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maandag 27 augustus 2012

Second Anarchists Days - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ca) [machine translation]

The Anarchist Federation of Gran Canaria (FAGC) organizes "II Anarchist Conference", held
between 12 and 16 September 2012, at 18 am in Bishop Street Rabad?n # 22 of The Palmas de
Gran Canaria. The final program of these days almost is as follows: --- Day 12: ---
Anarchism - What is anarchism? the Anarchism through the times (summary) ---- The
criminalization of anarchism ---- Day 13: ---- Free the Earth ---- Forms of traditional
culture ---- Fukuoka Method ---- Dilemmas community (collectivism vs. communism) ----
Movie La Cecilia --- Day 14: -- Debate: Is it possible coordination Libertarian Movement?
-- Day 15: ---- Workshops ---- Workshop ---- Do It Yourself (medicinal plants, self-
sufficiency, etc..) ---- Day 16: --- Workshops defense against state violence ---- Making
homemade gas mask ---- Detection of a mobile "punch" ---- Defensive tactics against the
violent repression of manifestations

The main objective of the conference, other than the disclosure
(first day) and alternatives and workshops, is the debate
Friday 14 on the possibility and real will coordinate all
individuals and groups who consider ourselves libertarians, compared
the brutal offensive of our enemies. This would be that could
have, within the anti-capitalism and social movements, a
libertarian alternative voices and a strong and growing

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