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zondag 3 februari 2013

France, Alternative libertarian AL 11th Congress (Toulouse, 2012) - General orientation .... the world .....the euro area (fr)

What resistance to the crisis in the world? -- The widespread austerity in the euro area 
-- The worsening of the crisis that Alternative libertarian has analyzed could be applied 
in many ways politically: nationalist tensions could lead to the implosion of states 
(Belgium credible option) or the emergence of ultra-systems preservatives such as Hungary, 
technocracies could replace traditional parties such as Italy, left reformist governments 
(such as Left Front in France or SYRIZA in Greece) could come to power, to break with the 
logic of liberal capitalist economy and boost through nationalization and some wage 
increases, the eurozone could explode, or bleeding ... after a white European proletariat 
speculative attacks could stop and the capitalist economy could resume its course. 
Finally, capitalism could once again, trigger armed conflict out of the doldrums and to 
silence the social protest.

These scenarios are all so complicated by the rise of an ecological crisis: global 
warming, loss of biodiversity, the excesses of the agro-industry could more quickly than 
we can imagine , lead to food crises, especially in the South, not only mas.

None of these options is excluded and we must beware of any mechanism. It is really 
impossible to know today what the outcome of this crisis, because that will determine 
ultimately what is the resistance of the workers' austerity cures. From this point of 
view, resistance past or induce early reflections.

Greece austerity laboratory

Greece was the country hardest hit by the crisis. The struggles are rapidly increased in 
response to austerity, punctuated by very general strikes followed. This has resulted in a 
great political instability, but has no stopped austerity. Some workers are among the most 
radicalized tried to get out of the defensive posture, taking up self in a hospital, a 
newspaper, or trying to attack the Greek parliament without being massively followed in 
this process. Since the resignation and depression settled.

The range is broad anti-capitalist forces in Greece with a significant presence of 
anarchists more or less federated-es are particularly well established in Athens. It 
appears that the insurgency strategy has been developed since the beginning of the 
austerity policies is not sufficient or effective to turn into a real alternative. This 
situation is exacerbated by the lack of a project alternative society brought together.

The excellent scores achieved by the electoral coalition SYRIZA made credible the 
accession to power of a government breaking with the liberal logic of austerity cures. 
Nature abhors a vacuum and the discrediting of PASOK (Greek Socialist Party) has created a 
space that has Syriza care giving body to the expectations of Greek classes. However, the 
proposed policy is far Syriza project failure attributed to him, right and left, in 
France. The outright cancellation of the debt of the Greek state was thus replaced by a 
renegotiation of the latter in order to avoid a break with the European Union. The 
priority remains therefore to Syriza out of the crisis through routes "realistic" rather 
than embark on the path of capitalism output, for example by encouraging the takeover of 
companies by employee-es and popularizing slogans break short, encouraging popular initiative.

This initial assessment, although it is transient and nothing is done, imposes two 
conclusions. First, without tangible alternative political project driven by social forces 
and embodied in actual experience and practical solidarity, there may be many struggles, 
their scope is limited. And struggles not generate themselves this alternative project, 
unlike that Alternative libertarian could imply in the past [ 1 ]. Of course, the 
generalization of struggles echo gives more alternative projects, but there is an echo, it 
is still necessary that there be a rallying cry. The role of political organization is 
precisely to build resistance, but also to radicalize around unifying claims, slogans and 
breaking a social project alternative.

This returns to the Greek situation. This country is experiencing one of the best 
locations in Europe anticapitalist. But no project alternative does emerge, the 
anti-capitalist left is unable to act or speak in unity. The question here is not whether 
a few Greek comrades could do differently, but whether we can avoid such a situation in 
France. If struggles are widespread, it is not the time to simply pull the cover itself, 
it will also act in unity to organize resistance and the emergence of a social project 
alternative to capitalism. Front anti-capitalist alternative proposed by libertarian take 
on its meaning while the idea of ??self, that Alternative libertarian wants to put at the 
heart of political debate in the "left of the left" could find multiple translations concrete.

