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woensdag 25 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE US USA - New York NY - New York City NYC - THE CITY - School chancellor to retire amid federal probes



Dear New Yorkers,

Less than three years after taking the helm of New York City’s school system, Chancellor David Banks is planning to retire at the end of the year.

Banks’ stunning letter to Mayor Eric Adams yesterday came nearly three weeks after federal agents visited his home the day before school started and seized his phones as part of a broader investigation into members of Mayor Eric Adams’ inner circle. 

Investigators also confiscated phones from Banks’ partner, First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, and his two brothers, Phil Banks, deputy mayor for public safety, and Terence Banks, a consultant and former MTA staffer. Investigators are reportedly looking into whether Terence Banks improperly leveraged his relationship with his brothers to try to secure city contracts for clients of his consulting firm.

David Banks was tapped to be chancellor by Adams — who said he never seriously considered other candidates to helm the nation’s largest school district. Banks promised sweeping change to a public school system he described as “fundamentally flawed.” His 40-year career in the public schools stretched from being a school safety agent to helping launch a network of public schools geared toward young men of color.

Read more here about David Banks’ retirement announcement, as reported by our partners at Chalkbeat.

Our Other Top Stories

Things To Do

Here’s what’s going on around the city this week.

  • Wednesday, Sept. 25: A guided forest bathing experience. Free from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Riverside Park in Manhattan.
  • Saturday, Sept. 28: Climate Justice Lives Here! Festival 2024, which marks Climate Action Week and 10 years since the People’s Climate March while celebrating frontline community justice activists. Free from 2 to 7 p.m. at Pier 4, Brooklyn Army Terminal.
  • Saturday, Sept. 28: A discussion with the curators about redefining “American art” in Queens. Free from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Queens Museum. 

THE KICKER: There are fewer spotted lanternflies in NYC this year. But that’s not just because we’re all out there stomping on them.

Thanks, as always, for reading. Make it a great Wednesday.



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