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zondag 31 augustus 2014

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Eighteen years after St. Bernard, an undocumented worker dies while being deported (fr, pt)

 [machine translation]

Thursday, August 21, 2014, Abdelhak Goradia, Algerian, 51, died in the police van that 
brought him to the Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport for deportation. A criminal 
investigation for manslaughter has been opened following the death. ---- Eighteen years 
after the violent expulsion of undocumented migrants in the Church of St. Bernard, the 
Valls government is in the same spiral of state racism that previous governments: 
stigmatization of migrants and Roma, hunting undocumented migrants, records of evictions 
... In the context of rise of the far right, this policy only increased the hatred of 
foreigners, perfect scapegoat to divert attention from the real social issues. ---- 
Immediately the drama known undocumented ARC of Vincennes, where Abdelhak Goradia was 
withheld, decided to start a hunger strike with a list of demands and to protest the death 
of their mate.

The hunger strike began allows to highlight the grim situation of undocumented migrants 
languishing in detention centers and suffer the deadly arbitrary state.

Libertarian alternative claims the closure of detention centers and regularization of all 
and all undocumented. Only the struggle to establish freedom of movement and settlement 
will end the injustices.

Libertarian Alternative, August 26, 2014

(en) Rafael Braga: another victim of state terrorism Brazilian by FARJ (pt)

 [machine translation]

On 25 and 26 August, a demonstration was scheduled to press the ruling on the appeal 
against the conviction of the only prisoner by the demonstrations still imprisoned in 
Brazil: Rafael Braga. Rafael was arrested during demonstrations in June 2013, "carrying" a 
bottle of pine sun and other alcohol, cleaners that were transformed by the police, even 
after the expertise to see that they were plastic and little potential flammable bottles, 
a "possible Molotov ". The vigil was held in front of the Court of Justice, bringing 
together activists, independent artists and several popular movements. Despite the 
mobilization of various groups and organizations, justice, straddling increasingly his 
true face, upheld the conviction of Rafael and decreased only four months of his sentence.

We, like many revolutionary militants have no illusions with bourgeois justice. We know 
that justice is racist and classist the toes to the hair strands and operates on a system 
of domination. We know that whenever blacks and poor that are tried, convicted and 
imprisoned, so when they are not killed by the military police (which is the institution 
that applies the death penalty for poor and blacks in Brazil). We know that justice can 
only be pressed with the organized popular struggle, occupying the streets and makes those 
in power being placed against the wall. We know that the arrests were made, as would the 
anarchist Peter Kropotkin, to extinguish all the qualities that makes it a very being for 
social life and that the first duty of the revolution, "when the relations of capital and 
labor has radically changed if "will be to" end these monuments of hypocrisy."

But the fact is that the conviction of Rafael was not the only (yet) for nothing. Workers 
and Black youth have always been the hardest hit by the genocide promoted by the Brazilian 
state. And the conviction that young, unemployed, homeless and black aims to give a 
message to the youth and people. It is the account of the bill in June 2013, slamming the 
door and being paid the hard way, the sector that is most affected by capital and the state.

What is expected at this point is that the whole of the left do not forget Rafael Braga 
and actively work for their release. This is not a task for a single organization or 
social movement, but, of all the fighters. The vigil, attended by only a few dozen people 
rather than hundreds, could have been much more effective if part of the left, instead of 
betting chips in their election campaigns, was strengthening class solidarity. But we need 
to portray reality as it actually is: rarely left the electoral struggle is during 
elections. Even with the speech that "struggling in the polls and in the streets" or that 
they are building "people power", which is seen in most cases this period is the only 
power play partisan militancy in their candidates campaign, emptying thus, the actual 
fight. And this is real fighting, just this, the organization and articulation of the 
people occupying the streets, squares and avenues, mobilization and marches that changes 
reality. The left, we know, has its corporatism, their privileges, their "vices" and 
rarely wants to discuss them in a frank way. Many unions, who could have taken over and 
given weight to this fight, for example, disappeared. This happens because certain union 
bureaucrats are more concerned with their own demands. Sympathy strikes, common in the 
combative and revolutionary syndicalism memory, today are only a pale reminder of the past.

However, criticism should be broader. The number of people mobilized by Rafael Braga, was 
in fact much smaller than at other times of struggle, which led to great disappointment to 
those present at the 26th TJ who expected great demonstrations. We should all reflect on 
that. As the saying goes: "We're together, but not completely mixed." And those who have 
less visibility militant receive proportionally smaller class solidarity.
That class solidarity exceed the differences. We can continue pressing for the release of 
Rafael Braga! This is also our defeat. But the walk too.

Justice is not blind or neutral! It is bourgeois!

Liberate Rafael Braga!

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - IAL #100 - Of homophobia "great replacement" ideological offensive of the extreme right (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

Anti-fascism - Anti-patriarchy - Anti-racism ---- There is one year, Clement Meric fell at 
the hands of the fascists in Paris. Three months later, in Greece, Pavlos Fyssas, rapper 
and anti-fascist activist, was assassinated by the Golden Dawn neo-Nazis. A year later, 
many rallies and demonstrations commemorated the death of Clement, that of Pavlos but also 
that of many anonymous victims of racist, homophobic, sexist or anti-Semitic crimes 
committed by fascists. Yet despite these numerous and sometimes massive demonstrations 
(nearly 8,000 demonstrators ? e ? s in Paris), what conclusions can be drawn from these 
"one year"? ---- Dissolved groups still present ---- We remember that Manuel Valls, then 
Minister of the Interior, took five minutes, between two racist circular to ban the French 
Mission and the Nationalist Youth. A year later, the dissolved groups are still present. 
We always find the same activists, the same leaders: Ivan Alexander Benedetti and Gabriac. 
The organization continues to exist under the name of "Young Nation" founded in 1949 by 
former collaborators and militia itself dissolved in 1958 for his involvement in the 
attempted coup supporters of French Algeria. It was under this name that they continue to 
spread fascist propaganda.