The rise of nationalism in Europe

The economic and social crisis has caused a number of changes in many countries, by 
changing the lines of political forces. If we can only rejoice in the strength of the 
struggles that took place during this period, we can only worry when they can not, for the 
reasons mentioned above, in reverse order things. It is also from this helplessness 
progresses far-right groups in many countries. The recent Greek elections have been the 
occasion of a breakthrough to 6% for the neo-Nazi organization Golden Dawn. Similarly, in 
France the National Front has significantly increased its electoral support. The results 
of the first round of presidential elections have confirmed an outbreak of the extreme 
right. This vote is now firmly rooted in specific social and professional environments and 
is more than just a "protest vote." Indeed topics brought by the extreme right, which has 
adapted to the crisis in his speech m?tinant "social" grew in consciousness and even 
beyond that of the FN electorate. Add the worrying rise of extreme right 
"extra-institutional" shows the progression of these political forces is undeniable. The 
economic and social crisis has done only increase the elements relied on the extreme 
right: social isolation, violence, etc.. If an action can be performed specifically 
fascist, do not forget that the real obstacle to this groundswell is the development of 
class solidarity. Class solidarity that goes through the building, the creation of mass 
organization of the workplace, education and life. More it recedes and the extreme right 
and progresses more practical solidarity, visible on the far right there will be less 

Hungary is a right-wing government is implementing a program xenophobic flirting with 
dictatorship. Projects and political traditions of the far-right formations are varied, 
ranging from populism in Scandinavia as Islamophobic fascism openly claimed as Greece. We 
must continue to develop practical solidarity at the international level, one of the 
remedies against the inevitable downturns xenophobic and nationalistic.

An ecological crisis regressive

Too often social struggles and job protection are organized around a fact type response 
productivist social difficulties. The ecological struggle is sacrificed on the altar of 
the emergency and the social struggle. Gold wins sustainable ecological struggles go 
through the necessary questioning of the organization and the nature of production and the 
economic system of exchange in progress.

Libertarian Alternative for the answer to this contradiction through an interpenetration 
of environmental concerns and struggles of social struggles. It is a fundamental 
orientation Alternative Libertarian for years to come.

The actuality of the revolution through the "Arab Spring"

The popular uprisings that erupted in North Africa in response to the high cost of living 
and unemployment are quickly transformed into real revolutions because of the 
intransigence of the dictators in place and aspiration of the people, especially young 
people, to democratic change and social. The evidence is there: when classes are massively 
burst into politics, nothing can stop them. These revolutions must bring attention, 
especially as a large part of the French population, including immigrants, is interested.

If the overthrow of dictatorships was the common goal of demonstrators and protesters, 
many other claims have emerged over strikes and occupations of places that shook Tunisia 
and especially Egypt and these countries are still crossed by many social conflicts. After 
the first democratic elections in these countries, Islamist groups have gained power. 
Understand the current process application able to distinguish the different Islamist 
parties involved: the Salafists, Ennahdha in Tunisia and the Muslim Brotherhood, 
themselves sharply divided among themselves, are not equivalent, it is in their relation 
to Western imperialism, their desire to impose Islam as a way of life or universal 
repression of social movements.

One thing is for sure: these organizations are the best defenses social demands voiced by 
the youth and employee-es, and Egyptian presidential elections, which were placed in the 
second round the candidate and the candidate of the military the Muslim Brotherhood, are 
indicative fighting that remains to be done for the Arab revolutions do not end in a 
return to order. The creation of centers of political and union relaying claims regardless 
of social institutions, ability to resist physically if necessary the military and radical 
Islamists, will be the challenge of the coming years. Therefore watch, and relay support 
the development of such centers and work with immigrant organizations or support for the 

In several countries of the Maghreb, real libertarian communist organizations are being 
organized, particularly in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. It is an important element in the 
revolutionary struggle and in particular for his internationalist dimension. Beyond the 
usual political support, this situation calls for a specific solidarity, to mobilize the 
network to Anarkismo it helps significantly to the funding of these organizations, 
especially if they need a means of communication, printing ... Alternative libertarian, 
through its international commission will address in this direction to organizations 
Anarkismo while approaching libertarian communist organizations in the Maghreb for their 

