fundamentalism of its base, this policy will
further marginalize Muslims in Germany and drive them into the arms of
the reactionaries. We must resolutely oppose this instrumentalization.

...and the fascist agitation on the streets!

Not only bourgeois politics, but also the fascist agitators have
discovered the attack for themselves and are using it to advance their
political agenda. The AfD youth organization is mobilizing for a rally
in Solingen this evening.

The injured are still in the hospital, and the fascists want to use the
opportunity to demand mass deportations and further intensification of
racist oppression and to incite wage earners against their Muslim
colleagues and neighbors. Even if their slogans sound more radical than
those of the CDU, the direction is the same.

That is why we must resolutely oppose this form of instrumentalization
of the attack. Let's go to Solingen this evening and disrupt the
fascists' rally!

Remember the victims of the attack!
Fight Islamic fundamentalism at its roots!
Against the bourgeois state and fascist agitation!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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