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donderdag 9 januari 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #454 - Edited: THE KINGDOM OF THE OLIGARCHS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Trump's victory in the American presidential elections is a terrible

confirmation of how strong the wind of the fascist right is blowing not
only in Europe but in the very heart of Western democracy. A criminal
megalomaniac, surrounded by a circle of rude and arrogant billionaires,
has conquered the summit of the most powerful empire in the world and,
as in a dystopian film, is now preparing to overturn what remains of
Western civilization, of human rights inherited from the Enlightenment,
of the values of economic liberalism and parliamentary democracy. What
has been happening for decades in other latitudes is being repeated in
the USA, where bloodthirsty dictators, supported by cliques of
oligarchs, subjugate billions of people with an iron fist and
suffocating control.

It is not true at all that democracy and fascism are incompatible with
each other. Democratic states have often used fascism to avoid radical
social upheavals or to overcome deep economic crises such as the
recurring ones caused by the globalization of markets and the
financialization of the economy. Sometimes they succumb, transforming
into more or less complete dictatorships (the latter have been defined,
with a happy neologism, "democrature") and last until the next waltz,
when the dictatorship will return to democracy. Even in Trump's America,
the path of democratic elections has proven to be the easiest of those
that lead fascism to power, especially if it can count on the interested
help of a handful of magnates of pseudo digital communication, led by
Egon Musk, "the richest man in the world", master of tools that shape,
persuade, direct, distract, distort and monitor the minds of millions of
individuals, to the point of pushing them to vote against their own

Trump has won and with him the fascist verb prevails worldwide: racial
hatred, persecution, harassment and expulsion of foreigners, migrants,
Muslims; crude and warmongering nationalism; chauvinism, paternalism,
authoritarianism, culture of lies; violent and disrespectful language of
diversity; reintroduction of hierarchical and elitist models of school
and society organization; abolition of rights, growth of inequalities;
militarization of territories; military expansionism and funding of war
factories; restriction and repression of freedom of the press and
association, politics and trade unions; cancellation of autonomous
spaces of action and thought; stop to environmental policies and return
to fossil fuels, to the devastation of territories, to nuclear power plants.

A heavy mortgage on the coexistence and future survival of the human

In times of social revolt, fascisms can adopt cruel and violent
behaviors, assassinate opponents, abolish parties and Parliaments,
revive the cult of personality, establish inhuman and tyrannical
regimes. In times of social peace - like the ones we live in - they use
captivating tones, progressively subjugate powers and institutions,
occupy spaces, positions and public offices, tolerate political and
social opposition, relegating them to a limbo of ineptitude and
uselessness, reserving the right to suppress them by legislative or
plebiscitary means if they try to cause trouble.

The increasingly frequent combination of political and economic power,
with the involvement at the top of the State of the managers of the main
digital, fossil and armaments companies - as will be the case in the new
Trump administration -, however, raises fears of the establishment in
the not too distant future of hyper-securitized and hyper-technological
fascist governments, in which every autonomous movement will be
inhibited by the capillary control of human activities.

Meanwhile, the clash is being prepared, inherent to the sovereignist
ideology, between the United States and its other competing global
fascisms, starting with the Chinese one. Initially of an economic
nature, it could soon turn into an open military conflict. Trumpian
pacifism is anything but! To this crazy scenario, the only alternative,
increasingly evident although still extremely minority, is that of a
popular revolution to be built and spread immediately, animated by
principles diametrically opposed to those that foment fascisms and wars
for domination on earth. Principles of freedom, equality and integral
solidarity between individuals and human groups, contained in a single
word: ANARCHY.

Natale Musarra

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
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