Response capability of U.S. and European imperialism has been reduced in recent years due 
to the crisis and the emergence of other imperialisms, Chinese first. So they tried to 
take control in Libya, providing military support organizations to air anti-Gaddafi, the 
National Transitional Council. Libertarian alternative then clearly denounced the real 
motives of this intervention and the risk of escalation. This position was correct, even 
though it had probably overestimated the risk. In the absence of an international network, 
it should be kept in such situations to position elements on which it has no control, with 
respect to small groups (eg arming rebels), in favor grids readings (motivations of 
foreign imperialisms, nature organizations on site etc..). Finally, these imperialist 
tensions could make urgent the need to reactivate a broad anti-war movement.

The Indignant-es: a model imported in France?

In several countries of Western Europe and the United States, the crisis has led to a 
generational renewal of the social protest movement Indignant-es, particularly massive in 
Spain, the United States or Israel. Start demanding a "real democracy" quite compatible 
with capitalism, it has gradually radicalized to call for the occupation of public spaces 
by "99% against the 1%" slogan certainly gear yet "class ". These movements were able to 
grow when they forged links with the traditional social movement (trade unions, poorly 
housed, precarious workers), demonstrating once again that it is unavoidable. In France, 
Indignant es have instead claimed an apolitical and a total asyndicalisme or even a muddle 
with the recovery of certain themes or right-wing conspiracy. It is clear that it did not.

99% have rebounded in late 2011 in the United States and Spain working on the front of the 
housing. It is not sure that France wins the rebound, but if this is the case Alternative 
libertarian must intervene without a priori, arguing in particular the need to connect 
with the social movement, and vice versa.

Rising tensions in India and China

Finally, the evolution of the crisis will also depend in large part on what happens in 
emerging countries more competitive. BRICS [ 2 ] along well realize the weakening of U.S. 
imperialism in international institutions, including the questioning of the hegemony of 
the dollar. However, their economy still depends largely on the markets of the United 
States and the European Union and China seems already to go before a sharp slowdown in growth.

On the other hand, economic independence and energy of India and China through alignment 
with the Western imperialist policies conflict with important perspectives. We must 
remember that these development policies are not only to provide infrastructure to people 
but also to ensure the growth of capitalist profits, which will lead to the same 
consequences as in the Western world, ie a social crisis coupled an unprecedented 
ecological crisis. The transition to a liberal democracy will therefore be in a tense with 
the possibility of reversal of oligarchies in places. Regimes in China and India, very 
different in their nature, and now walking on eggshells, especially when faced with waves 
of strikes resulting from economic crisis but also face protests against polluting 
industries. It is a major ecological and social awakening. These conflicts could cause 
titanic political, ecological and economic very important in these countries and beyond. 
It is therefore necessary to analyze more carefully, especially in the press Libertarian 

The need for an international libertarian communist pole

Libertarian alternative put on record for many years the combination of its current 
international, which has recently led to increased involvement within Anarkismo. At the 
same time, current policies libertarian tradition emerge elsewhere in the world, including 
Europe, Latin America and North America. They deduce as Alternative libertarian, their 
involvement in the social movement the need to overcome (without denying) references of 
past policies to build an anti-authoritarian socialism of the XXI century.

The globalization of the economy and therefore the current crisis and the need to develop 
struggles internationally, should encourage continue strengthening political expression 
Libertarian Communist International, especially via Anarkismo. The International 
Secretariat is mandated to follow the Alternative Investment libertarian Anarkismo to 
encourage and continental meetings and international exchanges between organizations 
(newspapers, invitations, support) and common expressions (press release but when leaflets 
and posters the opportunity arises).

In France out of the wait
Wait a majority population but many struggle

The Tenth Congress of Alternative libertarian was held open for the 2010 social movement 
against pension reform. Since that defeat, the majority of the French work was held in a 
wait. The elections of 2012 led the government to defer the bulk of austerity and the 
exploited are waiting for a change of majority electoral slow rain of blows. France has 
not yet felt the full effects of the crisis and it is rather the fear of it has structured 
the electoral debate.

