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vrijdag 28 februari 2014

[marchebelgique] soutien de la caravane européen des sans-papiers

Nous voudrions solliciter votre aide et celle de votre organisation afin de participer à la réussite de cette initiative. Plusieurs choses sont à préparer et la Caravane manque de relais à Bruxelles. C'est pourquoi, nous vous proposons plusieurs manières de soutenir le projet :

  • Devenir signataire de l'appel (voir ci-dessous) (la signature de l'appel devrait être confirmée pour le la semaine du 20 février (en me renvoyant un e-mail)).
  • Prêt de matériel audio (microphone, mégaphone, baffles,... )
  • Prêt de matériel logistique (tentes, lits, matelas, casseroles, couverts, ...)
  • Matériel d'impression : les appels et les tracts sont en train d'être rédigés. Nous aurions besoin d'un endroit ou les imprimer à moindre coût.
  • Diffusion d'infos : Nous aurions besoin d'aide pour diffuser largement les informations de la Caravane.
  • Nous sommes à la recherche d'un QG pouvant accueillir plusieurs centaines de personnes pour les assemblées quotidiennes.
  • Nous sommes à la recherche d'un lieu capable d'héberger les 400 caravaniers pendant la semaine du 21 au 28 juin 2014. Un endroit à l'intérieur ou dehors (sous tentes) qui ne risque pas de se faire dégager par la police en cours de semaine.
  • Nous sommes à la recherche d'associations capable de prendre en charge au moins un jour de cantine sur la semaine (ou plus).
  • Fournir une aide juridique en cas d'arrestations durant la semaine d'actions
  • Plus que tout, nous avons besoin que les organisations bruxelloises fassent vivre les revendications de la Caravane au travers de débats – conférences – projections – soirées de soutien - ...
  • Vous avez la possibilité de faire des dons en argent à l'organisation de la Caravane.

Merci d'avance de bien vouloir relayer cet appel et de nous tenir au courant de vos intentions en me renvoyant un mail (acontrepied@gmail.com).
Pour plus d'informations: http://spbelgique.wordpress.com/
Pour participer activement, rendez-vous le 6 mars à 18h, Het Anker, Rue Marcq 25, 1000 Bruxelles

Bien à vous,

Le Comité Bruxellois d'Accueil de la Caravane

Organisations signataires : 

- Jeunes Anticapitalistes (JAC)
- Comité ULB de soutien aux sans-papiers!
- Garcia Lorca
- Sireas

(en) Brazil, FARJ.org: Public statement of the VI Congress of the FAG

We anarchist militants politically organized in FAG meeting in late 2013 in our Sixth 
General Congress, we share our supporters and the whole left combative this declaration, 
consisting of analysis of the historical period in which we live; minimum program to forge 
unity among beneath the left and combative, giving a notion of political expression and 
assembly to advance the correlation of forces and face the dominant model characterized, 
and operational elements of a strategy for the present reality in which we campaigned and 
while anarchists. ---- Characterization of the period (full text soon) ---- The 
characterization we performed was focused on understanding the interdependent elements 
that form the core of the system of capitalist domination in its present form, which we 
believe to be of financial capitalism. Therefore, we sought to score in outline these 
elements in terms of Latin America and to a lesser extent worldwide.

We understand that the period has strong and singular events that influence variation in 
the model. On one hand the struggles for destabilization of repressive regimes in the Arab 
world, the changes experienced by Latin America in more than a decade and recently the 
massive demonstrations in dozens of cities across the country, on the other, September 11, 
imperialist wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the financial coup carried out by corporate 
institutions and governments. The capitalist system is again going through crises, 
conflicts and questions that determine adjustments in their mechanisms of power. Nothing 
indicates that we are on the verge of a revolutionary change, but it is true that we live 
in a busier period, that is breaking the silence, resignation and fear.

Gas war, Bolivia - 2003

Are large ongoing struggles and popular protests around the world in which youth have 
participated strongly and workers defended their rights, responding in each place, 
different agendas, factors and concerns, all derived from the same system. At the same 
time indicate, by their occurrence in various regions of the globe, discontent - a rich 
experience of people, a production of ideas and collective representations that can open 
up new possibilities.

In Latin America, The USA are not the same regional alignment to its imperialist policy. 
We can not say, however, that his power is questioned. Yes there are different levels in 
their different spheres of activity (political, economic, military and ideological) 
influence. However it is his attempt to permanently maintain and expand their power in the 
global geopolitical picture. We believe that it is not possible to say that it would be 
forming a block against hegemonic neoliberalism composed of said progressive countries in 
the Latin American continent. Despite their internal characteristics, they are placed in 
the logic of the current stage of financial capitalism. Therefore, the analysis is not 
correct that is homogeneously or under the sign of the same training strategy parties or 
nationalist-reformist center-left that in more than a decade has come to governments in 
Latin America. If it is true that many of them were raised up by a living popular feeling 
of rejection of neoliberalism and the model in the context of popular uprisings that 
toppled governments in Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina and have gained a strong position in 
the social movements against political scene policies of privatization, unemployment and 
cutting rights, it is also correct that the trajectory of their governments at no time has 
questioned the core of the system.

Indian resistance in B?gua, Peru against IIRSA Plan

Common place in the regional reality, the South American countries adhere to the Plan for 
the Integration of South American Regional Structure Plan (IIRSA) and independent of the 
pattern of governments, "progressive" or aligned with imperialism, both models have 
undertaken projects that plan, with a common discourse of "economic development and 
integration of peoples." However, between the effects of these projects are: the 
encouragement of transnational from the exploitation of natural resources of the continent 
(water, minerals, biodiversity, hydrocarbons); environmental devastation and destruction 
of traditional communities and the dependence of countries to funders of said development 

Roughly speaking, in spite of the continuity of the structures, strategies and economic 
policies laid down by the hand of governments and institutions that make the conservative 
role of lackeys ever, or ebbs and disappointment in relation to fantasies by the electoral 
mechanism, one can recognize . variants that are present current and other developments 
Throughout its history, capitalism has not always presented with the same face: has 
achieved conduct required by the general situation to the management of its crisis 
settings; has done a creative game with their fundamental structures to continue its 
dominance, injustice, misery and brutal inequalities that historically accompany it. This 
more upset, more angry and confrontational time, which brings urgent problems for the 
control of the dominant power, definitely will not break the system by force of 
circumstance - the system does not tend to settle well. Consider the moments, the 
correlation of forces in a period, the problems that weaken a structure of domination 
always inserted in social antagonism is a prerequisite for a more decisive political action.

