Time to act
Never before was the resistance against the restrictions of the free-
dom of movement for refugees and migrants and especially against
deportations within Europe so loud and convinced.
In Germany and all over Europe, initiatives call for self-organized
resistance such as the „Lampedusa Groups“. European borders
have never been more contested. Almost every week migrants
collectively pass the borders in Ceuta and Melilla, thousands arrive
on the shores of Sicily. On Lampedusa, hundreds of people reject
their registration and in the Aegean sea boats arrive daily on the
Greek islands.
The dublin-system takes the
freedom of choice to chooselampedusa
where a refugee wants to ap-
ply for asylum. Responsible
is automatically the country of
entry. To make the dublin sy-
stem effective, a huge biometric
database was installed (Euro-
dac). The main responsibility is
thereby transferred to the Euro-
pean outer frontiers. Germany
is one of the main profiteers of
the Dublin system. With the re-
formation of the system at the
end of 2013, a huge wave of
deportations was initiated, albeit
already in 2013, one third were
Dublin deportations.
The resistance against the Du-
blin system is manifold. In long-
standing battles, the antiracist
movement, lawyers, NGOs and
the people concerned achieved
a deportation stop to Greece.
Nevertheless, deportations to
other European states with si-
milar disastrous conditions con-
tinue and the reformation of the
Dublin System was just a cos-
metic alteration. The catastro-
phic circumstances in European
countries imprison many asylum
seekers since years in a cycle of ongoing movement and deporta-
tion within Europe. One of the main ideas of Dublin, „No refugees
in orbit“, the quick clarification of responsibility is led ad absurdum
due to lasting odysseys and deportation experiences.
The dublin regulation is part of the inhumane European border
regime. Abolish Dublin.
On a daily basis, refugees avo-id being deported in abscondi-ng, resisting or moving on. As long as the living conditions in Italy, Hungary, Poland or elsewhere are inhuman, asyl-um seekers will not be kept from escaping – instead, they are silently „voting with their feet“ against the Dublin sy-stem.
In Hamburg, the group „Lam-pedusa in Hamburg“ has been fighting for a right to stay and the right to a life in dignity for the last year. In Osnabrück persons concerned and sup-porters have successfully op-posed a Dublin deportation with a blockade. In Frankfurt, hundreds are demonstrating against deportations to Italy. In Hanau, a new Lampedusa initiative has been founded. In Göttingen, by means of a blo-ckade, the deportation of a So-mali to Italy could be impeded despite of police violence ...
Welcome to Europe • dublin2.info • contact@w2eu.info • w2eu.info
Contact and concrete support are extremely important for everyo-
ne and raises the chances that all options will be exhausted – the
feeling of fighting with others helps not to give up. People are
needed to get in contact and build friendships.
Many concerned people have made traumatic experiences. To
help them and to stop Dublin deportations, treatment and medical
certificates of physical and psychical illnesses are necessary. Of-
ten, these are the only possibility to stop a deportation on a legal
way. Hence, contact to doctors, psychologists and psychi-
atrists who issue such clinical diagnostics is essential.
We need protected spaces for
people threatened by deportati-
on. Many of them simply have
to bridge a few months to avoid
their deportation. Church asyl-
um seems to be an effective
instrument as it opens a con-
crete space for protection and
– if combined with public initia-
tives – creates public pressure
at the same time. Let‘s get in
contact with solidary com-
munities and supporters!
It is essential to confront poli-
tical actors with their responsi-
bility. With their demands for a
right to stay Lampedusa-groups
are also addressing cities and
communities where refugees
arrived and wish to stay. We
will not accept indifferent refer-
ring to European requirements!
There are many options for ac-
tion: Call on communal poli-
tical representatives to use
their scope of action, write
open letters, storm citizen
consultation hours!
Especially against deporta-
tions to Italy, but also to Malta
and Hungary, refugees resist in
last-minute manners. On de-
portation flights, they stand up
and refuse to fasten the seat bell. If the first deportation attempt
fails concerned people are taken into administrative detention. At
the second and third attempt they are exposed to the pressure
of escorting police officers. Refugees need solidarity fellow
passengers and support at the airport because they don´t
fly voluntarily!
Refugees will certainly go on resisting deportations. Unfortunately,
not all of them will be successful. After the deportation, it is impor-
tant to stay in contact with the people, to show solidarity with their
demands for freedom of movement and to support them practically.
We have to document the experiences of refugees after
their deportation. Moreover, practical support for their re-
turn is important. We need a trans-European network that
is able to support asylum seekers in what they are doing
Protest march TO BRUSSELS
www.freedomnotfrontex.noblogs.org ... All these activities fall into a movement of reinforced self-organization that has de-veloped a new dynamic with the protest march to Berlin in 2012 and that has since been further intensified.
The culmination of this de-velopment is a transnational march from Strasbourg to Brussels that has been initia-ted by refugees, Sans Papiers and migrants from different European countries. The mar-ch started on March 18 and will end with an action week from June 20 in the capital of the European Union to pro-test against the summit of EU heads of governments. A focus of the march is the fight against internal EU bor-ders and therefore especially against the Dublin regulation and the EuroDac system. We call on you to join the march and action days in Brussels to further bring our struggles to the European level.
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