The far right continues its great ideological unpacking

Apart from issues of dissolved or known organizations, the year was marked by another 
offensive of the extreme right. Starting homophobic demonstrations and an already well 
disseminated Islamophobia, far right holds a true display of his ideological catalog. The 
extreme Catholic right seems to have opened a boulevard with homophobic and transphobic 
manifestation of "AKI for all", the wars of chapels between the different sections of the 
movement thwarted aspirations to create a unified force. The movement "the future for all" 
founded by frigid Bargot seems anecdotal, and Christine Boutin attempted to found a 
Catholic European consolidation with "life force" was an electoral and financial disaster. 
Since the end of their mobilizations, there are therefore two distinct divisions and 
political strategy.

Homophobia in action on gender theory: days withdrawal schools

Part of the AKI for all continue to operate on the same ideological background, with 
spearhead, homophobia, transphobia and anti-feminism. JRE, asking parents to withdraw 
their children from school, have come up against the ABC equality curriculum that aims to 
introduce the issue of social gender inequality in school. The peculiarity of the JRE is 
to pursue a strategy of rapprochement between Catholics and conservative fundamentalist 
Muslim fringe neighborhoods. Behind this strategy include Farida Belghoul converted at the 
thought of Alain Soral and equality and reconciliation. The discourse of JRE is also 
inspired by this organization combining homophobia, transphobia, anti-feminism and 
conspiracy delusions. Last goal as of this organization compete with associations of 
parents through "the Independent Federation of Parents of students brave" (FAPEC). Many 
actions against these JRE were organized by Professor ? e ? s schools through meetings 
with parents or antifascist mobilizations as in Saint Denis on 13 April1.

The resurgence of anti-semitism

The most radical part of the participants of "AKI for all" was organized under the banner 
"Day of Wrath". This movement was first introduced as a result of the policy for all AKI 
and red caps. But behind the organization of this event are the most radical of homophobic 
crusade last year groups: identity, the royalists of the French revival of fascist Young 
nation, supporters of Equality and Reconciliation... It is through the latter organization 
and links with Dieudonn? that the movement seems more widen, reaching a foreign audience 
to the traditional extreme right through the Internet.
After a demonstration on January 26 in Paris massive enough to view its clearly 
anti-Semitic and fascist character, a second phase is taking place. The objective is to 
organize a day of demonstrations in major French cities. But internal dissension in the 
movement and a series of anti-fascist mobilisations were not allowed to convert the try 
from 26 January. Most of fascist events were canceled or failed to show (as in Toulouse, 
Marseille...). In Montpellier, few fascists were now framed by heavy policing, while the 
cons-demonstration organized by the anti-fascist group gathered, she, more than 600 people.

Islamophobia in "great replacement" new workhorse of the extreme right

Another striking feature of this year: the progression of the FN. The electoral level, he 
finished ahead of European elections. The scores are of course to be qualified with 
respect to the high level of abstention. But the far right, through the FN seems to be the 
only political force to maintain and grow. How does this translate into? By strengthening 
the political position of the party is progressing disproportionate to the actual 
electoral growth. All factors are gathered for this progression. At the political level, 
other electoral parties have opened an avenue to FN: UMP has long adopted much of its 
thematic and resumed his speech, the PS continues to trivialize racist discourse against 
undocumented Roma and advocates economic rigor. Regarding the left and the extreme left, 
it is necessary to examine their responsibility: their choice to abandon a clear 
anti-capitalist speech in favor of an anti-liberalism focuses on critical financial 
capitalism and "dictatorship of Europe". This ideological decline is accompanied by a 
protectionist rhetoric patriotic view that paves the way to the extreme right nationalist 
and conspiracy.

But outside electoral matters is the ideological anchor speeches FN and its personalities 
close as Robert M?nard worries. Behind a part of the electoral discourse of the FN and the 
European extreme right there is the rhetoric and thinkers of identity movement.

Great replacement theory

Last workhorse of the extreme right, the theory of the Great replacement. The formula 
comes from the novelist and essayist Renaud Camus but its ideological foundation dates 
back to the theorists of the New Right and the origins of contemporary identity movement. 
The great replacement, simply put, is the theory of a "great contemporary danger", a 
replacement of the European population by immigrant population. It is taken by identity in 
the suicide note of Dominique Venner he sent to Robert M?nard. but also by members of the 
FN including Jean-Marie Le Pen, executives of the UMP or columnists like Eric Zemmour.

One more step after islamophobia

Islamophobia was already the heir to the political family of the New Right. The idea of 
not talking about races, but cultures and move stigma towards "cultural identity" was set 
up in the 70s by the extreme right. This new vocabulary helped make audible to a wider 
public discourse that remains fundamentally racist.

's "great replacement" is the step after. No more culture change but people speak, 
undercurrent of "race." Behind this idea is the founding myth of racism, the end of the 
"white man", fear of miscegenation. It is a return to the fundamentals of racist thinking 
that finds its place in political discourse but also in the mainstream media. In the 
European Marine Le Pen has openly called for "making French children."

After Islamophobia, homophobia, anti-feminism and anti-Semitism, the theory is yet another 
great replacement offensive of the extreme right, which influenced by its most radical 
fringes imposes its terms and ideas in society.

Yet it is possible to fight and stop the far right field struggles, whether face to JRE at 
Day col?re2 or identity in lyonnais3 subway. At the ideological offensive, it is necessary 
to have a clear speech. Clear with respect to the state which we have nothing to wait for. 
Clear with a government that favors the far right with the rigor and racist anti immigrant 
? e ? s policy on expelling camps Calais few days after indignant against the score of FN. 
Clear with respect to our anti-capitalist struggle that is not limited to denounce bankers 
or some large foreign fortunes but to fight our ruling classes, employers or government, 
where they are.

To do this, several libertarian organizations decided to join them force within the CLAF 
(Antifascist Libertarian Coordination). Fascism is in the struggle that the fight is the 
fight we will conquer.

Antonin & Natasha Group Montpellier

1. "Back on the" Day of withdrawal from school "JRE: St Denis and elsewhere it will not 
pass! "Paris-luttes.info.

2. "Fighting against the extreme right and the trivialization of fascist ideas! "On the 
site of the Collective Antifascist 34.

3. "elsewhere No fascist militia in public transport and nowhere" on Rebellyon.info.

