Subtitled Political Science Fiction and Utopia , this essay shows us how
science fiction, this minor literature, in the sense that it is still a" bad genre ", too often considered as a simple literature of
entertainment, can on the contrary be the bearer of a political message.
---- This literature is strongly in touch with our material realities.
Isaac Asimov's " laws " inspired official recommendations from the
European Union for the regulation of robotics. Similarly, scientists
from the IPCC collaborated with authors of the " imaginary " to
illustrate a relationship that is not very accessible to reading.
Far from the image of dystopia that is necessarily negative about the
futures that are promised to us, SF turns out to be a formidable "
encouragement to think " the author tells us. Indeed, for " literatures
that step aside, the truth is elsewhere ". Thus, this literature is the
one that is able to propose to the public, and therefore political,
debate to free us from our cognitive limitations and move towards "
desirable futures ".
David (UCL Savoies)

Vincent Gerber, The Imagination in Power. Political Science Fiction and
Utopias , Le Passager clandestin, 2024, 176 pages, 19 euros.
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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