However, many struggles have developed, large employers and governments who benefited 
without waiting for the crisis to begin restructuring, and that on all fronts: against 
dismissal, the case against public services, against extreme etc. right. A complete 
description would be useless here - see activity report Alternative libertarian and 
numerous articles published in the monthly Alternative libertarian. The problem is not so 
much the lack of struggle but their dispersion, their lack of visibility, sometimes their 
weakness, and lack of political project able to see the possibility of another society and 
ways to achieve.

Unionism change that

The trade union landscape has changed somewhat since the collapse of the movement retreats 
in fall 2010: the unity of the Inter stole gradually brightness, genuine reformist pole or 
support or apolitical / corporatist (Unsa, CFTC CFDT, CGC, FO ...) increased the elections 
to the public in 2011.

However, the class struggle unionism remained, grew in places and is present at various 
levels and sectors in the CGT and to a lesser extent in the FSU. It is claimed as such by 
Solidarity and the CNT. In the private sector and in some sectors of the public, most of 
the struggles have been at the initiative of the CGT, FSU and Solidarity. But it remains 
largely minority unionism is not capacity to constitute a danger to the state and the 
bourgeoisie, and the union bureaucracies that accompany them, each in their own way.

This paradoxical in appearance, due to the ongoing crisis of capitalism and its subsequent 
developments in terms of deconstruction / segmentation of the proletariat. By occupation 
and union cultures that are developed, it can be translated, either by advances in the 
ability of workers and collective workers to develop comprehensive responses to the 
crisis, either by hand or defensive responses corporatist support the lesser evil, which 
promotes the growth constant Unsa or FO and maintaining the CFDT.

The fragmentation, division and competition from various syndicalist currents of class 
struggles make it even more random abilities to create true dynamic control. It is the 
same lack of credibility and visibility are the exploited of an alternative to capitalism.

The unity of the union class struggle is crucial to change the lines of force currently 
favorable to supporters of a more or less integrated unionism capitalism and its social 

This unit should be able to build already in the professions and the various jurisdictions 
where unions are driven by common class struggle. Moreover, it is more likely to settle 
during times of struggle.

Development of Solidarity, current class struggle and alternative unit in the CGT and the 
FSU, with all activists and anti-capitalist revolutionary of these unions, thus appears as 
a priority.

These political tasks have nothing to do with having to form political factions which act 
hidden in unions (that Alternative libertarian this fight). They have meaning only when, 
on the basis of their grassroots activism and ideological expression of their sensitivity, 
the unionized workers attribute democratically and transparently union responsibilities 
revolutionaries. This is before them and to themselves that they are held accountable and 
that they and they derive their legitimacy to speak on the basis of discussions and the 
broader democratic trade unions. Libertarian alternative thus turns back to both model the 
fraction (illegal) and trend (formal) to say that there is an alternative to these two 
types of expression of divergent currents within unionism mass and class. Therefore, 
libertarian communists do not hide their ideas and practices. They fight and they lead the 
respect and the development of trade union democracy and recognition of their legitimate 
power to be part of the movement of workers organized.

This also means that the aim of this self-management unions should not be confined solely 
to the defense of self-organization and struggles for union democracy - even if these two 
points, vigilance is still needed. A union project is to build around the self, of the 
class struggle, what is meant by "social transformation". It can meet the interest of many 
trade unionists.

Other currents are also places of trade and development exist. The trend continues to be 
inter-Emancipation actress field labor in Education. Approaches base unit, should be 
promoted, may also contribute to these exchanges.

Solidarity took the first initiative to call only a national demonstration on 24 March 
2012, affirming the existence of a militant trade unionism and the need to anticipate the 
outcome of the election to fight, but failed to mobilize beyond the fringe activists. The 
ability of the organization to drive timely mobilization interprofessional regardless of 
other unions will be decisive for its future.

Closer to the ground, it is also the future of this organization is being played. The 
development of local Solidarity as the progression of unionization in the private sector 
show an interprofessional increasingly asserted. In the decades 1990-2000, libertarian 
communists took their place in the construction and animation of several federations or 
national unions SUD. Today, with 100,000 member-es, the question is indeed a change of 
scale, to participate in the construction of a mass alternative unionism, which speaks to 
all and all employees, insecure and deprived of including employment.