(en) Mostar: Program of 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Program of 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair: Over the Walls of Nationalism

Eighth Balkan Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Mostar on 5th and 6th of September 
2014 as part of Anti-Fascist festival, annual Mostar event. ---- We invite all 
anarchist/antiauthoritarian groups, individuals, publishers, initiatives and projects from 
Balkan (and beyond) to come and participate at BAB in discussions and meetings which will 
help us build solidarity networks and strong anti-nationalist and anti-capitalist 
movement. Mostar in many ways represent misery that is imposed on big part of Balkan 
through divisions created by nationalism, war and fight for power between political elites 
which were and still are working on destruction of all social networks in town that go 
beyond these artificial ?differences?. All this fits perfect to capitalist logic of 
?divide and rule?, since it?s used as tool for prevention of all social revolts and 
attempts to build up social connections that were violently broken.

Even today, almost 20 years after the war, Mostar doesn?t live like one town. Still, town 
did see new ways of resistance to imposed normality of nationalism and capitalism.

At this years BAB we will discuss about anti-nationalist and anti-capitalist struggles, 
anarchist anti-war initiatives and solidarity actions, exchange ideas and strategies, and 
above all, show that our solidarity goes beyond all borders and divisions created by 
authority and state.

More at http://www.bask2014.wordpress.com

Bookfair program

All discussions and evening program take place at *OKC Abra?evi?, Alekse ?anti?a 25, 
Mostar* (see map)

*FRIDAY, 5th of September 2014*

12:00 ? 13:15

*Social Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina after February (2014) uprising*

Social uprising of Bosnian people has shown us the strength of unity and all the misery 
and repression of the state and political class towards the citizens. But it didn?t 
initiate creation of social movement that would keep the struggle going. Will small 
activist groups start working together closely, or will they remain self-sufficient, those 
are some of the questions that are going to be discussed.

13:30 ? 14:00

*Drawings exhibition by Emir Hodzic*

14:30 ? 15:15

*Talk and discussion: Indigenous Resistance to Global Warming*

15:30 ? 17:00

*Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives*
*a recollection from Croatia.*

There is no objective history. There are only different interpretations of what has 
happened and a very clear idea that the ?ordinary?, ?little? people are the victims of all 
systems, whether these systems are founded on this or that ideology, nationalism, religion?

The wars that took part during the nineties produced only victims. Victims were caused by 
the media propaganda, nationalism, the states and their leaderships, local thugs, 
different obeyers, the ones who ?carried out the orders??

In a situation like that, mass war psychosis, there were still pockets of resistance to 
the conflict, nationalism, hate and the war itself, although it was all around us and 
became the integral part of our lives. The new normality. We will talk about (probably 
with the help of some of the participants in the events that we will describe) anarchist 
actions of solidarity, different anti-war initiatives and their influence during the nineties.

*SATURDAY, 6th of September 2014*

All day: photo exhibition Bruxelles ?March for Freedom?

*13:00 ? 14:00*

*European immigration and antifascism*

*14:00 ? 14:30*

*Presentation of the Koko Lepo autonomous kindergarten*

The Koko Lepo autonomous kindergarten was formed in June 2013. It works with between 
fifteen and twenty-five children from a slum near its home, the Inex squat in Karaburma, 
Belgrade. Mixing alternative pedagogical practices with basic integration skills, Koko 
Lepo?s teaching members hold a four-hour class including a hot lunch before walking the 
children back home. Depending on the season and teacher availability, the kindergarten 
runs three to five days a week and has had a positive effect in the slum bringing children 
from diverse and often mutually antagonistic clans together in a safe and productive 
project. It also brings in adolescent members of the settlement as helpers to encourage a 
sense of community and ownership. Koko Lepo does not work with the State or NGOs and is 
funded solely from benefit parties, the solidarity efforts of anti-fascist and anarchist 
groups, and contributions from the general public. The classes encourage autonomy, gender 
equality, worldliness, and communication while
simultaneously focusing on basic motor skills, basic reading/writing, self-awareness, and 
general sociability.

*14:30 ? 15:30*

*Young Bosnia and anarchism*

Centenary of the Sarajevo assassination has been used as a platform for new ideological 
confrontations and biased and revisionist readings of history.

Young Bosnia has become an instrument in the hands of various nationalist ideologies, but 
likewise, the anarchists were not immune to superficial claims of this group as their own. 
What was the real relation of members of Young Bosnia towards anarchism? How does this go 
in hand with their national-liberation ideology?

*15:30 ? 17:00*

*CrimethInc: After the Crest: What We Do between Upheavals*

Over the past few years, many places have witnessed sudden eruptions of protest in which 
everyone pours into the streets. This has taken many forms: anti-austerity protests in 
Europe, Occupy in the US and elsewhere, transportation protests in Brazil, the Gezi 
resistance in Turkey, the uprising in Bosnia, and most recently?and problematically?the 
nationalist revolution in Ukraine.
But all of these have passed without solving the problems that gave rise to them. What 
limits have they reached, and what would it take to go beyond these limits? If a single 
upheaval won?t bring down capitalism, we have to ask what?s important about such high 
points of struggle: what we hope to get out of them, how they figure in our long-term 
vision, and how to make the most of the period that follows them.

In this presentation, participants in popular struggles in Slovenia and the United States 
will speak about our experiences and pose questions. Please come ready to discuss!

Music/evening program of the antifa fest/balkan anarchist bookfair:


Renovatio (Hip Hop/Albanija)


Crustalno jasno (Crust/Mostar/BiH)


POPIK (Punk Rock/Sarajevo/BiH)


Punkart (Punk/Tuzla/BiH)


Zadnji popis (Punk/Srebrenica/BiH)



Triptamin (Mostar)


Hellback (Crust/HC/Punk/Po?ega/HR)


Vi?e od milimetra (Post Punk/Temerin/SR)


No Rules (Garage R?n?R/Tuzla/BiH)


Tags: 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, Anarchist bookfair, Anarchist Gatherings, Bosnia, 
Bosnia and Hercegovina, Mostar

This entry was posted on Friday, August 29th, 2014 at 11:07 am and is filed under Autonomy.

