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zondag 1 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Ponte: London and Milan in the streets against the repression of climate activists by msette (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 From il manifesto - London and Milan in the streets against the

repression of climate activists Alex Foti ---- In London and Milan
yesterday protests were held against the persecutory sentences passed in
London against Roger Hallam and other activists from Just Stop Oil and
Extinction Rebellion, bringing the number of people currently in prison
to 21, including Phoebe Plummer, one of the two young women whose
symbolic "defacement" gesture of Van Gogh had gone around the world,
bringing the climate issue to the attention of global public opinion.

In London hundreds of people gathered at midday in front of Westminster,
near the statue of Gandhi, to underline the fact that all the activists
imprisoned are non-violent. In the trial of Roger Hallam, the judge did
not allow the defense to have climate scientists testify in front of the
jury. The intent was to demonstrate that a highway blockade or similar
actions are justified by the severity of the emergency underway, with
record high temperatures and a shocking 10-degree jump in the average
temperature of Antarctica.

A sign said "You can't lock out the truth", you can't lock out the
truth, but that's what the English justice system has decided to do to
Roger, founder of Extinction Rebellion and all the A22 movements (Ultima
Generazione, Letzte Generation, Scientist Rebellion), and is preparing
to do with Phoebe, the most iconic climate activist of Just Stop Oil.
The lawyer Raj Chada who is defending many of the defendants explained
that until three years ago, prison sentences had never been seen for
protests of this type. Greenpeace UK also showed its solidarity.

In Milan at 6 pm in Piazza Liberty in front of the British Consulate,
activists from Milanese social spaces and the World Congress for Climate
Justice interrupted a hot Saturday shopping spree to protest the
innocence of the activists in prison and ask the new Labour government
for their immediate release. The trial was "a farce", prompting protests
from the UN observer who was present at the hearing.

The fountain of the Apple Store opposite was colored with soluble
pigments, on whose edge the Milanese activists placed numerous signs
"Jail the Oilmen, Not the Activists" and "Roger and Phoebe Political
Prisoners". The speeches recalled the figure of Hallam, a former organic
farmer and social scientist, connecting his incarceration and that of
his companions with the persecution campaigns underway in Italy, France,
Germany with new decrees and repressive laws.

The climate justice movement fights to give a future to all the people
of the world against lobbies as powerful as they are denounced by
climatology and oceanography as a threat to the habitability of vast
areas of the planet, as we are experiencing in these weeks with a surge
in deaths from heat. The challenge is to make climate disobedience
intersectional, connecting the struggles of the campuses for Palestine
with radical trade unionism and the transfeminist movement.

Yesterday was a small step in the great undertaking of cross-fertilizing
the movements to defeat fossil capitalism and put an end to the
neoliberal exploitation of human beings and animal species. The current
political elites are conditioned by fossil lobbies and the media tend to
hide their responsibilities in the warming of the Earth's biosphere.
Transnational solidarity is vital to accomplish this undertaking.

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