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donderdag 20 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE THESSALONIKI - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, Thessaloniki: Punctuality is class violence (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Punctuality is one of the most important issues facing workers and
households in Greece in recent years. Prices for basic goods and
services such as electricity, natural gas, oil, food, fuel and housing
have increased rapidly, while at the same time wages and pensions remain
stagnant and low. According to a survey, monthly income is sufficient
for only 19 days, while more than half is "lost" from the beginning of
the month to rent. In the center of Thessaloniki, rental prices have
skyrocketed, with the average price exceeding EUR10/sq m. and 45 sq m.
studios renting for over EUR450. Increases of 50% or even 100% after the
end of the contract are now the norm.

The skyrocketing prices for both basic goods and services and housing
are not only the result of external factors, such as the war in Ukraine.
The government, in order to favor the interests of its "friends" who own
private energy companies, has left prices uncontrolled and companies to
determine how much they will take from our wages for electricity and
natural gas. Even with the financing of reconstructions, with the
absence of regulation of short-term rentals and speculative practices,
the state apparatus favors the profitability of real estate companies,
investment funds, renovation companies and landlords.

This unthinkable situation has been caused by one and only one reason:
capitalism. Either by its operation in general, which is intertwined
with the great imperialist interests, the conflict between them and the
passing on of costs to the working classes of each country and all
countries together, or by its general dysfunction which is increasingly
obvious in each new "crisis" that comes, or by the profiteering that has
been allowed in our country in particular at predatory levels. And
therefore the only solution is to resist. To resist today the exactitude
that has led our lives to wither, to resist the capitalist system as a
whole tomorrow.

Although we are not actually called upon to (re)invent the wheel, we are
certainly called upon to put it back in motion, because it is evident
that recently it seems to have become stuck for good. As we know, the
competitive movement both globally and specifically in our parts (and in
the very recent past, in fact), has utilized various methods and
practices in its attempt to halt the attack it receives from the state
and bosses, in its attempt to self-organize and collectivize the
resistances of the social base.

 From ways of intervening in the central political scene (strikes,
demonstrations, propaganda actions, etc.) to daily molecular work
(interventions in neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, etc.).

 From class and social formations (unions, bases, labor groups,
neighborhood assemblies, etc.) to self-organized solidarity structures
(collection and distribution of food and therefore essential items,
social clinics, etc.). From attempts to collectivize individual methods
of survival (refusal to pay bills, expropriation of essential items,
etc.) to organizing collective methods of self-defense (gatherings in
courts to block auctions, gatherings outside homes to block evictions or
power outages, reconnecting electricity, etc.).

If we don't want to die - literally - of hunger, the time has long come
to react.

To react to those who cut our salaries every few months, who pass
bankruptcy laws to take away our first homes, and new insurance laws to
make us work until we literally die at work, those of us who work
because our country also has the highest youth unemployment rates.

To react to those who increase our cost of living in every possible way,
in food, basic necessities, housing, transportation, EVERYTHING.


Microphone Concentration vs. Accuracy,

Saturday 15/2, at 12:00, at Agioi Anargyroi Square, Upper Town.

Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki

blog: libertasalonica.wordpress.com

Contact email: lib_thess@hotmail.com

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