(en) Anarkismo.net: Neither Ukrainian nor Russian! ? Let?s develop our own camp, the third camp, that of social revolution! (it)

When we wrote some months ago in our text, ?War preparations between Ukraine and Russia ? 
Show or Reality?? that the conditions for a new war ripen in Ukraine, many comrades 
expressed doubts or even disagreements with such a categorical statement. Now we can say 
that the conflict in Ukraine has clearly switched from the ?cold? phase to the ?hot? one 
and that what we are currently witnessing in the east of the country is the war by all 
definitions. From Lugansk on the border with Russia to Mariupol on the Black Sea coast two 
military forces compete in daily clashes when trying to enlarge the area under their 
control, they fight on the ground as well as in the air, in countryside as well as in 
industrial centers, artilleries shell villages, air forces bomb cities (under the pretext 
that their enemy uses the inhabitants as living shields), men, women, children die under 
the bombs and missiles? In four months of armed conflict more than 2,000 civilians and 
militaries have been killed and 6,000 others injured; 117,000 proletarians have been 
internally displaced and 730,000 others found refuge in Russia. Just as we were on the 
point of finishing this article dead bodies are strewn over the streets of Donetsk, caught 
in a government?s offensive stranglehold.

In the same text we also wrote that the only reply of the proletariat to the war is to 
organize and develop revolutionary defeatism, i.e. practically refuse to join one or the 
other camp, on the contrary to build connections between proletarians from both sides of 
the conflict through the struggle against both bourgeoisies. As even in this field things 
developed, our text deserves (three month after publishing) a post-scriptum.

This text is based on information drawn from different sources from militant blogs to 
official media. This short description of events in the Ukraine required hours and hours 
of careful work, searching information, reading texts, watching videos, comparing 
different data etc. We would like to emphasize two things: Firstly, the fact that the 
events that we describe here were not covered by BBC or Euronews does not mean that they 
did not happen, that we invented them (various leftist sources and also Ukrainian and 
Russian media describe them). Secondly, it is clear that the news that we get from the 
Ukraine are chaotic, incomplete and sometimes contradictory. This however doesn?t mean 
that we should give up our attempt to grasp what is going on there. We believe that we 
should face a selective reporting of the state with a critical and radical position of 
anti-capitalist movement; we should develop and share information and analysis that see 
the world through a prism of revolutionary perspective.


War ideology (either based on a defence of a united national state on one side or the 
right for a self-determination and pro-Russian sympathies on the other side) is taking 
root in Ukraine, civil society organizations organize fund-raising campaign to support the 
army, popes bless arms of this or that side, and television repeats scenes of babushkas 
supplying armed man with their last jar of compote. Not all proletarians however let 
themselves to be brainwashed with the war propaganda of one or the other side, not all of 
them want to sacrifice themselves ?for their homeland?. Expressions of practical refuse of 
war slaughter appear in always greater numbers and both sides of the conflict have big 
difficulties to recruit new manpower for their mutual massacre.

Thousands of soldiers of the Ukrainian army that the government sent in the so-called 
anti-terrorist operations (ATO) in the east of the country, deserted or switched to the 
other side with all equipment, including tanks and armoured vehicles. As for example the 
Ukrainian 25th airborne brigade (elite troop par excellence), whose servicemen have been 
accused of ?displaying cowardice? during fighting in Kramatorsk, was disbanded on April 
17th because expressing refusal to ?fight against other Ukrainians?. The most recently it 
was a unit of 400 soldiers that deserted and took refuge on the Russian side of the border 
after finding itself without any ammunition under a heavy fire. The soldiers that will be, 
as Russia already announced, extradited back to Ukrainian territory, testified that they 
prefer rather be charged of desertion than to continue to kill and be killed on the 
eastern front. All the deserters claimed that they do not want to fight against ?their own 
people? and they also denounced desperate living conditions, which they had to face in the 
army ? lousy pay, lousy food, or even lack of it, etc. Other units were not even deployed 
in the east for their unreliability. In the same way as they could not be used by former 
President Yanukovych to suppress the demonstrators, neither the current government dares 
to send to the conflict the troops known for their minimal loyalty.

About one thousand soldiers of units from the region of Volhynia mutinied in Mykolayiv on 
May 29th. Servicemen of 3rd battalion of 51st brigade refused to be sent back to the 
front, they refused the orders of their superiors and they started to unload the heavy 
machinery and other material already prepared for transport. They were promised, after the 
unit had suffered heavy losses in a confrontation with the separatists near a village of 
Volnovakha, to return to their home barracks in Rivno. Instead of that they were moved 
from the east to the south and back so that the authorities could finally announce them 
that they will continue their training before being sent again to the front. ?Having lost 
any kind of trust in the generals in light of the latest events at Volnovakha and during 
the funerals in Rivne, and the betrayal of the generals; the soldiers have begun an open 

Also the 2nd battalion of 51st brigade that was situated in the barracks in Rivno in the 
same time and witnessed both funerals of soldiers from 3rd battalion killed in the 
gunfight in Volnovakha and chaotic and lying leadership of the operations mutinied. ?The 
generals were saying ?go north? then ?go south? to the extent that the soldiers are ready 
to shoot them. The generals have begun wearing bulletproof vests out of fear of fragging!? 
About 1,200 soldiers took part to the mutiny; they refused to be transferred to Mykolayiv. 
?They promised, when they called upon us, that we would be guarding the 
Ukranian-Belorussian border. We are ready to do so, but to move on those Donbas clowns we 
are not!?

Similar rebellion appeared also on May 28th in Poltava.

Four days earlier, after six soldiers originally from the region of Volhynia were killed, 
mothers, wives and relatives of soldiers of 51st brigade blocked the roads in the region 
of Volhinya to protest against further deployment of the unit in Donbas.