This alternative unionism, also at work elsewhere in Europe (CGT-E in Spain, Italy Cobas 
...), it may be a "revolutionary syndicalism contemporary" anti-capitalist perspectives 
opened for hundreds of thousands of employee-es, rehabilitating firmly general strike and 
direct action against the austerity policies? This is the challenge that is Libertarian 
Alternative. Join this dynamic is to go in terms of content such practices well beyond the 
status of union opposition may still exist in the central bureaucracy.

Within the CGT, the activists libertarian communists launched in April 2011 a public 
expression across a blog called libertarian Communist CGT. These comrades have met some 
resonance because of their alternative approach in the CGT unit and beyond, without hiding 
their differences when appropriate with the overall regulatory policy and Keynesian 
written off since 1995 in the confederate congress of the CGT.

The development of this expression and its impact on the CGT as a real willingness to 
stand with the current class struggle of the CGT, may be medium term key support for trade 
union unity in struggle, interprofessional and democratic.

On other fronts: the need to recreate mass organizations

Because of the decline of social movements such as Ras l'Front, AC! or DAL in the 2000s, 
Alternative libertarian been led to greater participation in "organizations cartels", 
national or local, on several fronts, including fascism and racism (UCIJ Moreover we then 
d here). Within feminist and environmentalist movements, it is the increasing 
bureaucratization of mass organizations (respectively CNDF and Nuclear Exit) which led 
Libertarian Alternative to intervene collectively with other political organizations 
inside or outside of these associations. Activist networks are not infinite, these 
situations arise naturally in the coordination of existing organizations. But they never 
really attracted to step back from Alternative libertarian.

The fact that many of these initiatives are success does not mean blind Alternative 
libertarian these situations can not be sustainable. Eventually, these frameworks unit is 
moving towards independent mass organizations, political organizations will be attracted 
to other priorities and it will all start from zero in the next mobilization. Political 
organizations in South America have been able to sustain such large socio-political 
fronts, but these successes are specific tradition of social movement in these countries, 
and their compatibility with the French social situation is far from guaranteed.

On the fronts where no mass organization exists, Alternative libertarian should aim 
ultimately recreating such organizations. Where they exist but are partly bureaucratized 
leave them is certainly not a decision taken lightly. Alternative libertarian strategy is 
to create social movement organizations whose purpose is to collect as much as possible, 
independent institutions, not expanded appendices Alternative libertarian. The decision to 
leave an organization collectively mass should be a debate within Alternative libertarian, 
ensuring that all means are implemented to recreate such an organization.

Sequence election marked by an escalation of the right relative to the extreme right, 
ended with the victory of the Socialist Party announced. In this regard, some government 
announcements that preceded the elections are not likely to jeopardize the analysis 
already developed by Alternative libertarian campaign promises will soon give way to a 
policy of crisis management included in the capitalist framework and characterized by 
fiscal discipline. Faced with this austerity announced the French work could be forced out 
of the wait. Reasonably anticipated amplification struggles. The challenge will be to not 
let these isolated struggles and argue about the need for confrontation scale to make a 
good stop to austerity and reverse the trend. This implies in particular to develop and 
support the struggles in businesses and neighborhoods, foster convergence initiatives 
(occupational, geographical or between fronts of struggle) and discuss the content 
demands. In short, develop, unify and radicalize the struggles and the emergence of a 
political project of revolutionary transformation of society.

We will not focus here on the creation of a capitalist Front, which seems more appropriate 
than ever in the current situation. Adopted texts on the subject during the ninth and 
tenth congress Alternative libertarian and coordination at federal intermediates remain 
relevant. It should, however, come back here on the French political landscape, which has 
evolved over the past two years and brings new challenges.

Left Front: emergence of a flickering genuinely reformist pole

Across Europe, complete conversion of the socialist parties liberalism and the collapse of 
the communist parties leave the political space for recreation broad reformist left 
parties. In France, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts, the Left Front, which seems 
poised to succeed in this space.

