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zondag 16 december 2012

(en) Chile, SOLIDARIDAD n?14 + Editorial: To build a worthy and sovereign Chile fight for the needed changes (ca)

It has come to light a new issue of the newspaper "Solidarity", organ of the libertarian 
communism. ---- The contents of the number 14 are: ---- Editorial: To build a worthy and 
sovereign Chile fight for the needed changes --- A libertarian reading of Latin America 
today --- Student movement: diversity of bets, and local struggles government use ---- 
Interview with Fabian Araneda, new vice president of the DATE ---- Successful Congress for 
New Unionism ---- Towards the dignity of labor: Workers and Interregional Coordinator Of 
Social Workers (appointments) ---- Interview Muralistas Fighter Units Ernesto Miranda 
(UMLEM) ---- Advances Organized Community building in northern Chile. A look on 
territorial struggle and work developed in Arica. ---- Argentina: MTD May Day, a decade of
struggle and organization ---- The Porte?azo: By popular decision, the port health, 
housing, Work and education

- Some notes on the last municipal elections

- Locked up. The harsh reality of juvenile homes

- The day jail burned. Two years after the slaughter in Jail San Miguel

- Interview with Jaime Huenchull?n werken Autonomous Community Temucuicui

- Urgent: Mapuche political prisoners on hunger strike liquid

For contact and distribution points in Santiago and regions email:
publicacion.solidaridad @ gmail.com

Editorial: To build a worthy and sovereign Chile fight for the needed changes

This end of the year was marked by the municipal elections,
real thermometer political scene. It confirms a strong wear
of the parties supporting the current government and management
depletion deepening project of the Coalition, identified
with the model and therefore unable to capitalize electorally the
social shocks of recent times. These results form the
particular institutional setting facing the presidential race
mark by 2013.

The big winner of the day was the abstention, which marked milestones
Historic. Attributed these results only automatic enrollment and
voluntary voting is burying your head in the sand and ignore the magnitude
the rejection of a significant percentage of the electorate, mix
indifference, distrust and discomfort.

In ending this 2012 have continued to express in social, in
magma underground to be shaking, motion effects
that has shaken popular last year, spurred by protests
student, setting the political agenda and placing in the broad debate on
Street, issues had been neglected for years, relegated
exclusively to the areas left.

Thus has broken through the critical concentration and collusion
the large conglomerates and a widespread questioning of the
policy consensus that, far from paying off in positive terms
democratization and welfare for the majority, had fruit in a
deterioration of social ties, privatizations, debt and
violation of basic social rights such as education, health,
forecast or the right to collective bargaining.

Once popular consciousness finds stripping depth is
begins to raise the debate on measures to reverse it and
the resources needed to finance a social justice Chile.
And that's where injustice appears the tax system and is resumed
historical claim to sovereignty over our natural resources,
denouncing his sacking by private groups and interests outside the village

It is operating with the difficulties of the case after decades of
neoliberal steamroller, a slow process of re-politicization popular, and
is produced based on these reviews fully legitimate and
relevant to the central axes of capitalist accumulation model
our country.

The discrediting of those who want to promote Concertaci?n 2.0 as illusory
right alternative is continuing to expand in the mobilized people, a
example of this, among many others, has been his recent defeat in the
DATE elections, where on the contrary said the rise
to fight, an independent project of the ruling class parties,
Creation of own strength and unity of the struggling, constructed
pulse from the base. And that is just one case among many.

Should take note of it who still insist alliances
unnatural they approach the government but they isolated from their social base.
There are many reasons to distrust the sudden conversion to the creed
social who for 20 years and deepened the system administered
exclusive we suffer and in many cases took advantage of it to
succulent cement business at the expense of the majority. Without any
shown, so far, of amends. That road leads
anywhere. You can not subordinate the popular movement illusory
unbacked promises, no matter who is the charismatic face that sells.

The real challenge is to build a political alternative to the
strength and clarity necessary to be the catalyst for these changes
background pushing hard coming from below. Criticism is each
increasingly clear, we must keep winning in clarity of the proposals,
building the popular program from the needs of the
neglected, massing, democratizing social spaces and politicizing
rhythms and respecting their sovereignty. In that sense, they become very
important initiatives such as the Congress for New Unionism.

Only strong people is respected. Only strong people can get
hand wring their exploiters. Let forging everyday that force
from our centers of study and work, from our people,
from all areas in which we operate, strengthening what
weak, uniting the scattered, open meeting spaces and unit
those struggling. With popular solidarity as a flag, let
building dignified and sovereign people.

On Socialism and Freedom!
Above the fighting!
Editorial libertarian communist newspaper "Solidarity", late 2012

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