Demonstrations and protests organized by wives and other relatives of draftees asking 
return of soldiers home or trying to block their departure to the front meanwhile spread 
to other regions of the Ukraine (Bukovina, Lviv, Kherson, Melitopol, Volhynia etc.). 
Families of the soldiers were blocking the roads with chopped down trees in the region of 
Lviv at the beginning of June. A demonstration of relatives blocked the entrance of 
military enlistment office in Lviv some days later. In Iavorivo (region of Lviv) family 
members occupied an exercising ground of 24th mechanized brigade and they demanded a 
withdrawal of departure to the frontline. Demonstrations of relatives in Dnepropetrovsk 
and Kharkov demanded return of the soldiers to the barracks in their native regions. Women 
from Kharkov occupied local military airport. Local military enlistment office in Kherson 
was occupied by soldiers? mothers and wives. They called for end of the war with slogans 
like: ?Women against war?, ?Where do sons of oligarchs serve?? or ?Our children are not a 
cannon fodder?. In Chernovtsy women blocked the highway to Zhitomir for several days and 
they claimed return of soldiers home. On June 24th relatives blocked 125th kilometre of 
highway Kyiv?Chop, they were holding banners like: ?Bring back our children, send 
generals? children to the East?. On June 8th, a group of 100 soldiers? relatives blocked 
troops from the 3033 military unit based in Melitopol, in the region of Zaporozhe. The 
protest managed to prevent the soldiers from being sent to the front. The relatives 
involved in the protest movement also protested against the state propaganda that 
describes them as ?pro-Russian separatists?: ?Yesterday the news talked of ?pro-Russian 
separatists staged a blockade of the military unit?. But there was no mention of Russia at 
the gate of the military unit! We just do not want to lose our families? breadwinners. 
(?). Donetsk is a massacre, and our children are 20-21 years old. (?) You see us, we are 
mothers! How can you call us separatists!?, claimed one of the participating women. 
Mothers and wives of soldiers protested against their sending to the front in front of the 
military base in Ternopil on July 15th.

And it is not the first time the families of soldiers confront a military action. During 
the period that finally resulted in a fall of former president Janukovych relatives and 
other people organised meetings in front of barracks, they discussed with the soldiers in 
order to bring them information about what was really going on in the streets and to 
persuade them to refuse to participate in a potential crackdown on demonstrators.

Meanwhile new men continue to be conscripted to the army. Even if they must enlist on the 
basis of an obligatory military card, the government still passes them for volunteers. ?We 
are no volunteers (?) we do not want to kill people (?) we will not go anywhere, we will 
take off our uniforms and we will go home?, proclaimed draftees in a protest rally in Lviv.

After the Presidential Decree of Poroshenko about the third wave of mobilization in the 
military forces came in force on July 24th, what would send further thousands of 
proletarians to the front, unrests broke up in several places in Western Ukraine with new 
force: in the village of Voloka the whole population resisted to the conscription of 50 
men. ?They begun ? let themselves resolve. We willdie but we will not give our children. 
They must understand it and don?t come here with their call-up papers?, an old protester 
declared. Relatives of soldiers blocked a roadnear the village of Korovia on July 25th 
demanding an end of the mobilisation and sons of authorities to be sent to the front 
instead. The same day a road in Obukhivs?kyi district, near Kyiv, was blocked by families 
of soldiers too. Blockades continued further also on July 28th in seven villages in 
Bukovina region and the highway Kyiv ? Chop was blocked again too. During an anti-war 
demonstration in front of a recruiting office in Novoselytsa protesters beat up a district 
council member who tried to talk to them.xixInhabitants of several villages of 
Ivano-Frankivsk region broke into the office of local military administration on July 22nd 
and burnt down call-up papers and other documents considering the mobilisation. The same 
happened the same day in Bogorodchany. In different villages people massively burnt 
conscription documents delivered by post.xxiIn Mukachevo, in Transcarpathia the situation 
escalated so that its military commander worrying about continuation of the protests 
suspended the mobilisation for the time being and promised that none of the locals will be 
sent to the front in near future. Other militant mobilizations against the war also 
occurred in the region of Zaporozhe on August 4th as well as in front of the parliament in 
Kyiv the day after.

Kyiv that can currently hardly count on its regular army has therefore rely on private 
armies of some oligarchs and National Guard, volunteers? militia formed mainly from 
nationalists of Pravyi Sektor (Right sector) and Svoboda (Freedom) party during the 
protest movement against Janukovych. The new units of National Guard are not especially 
trained for military actions, but mainly for repression of mass protests and riots, as 
revealed their parade in Kyiv at the end of June. For that matter, hundreds of fascists 
from National-socialist assembly and Ukrainian patriots attacked already in June a 
demonstration against anti-terrorist operation that was taking place in Kyiv.

Neither the members of the National Guard are nevertheless out of the contradictions 
shaking both of the camps. Radio Free Europe published recently a videoxxiv that shows a 
serviceman of the National Guard blaming the government for not being able to provide the 
volunteers with enough of food, water and guns: ?We?re used as cannon fodder? he states. 
Material conditions here catch up even those who thing that they are ideologically above them.

Mercenaries from all over the world also fight on the side of Kyiv, they were hired for 
the government by private agencies (reportedly it concerns mercenary troops from Poland, 
the Czech Republic, the former Yugoslavia, but also from the area of equatorial Africa).

Recruitment of new fighters doesn?t advance according to the wishes of the local warlords 
in the camp of the separatists either. The majority of miners of the region of Donbas 
still refuse to join their side. Instead of that they form units of self-defence standing 
against both separatists and government troops. One of these units clashed with the 
separatists and prevented them to blow up a mine in the village of Makiivka. In Krasnodon, 
in the region of Lugansk, in May miners organized a general strike and took the control of 
the city. They openly refused to join either the side of separatists? ?anti-Maidan? in 
Lugansk, or the side of the oligarchs of the Maidan in Kyiv, and they called for increase 
of their wages and against hiring labour force for the mine via private agencies instead.

