The state is an all-encompassing, deficient force that removes all
values and ethical and moral systems from our diverse ecologies. It
operates, arbitrarily, according to atavistic, heteronormatively
patriarchal methods and dogmas, basing its legitimacy simply on the
authority of its violent and excluding power, innovating when necessary.
In short, the state is a set of hierarchical systems, which imposes its
chaotic dictate in a social way to direct certain ethno-cultural groups,
with a variety of abilities, gender and belief (or not), in order to
perpetuate its own dominion.
The nation is, in a similar way, the meaning that the state can have a
soul, a varied but still dogmatic identity, inseparable from the state
and the beating heart of its work. It presupposes mythologies connected
in an often confusing and illogical, but sacred, way, which in a sort of
spell become the history of a myriad of peoples whose true
historiographies are erased to superimpose the nationalist one,
destroying traditions, often libertarian because genuinely indigenous
and understood by the entire community that defines them.
Now in economic terms the state, and then later also the nation, has
gone through various systems. In my opinion, from the invention of banks
in the Middle Ages and the subsequent "etherealization" of money, the
arrival of primordial capitalism, industrial capitalism, statist
capitalism and finally authoritarian neoliberalism, has crystallized
this economic system as the one chosen by the national-statist society
as a mode of social reproduction.
The reason why the Nation State is on a collision course with its own
complete implosion, transforming itself once again into a new,
terrifying, curtense economy (if not the extinction of the human
species), is that it bases its design on the conquest and divisions, not
only of human animals from other humans, but also on the division and
hierarchization of human animals with their own cultures and ecologies;
with other living beings.
We are forced to live in a completely individualistic way, even though
our nature is the evolution of very complex community and mostly
horizontal socializations. And this forcing, which already stresses us
and tears us away from our nature, imposes hierarchy and
authoritarianism on us as the only lenses through which to interact with
the world. This also influences our actions towards the rest of the
ecology. We see the so-called natural world as something to be dominated
and conquered, wild and alien to us, and the realization that this
cannot and should not happen has unfortunately come too late (a
liberatory politics would instead see the intersection of the freedoms
and responsibilities of the individual, with the duties and needs of the
community around it).
Such a societal system, which makes assimilation and centralization its
raison d'être, implies, as a logical end, the extinction of every other
Nation State, following the continuous history of war, and with it the
subjugation or, in not so extreme cases, the slaughter of the cultures
and ecologies trapped within the borders through military force. Not
even catastrophic events such as the world wars, in the second half of
the twentieth century, and the genocides carried out and ongoing in the
newborn twenty-first century, have stopped this logic. Imperial and
colonial war is the art of statism and decides its survival.
Statist society as such has millenary, almost prehistoric roots. It was
born from gerontocratic movements. With the so-called warmongering
mentality, older men instilled new, rotten, hierarchical ideas in young
hunters: a primordial form of classism to better control the various
social groups, later codified in laws, by the figure of the judge and
his armed force; patriarchy and its relationships of power and
possession, first of all the debt system of marriage, to build the
incubator of the new system of hierarchical values and methods; and
finally religion as the sacralization of the hierarchies of power
necessary for the maintenance of the new socio-political status that was
being formed.
With the abolition of the semi-horizontal matriarchal practices that
characterized the prehistoric era, through the establishment of
prostitution, forced by male priests, of women and non-heterosexual
people in Mesopotamian temples, the hierarchical power relationships of
the genre were institutionalized. This is a salient point for the
formation of hierarchical power: patriarchy is its direct parent, and
this must always be underlined (a truly profound transfeminist
deconstruction cannot ignore a real antagonism to the State and all the
intersectionalities that come from it and from Nationalism). Continuing
on the guidelines of authoritarianism: we find other monstrous
iterations. European suprematism is one of the emperors, apparently
almost immortal, among intersectional oppressions. Thanks to its
insidious nature, capable of hiding in the darkest recesses of social
constructions, still bitterly current.