Squid and the Trade Union Bureaucracy

In Brazil, we see that the Lula years down here the system varied his style. Without 
doubt, the operating model that is ongoing in the context of a significant inflection in 
every region, has characteristics determined by a re-accommodation of system elements for 
more effective social incorporation. This is carried out in a period that brings hope, 
confusion, searches, and present on the scene means change, curves, frustrations. already 
said: the game is in a creative manner of articulation that keeps the hard core of power 
outside the crosshairs of radical projects and comes to its reproduction by freshest 
mechanisms. We call this the social contract engineering , in which the PT to raise the 
government makes from engagement with the structures of power and the dominant classes 
articulated with the cooptation traditional bureaucratic organizations of the working 
class and left the state apparatus. This engineering compromises, arguing the defense of 
the country's development, government, entrepreneurship and bureaucracies of social 
movements. Thus the administration of PT distinguished by advancing agendas that bourgeois 
another moment authorities could not do: wage freeze, pension reforms, labor and fiscal 
adjustments in the public sector, cuts in social investment, stoppage of agrarian reform, 
deregulation environmental and favoring new methods of privatizing management of public 

Along with this, the emergence of production dominant discourses in the social body - with 
real effects on institutions and worldly practices - ideas that validate a conciliatory 
national solution, which contained the pactuador state, economic growth and social 
advancement. In the context of these discourses is touted a Brazil full employment, which 
reduced poverty and extreme poverty forming a middle-class country. Are daily discourses 
that naturalize the historical background of violence and exploitation of Brazilian 
capitalist formation, are a relatively integrated social subject by the forms of 
consumption, government aid, etc.. and form an ideological-cultural structure that 
operates to promote a perception of better living conditions, without, however, any change 
in the violent structure of social inequalities in Brazil. It is this functional 
"operating model" a popular adherence to highly expressive power structures, its 
mechanisms for conservation and reproduction and a technique of assimilation and / or 
debelamento conflict with the organized sectors of the class struggle.

Sergio Cabral and Dilma Rousseff Eike Batista

The continuity of Brazilian capitalism, subject to market control of transnational groups 
and putting the country in a prominent place in the world system as a major producer and 
exporter of commodities, possesses, however, a variation in the economic model, which some 
studies are calling neo-developmentism. Among other things, because of the participation 
of the Brazilian state in the increase of subsidies and in inducing economic growth.

The divisor of the popular June days

Days of June, 2013 - SP

The people did days of fighting in the country that became irrepressible in June. The 
fight for public transportation, which is organized by leftist militants of a social 
movement that takes years, and outrage regarding the high expenses of Mega Events 
(Confederations Cup, World Cup, Olympics ...) to the detriment of other areas as health, 
education, etc.. gave way to a flurry of demands that throbbed in neurotic, fragile and 
grueling life of middle and popular sectors. This popular rebellion claiming their rights 
by force alleges the streets, especially the rotten world of private profits, the impunity 
of elites and encroachment the commons and brings with confusion and uncertainty gestated 
a new experience with politics, with an imaginary protesters who shake the world, strongly 
backed the modes of interaction and social recognition that produce new technologies of 
communication. The people in the broad concept does not preclude class against class and 
plays the scene of events a contest of ideas, values ??and social project to act 
critically, with a class design to date with the Brazilian social formation of the times 
we live. However, we have no doubt that the movement is coming under the most fertile to 
the class struggle, direct democracy and build muscles to develop a strategy of popular 
power land.

You need to make the base unions, the instruments of organization of the working class and 
the rural social movements and city take a place in the demonstrations and help build a 
program to fight forward and unite the oppressed. 's governismo the class collaboration 
and party and union bureaucracies play in the water mill reaction. The demobilization and 
bureaucratism in the ranks of the working class, the fragmentation of world poverty and 
the coalition of ruling parties in the common grave of bourgeois democracy gave way to the 
right give rise to plans, from outside and within government.

Days June 2013 - Porto Alegre

In pregnancy this new correlation of forces in the fight against rising tariffs of public 
transport is the most articulate expression of an avalanche of feelings and repressed 
demands that go beyond the dominant controls of Brazilian society. There is a saturation 
depth capitalist model in the last 10 years by neo-developmentalist version of PT 
governments. This model promised a large modern Brazil at the expense of a brutal 
deterioration of the environment, public spaces and the conditions of life and labor of 
working people and youth.

For us, the open period is therefore resistance to fighting bias . In our view it is 
about a pattern of social conflict and class struggle in our country. Under this concept, 
without reference to old patterns that suggest a straight and linear plot of the 
social-historical process we represent a political backdrop for the factors of social 
change and the characteristic elements of a correlation of forces in society. Here we 
consider certain features of the social and popular movement and the degree of occurrence, 
amplitude and radical actions and struggles of all oppressed classes.

At first we need to consider that the struggle of the oppressed class and the socialist 
project goes a step reflux, restructuring of the organizational means of scattered and 
fragmentary actions that do not reach a set form with ideological and programmatic 
elements that make a strong antagonism to the system . An important part of the popular 
sectors, organizations and unions embark on the old promises of economic growth and bow to 
the ideas of neo-developmentalism. There is a crisis of social movement, grassroots 
organizations, the struggle of forces accumulated in excess acts spontaneous and achieve 
federated action. seriously are filed by recent history strategies of the left who seek 
social change within institutions of the functional relationships of the dominant power. 
Timing is splitting water, adjust the lens to think about the conditions and possibilities 
of relative strengths of the moment. Requires ability to insert a revolutionary project 
finalist in the interior of the problems and conflicts of this historic gift. Groundwork 
between popular demands which are not absorbed by the capitalist model controls the 
direction of a strong people practices that favor breaking the historical construction of 
a subject antagonist structures of capitalism.