Miners from six mines in Donbas basin started to strike at the end of May calling for an 
end of the anti-terrorist operation in the east of the country and retreat of the troops. 
Their action was a result of their own initiative and was not forced in any way by armed 
men of Donetsk People?s Republic as claimed some media. According to the strikers war 
represents a danger for the very existence of the mines and brings unemployment. ?On 
Monday May 26th, when the Ukrainian army began bombings of the towns, the miners simply 
did not turn up to work, because the ?external factor? of hostilities taking place almost 
at their doorstep seriously increased the risk of industrial accidents at their 
enterprise. For example, had a bomb hit the electrical substation, the miners would have 
been trapped underground, which to them would inevitably mean death.? The strike was 
started by some 150 miners form the mine Oktyabrskiy and it spread like a chain reaction 
onto other pits of the Donetsk (Skochinskiy, Abakumov, ?Trudovskaya?, etc.) but also to 
collieries of other cities, particularly Ugledar (?Yuzhnodonbasskaya no. 3?). In mines 
owned by Rinat Achmetov, the richest man of Ukraine and owner of an industrial empire 
economically controlling practically the whole eastern part of the country workers were 
forced to continue to work, they continued to go down the pits despite bombardment of the 
close neighbourhood. Also from the initiative of the miners of Oktyabrskiy mine (and again 
without any support of Donetsk People?s Republic) an anti-war demonstration of several 
thousand of participants was organised on May 28th. On June 18th several thousands of 
miners demonstrated for immediate end of military operations in the centre of Donetsk 
again. The participants claimed that they are not separatists, but ordinary people of 
Donbas. They also declared that if the Kyiv government didn?t meet their demands, they 
would take up guns.

Separatists as well as local pro-Kyiv oligarchs try to manipulate and interpret these 
chaotic and contradictory assemblies according to their own interests. Rinat Achmetov, the 
oligarch of Donetsk therefore organised his own ?strike? for united Ukraine, separatists 
on the other hand try to pass the miners manifestations for an expression of pro-Russian 
position of Donbas workers.

Despite nationalist or separatist mottos that appear in miners? demonstrations, workers 
are not very keen to join the Donbas People?s Militia. One of the separatist commanders, 
Igor Girkin, recently publicly complaint that local people take guns from his armoury, but 
instead of serving with them in separatists? militias, they bring them to their homes to 
protect their families and villages against both sides of the conflict. Separatists 
therefore continue to count on local criminal gangs which (after being paid) helped them 
to take control of governmental buildings, police stations, armouries, arterial roads and 
communication devices during several months lasting operation in the region of Donetsk and 
Lugansk. The majority of separatists? forces is nevertheless made of mercenaries from the 
opposite side of the (Russian) border, particularly the veterans of Chechnya wars.

If the real anti-war movement, the movement of revolutionary defeatism, wants to succeed, 
it has to become not only massive and generalized, but it also has to get organized, get 
structured. We have only little information about organisational structures of the 
movement in Ukraine. We can deduce the existence of some structures from the events 
themselves (repeating demonstrations or strikes of several thousand people cannot be a 
result of a spontaneous explosion of anger, in the same way protests of soldiers? 
relatives, as we have described them above, demand a certain level of coordination, 
organized collaboration on the level of content and practice), existence of other formal 
or informal organisational structures is confirmed by incomplete information we get from 
the field. Some already existing associations turned into frameworks centralising anti-war 
activities ? for example Donetsk region Parents Community ?Kroha? that published an appeal 
to the public on June 10th, however limited, contradictory and pacifist it can be: ?We, 
the parents of Donetsk region, appeal to you, politicians, public figures, people who 
care. Help save the people of Sloviansk, Krasny Liman, Kramatorsk, stop the military 
operations. We need your help in bringing home the truth about what is happening in these 
cities. For many weeks, people live under incessant artillery fire. Civilians constantly 
die. Some children have been injured; the death of three children is confirmed. Houses, 
hospitals, kindergartens and schools are collapsing. People, including children, live in a 
permanent state of stress, hiding for many hours from almost-never-stopping attacks in 
basements. (?) We ask for your help in saving the lives of these people and stopping 
military actions.? Another association, Donbas Mothers claims in its declaration: ?We just 
want to live! We, ordinary people: husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and 
sisters. We, peaceful civilians, are the hostages of the conflict in our region, the 
victims of military clashes. We are tired of fear and crave for peace. We want to live in 
our houses, walk along the streets of our cities, work at the companies and organizations 
of our region, and farm our land. (?) We, mothers of Donbas, insist on putting an 
immediate stop to the anti-terrorist operation and any military actions in our region! (?) 
We are sure that the conflict in our country can be peacefully resolved! Stop the war! 
Avert children?s deaths! Save the people of Donbas!? The Voice of Odessa organized a 
demonstration against war on July 13th in Odessa. The participants shouted mottos as ?We 
are against the war!?, ?Stop ATO in the East!? or ?We want peace!? The flash mob featured 
chilling audio recordings of artillery shelling and the impact on civilians. In Kharkov 
local anti-war associations (among others the Women?s Movement of Kharkov ?Kharkivianka?) 
organized a demonstration in front of tank factory VA Malyshev on June 20th. This factory 
received an order for 400 armored vehicles to be sent to the front. The demonstrators 
demanded cancellation of the order and shouted slogans as ?No to war? or ?Stop the 
senseless killing!?

Social and economic situation in the whole Ukraine meanwhile gets worse. Devaluation of 
the local currency, increase in prices of basic goods, transport and services and cuts in 
production in many companies lead to a sharp decrease of real wages estimated between 30 
and 50 percent of losses. Kyiv government, under a pressure of international financial 
institutions has to adopt series of austerity measures that will further worsen the living 
conditions of the proletariat, in the same time it is preparing the biggest wave of 
privatization since 20 years. Central government stopped since May the payment of wages of 
state employees, social benefits and pensions in the territories that are not under its 
control, thousands of workers are therefore without any incomes. Situation in the regions 
where military operations take place is even worse ? supplies of electricity and water are 
interrupted, medicine and food are scarce.

Social unrests precipitated by this situation appear since a certain time. Besides the 
miners? strikes in the eastern part of the country also the proletarians in the western 
regions start to have enough. Miners of Krivoy Rog started a general unlimited strike in 
May demanding a double increase of their wages. They started to organize self-defence 
armed militias. In their declaration addressed to workers in all Europe they describe 
Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, whatever side they are on (separatist or Kyiv one) as the 
main reason for the crisis: ?We turn to you with a call to support our struggle against 
the oligarchs, who have brought Ukraine into the current crisis and who continue to 
destabilise it further, threatening to provoke a fratricidal war in Ukraine which without 
any doubt will have catastrophic consequences for all of Europe.?

