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dinsdag 5 november 2013

Network-meeting in Brussels‏

Hi all,

below the notes of the network meeting in Brussels October 20, 2013.
let me know if you have any questions.


Notes of the Brussel network meeting of groups of refugees and people without papers, October 20 2013

1.    Group presentations, current events and objective of this get together


3 representatives of the Movement We Are Here (Refugee Strike Amsterdam)
Movement of refugees. More than one year demonstrating and occupying. Now, they occupied a building in the center of Amsterdam, it is their 5th place so far. They have contacts with a similar Movement in Den Haag.
Demands: Papers for all, No to Dublin (remove our fingerprints from the database).

Other Dutch highlight :
Conference of European Churches started a complaint with the European Committee for Social Rights (with the Council of Europe) against the Dutch state to order them to respect the rights of undocumented adults to food, clothing and shelter (has been declared admissible in July 2013) : idea to follow this complaint and build actions around this.


11 representatives of AsylStrikeBerlin, Refugee Strike Berlin
Movement of Refugees. Movement active in different cities around Germany.
Demands: Stay->Stop deportation, Free Movement->No residenzplifcht, Houses to live-> Close all lagers (centers), Work and Study-> Residence permit


2 members of CSP75, sans-papier collective in Paris (European Marche of Sans-Papiers and Migrants)
Demands: freedom of movement and the right to stay, legalization of all people without papers,…

4 members of SPBelgique, sans-papiers collective Brussels.
Demands: legalization of all sans-papiers, stop deportation, stop closed center, stop exploitation.
 1 representative of the Afghan Refugee Strike in Brussels.

Objective of this meeting
  • exchange of current and former actions, marches, squatings, protest camps, negotiations,
  • sharing of experiences,
  • building up of communications and solidarity.
  • building up a network of existing refugee/sp action groups to work together on actions on a European level. Quick actions and in the same time a platform we can develop.

2.    European context

European elections will take place on 25th of May 2014.
Everybody is interested in doing actions in anticipation to this date. Good preparation is important, improvisation won’t work.
European topics: Dublin and Schengen, Frontex, Return Directive.

3.    Proposed plan of action

We have discussed the opportunity of a demonstration in Brussels soon. Most of the people think the timing is too short.

Proposed action:
·       One decentralized action before the end of the year. Maybe at the EU embassies (Europe House), for example at December 18, Global Migrant Action Day(http://globalmigrantsaction.org/)
o      We have to work on our message and demands.
o      We have to define how we want to shape this action.

·        A bigger action / movement in spring 2014, towards the EU Parlement elections in May.
o      March from different countries to Brussels (important : network of lawyers)
o      Action week in Brussels
o      Check and follow up the …. of July 2012

Other upcoming collective actions/events :
France : accusation against Frontex
CISPM : Caravan of refugees and people withour papers (to Strasbourg European Institutions??)
CISPM : Meeting in Rome, November 16

Important questions :
·      How to put pressure on politics (symbolic and balance of power)
·      How to work on the visibility
·      How to mobilize?
·     If we meet in some place, special attention to the border crossing
       ·       Objective : build our movement and put pressure on politics 

Other ideas :
  • refugee-parliament (peoples parliament) in front of EU-Parliament
  • poster campaign
  • common website
  • common manifest
  • visual action (wanted… Minister of Migration)

4.    Next meeting

We will discuss and follow up as much as possible through the email list. We are also warmly invited to meet in Amsterdam next time.
And some of us will meet at:
Réunion de la CISPM, le 16 novembre à Rome, Italie. Bienvenu(e)s !

CISPM : Coalition Internationale des Sans-papiers et Migrants

Hagen Kopp schreef op 29-10-13 08:16:
Dear all,
I mentioned in my last email a meeting in brussels at 20th of october. I forward the short report and i hope, that something more detailed will follow soon...and obviously proposals and plans for transnational campaigns and mobilisations next year start to get developed and discussed... 

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:
Von: rufus <rufus@riseup.net>
Datum: 23. Oktober 2013 12:16:22 MESZ
An: b4p@lists.so36.netb4p-transnational@lists.so36.net
Betreff: [b4p] Network-meeting in Brussels - BRÜKSEL'DE ENTERNASYONAL TOPLANTI
Antwort an: b4p@lists.so36.net

small report in english:
Report - Europe wide refugee network meeting
20th of October 2013 - Brussels

Participants from the following groups:

Collective Sans Papiers Paris

Collective Sans Papiers Brussels and Belgium

The group of 400 Afghans in Brussels

Refugee Strike Amsterdam (Group we are here)

Refugee Strike Berlin – Oranienplatz

1. Exchange:
  • about: actions, marches, squatings, communications, negotiations, experiences, protest camps, years of fighting, solidarity

2. Ideas:
  • refugee-parliament (peoples parliament) in front of EU-Parliament
  • decentralized action day 18th of December or earlier– focus on EU-Representations – starting mobilization to Brussels next year, before EU elections May 2014
  • big mobilization to Brussels next Spring or May – protest march from different countries to Brussels – protest march from Strasbourg to Brussels
  • action week in Brussels in May 2014
  • poster campaign
  • common website
  • build a good network, broad coalitions... coordination with other protests: http://marche-europeenne-des-sans-papiers.blogspot.de/http://www.euromarches.org/, noborder networks, ...

3. Next meeting:
  • 16th of November

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