Keir Starmer told the Big Issue magazine back in June 2024 that "I'll
be as bold as Attlee. I ran a public service during austerity, I saw theimpact of the Tories' decisions. There will be no return to austerity
with a Labour government. We'll have a decade of national renewal
instead, with ambitious investment and reform." In addition, the Labour
Party said that it "will end the climate and energy chaos, turn the page
on 14 years of failed policies, and make Britain a clean energy
superpower." ---- Since coming to power, the Labour government made a
u-turn on its pledge of £28 million green investment and approved a
third runway at Heathrow airport
Failed to abolish the two-child cap on child benefit
Slashed the winter fuel allowance for many pensioners
Targeted migrants
Said they wanted to slash benefits and 'save' £3 billion from health and
disability benefits
Came down heavy on 'benefit fraudsters' whilst turning a blind eye to
the tax dodging of the rich which runs to £122 billion a year, not to
mention £17 billion per year in unclaimed benefits
Failed to support a Bill to compensate WASPI (Women Against State
Pension Increase) women affected by pension reforms
Failed to act against water companies who are raising bills this year by
an average £123 a year
Raised university tuition fees by 3.1% for the coming academic year,
which will adversely affect would-be working class students
Meanwhile 20 per cent of the UK population is living in poverty
according to the UK Poverty 2025 Report published by the Joseph Rowntree
Foundation; 123,100 households are living in temporary accommodation in
England, 6,447 in Wales, and 16,330 in Scotland. 9,079 people were
sleeping rough in England last September, an increase of 8% from the
previous year.
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