Several demonstrations for ?decent living conditions?, against increasing in prices and 
for increase in wages and pensions took place in different cities in the whole country. 
(Series of actions against increase in prices of housing and utility tariffs took place 
for example in Kyiv during late June and July. On July 1st a demonstration against rise in 
prices went on in Kharkov. The biggest protest so far took place in Kyiv on July 24th 
under mottos as ?Cut the oligarchs, not the people? and ?Do not rob ordinary citizens?.)

Early August the last handful of resisters who continued to occupy Maidan square in Kyiv 
(?because nothing has changed!?) is attacked by two battalions of the National Guard to 
evict them. They were acting by order of the new mayor Vitali Klitchko, what demonstrates 
once again that promises of a bourgeois politician (early this year he asked the occupiers 
not to evacuate the square ?as long as there is no genuine changes in Ukraine?) only 
involve those who believe in them? Violent clashes nevertheless broke out during the 
eviction, what the international bourgeois media didn?t talk about once again, since the 
Kyiv government is the Western ally and the ?ultimate horror? can only be embodied by the 
Eastern separatists and Russia.

Donetsk People?s Republic tries to restrain the miners? movement that cares more for their 
material interests than any ideology, while balancing between demands of strikers who were 
promised a nationalization of industrial complexes and interests of oligarchs who were 
promised inviolability of private property.

The anti-war movement, even if it is so far limited in both space and content, workers? 
strikes and demonstrations not for ideology but for material interests of proletariat in 
both camps, all that confirms what we wrote in our previous text: ?(?) the triggering of 
the imperialist war (?) doesn?t necessarily mean the definitive crushing of the 
proletariat. Indeed, historically, if the war in the first time means a relative crushing, 
it can then dialectically determine a re-emergence of the struggles all the more strong 
since it is the war that exposes the contradictions and the brutality immanent to the 
capitalist system.?

Yet we can again and again meet with so-called ?revolutionaries? defending the 
anti-terrorist operation, because they believe that it will allow a return to the ?normal? 
class struggle. Yet we can read (even if fragmentary and contradictory) news about 
?anarchists? active in separatists administration structures, because they consider them 
to be a lesser evil in comparison with Kyiv government.

We do not support war and its atrocities in any way and we are aware that any military 
conflict means worsening of living conditions of proletarians. However we, as communists, 
cannot adopt a thesis that we could prevent a military conflict while supporting one or 
another war sides. Proletariat has no interest in preserving present or previous 
conditions of its misery. Proletariat has no homeland to defend. The side of proletariat 
in any war is a united and uncompromising action of proletarians of both competing camps 
against both war camps of bourgeoisie.

The struggle against war means revolutionary defeatism! Revolutionary proletarian front 
against bourgeoisie from both war camps!

Let?s confront the war with direct action, sabotage, general, radical and combative strike!

Class solidarity with revolutionary defeatists from all camps

(en) Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action in Cardiff & Newport by pebrots

All week: action camp at Tredegar Park near Newport, with gigs, workshops, skillshares. 
---- Graffiti Spotted in Cardiff City Centre ahead of the Sumit ---- Sat 30th Aug, 1pm 
meet at Civic Centre Car Park, Newport ? Radical bloc will join demo against NATO in 
Newport. ---- Sun 31st Aug, 3pm at the Security Gates nearest to the Nye Bevan statue 
(west end of Queen Street, opposite the Castle), Cardiff- Action against securitisation 
and policing. ---- Mon 1st Sep, 1pm at The Cenotaph, Newport ? Sabcat day of action 
against austerity, benefit cuts and evictions. B.Y.O.Catmasks. ---- Tue 2nd Sep, 12pm At 
Home office and Border Force in Cardiff (31-33 Newport Road) ? No Borders S. Wales and 
Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action Against Racism, Prisons and Borders. ---- Wed 3rd Sep ? Day 
of skillshares and action training at the camp.

Thu 4th Sep ? Stop NATO mass action to disrupt the summit. Further details near the time 
(via contacts below). Affinity group actions to help disrupt the summit also welcome!

Fri 5th Sep ? Affinity group actions against capitalism, the state and

NATO; get together with your mates and organise your own action.

More details of all events will be available at the camp, and from:
network23.org/stopnatocymru anarchistaction.net
@anarchistaction 07440 19233. stopnatocymru@riseup.net


Travel Info for the Week
Posted on August 30, 2014 by pebrots | Leave a comment
There will be a minibus making journeys to and from the camp during the week. For more 
info call: 0777440....

If you are trying to get to the camp from Newport City center, take the 30, 34, 35 or 36 
bus to Tredegar Park, the Camp is beyond the playground.

As well as the Celtic Manor here are some other parts of NATO?s militarised network of 
power in the Newport and Cardiff area that might interest you?

They are available to be downloaded from here:

Map of Cardiff: https://www.sendspace.com/file/4mcwze

Map of Newport: https://www.sendspace.com/file/vt3qcu

(en) US, First of May Anarchist Alliance - A Brief Visit to Ferguson, MO by an M1 Chicago Member

On Tuesday, August 19, my wife and I decided (more or less spontaneously) to drive down to 
Ferguson from Chicago. As politically engaged people in general, and as white people 
parenting a black son in particular, we were both enraged by the murder of Michael Brown 
and inspired by the continuing struggles of the people of Ferguson. ---- We wanted to see 
with our own eyes what was really going on and to act as witnesses to a historical moment 
of repression and resistance. The goal, to the extent that we had one, was educational, 
for us, for our children, and for our friends and comrades unable to be there in person. 
Apart from what we had read on the internet, we had two other sources of on-the-ground 
information: I had been in touch that day with an older revolutionary already in Ferguson, 
while my wife had touched base with a younger friend/comrade who had been in Ferguson 
earlier doing legal observing and trainings. Both of them told us to be careful, but 
encouraged us to go.

