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zondag 13 oktober 2013

(en) Brazil, Federa??o Anarquista of Rio de Janeiro: Note of Solidarity with the oppressed comrades (pt)

On 1 October 2013, the Civil Police carried out an operation against militants and 
organizations campaigning in the Bloco de Lutas [1] in Porto Alegre. The homes of PSOL and 
PSTU members, the Moinho Negro/Centro de Cultura Libert?ria da Azenha libertarian social 
centre, a dormitory of the MST (Landless Rural Workers' Movement), the premises of Via 
Campesina [2], an urban settlement of the Utopia e Luta autonomous movement and the public 
premises of the Federa??o Anarquista Ga?cha, the Ateneu Libert?rio Batalha de V?rzea, were 
all raided by the police at the behest of the governor Genro (Workers' Party - PT) for the 
second time in less than four months. Moreover, the comrades of the Assentamento Madre 
Terra S?o Gabriel settlement in Rio Grande do Sul were manhandled by the Military Brigade 
at the headquarters of the settlement.

It is interesting to note that this operation has occurred only a few weeks after the 
militants of the PT were expelled from the Bloco de Lutas, for having been engaged in 
manoeuvres within the movement to shift the focus of action against the Tarso Genro 
government, by trying to delay the education strike, amongst other things. Unlike what 
happened months ago, the government's actions now are not focused only against one 
organization but against different sectors involved in the Bloco de Lutas and other 
movements. All it takes to be criminalized is to be against the policies of the government 
and be involved in a combative social movement.

It should be recalled that it was with the support base of the Federal Government, which 
here in Rio de Janeiro is controlled by the government of S?rgio Cabral and Eduardo Paes 
(both PMDB - Brazilian Democratic Movement Party) with their trusty instrument of law and 
order, that the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro brutally attacked education workers in 
recent days. The government of the "Workers" Party, supported by the conservative and 
reactionary sectors of society contrary to popular organization and collective action by 
the social movements, continues to suppress all those who struggle.

We anarchists organized in the Federa??o Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro, a member of the 
Coordena??o Anarquista Brasileira wish to show our solidarity with the comrades of Rio 
Grande do Sul. We will remain steadfast in the struggle. And we will keep doing what we 
have always done, and that is to work among the grassroots and take our outrage to the 

Struggle is not a crime!
Federa??o Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro - Integrante da Coordena??o Anarquista Brasileira

Translation by FdCA - International Relations Office.

Translator's notes:
1. "Struggle Bloc", a grassroots initiative seeking, amongst other things, free public 
2. The International Peasants' Movement.

Related Link: http://www.farj.org

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