Porto Alegre, 2013

However, have emergency scene of historical events, new winds that cause us a more nuanced 
reading conflicting elements with certain ideological weight that has opening for a 
different pitch. So in that case we seek an accumulation of combative forces was so far 
out of our scene. So a stage of resistance, albeit with a combative bias.

A minimum program

Over the past few years in our nation-building (through the process of building the 
Brazilian Anarchist Coordination - CAB), discussed and pointed a minimum program like 
outlook for the struggles of this period. A program resulting from an interpretation and 
selection of great guidelines crossing our social formation, to build a targeted output by 
the left that logre create and join social forces to confront the dominant model that 
feature. Attempt to demarcate friends and enemies along the central themes that define the 
settings of social life, the common space where acts politics and power relations. For it 
is certain that we have the strength and ability to pelear alone in this direction, nor 
have such sectarian claim.

There are a number of criticisms, proposals and actions emanating from this period of 
capitalism, the class struggle, social practices of resistance to shift their governments 
and all sorts of structures of domination that can be articulated as a program of popular 
solutions. It should be, as favoring a small fighting force in its own way, from the 
bottom up, outside the institutional controls and collaborating class.

The minimum program seeks to make a joint panel between the struggles of low and socialist 
organizations to organize ahead of the demands of the oppressed and accumulate social 
antagonism to move to a new correlation of forces, an alternative open space for popular 
power. There is a government program, but a program to forge unity by the struggles and 
give political expression, a sense of the whole, a position of strength in the national 
agenda that binds with our ideas to create a strong people.

(A) working, decent salary and pension

Reduction of working hours without lost wages and decent work with social rights. Against 
the farce of meritocracy and deception productivity. Minimum wage according to the basic 
needs provided for in the constitution and against the rising cost of living.
Defense of a public pension with decent adjustments for retirees and against the Revenue 
Decoupling Mechanism Union (DRU), which diverts resources from Social Security for public 
debt and distorts the social security deficit. Against the privatization of security 
mechanisms and financial speculation with pension funds.

Strengthening advocacy and political autonomy of grassroots bodies of workers and the 
maintenance of the right to strike. Against the fragmentation of union representation and 
the criminalization of labor unions.

Monitoring and solidarity with the struggle of workers in Europe and North America, 
positioning itself against cuts in labor rights, in particular, changes in welfare.

(B) Education

Increased investments in basic school (daycare, preschool, elementary and middle school) 
and combating the problems of lack of infrastructure (school meals, adequate libraries and 
other resources) and the precariousness of work in education. Against the closure of rural 
and urban schools.

Combat market policies implemented by the National Education Plan (PNE), facing the 
precariousness and the privatization of public education.

Community participation in school management and the expansion of higher technological 
education, technical and public, free and without precarious character. Expansion and 
implementation of effective student assistance policies that guarantee access and 
permanence. End of bailout with public money intended for private universities through the 
University for All Program (PROUNI) and Student Financing Fund (FIES), and that these 
resources are applied in the qualitative expansion of places in public universities.
Production of science and technology with social control. Expansion of higher education 
courses in partnership with social movements with political and pedagogical control the 
movements themselves.

(C) Health

Implementation of mandatory health funds by the Union, the states and municipalities.
Expansion of the Unified Health System (SUS).

Confronting the private companies, foundations and social organizations (OS) in health.
6% of GDP to public health without private intermediation.

(D) Urban Reform law and the city housing plan

Against privatizing the system of public-private partnerships and provision of credit from 
BNDES for big capital, the PAC and the mega-event like the World Cup or the Olympics to 
promote the segregation of urban space.

Combating property speculation and private usurpation of the right to the city. Defense of 
the social function of urban land. Expropriation of buildings and vacant land for 
affordable housing programs that serve millions of popular without proper housing, with 
construction plans by the task force, co-operatives and self-management system.
Against programs of "social cleansing" of urban centers and evictions by reason of the 
mega-enterprises and mega sporting events like the World Cup and the Olympics.
Uncompromising policy truly public, free shipping and quality, which guarantees the right 
to locomotion of the poor and the unemployed in urban and rural defense. Rejection of the 
commodification of transport, with public management and public participation.
Defense of a policy that prioritizes public transportation over individual, encouraging 
alternative means.

(E) Land reform and fight agribusiness

Agrarian reform against landlordism and extensive monoculture agribusiness and production 
without the use of pesticides and GMOs, which poison the field workers and other 
consumers. Warranty conditions for realization of agrarian reform and limit the private 
ownership of land.

Agroecological methods of production that prioritize popular management of agricultural 
production in harmony with the environment. Control the seed for field workers: against 
property and patent seeds for agribusiness companies.

Demarcation of indigenous territories, maroon and support for fishing communities and 
other traditional communities.

(F) Tax reform and break with the moneylenders public debt

Break with the perverse mechanism of public debt, paying high interest to the moneylenders 
and financial market policies and cut social spending for the poor. Implementation of a 
tax reform with taxation of the rich and not the poor.
Break with the moneylenders public debt, which consumes almost half the public budget, 
with greater investment of this amount in health and education.

(G) Human Rights

Effective opening of the archives of the dictatorship and punishment of torturers and 
representatives of State crimes in that period.

Against the criminalization of poverty and protest, and by the end of the extermination of 
the poor. The recognition of the social debt with blacks and indigenous peoples.
End of oppression in prisons: violence and torture of prisoners and against vexatious 
searches of visitors. End of asylums and incarceration of people with mental disorders.
Ending violence against women and the right to them for the public and ethical service in 
the Unified Health System (SUS) for abortion. Combating sexism, homophobia and defending 
freedom of sexual orientation and the rights of children and adolescents.

(H) Democratization of communication and tackling monopolies

Popular control over the communication system and end the monopolies of communication.
Popular communication and freedom of expression, including the right to free transmission 
of community radios and TVs. Against criminalization imposed by ANATEL and the 
bureaucratization of the grants.

Against the restriction of freedom and control of information on the internet.

(I) Participation and popular protagonism

Right to call for popular plebiscites and referendums deliberative strategic decisions for 
the country, if effecting directly on issues such as debt, property boundary and free trade.
Against institutionalized repression and criminalization of social movements and popular 
Strengthening of direct action, building the base and the broad popular participation in 
social movements.