The Left Party is proposing a social democratic policy very consistent that complements 
the implementation activist PCF. In particular, it has clearly decided between reform and 
revolution, as well as the roles of union and political organizations (unlike NPA) 
claiming that the social movement can make a real difference in delegating policy to 
institutional parties. Talents of tribune M?lenchon did the rest.

The future of FDG is not written but its electoral setbacks threaten already the alliance 
between PCF swept parliamentary elections and PG media whose leader has seen its 
credibility dented. Its ambition to develop an implementation and electoral positioning 
vis-?-vis the government PS-EELV will be marked with the seal of a permanent ambiguity 
obligation to denounce the policy of austerity, while leaving the PS, whose survival 
depends Elections to municipal PCF 2014. However, if the economic crisis and a Keynesian 
empire becomes the last resort to boost the economy, FDG could take the bull by the horns 
and be called by the PS to participate in power. These contradictions will be at the 
center of debates internal FDG and determine its evolution and must therefore temper hasty 
and simplistic comparisons with 1981 or 1997.

Numerous employee-es follow the dynamics of FDG, especially in the social movement, and 
should therefore answer their questions and take advantage of this growing politicization. 
The development of another political pole, capitalist and self-management, is necessary 
but not enough: we must seek these employee-es on their ideological ground in arguing 
against the proposals-FDG, especially in demonstrating the need for an autonomous social 
movement, struggle magnitude and real steps to break with capitalism.

What assessment of the failure of the NPA?

The NPA was the first to suffer from the rise of FDG, which led to the split. Nobody can 
rejoice in the failure of the NPA, especially as the vast majority of activists and 
militants who leave leave policy. Libertarian alternative was skeptical when the 
constitution of the NPA on the bet of leaving a big blur on the political project, 
intended to clarify based experiences. The lack of a clear position on the institutions 
(and the revolution), full series of defeats in the social movement, was fatal to the NPA, 
which is mired in endless debates on elections and reformist organizations to report . The 
leadership of the system has increased beyond measure trends these divisions, preventing 
overtaking and leaving aside many activists and activists whose concerns were far from the 
power struggles.

On the other hand, while proclaiming "party of struggle", the NPA has often attempted, 
proactively, to replace the social movement. It has not led to reflection on its 
intervention in trade unions and associations, often simply trying to make instruments for 
policy. Reality has quickly caught: voluntarism has exhausted activists and activists, 
trade unionists and left gradually, the NPA is unable to support them in developing 
intervention and analysis contrary to their realities often continuing to analyze unionism 
simply as a first level of awareness, and the union leadership as brakes struggles which 
aspire militant bases. The NPA hope seems out of its internal crisis by focusing on the 
orientation in the social movement, but always substitutiste logic, which should be pointed.

The NPA is experiencing a growing isolationism and strong internal tensions since the 
start of the anti-capitalist Left. It would fit in a Front capitalist who opt for a 
balanced approach: pluralism without confusion, in the context of a strategic plan defined.

The libertarian movement and the capitalist Front

Recent years have continued to see the center of gravity of the libertarian movement to 
move to the libertarian communist ideas in a way neither linear nor mechanical, and 
sometimes unexpectedly. Thus, after a near explosion in the years 2002-2004, the Anarchist 
Federation has regained strength thanks to a new generation of activists fairly open and 
not prone to dogmatism. The FA has sent positive signals by investing in Fair to self, not 
only in a libertarian, and by opening up the initiative of Saint-Imier in the summer of 
2012. Two years ago, a symbolic but significant dispassionate way she had reported the 
death of George Fontenis showed a desire to turn the page now owned quarrels history.

The situation is sometimes different locally, but it shows that it is not vain to work 
together with these organizations to the impulse of a capitalist Front.

A first meeting with the Libertarian Alternative CGA has better mutual understanding. 
Points of agreement and disagreement are of course was booked, and more meaningful 
discussion will probably be necessary to consider the CGA nationally inscribed in Front of 
a capitalist impulse.

The Alternative face a historic choice

Alternative libertarian started thinking and common intervention with Alternative and 
other organizations on the issue of self-management, with the initiative Resume city then 
self Fair. This is a first step in the consolidation of anti-capitalist.

