In recent years, Rojava, an autonomous region in northern Syria, has
been characterized by an important experiment in self-government -based on the principles of democratic confederalism - providing an
innovative response to the political, social and economic challenges
that the region has faced and faces, especially in a context of war and
instability, such as that which characterizes the Middle East. ----
Democratic confederalism - promoted by the Kurdish leader Ocalan and
supported by the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) - is distinguished by its
decentralized structure and the importance given to direct democracy,
gender equality and the recognition of ethnic and cultural diversity.
It has materialized in a system of self-government that promotes the
self-organization of local communities: decisions are taken at the
grassroots level, through popular assemblies that allow everyone to
actively participate in political life. This approach aims to avoid
centralization of power and ensure that different voices and communities
are represented. The creation of cooperatives and local economic
initiatives have helped to support the economy of the region.
In particular, the political-social management system, composed of
various councils and assemblies, operates at different levels: local,
regional and federal. Each community is encouraged to form its own
assemblies, where members can discuss and decide on issues that affect
their daily lives, with a particular focus on ecological issues. Women,
in particular, play a crucial role in this process. By breaking the
traditional patriarchal structure, female representation in all
assemblies and councils is guaranteed, reflecting Rojava's commitment to
gender equality.
Furthermore, Rojava has sought to include the different ethnic groups
and religions present in the region, such as Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians,
Turkmen, Syrians and Armenians, promoting a model of peaceful
coexistence and cooperation, fundamental to building a pluralist society
and to address the historical divisions that have historically
characterized the region.
The war against ISIS, with the heavy legacy of the management of
detention camps, represented a challenge, only temporarily won. Now,
with the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime, and the conquest of power by
the Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) led by a former ISIS
commander, the offensive of the jihadist gangs supported by Turkey
against Rojava has resumed in a big way with the aim of dismantling the
democratic confederalist system, chasing out the PKK and incorporating
(to render them harmless) the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) into the
jihadist-led national army (SNA). Turkey itself is at the forefront of
the air strikes, continuing its policy of massacres against the Kurdish
communities carried out in the cities within its borders.
Faced with the possibility of managing the new Syrian state led by
Jihadists, Western countries that had supported Rojava's resistance
against ISIS are now stepping aside, turning their gaze to what is
happening in Palestine and the opportunities that are being created to
redesign the region thanks to the massacre of Palestinians and the
expansionist will of the Zionist regime.
However, despite everything, the model of democratic confederalism
continues to demonstrate remarkable resilience. Local communities have
organized themselves to respond to the ongoing aggression, building a
network of solidarity and mutual support, supporting militant self-defense.
But precisely because Rojava can offer an interesting alternative to the
centralized, authoritarian and tyrannical models of government that
dominate much of the Middle East, its defense is important, especially
now that the very existence of that experience is being called into
question by Turkish bombs and fascist-Islamist throat-cutters.
And that's why we'll be in Piazza Cairoli
to give voice and support to the resistance of Rojava, against the aims
of Erdogan and his jihadist allies
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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