(J) Environment, oil and natural resources in the service of the people

End of auction Petrobras and cancellation of privatization. Public model for oil reserves 
in the pre-salt, no sharing with private capital and revenue investment in government 
policies on labor, social and housing rights.

Decision and popular source control and energy reserves. Against development policies that 
invest in the construction of hydroelectric deployed authoritatively and with dire 
consequences for populations with serious environmental and social impacts. Energy model 
for the service of the people.

Against IIRSA plan applied by enterprises and serve as mega-events, the megaportos and 
hydropower, at the expense of popular aspirations.
Against the privatization of water, oil and natural goods.
(L) Anti-imperialism and the right of self-determination
Immediate withdrawal of occupation forces of Brazil in Haiti.
Permanent warning against the blows of the oligarchies and imperialism on Latin America, 
giving resolute to change processes of popular bases that are experienced throughout the 
continent, irrespective of their government policy support.
Scathing denunciation of the militarization of the continent, especially from military 
bases in Colombia and policies that criminalize protest folk and traditional communities.
Defense of the right of peoples' resistance.

An operational strategy for the present reality

However, we do not believe that only the analysis of the period and a set of program 
guidelines allow change the current balance of forces. We need definitions which point a 
strategic path that allows closer to our goal which is the finalist of social 
transformation through a social revolution. Accordingly, our VI Congress considers 
necessary and decisive medium / long-term construction of a structure catalyzing the 
movement of workers and popular sectors, a federation of seated struggles of grassroots 
organizations that can lead to class-vocation by mass struggles to enforce a minimum 
program. However, this structure can not be forged or by decree from above. It is a 
process of accumulation of forces and organicity that we will be one of the protagonists. 
For our part, militant to connect the spectrum of social struggles that confront the 
dominant model of Brazilian capitalism with a minimum program of popular solutions, 
helping to forge unity from the bottom up to create a strong people imposing on the 
national scene a proposed new correlation of forces applied to a project of social 
transformation. A line of work that encourages, compete and support the gestation of a new 
structure of pasta, a catalyst of social power of the oppressed classes, articulated the 
bases, which does not fall within the bureaucratic bourgeois way of institutional controls.

Thus, we believe that the current situation requires a common space shared by those 
struggling. Its construction and consolidation will thus be our modest contribution in 
that first moment. A space that has the ability to be a collective and programmatic 
construction that meets militant sections based on social movements, collective and urban 
and rural backgrounds, and opposition unions, student organizations, groups and 
independent media culture that goes overcoming your own weaknesses the popular process in 
recent months, as the fact of street mobilizations take advantage of mechanisms for social 
networking and virtual and ephemeral associations not rooted in the struggles of 
grassroots organizations with constructive guidelines in daily life.
This is our focus and our effort. And this is the invitation we make to militant sectors 
who want to build a departure from below and to the left.

Sixth General Congress Gaucha Anarchist Federation - FAG
December 2013
Retrieved from: http://www.federacaoanarquistagaucha.org/?p=290

(en) El Libertario (Caracas) - Express Update of the Venezuelan situation (February 25, 2014) (fr)

The February 21th, we wrote a summary of events for those who are on the outside, 
oversaturated with information about Venezuela, we needed a chronology of events. It has 
just 4 days of this story, but there are many new elements that an update is necessary to 
suggest, that any picture of the Venezuelan reality will change in the next few hours. 
---- The first element that stands out is that the manifestations of government critics 
have continued to the time of this writing, and doesn't seems to stop in the coming days. 
Venezuelan culture was characterized by the effort to promote short-term results, no 
permanence in time, so that the sum of each new day of protest politics, contradict itself 
this immediacy of "doing" in the country. That is why President Maduro uses as one of its 
strategies encourage its rapid wear, increasing two more days to holiday carnival that 
will starts on 27th of February, the day when happens the 25th anniversary of the popular 
uprising of "El Caracazo" when even tens were killed with total impunity.

A second novelty, as suggested in our previous paper, is that Caracas has ceased to be the 
epicenter of the national mobilization. On Saturday February 22 both those pro-government 
and the opposition, made called to march in the city of Caracas, both with large 
attendance . However, in at least 12 cities of province, some dissident demonstrations 
were proportionally, as massive as those that were performed in the capital. In the case 
of the city of San Cristobal, capital of Tachira (border with Colombia); the intensity of 
the protests and conflicts where were including students, middle class people, and others 
from popular and rural areas; has led to the militarization of the city being controlled 
remotely from Caracas. The state governor Jose Vielma Mora, of the ruling party PSUV, 
publicly criticized the crackdown and called for the release of detainees, and so far, 
this one has been the first public criticism from a member of the government, of one 
decision of Nicolas Maduro.

As of this writing, there had been the death of: 15 people in demonstrations or protests 
related events , 8 of them whose responsibility points to police, military and 
paramilitary officers, 2 of them victims of " traps " the opposition mounted protests 
called "guarimba", and the rest by dark events around the demonstrations that should be 
investigated and clarified (for example, a winding of a 17 years old boy). The reports of 
the newspaper Ultimas Noticias, supported by pictures and videos circulated on social 
networks, have forced the Attorney detain officials of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB 
) and the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service ( SEBIN ) to investigate the 
perpetrating of facts. However, high spokesmen of the National Executive, as the Minister 
of Communication Delcy Rodriguez and President Maduro continue blaming of all deaths to 
the opposition. Deserves separate chapter president of the National Assembly Diosdado 
Cabello, who through his daily program "Pounding with the Hammer", broadcast on state 
television, makes delusional statements about the causes of the murders.