Ableism, so often left in the oblivion of the so-called "movement
struggles" is perhaps, in my opinion, the most widespread, especially in
certain permutations of the antagonistic left, too much of a laborist,
attached to old Bolshevik dogmas on the need for each of us to exhaust
ourselves to push production (a mentality, not only wrong, but even more
dangerous in the era of Degrowth).
What would seem to be a new analysis of the effects of the Statist
Society on the planet, but which instead has a thousand-year history, is
that of anti-speciesism. Now, my perspective deviates from that of the
canons now popular in the anarchist movement, but on one thing we agree:
the rest of nature cannot be considered as a product, as something to be
possessed and used without any qualms and respect for the consequences
of our tendencies and therefore of the system under which we are forced
to live.
It is my opinion that the nation state is dying. Floundering in the
infinite ocean of history, national-statism tries with its ferocity to
cling to everything, including all of us, and in its desperation to drag
us into the abyss. We are faced with an uninterrupted series of "crises"
(as authoritarian propaganda likes to call them to highlight them as
exceptional cases): climatic, social, economic, geopolitical crises. War
is a constant in the collective imagination of those in the so-called
West who feel its repercussions only in rare cases, and a vivid reality
for people in Western Asia for example. Borders are increasingly
determined by a ferocious militarization: the massacre in the waters of
the Mediterranean by Frontex, with the participation of Libyan slavers,
or that in Palestine are clear examples. We live in an era of complete
moral and ethical degradation, where death is valued twice as much as
life, where the two self-evident rules are oppression and violence, and
for which the socio-cultural parameters should be defined within the
limits of the Ventennio, not only in the so-called Italy. The so-called
"common" people, systematically incapable of freeing themselves from
authoritarian social constructs, find themselves victims and
executioners, almost unaware, of such violence, divineing the natural
law causes of the widespread misery.
It is also my opinion that everyone has the right not to live like this,
to have dignity, serenity, happiness and genuine love for each other and
the rest of the ecology.
And so it is my opinion that the Nation State, with all its limbs, the
greatest of all Capitalism, must die, not us.
Let's kill the Leviathan, before it kills us.
Mario Di Domenico
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
Send news reports to A-infos-en mailing list
values and ethical and moral systems from our diverse ecologies. It
operates, arbitrarily, according to atavistic, heteronormatively
patriarchal methods and dogmas, basing its legitimacy simply on the
authority of its violent and excluding power, innovating when necessary.
In short, the state is a set of hierarchical systems, which imposes its
chaotic dictate in a social way to direct certain ethno-cultural groups,
with a variety of abilities, gender and belief (or not), in order to
perpetuate its own dominion.
The nation is, in a similar way, the meaning that the state can have a
soul, a varied but still dogmatic identity, inseparable from the state
and the beating heart of its work. It presupposes mythologies connected
in an often confusing and illogical, but sacred, way, which in a sort of
spell become the history of a myriad of peoples whose true
historiographies are erased to superimpose the nationalist one,
destroying traditions, often libertarian because genuinely indigenous
and understood by the entire community that defines them.
Now in economic terms the state, and then later also the nation, has
gone through various systems. In my opinion, from the invention of banks
in the Middle Ages and the subsequent "etherealization" of money, the
arrival of primordial capitalism, industrial capitalism, statist
capitalism and finally authoritarian neoliberalism, has crystallized
this economic system as the one chosen by the national-statist society
as a mode of social reproduction.
The reason why the Nation State is on a collision course with its own
complete implosion, transforming itself once again into a new,
terrifying, curtense economy (if not the extinction of the human
species), is that it bases its design on the conquest and divisions, not
only of human animals from other humans, but also on the division and
hierarchization of human animals with their own cultures and ecologies;
with other living beings.
We are forced to live in a completely individualistic way, even though
our nature is the evolution of very complex community and mostly
horizontal socializations. And this forcing, which already stresses us
and tears us away from our nature, imposes hierarchy and
authoritarianism on us as the only lenses through which to interact with
the world. This also influences our actions towards the rest of the
ecology. We see the so-called natural world as something to be dominated
and conquered, wild and alien to us, and the realization that this
cannot and should not happen has unfortunately come too late (a
liberatory politics would instead see the intersection of the freedoms
and responsibilities of the individual, with the duties and needs of the
community around it).
