Here is a thriller that Manotti has the secret to. A compendium of
breathtaking action, intrigue, political and social struggles and racistpolitico-police domination. ---- The story follows Commissioner Daquin,
a character present in other works by Manotti, who investigates the
assassination of a young man of Algerian origin in 1973. That year,
fifty Maghrebis, mainly Algerians, were shot dead in public spaces. A
decade after Algerian independence, the colonialists of French Algeria
were recycled into the state apparatus, and the most virulent, present
in the police, continued their racist "war" against immigrant workers
from North Africa and their children.
It is difficult to stop reading such a book, against the backdrop of a
historical narrative that evokes the political context of the early
1970s in France, the racist Marcellin-Fontanet circular, the MTA (Arab
Workers Movement) and one of its figures Bashir, the general strike of
immigrant workers and many forgotten events.
With a racist stench that has not faded, fifty years later, in July 2023
Nahel, a young man from working-class neighborhoods, is killed at
point-blank range by a police officer. The filmed crime and the urban
revolts that followed have not left this racist crime forgotten in the
news. The police officer subsequently received more than 1 million euros
through a fundraising campaign initiated by the far right.
Marouane (UCL Nantes)
Dominique Manotti, Marseille 73, Les arènes, 2020, 385 pages, 20 euros.
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