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dinsdag 2 oktober 2012

Canada, Quebec, Common Cause Special edition #22 - UQAC (fr)

Here is the Express edition of the journal Common Cause produced on the occasion of the
start of the fall semester 2012 at the UQAC specially devoted to the relationship between
MAGE-UQAC and student activism at UQAC. This edition may be reproduced as many copies as
you need and want rather timeless, even if it is partly related to the last strike. Do not
hesitate to contact us if you want to get. Here it is in virtual format! -- Summary --
Nothingness feminist MAGE-UQAC ---- Expect nothing MAGE: For Autonomy fighting in Saguenay
---- Desertification militant MAGE-UQAC ---- Download the PDF http://dl.free.fr/keIJ2bo1X
( Press OK and the file download window appears) ---- Labels: Common Cause , Collective
Emma Goldman , feminist struggles , Student Movement , Saguenay

Nothingness feminist MAGE-UQAC

The Mage-UQAC as the FEUQ, the hole is gaping downright giant feminism does not exist.
None of these bodies has a shape, an embryo, something as small as it may be akin to
feminism. Of course, the FEUQ has developed several publications, and by this point, but
under the heading'' File'', among the Copyright and the Quebec Public Finance, no trace of
women's demands. However, a student union, it is unacceptable to see ab?rant trust the
realities of almost half of its members. Around this empty place some key elements that
belie not bad liver and inaction Mage-UQAC against women.

Under-representation of women

From the outset, it seems important to remember that the Executive Committee (2012-2013)
Mage-UQAC is composed of one woman and seven men. You may say that this is the only woman
president, but the will of feminism is it not equal? Have greater power as a woman does
not restored fairness and be surrounded by men does not promote fair representation of
each. In addition, it seems important here to question the under-representation of women
in Mage-UQAC. How to explain it? What to do to promote the involvement of women in the
executive committee? Many issues here and it seems imperative not trivializing anything.

The Mage-UQAC expressed in male

If we search from top to bottom the former site of mage-UQAC, you can find the codes of
ethics and bylaws Mage. Within these documents and press releases, we can rejoice at such
cowardice to feminize texts. Quickly, we speak of "students" and never students. Are we
invisible? Or a simple "e" is too difficult for them to wear? We allourdissons text, admit
it! Just know that women exist and feminize texts and discourse has never killed anyone.

Student struggle

As has been pointed out in the introduction, as well as the MAGE FEUQ has no feminist
discourse, or even based on a reflection. Mage when organizing an event, he is careful to
feminize the struggle slogans, speeches and informative leaflets never concern women's
demands. After all, we do not address women. In addition, committees MAGE activists are
often hatched by the same mentality: the fight overall, by and for the majority. It
abandons the parallel struggles (though that converge in the same direction) for the
benefit of its stakeholders foregrounds, that is to say men. Because it must be remembered
that if women are under-represented on the Executive Committee, they are equally in
committee militants. In addition to having to deal with a majority of men, women who are
involved and this solidarity activists face male face r?tiscence this all that is about to
feminize the struggle and the basic principles of egalitarian among other alternating male
/ female in trade and feminizing interventions. MAGE is careful to acquire instance to
avoid the principles of domination in our own society such as e-warden not felt the
example. Finally, MAGE is not the only one to be blamed for this blatant lack of feminism
UQAC. He can not wait to have a women's committee within these walls so that things change.

Related Link: http://ucl-saguenay.blogspot.ca/

Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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