The need to work to revive the unit self-management and environmental themes persists 
today. Alternative wish the emergence of a third pole in the FDG, environmentalist and 
self-management, in addition to the PCF and PG. Such a pole can never gather a small part 
of the environmentalist movement and self-management, because of the electioneering 
assumed orientation and lack of clarity on the ecology of FDG. It defends such an 
extension of the cooperative management of small businesses, but the nationalization of 
large companies is still a cornerstone of its social project, self contradictory, which 
must extend to branches of industry and living spaces to make sense.

The entry of the Left Front Alternative risk however ordered to play alongside the SAF, 
the role of "spiritual" self-management and ecological state of reformism, played by 
heavyweights PCF and PG. It is not clear that within the Alternative, which still 
represent a current socialist self-management history, this outcome is considered 
unanimously as an apotheosis.

A fringe Alternative, clearly anticapitalist, stubborn and self-management to management 
in republican institutions, can find an extension to its action in a capitalist Front 
government clearly independent PS-EELV.

Front against capitalism and revive the project self-management

To provide the means to put self at the heart of political debate, it is crucial to 
increase public initiatives and put forward in the framework of a capitalist Front, a 
self-management dimension widely shared by potential partners Alternative libertarian.

In addition, the publication of historical or thematic small notebooks on public self may 
allow both to develop in-house training on this subject and further disseminate analysis 
and project libertarian communists. About the dynamics involved with the Fair self, it 
must be extended regardless of FDG, and that whatever the choice of subscribing to each 

Develop an expression and mass intervention
Political activism and union activism / associations: a critical articulation

Libertarian alternative has invested heavily in social movements from December 95, and 
often to the detriment of the specific intervention and, therefore, its own development. 
This trend is somehow reversed in recent years: the battle of 'no' to the European 
Constitution and mobilization of youth, especially against the CPE, were the opportunity 
to intervene directly and more large-scale strengthen Alternative libertarian, 
particularly in young students. It is clear that today too few CAL develop a direct 
political intervention and is well established in the trade unions and associations. This 
is often either one or the other. Similarly, trade unionists participate less than in the 
past to develop the political line of Libertarian Alternative.

This discrepancy can lead to substitutistes term trends from the CAL without implantation 
in the social movement, as already discussed above. Or political organizations can not 
replace the mass organizations, and the lack of presence in these organizations usually 
means the absence of mass intervention, so the inability to be able to validate a 
revolutionary orientation with employee- are not the only activist circles. And it is not 
for nothing that the libertarian alternative strategy consists articulated its action time 
revolutionary political organization (which will be discussed later), to develop mass 
organizations able to stimulate the struggles extent that the foundation is not a 
political affiliation but a position in the class struggle.

It is important that Alternative libertarian renews debate among its members on 
intervention in the social movement and union. Openly, placing above cliquishness union or 
organization. But also so as not to ignore comrades who, for reasons of insecurity in the 
wage, remain on the margins of the union. It is a necessity for the entire organization 
"speaking the same language" and remains in tune with the social movement. At a time when 
many and many activists from the youth movements of the 2000s, entering the workforce, 
this issue is crucial.

The task is nothing but obvious act collectively there is a problem is the first step. 
Many activists and non-union activists working outside large public administrations, where 
trade unionism is not as protected in them. The Tenth Congress of Alternative libertarian 
was officially recorded the need to accompany these activists and activists, but this 
decision has not been applied to the margin. Must generalize. Also revive discussions on 
trade union intervention requires a dose of voluntarism on the part of trade unionists in 
the production of texts debates, articles and the presence federal or local meetings.

Aware that the class struggle is not limited to the fight business, activists and 
militants are heavily invested in the associative world from the creation of Alternative 
libertarian alongside homeless and badly housed since 1991, and undocumented, etc.. 
Unfortunately, the relay does not seem to have done and the recent investment in certain 
struggles was a reflection of the lack of follow-up weakens the hearing Alternative 
libertarian and his actions when he did not condemn a relative bandwagon dealing with more 
established organizations. Investments in militant struggles spot when they are under the 
spotlight are not satisfactory. Again, a real collective effort is necessary to 
prioritize, analyzes, strategies. The link with the trade unions in these protests is a 
major asset.

