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woensdag 19 maart 2025

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, OSL, Libera #181 - ANARCHIST FEDERATION OF ROSÁRIO HOLDS FOURTH CONGRESS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Anarchist Federation of Rosario (FAR), from Argentina, concluded its

4th Congress on September 20 and 21 of this year. At the invitation of
the FAR, the OSL was present with two delegates at the meeting, together
with other anarchist organizations from Argentina, the American
continent and also from Europe. ---- Together with FAR activists, the
invited delegations exchanged experiences of union work and discussed
the current situation in Argentina and the world. A public event marked
the closing of the Congress at the Biblioteca Popular La Vigil, an
important space for memory and culture in the city. The Congress was
named "Tello Brothers", in homage to Marcelo, Rafael and Pablo,
anarchist union activists who disappeared in the 1970s due to the
repression of the Argentine dictatorship. In addition to the OSL, the
following organizations participated: Argentine organizations: OAC from
Córdoba, OASC from Santa Cruz, ORA from Buenos Aires, OAT from Tucumán,
and Impulso A from Neuquén, as well as FAU from Uruguay, FAS from Chile,
Black Rose/Rosa Negra from the USA, and the CGT trade union center from
the Spanish state.

We are grateful for the hospitality of our comrades from the FAR, and we
congratulate all the delegations present at the meeting, an important
opportunity to strengthen ties and promote anarchism in Latin America.

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