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dinsdag 5 november 2013

Britain, London, Solidarity,Federation: DON?T CROSS PICKET LINES! ---- Students and Workers: All Out on the 31st!

Students and higher education workers are going out on strike this Thursday, the 31st of 
October. Don?t go to class! Don?t cross picket lines! If you aren?t sure why then take a 
read of this article on LibCom 
http://libcom.org/blog/what-wrong-crossing-picket-line-15112011 and have a listen to this 
song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8KlKTZqp0g to get you in the spirit: ---- Feel free 
to print and distribute either this flier from SolFed [see below] or the poster/flier 
below and let people know what is happening: 
http://glasgowanarchists.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/students-and-workers-all-out-on-the-31st/ ---- 
flier from SolFed: Don?t cross picket lines! ---- There is a labour dispute in this 
workplace. It has reached a point where people feel their only option is to strike. Here?s 
why you shouldn?t cross the line. SOLIDARITY The Most Powerful Force in the World

What if the dispute doesn?t affect me?

Of course it does! If management can get away with cutting pay or worsening conditions for 
one group of workers, it?ll only embolden them to do it to others. Besides, it?s a labour 
market. Good wages and good jobs in one industry or workplace put upward pressure on wages 
and conditions in other sectors and industries. Bad wages and conditions become an excuse 
to attack the living standards of all workers. ---- But my union?s not on strike. Or what 
if I?m not in a union? ---- That doesn?t matter. What does matter is that we all stick 
together and stand up for ourselves and one another. If management know we?ll
refuse to cross each others? picket lines, they?ll be less likely to attack
any worker or group of workers?regardless of what union we belong
to or if we don?t belong to a union at all. Besides, management doesn?t
know who?s in a union and who?s not anyway.

Will I get punished?

Just having that worry is enough reason to stick together in the first
place. There?s safety in numbers and the fact you?re getting this leaflet
means you won?t be alone. Management legally can?t single out
particular individuals who refuse to cross a picket line, they have to
treat us equally as a group. The more of us who refuse, the safer we?ll
be. Unfortunately, whether there?s a strike on or not, victimisation is a
reality many workers face day-to-day, but refusing to cross lets
management know that if they try to victimise one of us, the rest will
stand in solidarity.

In any case, the best defence begins with talking to your co-workers
about why they shouldn?t cross either. Feel free to make copies of this
leaflet and use it to start those conversations. If you?re still worried,
most contracts state that you only need a sick note if you?ve missed five
consecutive days of work.

What if I?m an agency worker or employed by a subcontractor?

Join us! We all work in the same place, we need to be supporting one
another. Talk to permanent staff, let them know your issues and find
out theirs. Find ways to work together to address them! Also, don?t
forget that as agency staff or subcontracted employees you still have
the right to join a union or organise yourselves collectively in the
workplace. If you?d like help doing that, please contact the Solidarity
Federation using the information on the other side of this leaflet.

Published by the North London
Solidarity Federation
07811 017 091

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