The "Guarimba" is a strategy that opposition sectors initiated by the end of year 2002. It 
consists of making a protest, in a place considered "safe", (usually in the vicinity of 
the homes of the protesters); closing the route with barricades and burned trash or 
rubbers. The "Guarimba" has several features that differentiate it from other events. One 
is its symbiotic relationship with the coup and the "oil strike" of 2002, so it is loaded 
from an insurrectional content, prone to physical confrontation with the security 
agencies. Second, as a result of the above, repeatedly has been criminalized by the 
government, thereby being an exclusionary strategy: While pro-government people could join 
a peaceful demonstration by common requirements, hardly they ever do a " guarimba " . 
Third, generate a broad rejection within opposition groups themselves, as demonstrated by 
the mobilization in Caracas February 22, where there were many banners of rejection to 
"guarimbas" as to the actions of paramilitary groups. As President Nicolas Maduro has 
stimulated repression to publicly congratulate the performance of GNB, not recognizing 
state responsibility with fatalities, and institutionally legitimized the actions of 
paramilitary groups by encouraging the "Popular Commands against coup" has generated a 
hotbed of indignation that has allowed the emergence of the ?guarimbas" with some foci in 
Caracas and cities throughout the country. However, a look at all types of mobilization, 
that remain on the street in all cities of the country; corroborates that this remains a 
largely peaceful demonstration.

The delivery of the conservative opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, on February 18th, was a 
real "performance" to catapult your image as "new leader" of the Venezuelan opposition and 
be the center of the national protest movement. Their delivery was performed with a mass 
concentration at the border between the municipality of Libertador and Chacao, in Caracas. 
However, until today the dynamics of crowds in the street remains decentralized networks, 
with multiple centers. There are number of calls through the social networks like 
"pancartazos", "Do national prayers at the same time" and even "bailoterapias". Some, 
become viral and are assumed by much of the movement. Many opponents accustomed to 
vertical Leninist organization of the analog era, permanently demands that protests "have 
addresses" and "common requirements".

The government insists that it is facing a "coup", some say "repeats the script in April 
2002" and others argue that it would be a "rolling coup". Nicolas Maduro called to 
confront the protesters on the street activating "Popular Commands antigolpe". However, 
the two demonstrations called in recent days by the government in the streets of Caracas, 
doesn't have the support and levels of call made ??by Hugo Chavez. While the middle and 
upper levels of government publicly expressed its support for the decisions of Maduro, the 
basis of Chavismo begins to resent the open crackdown on protesters, which has generated 
hundreds of images that flow through cell phones. Moreover, the president himself issued 
conflicting messages about the nature of the hypothetical threat that faces: Calling 
insistently celebrate carnivals, dancing in front of the cameras, (asking publicly in 
several opportunities); improve diplomatic relations with the United States, designating 
its representative to the International Monetary Fund, removing working credentials in 
Venezuela to CNN (which meant in fact the expulsion from the country), and within the 24 
next hours, invite them to transmit again from the country.

Although International level, remains the informative media polarization about Venezuela, 
internally the country continue to suffer a major informative blackout. Nationwide 
television stations don't report about the demonstrations, nor broadcast live messages of 
political opposition leaders, while their screens are taken over by statements from 
publics officials. The government thought the conflict in analog terms, thinking that 
television concealment plus repression would be enough to silence the protests. Belatedly 
has initiated a crackdown on social networks, while Internet service, state-controlled, 
suffer irregular slowdowns and blockages in some of the most popular applications used by 
users such as Twitter and What'sApp.

The radicalization of the two main sides to the conflict, still doesn't make dialogue a 
majority requirement to resolve the crisis. President Maduro called the realization of a 
"National Peace Conference", but however, in parallel, his government (and himself), 
continue disqualifying as "right-wing fascist" the opponents, and its increasing the 
number of detainees throughout the country, which alleges torture, cruel, inhuman and 
degrading treatment during their detention. The number of killed people has increasing, 
injured by gunfire, tear gas and birdshot, increases the spiral of violence and resentment 
on both sides, doesn't leaving political channels the conflict resolution; payable the way 
for the military to assume ensure "governance" through a coup, either of trend of the 
Chavismo, or those who support to the opposition. The bizarre image of a retired general 
of the Venezuelan Army, Angel Vivas Perdomo, on the roof of his house showing a weapon of 
war (in the attempt to arrest him after being accused of masterminding the traps located 
in a "Guarimba" that caused one death in Caracas); have caused a storm of rumors about the 
alleged "malaise" within the Armed Forces. Plus this, there is series of looting of shops 
in several places in the country with such a coordination that sum too much suspicion.

The events are in full development: The photo of this moment can be completely different 
in the next 48 hours. We hope to continue to have internet to telling.

Publicado por periodicoellibertario en 18:04
Etiquetas: coyuntura venezolana 2014, English

France, Alternative Libertaire AL #235 - Chronicles of alienated labor: "We were friends ... "Damien, foreman (fr, pt)

Chronicles of alienated labor by Aline Torterat, Occupational physician Damien, foreman 
construction[1] ---- I started working very young in public works. The action, the 
outdoors, a certain autonomy. I liked and I still love it. Then, by chance, I found myself 
specialize in the field of sealing. Quality is the main and it requires a good 
professional control issue. In addition, the sites do not abound, therefore no risk of 
unemployment. I spent over 15 years in the same company. This is where I learned 
everything. I was appreciated for my skills and my strength. It's true, I can say that I 
have never been sick. I am a great athlete. I am strong for my 40 years. ---- Then one of 
my best colleagues embarked putting himself on his own. Starting his business well, he 
took me with him. Normal, we were friends, and we knew we had common values.

I resigned and I became his foreman, to lead a team of seven or eight roofers. Obviously, 
it was not idle, it is a very physical job with earthworks and heavy work with vibrating 
tools and chemicals when spread hot bitumen. My team worked fine because I did not was 
reluctant to work with them.

I was a little coach. And now that at the beginning of the year, I suddenly strangulated 
hernia. Emergency operation complications. So I got off work two months. Then at home, I'm 
falling and I'm left with a severe ankle sprain and the requirement to go through a cast 
for a month without being able to set foot on the ground, followed by several weeks of 
rehabilitation . New stop of a month and a half has extended the first. Unfortunately, my 
ordeal was not over.

Because the bending, I compounded the problem of my right shoulder. The pain was 
unbearable. It took surgery. Two months additional stop because of my job. My boss had 
been a bit quiet during the nearly six months of absence. Just two or three calls. When I 
came, he made me understand that he did not believe too much in my story rebounds and he 
told me he would not consider me if I wanted to go. It was really a friend. I realized it 
had become a boss who no longer had any of the same issues as me. His company, that it 
pays him, his dominant power allowed him to erase the particularity of our relationship I 
thought egalitarian. I just figured a good salary report changes things in human 
relationships. I have an appointment in the business that I had left. They will take me.

