If the 2024 elections teach us any lesson, it is that the left's
commitment to the electoral and institutional path leads to theparalysis of movements and does not even guarantee results at the polls.
With increasingly backward programs, not very different from those of
the center and the right, the candidacies of the majority left were
defeated in the big cities. ---- The election result would not be a
problem for the group of popular movements if they followed a calendar
of struggles independent of the parties and governments in power. But,
since the beginning of the year, little progress has been made beyond
strikes and specific mobilizations of some categories and social
movements - the recent movement against the 6x1 scale took place outside
of the traditional movements. The reason is that, thinking about the
elections, the big parties on the left are actively working to ensure
that the movements stop fighting in the streets and bet more on
institutions, through cabinet agreements, hearings with parliamentarians
and legal actions. This is how movements become bureaucratized and lose
the strength to fight.
This entire scenario is heavily influenced by the Lula-Alckmin
government's broad front policy, which relies on the old formula of
conciliation with big businessmen and authorities in Congress and the
Judiciary. Despite some positive data, such as the drop in unemployment
and fiscal adjustment policies, the lack of any structural change
maintains the social abyss and the enormous precariousness of work, in
addition to disarming the oppressed classes of their instruments of
resistance, such as strikes, street demonstrations and other types of
Bourgeois elections shape society so profoundly that even the most
revolutionary parties and currents that participate in the electoral
process seem out of touch with reality during this period. In our view,
participation in elections ends up generating illusion in bourgeois
democracy, in addition to causing confusion and division among the
activists of these parties themselves. Sometimes, this electoral tactic
causes the most combative parties to soften their stance, giving up a
socialist program in exchange for the election of one candidate or
another - which may result in some cosmetic measures, but keeps the
structure of the capitalist-statist system intact, which in Brazil
perpetuates the scenario of millions of people in poverty, genocide in
the countryside and on the outskirts of cities, racism, sexism and other
forms of oppression.
The rise of the far right occurs amid decades of a policy of
conciliation with class enemies, which has blurred the ideological
differences between the left and the right, in addition to the deepening
of neoliberalism, which demands more aggressive forms of government to
ensure the exploitation of the workforce. Even the Lula-Alckmin
government, after the electoral victory over Bolsonarism, adopted part
of the defeated program, with measures such as the fiscal framework,
which reduces social spending to benefit bankers and speculators,
through the payment of the rollover of the public debt.
The focus on elections leads to a marginal position for popular
struggles and participation in decision-making processes in politics,
often overriding the autonomous process of organizing movements. For us
anarchists, the construction of socialism will only be achieved with the
accumulation of social strength by the oppressed classes, in a
revolutionary project committed to ending oppression. That is why we are
committed to building and strengthening militant popular movements, with
class independence, that abandon the illusion of electoral farce and
advance in a project of self-managed popular power.
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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