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dinsdag 24 december 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #354 - International, Italy: A liberticidal, slavery-based and police law (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We are reproducing in these pages part of an article published on the

Cerises La Coopérative website on September 29, 2024, itself reproducing
the call launched by the comrades of the Free to Struggle Network in
Italy.[2]---- For many years, under the most diverse pretexts, Italian
governments have put in place laws aimed at restricting the freedom to
strike, to struggle, to demonstrate. The Meloni government is determined
to continue this operation by increasing state repression of struggles
and protest through Bill 1660. With this "truncheon law", the government
wants to settle scores with all the realities and experiences of the
ongoing struggle and create the legal instruments necessary to nip
future social conflicts in the bud. The growing tendency towards war on
the foreign front requires a pacified social context on the domestic
front, and all state apparatuses are "working" towards this end.

Let's examine the new regulations in detail.

Up to 20 years of imprisonment for anyone who demonstrates in a
"threatening or violent" manner to prevent the construction of a "public
work" or "strategic infrastructure". These are more severe repressive
rules than those contained in the fascist Rocco code.

Blocking roads or railways is punishable by a sentence of 6 months to 2

For those who "damage" or "damage" movable and immovable property "used
in the exercise of public functions": imprisonment of 6 months to 1
year, up to 3 years in the event of a repeat offence.

The "unauthorized" occupation of empty housing is punishable by
sentences ranging from 2 to 7 years. The penalty also extends to
individuals or groups who provide support, while one is exempt if one
actively cooperates with the police to evict or denounce the occupants
or sympathizers.

The DDL[1]introduces two new offences committed, the first by anyone who
"obtains or possesses preparatory documentation for carrying out
terrorist attacks and sabotage", the second by anyone who "distributes,
disseminates, disseminates or makes known by any means whatsoever
material containing instructions on the preparation or use of explosive
materials or on any other technique or method with a view to carrying
out one or more non-culpable offences against public safety, punishable
by a maximum of at least five years' imprisonment".

Given the extreme elasticity and arbitrariness of the concept of
"terrorism" - according to the Italian State, these are all Palestinian
organizations that fight for the liberation of their people, while the
State of Israel, while committing genocide through terrorist means, is
only "defending" itself - it is obvious that anyone who possesses
material from these organizations, or, for example, material useful for
the fight against major works (such as instructions on how to cross a
fence), is liable, in the first case, to a sentence of 2 to 6 years, in
the second, to a sentence of 6 months to 4 years in prison.

The immigrants targeted
All the penal measures described so far also affect immigrants. First, a
new crime is introduced for anyone who "promotes, organizes or directs a
riot" in a detention center, or even in a "reception center" - the
sentence is 1 to 6 years, up to 20 years if a member of the police force
or center staff suffers injuries.

Second, immigrants locked up in detention centers and reception centers
can be heavily punished in case of "passive resistance" to "orders
given" (which do not even have to be legitimate) not only by the police,
but also by the staff.

Third, the period during which the state can revoke the citizenship
granted to a "foreigner" for convictions related to "terrorism" is
increased to 10 years (from two currently).

Finally, in order to have a mobile phone, the immigrant from a non-EU
country must be in possession of a residence permit!

Protected police officers
At the same time, the new offence of prison or prison revolt falls for
anyone who "promotes, organises or leads a revolt", and is punishable by
a prison sentence of 2 to 8 years. But with aggravating circumstances,
the sentence rises to 20 years! Passive resistance is also punished.

Until now, the postponement of the execution of the sentence for
pregnant women or mothers of children under one year old was mandatory;
with DDL 1660, it becomes optional.

The other side is the enormous increase in the powers and protections of
the police forces. Directly, by the right to carry non-regulation
weapons outside of service, even without a permit; indirectly, by the
general increase in penalties for any form of resistance, even passive.
Penalties that can range from 2 to 5 years of imprisonment. The 5-year
threshold is important because it allows the justice system to put the
alleged perpetrator in prison through preventive detention.

This is why this liberticidal, slavery-based and police-based DDL,
written under the dictation of military commands and for the needs of
the race for a new world war, must be denounced and stopped!

Gathering of the Free to Struggle Network in front of the Castel Nuovo,
in Naples.
We reject it in its entirety, because it strikes at all ongoing
struggles and forms of protest, and because it serves to impose in
factories, warehouses, schools, prisons, and the whole of society, a war
economy and discipline with its terrible material and human costs on the
working classes, who constitute the overwhelming majority of society.

These police state regulations increasingly recall the classic structure
of martial laws promulgated in times of war. It is precisely for this
reason that an extraordinary mobilization is necessary against DDL 1660,
capable of opposing both its odiously repressive and vindictive
character and the war context from which it is inspired.

Free to Struggle Network - Let's Stop DDL 1660 Together (Rete Liberi/e
di lottare - Let's Stop DDL 1660 Together)


[1]DDL: Disegno de legge (in French, Draft law).

[2]Article to be found in full on urls.fr/JahASU

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