[ 1 ] Only the name is changed, the rest is authentic.

[Noborder] Picket line tegen moord op migranten aan de Spaans/marokkaanse grens

Persbericht :  We Are Here and No Border Netwerk

Donderdag 27 februari picketline bij Spaanse Consulaat wegens 
moordpartij op migranten aan Spaans-Marokkaanse grens
Opheldering over de doden aan de grenzen van Ceuta en Melilla!

Ter herdenking van de doden van Ceuta en Melilla en voor het stoppen 
van het moorden en opjagen van migranten aan de grenzen van Fort 
Europa, organiseren 'We Are Here' en het No Border Netwerk donderdag 
27 februari 2014 vanaf 16.00 uur een picketline voor het Spaanse 
Consulaat aan de Frederiksplein 34 in Amsterdam. Vrije migratie en 
vestiging voor iedereen en overal!

Met de heldere eis 'Opheldering over de doden aan de grenzen van Ceuta 
en Melilla' wordt de internationale gemeenschap opgeroepen, om in de 
laatste week van februari protestherdenkingen te organiseren voor
Spaanse en Marokkaanse consulaten, ambassades en of andere 
overheidsinstellingen afkomstig uit die landen.

Op 6 februari probeerden 400 migranten in een collectieve actie de 
zwaar beveiligde grens van de Spaanse enclave Ceuta in Marokko vanuit 
zee te overwinnen. Het betreft een van de twee directe buitengrenzen 
van de EU op Afrikaanse bodem. De Spaanse Guarda Civil beantwoordde 
deze poging om het grondgebied van de EU te bereiken door op mensen in 
het water te schieten met rubberen kogels en traangas. Marokkaanse 
agenten van de grenspolitie, ondersteund door lokale racisten, namen 
vanaf de wal deel aan de moorddadige klopjacht. Tenminste negen mensen 
verloren op die dag het leven, en ten minste 50 worden volgens de
groep 'Illegale mensen uit Sub Sahara in Marokko' nog steeds vermist. 
Tientallen raakten gewond en werden illegaal gedeporteerd naar Marokko.

De moorddadige klopjacht aan de buitengrenzen van de EU is het directe 
en door alle EU-lidstaten bewust gekozen gevolg van de uitgebreide 
militarisering en de externalisering van de buitengrenzen van de EU. 
Het is onderdeel van de oorlog van de EU-migratieregimes en haar 
bondgenoten tegen allen die zich het recht nemen op vrij verkeer 
tussen Afrika en Europa. De ruim 300 slachtoffers van de ramp bij
Lamperdusa zijn nog niet begraven of een volgende ramp heeft alweer 
plaats gevonden. In dit geval laat de Marokkaanse overheid zich als 
een betrouwbare poortwachter van de EU inzetten. In de hoop op 
bevoorrechte economische en politieke betrekkingen met de Europese 
mogendheden cre?ert Marokko een soort voorgeborchte voor migranten bij 
de muren van Fort Europa.

De internationale oproep van Interact (transnationaal netwerk) is in 
Nederland overgenomen door de migrantengroep 'We Are Here' en het No 
Border Netwerk Nederland. Het moet afgelopen zijn met de 
militarisering van het grensregime. De grenzen van Fort Europa worden 
steeds verder naar Afrika opgeschoven (externalisering van de EU 
grenzen). Dat de Marokkaanse staat moet stoppen taken te vervullen wat 
betreft EU grenscontroles.
Ofwel: opening van alle Europese grenzen en in het bijzonder bij Ceuta 
en Melilla. Vrijheid van beweging en vestiging voor iedereen. En 
opheldering over de slachtpartij van afgelopen 6 februari.

Meer informatie zie www.no-border.nl en via 0659640858.


[Intnbc] Transnational march for freedom (text ENG + D )

let's march for our freedom!
may & june 2014
we come from everywhere
to march from Strasbourg to Brussels


We are asylum seekers, refugees, undocumented migrants, migrants from
many European countries, we are Europeans with a migration background,
we are all those who have no full priviledge of citizenship, but also
citizens who share a common anger against the racist EU migration policy.
We decided to organize a European caravan which will go from the largest
number of European countries towards Brussels (Belgium), where the
European institutions are settled. Showing that we don?t respect the
borders they impose us, holding us prisonners of the states borders and in
the lagers, we will exercise our basic right of freedom of movement and
adress our demands directly where the decisions come from.

We have a dream :
-Freedom of movement and of residence for all asylum seekers,
-Stop the Dublin trap and the obligatory residence in Lagers
throughout Europe
-Permanent documents without criteria (not depending on working contracts
or individual state prosecution)
-Stop the imprisonment and deportation of migrants
-Same working conditions for all
-Same political, social and cultural rights for all: right to study and to
-Stop the European imperialist policies: no more free trade treaties and
NATOwars Abolish Frontex, Eurosur and other anti-migration policies and

Join us !
Starting in may 2014 with the EU Parliament elections:
The caravan/march will start as common transnational project at the end of
May in Strassbourg, the march will last about 3-4 weeks from Strasbourg to
Central action in Brussels to address the Summit:
The transnational march will end in Brussels with massive protests at the
EU-summit on migration policy, the 26th and 27th of June 2014. The arrival
in Brussels will be one week before the summit, around the 21st and 22nd
of June, we will have a week of actions in the city of Brussels to make
them aware of our anger.

Decentralised actions : refugees and migrants unite, wherever you are !
Local activities and decentralized actions already started on the 18th of
december 2013, for the international day of migrants and refugees angainst
racism : actions have been taken all over Europe in the same time and with
the same demands (see our web blog :
http://freedomnotfrontex.noblogs.org/) Also, decentralized actions and
marches will start already in May in reference to the European paerliament
elections. All activities should come together in Strasbourg to start the
common march (the exact date still has to be confirmed).
Wherever you are, take action in solidarity with European refugees and
migrants, feel free to initiate creative and local actions !
Join us anywhere you are !

