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dinsdag 15 oktober 2013

Lesvos-Greece: Memorial in Thermi‏

All news from the a journey back to the border from the youth without 
Border, Infomobile and Welcome to Europe until now: 

Oktober 2013: Memorial in Thermi

We came together today. Here in the harbour of Thermi we gathered for 
remembering the dead of the European border regime.

In the last years about 20.000 people have been killed by these 
murderous borders – here in the Aegean, at the street of Gibraltar and 
many have been lost in the Mediterranean between Lybia and Italy. The 
numbers of deaths at the European borders have increased tremendously.

Since the Lampedusa tragedy with more than 300 dead a few days ago and 
yesterday another tragedy happend in front of the Italian island. All 
over Europe there is an outcry: this senseless death at the border has 
to be stopped! There should be safe ways for refugees to reach Europe!
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10 months ago, in December 2012, 27 people have been found dead here in 
Thermi. On the 14th in the afternoon a 16-year-old unaccompanied minor 
from Afghanistan was rescued by Frontex in the sea near Lesvos. He had 
been on a boat with more than 30 others and their dinghy got in distress 
in the night of the 14th/15th. The next day three dead people were found 
in Thermi and only after that the Greek coast guard started a search and 
rescue operation to look for further survivors. During the next days 
more and more dead people were found at the beaches of Thermi - in total 
27 bodies. Some remained missing. Their names we don’t know, but many of 
them are buried in the cemetery in Mitilini. We will go there tomorrow.

In March 2013 another tragic incident happened at the coast of Lesvos. 
The father of a one of the drowned is today here with us. Thank you for 
coming! He called him and hoped to find him in safety 1 hour later but 
then the mobile was off. He informed the police in Athens asking them to 
report the son missing in Lesvos. A few days later he himself went to 
Chios and to Lesvos to look for his child. On both island the 
authorities did not immediately register the missing. The search and 
rescue operation started more than a week later, on 15th of March.

All of these deaths have a face, a name. All of them leave behind 
relatives and friends. Besides the bodies also their hopes and dreams 
are lost.

We want to give back a piece of dignity, to those whose death 
disappeared – right here – into the senselessness of the European 
borders – and we want to thank those who risk their lives to rescue.

We gathered for giving back a piece of dignity also to those who 
survived. A piece of dignity that was lost on the way to Europe, like 
the passports or the photographs showing the faces of the beloved ones 
that disappeared in the water.

We all feel ashamed in the moment of these deaths because we failed in 
our attempt to stop this murderous regime and to create a welcoming 

We came with different backgrounds:

Some came to mourn their lost relatives. We thank you to be here, 
together we will not forget your beloved. A warm welcome also to the 
friends who accompanied you in March and also today. Solidarity and 
friendship can help us, to survive the loss, that is without words. We 
are very thankful that you have come together.

Some live here on the island and experience regularly dead people being 
found on the beach. Some of us here have had the experience of 
recovering bodies.

Some are here on a journey back to the place of their first arrival in 
Europe. They have experienced the hell of Pagani - but also the 
solidarity of the people here on Lesvos. They made a brave step to 
travel back here to encourage and support the newcomers.

Some came already several times, during a Noborder camp that took place 
in 2009, where they shared some days of protest against this deadly 
border regime. In 2010 we built a first memorial in Korakas, to mourn 
for those who had died in 2009.
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Everywhere around this border we also find people who have not closed 
their eyes. Thanks to all the unknown people who help migrants on their 
way silently and on an every day level.

Since we have been here, on this journey back to the border, we have 
been received, treated and welcomed like friends by the inhabitants of 
Mitilini. We would like to thank them for not having closed their eyes. 
Thank you all for your hospitality, your helpfulness and your support, 
helping migrants on their way to a better life and on an everyday level. 
With the open welcoming centre that existed in Pikpa you have set an 
example that goes beyond the island: you made the prove that a warm 
welcome to refugees is possible! We know that those who would want to 
find a place to rest will find doors opened to welcome them here. This 
is like a light-tower in a time were it is common to detain those who 
survived this difficult trip. Thank you.

Our biggest pleasure today is to have some amongst us who have put their 
own life in danger to rescue others: we thank you and all the other 
fishermen who rescued people at sea. In the early morning of the 15th of 
September twelve refugees from Syria were rescued by the fisher boat 
Kapetan Stratis and the cargo ship YALKER. Here on the island there are 
many stories of rescue. We thank to all those unnamed brave people.

Thanks also to those who had the very sad job to recover the bodies from 
the water without any chance to help them any more. We mourn together 
with you who see their faces still in front of your eyes.

Here and today, at this place of failure and loss, we want to stop for a 
moment and create a space for all those who lost their lives. 
Remembering here means to save the stories of the uncounted who died at 
the borders of Europe.

They had been on the way to change their lives on their own. Their death 
is the death in search for freedom. And that concerns all of us.

There would be many more names and many more stories. We will never 
forget the others but in this moment we will remind those who died in 
March 2013.

So let us speak out their names.

Lujain Hashash (3 years old) – he lives!
Abdullah Hashash (6 years old) – he lives!
Jinan Hashash (7 years old) – she lives!
Kadri Tarkmani (14 years old) – he lives!
Kamar Seni (17 years old) – he lives!
Muhamad Seni (21 years old) – he lives!
Fatima Hashash (30 years old) – she lives!
Mustafa Sahrazi (30 years old) – he lives!
Omar Hashash (40 years old) – he lives!

We will never forget them.

We promise to give our best to tear down the borders that killed them.

Remembering and listening to those stories, hopes and dreams that have 
been washed ashore means also to listen to their warnings and 

This Europe is not safe, human rights and refugee rights have lost all 
relevance! The victims ask the ones alive to take action against this 
Europe of Frontex – borders and walls. They demand us to struggle and to 
invent a Europe of solidarity, overcoming the deathly migration regime.

For the ones who will pass by in the future, the fountain that will be 
built later on should be a place to rest on their further way, providing 
them with water and the feeling that they are welcome.

We invite you to have a rest – and then to move on: to tear down the 
borders and to built another, a welcoming Europe.

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