Discussion SUNDAY 23 FEBRUARY, 13:00 at the anarchist-anti-authoritarian
hangout Antipnoia Aristovoulou & Pyladou, K. Petralona ---- We areteachers of public and private education. We met in our workplaces, at
the general assemblies of our unions, in the streets fighting against
the evaluation and disciplinary prosecutions of teachers, against the
degradation and privatization of public education. ---- We met in a
period of total systemic crisis when the state-capitalist power complex,
in order to save its privileges, maximize its profits, and expand
control over all areas of people's everyday life, is furiously attacking
society for its violent transformation. Part of his antisocial plans
that result in the exclusion of the exploited and oppressed from basic
social goods - food, housing, health, education - is educational
The goal of educational restructuring is the dismantling of public
education, the privatization of education, the suppression of the
struggles of teachers and students and, more generally, the
transformation of schools into fields of application and reproduction of
the barbarity of the voracious system of power and exploitation with the
aim of shaping - through terrorism and the cultivation of social
cannibalism - a man-in-bond and a society-in-prison.
In these conditions of violent transformation of society, the
educational process and the relentless attack on the public nature of
education, we believe that it is more necessary than ever to rally
libertarian forces in the field of education with the aim of:
· The presentation of a more comprehensive discourse against educational
restructuring and bureaucratic unionism, for a class, militant and
solidarity-based unionism, for the radicalization of demands and the
broadening of their perspective overall against the system of
exploitation and oppression
· The creation of a libertarian field of meeting and fermentation that
will constitute a place of exchange of experiences and information on
how the material reality is shaped for the members of the educational
community, a place of strengthening libertarian discourse within
educational spaces and within unions, of devising collective tactics and
strategies that will help to "re"shaping the lost collective ground
towards a libertarian direction, an expression of solidarity with
struggling teachers who are faced with disciplinary action and persecution
· Finding points of contact with other social segments concerned by the
struggle against educational restructuring, such as parents and
students, but also connecting with other struggles that break out for
the defense of social goods.
· Outlining the education we want, the libertarian methodology as well
as the way it is practiced and received and its contents, not as a way
of embellishing power or an alternative within the existing system of
oppression that results in libertarian methods being devalued and
becoming a tool of domination, but as an example in the present and as a
goal and means of the future society of equality, solidarity, justice,
freedom that we dream of.
At the time of publication of this text, an unprecedented campaign of
disciplinary action against struggling teachers is underway due to their
participation in the strike to abstain from evaluation. At the same
time, the state and the Ministry of Education, with the operation of
establishing the Public Onassis Schools, are seeking to give the
finishing blow to public education: 22 public schools across the country
are being donated to the Onassis Foundation to "upgrade" them by
abolishing them as neighborhood schools, the schools that are co-located
with them are on the verge of extinction, while their students, as well
as the elementary school students in the specific areas, are being
excluded in their vast majority from the educational process, as access
to them will be through exams and the possibility of their absorption by
neighboring schools is from zero to non-existent! This is a huge
operation of privatization of public education, as for the first time a
private entity - the Onassis Foundation and the Arion Hellas company -
is involved in the administration, organization and operation of public
schools. At the same time, the pilot implementation of the International
Baccalaureate in Onassis schools, which is under discussion, qualifies
its holders for study at foreign private universities, at their local
branches, or possibly even for admission to universities without
national exams.
Students, parents and teachers have taken to dynamic mobilizations
(occupations, abstentions, neighborhood marches) against the
transformation of their schools into Onassis models. While already,
struggling students in occupied schools have been confronted with their
targeting, the operation of slander and criminalization of their
struggle and face the possibility of retaliatory and punitive prosecutions.
We are on their side!
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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