Contact us : freedomnotfrontex@riseup.net
www.freedomnotfrontex.noblogs.org - www.refugeestrikeberlin.net


Aufruf zur Antirepressionsdemo 22/03/14

Wir sind w?tend und werden t?glich w?tender ? Wir sind w?tend, dass
Menschen ihr Leben aufs Spiel setzen m?ssen, damit ihre politischen
Forderungen nach Asyl, Abschaffung der Residenzpflicht oder einer
Arbeitserlaubnis Geh?r finden. Dass w?hrend des Hungerstreiks ein
?Festival of Lights? stattfindet und jeder Dummdeutsche stur ignoriert
was gerade vor der eigenen T?r passiert und seine wahre Fratze zeigt
indem er lacht und nur ein Auge f?r sich selbst hat. Es wird mit allen
zur Verf?gung stehenden Mitteln versucht, Protestbewegungen zu spalten,
zu verarschen und auf Dauer hin zu halten, damit die eigene Ohnmacht
?berwiegt und in einem Prozess der inneren Selbstzerst?rung endet. Die
Menschen, die diese abscheuliche und menschenverachtende Politik
betreiben, ernten von uns nur Verachtung und Hohn f?r ihr Handeln.

Wir sind w?tend, dass sich der deutsche Mob in den unterschiedlichsten
Regionen zusammenfindet und progromartige Stimmung gegen Unterk?nfte
asylsuchender Menschen verbreitet, wo sich mehrere Hunderte
zusammenschlie?en um mit Heugabel und Fackel in der Hand an ?33 zu
erinnern. Unterst?tzung erh?lt der deutsche Mob von Firmen wie BMW, die
sich an dem Anblick eines Fl?chtlingsheims gest?rt f?hlen und es per
Senatsbeschluss, wie k?rzlich in Charlottenburg, schlie?en lassen. Wie
soll es sich vertragen, wenn neben Luxuskarossen und protzigen
Firmensitzen pl?tzlich der klaffende Unterschied zwischen
Besitzlosigkeit und Reichtum sichtbar wird?
Continue reading ?

France, Alternative Libertaire AL #235 - Retirement Homes: Gold and gray of silence (fr, pt)

Abuse, neglect, people over 90 years' trademarks emergency "for non-payment by the family. 
That daily in Establishments for hosting frail elderly (nursing homes), modern name of 
nursing homes or homes for the aged. ---- Nursing homes are largely properties of the 
private sector itself in the hands of often very large groups (DomusVi, Dolca / Vendome 
Orpea Korian, Emera ...) and sometimes very wealthy CEO. Is that old, it can pay big 
dividends: the "white gold". ---- When we get information for a home there is no shortage 
of luxury brochures touting the quality of reception. But quality comes at a price: on 
average from 2 500 to 3 000 euros per month. Some institutions may reach 5,000 euros or 
more. Obviously these are not all retirees are who can afford it! And conditions of 
support (people often dependent) are not always up ....

Increasingly, staff number is insufficient to support an up to the rates charged and the 
quality deteriorates: wait times ringtones that extends, or lack of response, maintenance 
dubious premises, lack staff to eat those unable to do so alone, isolated residents 
"forgot-es", animation and presence particularly deficient elderly deficit, not to mention 
the decisions taken by medical officers sometimes without even informing the families ...

"Users customer"

Of course there are "instances" where residents and residents and their families can 
express themselves. The Council of social life (CVS) to meet mandatory quarterly. But this 
instance is only "advisory" so "users-clients" are powerless except to present their 
grievances without any obligation for directions to follow.

On "instances" of control (such as regional health agency) should not rely on them for 
disturbing a well-oiled mechanism where the private sector and fattens overcomes neglect 
of public services. When sometimes visits LRA are not announced, the opinion of residents 
is asked (knowing that many of them have declining capacity) but not that of their family 
or indeed "representatives of families" in CVS. Curious is not it?

As for the "quality services", "satisfaction surveys" and even "reporting forms," ??this 
is all handled internally and there are little consequences for complaint ...

To top it off, the staff is encouraged not to report too malfunctions and when it does the 
direction or minimizes choking. If, unfortunately, a rebellious employee of this state of 
affairs is trying to inform families, may sanctions for misconduct.

Conclude by affirming our solidarity with the employee-es in this sector are facing harsh 
working conditions for menial tasks and often unrewarding pay.

Henri (friend AL)

Russia's Olympics Games - ALL OUT - equality everywhere, world

Russia’s Olympics are over. We’ve achieved a lot together – but there’s so much happening around the world. Can you help shape our campaigns?
Take the poll >>
Andre here. Russia's Olympics Games are over – and wow – we achieved a lot together. We made sure that no lesbian, gay, bi or trans people in Russia stood up aloneagainst the anti-gay laws, and we helped get US national sponsors to speak out.
And now the Olympic Committee has replied to our demand that countries with anti-gay laws shouldn't be allowed to host the Games in future. They said they're open to changing the rules!
But Russia's anti-gay law remains in place for now. And we're seeing new and dangerous crises in other parts of the world, as Uganda and Nigeria have passed awful new anti-gay laws.
This is an important moment to help decide what our biggest priorities should be now – and how to go about it.Can you help shape All Out's campaigns?
Click here to take the short 5-question poll:
Just months ago, there was no evidence that the Olympic Committee, world leaders, or the directors of major corporations had thought much about Russia's anti-gay laws.
Since then, so many have had to figure out how to join us on the right side of history. The British Prime Minister raised the issue directly with President Putin, and US, German, French and UK heads of state refused to attend the opening ceremony. Google even changed its logo to rainbow colours to highlight the anti-gay laws as the Games opened.
This massive shift happened because millions of All Out members and people around the world stood up and insisted that we can't go on, business-as-usual with the Olympics, while Russian lesbian, gay, bi and trans people are silenced, arrested and attacked.
We're already showing what this movement of nearly 2 million people can do – but what should we do next? Click here to take the poll:
Our global movement stands at a crossroads. We've helped win some big battles, and we're starting to change the way leaders – and everyday people – around the world think and talk about the rights to love and freedom.
That's terrifying to political and religious leaders who are propping up their power by demonizing gay people. Anti-gay advocates are even trying to start their own global hate movement to fight back against us – it's called "Coalition for Family Values" led by US pastor Scott Lively, who's being sued for stirring up anti-gay hate in Uganda. 
But we have love on our side and millions of mothers, fathers, siblings and friends willing to join in the fight if we ask them to. All Out works best when we all come together to pool our time, ideas, and actions. Can you help decide now what's next?