Out leaflets and newsletters policy

However, summarize intervention mass trade unions and associations intervention would be a 
mistake that would return to the beginning of Libertarian Alternative, where the 
organization hoped to develop only through intervention in the social movement. It has 
instead stagnated for years.

In fact, most activists and trade unionists and activists expect something of a political 
being only an information network within mass organizations (although this is important). 
Libertarian alternative must also be a space for sharing their practices and strategic 
coordination. It must also provide a mass political expression, claims and project 
specific policy and a strategy to make it succeed beyond professional sectors or fronts of 
struggle which involved its activists and militants. If members do not develop Alternative 
libertarian such an expression, association and associative action will help advance class 
consciousness, but organizations are developing a "more" political benefit.

Develop professional newsletters only focused on the activity of the sector leads to the 
same impasse: Generally these reports are somewhat radicalized versions of those unions 
that activists and militants of Alternative libertarian help animate, making the 
demonstration that the political organization is not inherently useful.

We must therefore develop newsletters speaking policy, which could be monthly variations 
tract Alternative libertarian whose publication should be smoother. The ephemeral pamphlet 
The Match was from this point of view in the right direction. The priority of these 
leaflets should be available to all and be all conceptually, thus avoiding the verbiage 
activist. Mark the difference in its expression with other anti-capitalist political 
organizations is necessary, but space is ideal for this journal. These leaflets are also 
an opportunity to promote claims and slogans of Libertarian Alternative to illustrate the 

The collective federal government, which is responsible for managing federal public 
appearance of the organization, is mandated to tract monthly newsletter for policy to be 
widely distributed and propose an analytical simple and clear the political and social 

This implies that Alternative libertarian has more internal debate on its demands and 
slogans in order to support any argument they could generate. For example, Alternative 
libertarian highlights the requisition and self boxes that close. With the deepening of 
the crisis, in times SCOP become possible, as SeaFrance and Fralib and an organization 
such as FDG highlights the resumption of business cooperatives. Must red?battre this 
slogan, dig in order to explain the difference between self-and co-operatives.

Rhythms activists and priorities

All this leads to the question of militants in rhythms of Alternative libertarian. Keep 
head union activism / associations and political activism can be very addictive. 
Libertarian alternative may be tempted to run voluntarism to compensate for its low 
permanent implantation. This is actually the best way to exhaust the activists and 
militants, morally, socially and physically.

CAL must collectively determine their priorities: the development of events, the 
collective unit where they work, collages and leafleting markets or management companies, 
schools or facs etc. Determine its priorities to suit the current in the permanent 
emergency, is the surest way to spin mobilization mobilization never be initiated or 
animation, so being in the trailer. Certainly, one present in CAL maximum struggles is 
visible, but it also gives the image is of a highly demanding in terms of availability, so 
elitist, or the image of fire-wisps that leave the vessel at the first reflux . Better 
follow some mobilizations A to Z, by discussing collectively at each meeting of CAL.

This applies to both local and federal. From this point of view, the CAL is currently 
insufficiently turns political campaigns decided collectively. Libertarian alternative is 
a federalist organization and CAL opposing direction are not forced to wear it. But a 
majority orientation should logically be backed by a majority of CAL, which requires a bit 
of voluntarism from them. Admittedly, the current deficiencies in terms of Libertarian 
Alternative animation teams complicate this relay. But the local version of a federal 
policy adopted by the CAL should normally be at the top of the CAL (which of course does 
not mean that all of the CAL intervention should enroll in the federal direction). CAL and 
unable to decline orientation should report their difficulties to other CAL to advance 
joint development.

The collective federal government, which is responsible for coordinating the response of 
CAL, is mandated to produce summaries of activity of CAL during regular federal 
coordinations. The activity reports of CAL will include focused around major areas of 
intervention decided collectively federal coordination, as well as local interventions 
that can lead the CAL.

[ 1 ] For example, with the slogan "All through the fight," which in itself is insufficient.

[ 2 ] Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Posted January 30, 2013 by commission congress

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