Such a societal system, which makes assimilation and centralization its
raison d'être, implies, as a logical end, the extinction of every other
Nation State, following the continuous history of war, and with it the
subjugation or, in not so extreme cases, the slaughter of the cultures
and ecologies trapped within the borders through military force. Not
even catastrophic events such as the world wars, in the second half of
the twentieth century, and the genocides carried out and ongoing in the
newborn twenty-first century, have stopped this logic. Imperial and
colonial war is the art of statism and decides its survival.
Statist society as such has millenary, almost prehistoric roots. It was
born from gerontocratic movements. With the so-called warmongering
mentality, older men instilled new, rotten, hierarchical ideas in young
hunters: a primordial form of classism to better control the various
social groups, later codified in laws, by the figure of the judge and
his armed force; patriarchy and its relationships of power and
possession, first of all the debt system of marriage, to build the
incubator of the new system of hierarchical values and methods; and
finally religion as the sacralization of the hierarchies of power
necessary for the maintenance of the new socio-political status that was
being formed.
With the abolition of the semi-horizontal matriarchal practices that
characterized the prehistoric era, through the establishment of
prostitution, forced by male priests, of women and non-heterosexual
people in Mesopotamian temples, the hierarchical power relationships of
the genre were institutionalized. This is a salient point for the
formation of hierarchical power: patriarchy is its direct parent, and
this must always be underlined (a truly profound transfeminist
deconstruction cannot ignore a real antagonism to the State and all the
intersectionalities that come from it and from Nationalism). Continuing
on the guidelines of authoritarianism: we find other monstrous
iterations. European suprematism is one of the emperors, apparently
almost immortal, among intersectional oppressions. Thanks to its
insidious nature, capable of hiding in the darkest recesses of social
constructions, still bitterly current.
Ableism, so often left in the oblivion of the so-called "movement
struggles" is perhaps, in my opinion, the most widespread, especially in
certain permutations of the antagonistic left, too much of a laborist,
attached to old Bolshevik dogmas on the need for each of us to exhaust
ourselves to push production (a mentality, not only wrong, but even more
dangerous in the era of Degrowth).
What would seem to be a new analysis of the effects of the Statist
Society on the planet, but which instead has a thousand-year history, is
that of anti-speciesism. Now, my perspective deviates from that of the
canons now popular in the anarchist movement, but on one thing we agree:
the rest of nature cannot be considered as a product, as something to be
possessed and used without any qualms and respect for the consequences
of our tendencies and therefore of the system under which we are forced
to live.
It is my opinion that the nation state is dying. Floundering in the
infinite ocean of history, national-statism tries with its ferocity to
cling to everything, including all of us, and in its desperation to drag
us into the abyss. We are faced with an uninterrupted series of "crises"
(as authoritarian propaganda likes to call them to highlight them as
exceptional cases): climatic, social, economic, geopolitical crises. War
is a constant in the collective imagination of those in the so-called
West who feel its repercussions only in rare cases, and a vivid reality
for people in Western Asia for example. Borders are increasingly
determined by a ferocious militarization: the massacre in the waters of
the Mediterranean by Frontex, with the participation of Libyan slavers,
or that in Palestine are clear examples. We live in an era of complete
moral and ethical degradation, where death is valued twice as much as
life, where the two self-evident rules are oppression and violence, and
for which the socio-cultural parameters should be defined within the
limits of the Ventennio, not only in the so-called Italy. The so-called
"common" people, systematically incapable of freeing themselves from
authoritarian social constructs, find themselves victims and
executioners, almost unaware, of such violence, divineing the natural
law causes of the widespread misery.
It is also my opinion that everyone has the right not to live like this,
to have dignity, serenity, happiness and genuine love for each other and
the rest of the ecology.
And so it is my opinion that the Nation State, with all its limbs, the
greatest of all Capitalism, must die, not us.
Let's kill the Leviathan, before it kills us.
Mario Di Domenico
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
Send news reports to A-infos-en mailing list
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