Thank you for going All Out,
Andre Banks
Executive Director

PS: Thanks so much to everyone who took the annual All Out survey at the end of last year. Those results are already helping shape this year's long-term plans. Interestingly, only 41% of people thought that the world's progress on LGBT issues is moving in the right direction. Take the poll to help figure out how we can turn the tide: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/all-out-poll
If There Is "A Groundswell Of Support," The IOC Might Add Nondiscrimination Rules For Future Hosts - Buzzfeed, 18 February 2014
U.S. sponsor AT&T condemns Russian anti-gay law - Reuters, 5 February 2014
G20 summit: Putin to be pressed on gay rights in Russia by US and UK - The Guardian, 4 September 2013
German president will not attend Olympics in Russia - CNN, 8 December 2013
Uganda's Museveni gambles on homophobia - Mail & Guardian, 20 February 2014
Nigeria's Anti-Gay Law Leads to Arrests, Outrage - Time, 15 January 2014
Anti-gay advocates launch global 'pro-family' group - Washington Blade, 21 February 2014
Support All Out
We don't take money from governments or corporations, so the only people we have to listen to are our members. Our tiny team stretches every contribution to make them count.
All Out is mobilizing millions of people to build a world where no person will have to sacrifice their family or freedom, safety or dignity, because of who they are or who they love.
This is a campaign of Purpose Action, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.
Our mailing address is:
Purpose Action
115 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Copyright © 2014 All Out, All rights reserved.

[freedomnotfrontex] Massacre in Ceuta 6.02.2014: Protest in Berlin (VIDEO‏)

Berlin February 25, 2014.

Migrant activists, with Afrique-Europe Interact network, protest in
front of the Spanish and Moroccan embassies in the occasion of Ceuta's
massacre of February 6.

Stop the persecution of Migrants and the murderer regime of the European


Calais fascist group "Sauvons Calais" shut down‏


CALAIS: fascist group "Sauvons Calais" shuts down

A small victory in the fight against fascists in Calais. The neonazi group
"Sauvons Calais" ("Save Calais") has announced that it is disbanding after
the leaders have been exposed and "put in danger".

Thursday 27 February. After a massive response from Calais residents and
supporters further afield to the attacks they led on the farmhouse at
Coulogne, and the outing of leader Kevin Reche as a swastika-tattooed
neonazi, the "Sauvons Calais" gang have announced on their facebook page
that they are disbanding. The facebook page has now been taken down. Here
is a translation of their final statement:

"After numerous votes, Sauvons Calais is closing its doors. It is clear
that the local newspaper Nord Littoral did its work well in placing in
danger various admins of the collective, and most notably Kevin Reche.
When we say 'place in danger' we don't speak of aggression, but much
worse. It is for that reason that we decided to close the collective, as
we are alone against everyone. Too many of our contact details are
circulating on the internet (phone numbers, addresses etc.) Another group
in a similar vein will soon open its doors. It will be stronger than ours,
with lawyers and members in 'high places'. It will therefore be
untouchable. We thank you again for having supported and encouraged us and
for following us in our various actions. The page will close at midnight.
The team at Sauvons Calais."

And thank you everyone for supporting the effort to expose and shut down
these fascists! A mixture of tactics including research and exposure,
web-based activity, local mobilisation and publicity, and bringing
together diverse antifascists in solidarity on the ground, has proved a
success. This past week, after a very difficult time in Calais, has seen a
massive movement of indignation and solidarity against the neonazis and in
support of migrants and the No Borders struggle in Calais.

Of course the struggle is far from over. Of course we don't forget that
last saturday saw as many as 80 fascists attacking our friends with intent
to kill, supported in their actions by complicity of the police and state
authorities. They are now on the back foot and deprived of important
organising tools. But we need to be more vigilant than ever and keep on
working to build a solid fighting network. Looking forward to Saturday's

- e-mail: calais_solidarity@riseup.net
- Homepage: http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com/


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Human Rights WatchTHE WEEK IN RIGHTS
February 27, 2014
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In Venezuela, Violence Against Protesters, Journalists
Photo © Reuters 2014

Venezuelan security forces have used excessive and unlawful force against protesters on multiple occasions since February 12, including beating detainees and shooting at crowds of unarmed people.

The government has censored the news media, blocking transmission of a TV channel and threatening to prosecute news outlets for their coverage of the violence. President Nicolás Maduro announced on February 20 that he had begun proceedings to take CNN off the airwaves in Venezuela, and a press workers union reported on February 21 that the government had cancelled the credentials of CNN's Caracas correspondent. Journalists and human rights defenders have reported being subject to acts of violence and intimidation by government agents or supporters.
Read more >>share on: Facebook 
AfricaIn Sierra Leone, Mining Boom Brings Rights Abuses

The government of Sierra Leone and London-based African Minerals Limited forcibly relocated hundreds of families from verdant slopes to a flat, arid area in Tonkolili District. As a result, residents lost their ability to cultivate crops and engage in income generating activities that once sustained them.
See the Latest News in Africa >>share on: Facebook Twitter
AMERICASUS Drone Strike on Yemen May Violate Obama Policy

A deadly US drone strike on a December 2013 wedding procession in Yemen, which killed 12 men and wounded at least 15 other people, including the bride, raises serious concerns about US forces' compliance with President Barack Obama's targeted killing policy. 
See the Latest News in the Middle East/North Africa >>share on: Facebook Twitter
ASIAArizona Should Veto Anti-LGBT Law

Arizona's legislature has reached a new low by awarding special legal protection to businesses and individuals that discriminate against LGBT people. Governor Jan Brewer's failure to veto this bill would not only be disastrous for Arizona, but would be likely to spur such odious legislation in other US states. 
See the Latest News in the United States >>share on: Facebook Twitter
In Russia, gay men are beaten on camera. Watch now >>
Sample Photo 4
Purchase the hard copy of the 2014 World Report or download the PDF for free. Download Now >>
Sample Photo 5
Land and water grabs devastate 500,000 of Ethiopia's indigenous communities. Watch Now >>