We didn?t get on the road until about 1pm so we arrived at what people have been calling 
?ground zero? (the intersection of W. Florissant and Ferguson Road) around 6pm. Not 
knowing exactly what to expect in terms of either crowd or police behavior, we parked a 
couple blocks away and walked in, carrying supplies for ourselves and a 32 pack of water 
bottles to share with people in the crowd, which we successfully distributed within 
minutes of arrival. Whatever else people ?on the ground? want or need, water is always 

Apart from one person who yelled at us to go home, every other person we met in the course 
of three hours walking along Florissant welcomed us, although several repeated the 
injunction to be careful, and a few checked just to make sure we had contingency plans in 
place in case things got crazy (we did). It was clear from the moment we arrived to the 
moment we left that the only hostile and dangerous element of being there was the police 

If I could summarize the experience of being on that street on Tuesday evening in a single 
phrase, it would be ?diversity of tactics.? For anyone unfamiliar with the term, it gained 
currency in the run-up to protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit in 
Quebec City in 2001, when local anarchists and their supporters tried to bridge the 
growing tactical disagreement within the then-vibrant 
anti-globalization/globalization-from-below movement around questions of ?peaceful? and 
?militant? protest. While many of us on the ?militant? side of the debate back then found 
the concept of agreeing to disagree about protest tactics to be appealing, it was not 
generally welcomed by a lot of the more mainstream protesters and especially 
organizational participants like unions, etc. So, at least at its inception, diversity of 
tactics remained more a theory than a practical reality.

By contrast, our brief visit to Ferguson seemed to me to reflect a lived reality of 
diversity of tactics. This is not to say that everyone simply agreed to disagree; the 
reports of sharp disputes among the crowd about things like fighting the cops, prayer as 
the solution to everything, legality and illegality, etc. ? all were quite clearly in 
evidence when we were there. But they played out in meaningful debates among participants 
in a common struggle, rather than angry or condescending refusals to engage with the other 
side. For instance, I watched a fascinating encounter between two older (60-ish) black 
men. One, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, approached the other, dressed in a clergy?s 
collar, and asked if he thought prayer was the solution. The clergy responded that he did, 
and the guy in the t-shirt then tried to convince him that he was wrong, and that if 
people didn?t fight back they would end up beaten down even more. ?If this [the 
looting/street fighting] hadn?t have happened,? he asked, ?would the world have took 
notice of what was happening here??

Neither of these guys seemed like they were interested in fighting the cops themselves, 
but both were openly discussing the pros and cons of the tactic, in the middle of a fairly 
crowded sidewalk where dozens of similar discussions were happening all around them. 
Watching them, I suddenly thought of the Ken Loach movie Land and Freedom, which has an 
amazing scene of Spanish peasants arguing about the proper approach to collectivization 
during the Civil War. (There is also a similar scene in his movie The Wind That Shakes the 
Barley, about the tactical and strategic orientation of the Irish independence struggle.) 
The idea that people?s collective consciousness shifts rapidly in the course of intense 
struggle can sometimes seem abstract, but here it was on full display for anyone to see.

There has been a lot of discussion about ?outside agitators,? and I think the recent 
Crimethinc. piece was really very, very good on the topic. What struck me most while we 
were there was the fact that almost everyone that I pegged as a likely supporter of and/or 
participant in street fighting, either based on the equipment they had with them or the 
inflammatory slogans on their signs or shirts, was black. I saw a fair number of white 
folks there, but the vast majority appeared to be reporters. Granted, we left just after 
dusk (around 9pm) as the demographics of the crowd were clearly shifting ? families with 
kids leaving, more young people arriving ? but white militants were in short supply while 
we were there. And believe me, I was looking.

Several visual images of the protest were really striking: people with slogans on t-shirts,
some hand drawn, some left over from earlier struggles, but many crisp and new with 
professionally printed pictures and slogans on them. Perhaps my favorite was ?Ferguson Fux 
Yo Curfew? with the now widely disseminated photo of a guy in an American flag shirt 
throwing what appears to be a Molotov or else a tear gas cannister, which seems to have 
been taken on one of the earlier nights of the protests. There were also lots of hand-made 
protest signs, but significantly there were no pre-printed or organizationally sponsored 
signs at all (in contrast to the professionally printed t-shirts, none of which indicated 
any organizational affiliation). There was a table set up by some unnamed local group that 
handed out free pizza, chicken wings, and water to protesters until they ran out of 
supplies around 8:30.

Of course the presence of the police was also striking visually, which is exactly what 
they want. I haven?t been to a major street protest of any size since Quebec City, and the 
difference in the appearance of the police was astonishing up close, even though I knew 
all about it in the abstract. The body armor, the automatic rifles, the armored vehicles 
with snipers on top, the whole thing was designed to terrorize. I won?t focus more on this 
here, partly because it?s been dealt with very well by others but also because ? at least 
by day ten or whatever it was when we arrived ? the terror function was no longer 
successfully served. People were incredibly angry and very careful about not getting 
arrested, but no one seemed scared. The cops never talked to anyone other than other cops 
(apart from our brief viewing of Captain Johnson?s daily walking press tour, and the one 
arrest we witnessed). They clearly knew they were there as an occupying army and they 
acted accordingly. I?ve seen reports of locals chit-chatting with the police, but we 
didn?t see any of that at all.

The other thing I wanted to mention was the experience of being there with kids. My wife 
and I felt strongly that our kids would benefit from seeing this intense sort of 
repression and resistance up close. I have never before taken my children to a protest or 
action where there was a clear risk of arrest or injury, and we took a lot of time in the 
car on the way down to plot out contingency plans and how to deal with the kids in 
particular. It turns out we arrived on what was subsequently described as one of the 
calmest evenings ? no tear-gas for the first time in a week ? but we were at least 
reasonably well prepared to escape quickly if we needed to. What we didn?t necessarily 
expect was that lots of local families were out there as well, with kids in pretty much 
the same age range as our three (9 years old, 7 years old, and 20 months old). We did talk 
with some moms of older children (11-15 years old) who told us they left their kids at 
home, but the family friendly vibe was clear. At least this was true until about 8:30, 
when the tone began to shift and we decided to get ourselves organized to leave. When we 
left around 9pm, I didn?t see any other little kids there at all.

Both before and after our brief visit, we talked a fair bit about our role in Ferguson. We 
weren?t there to fight the cops, we didn?t have much material aid to offer other than 
water, and we weren?t sticking around for the long-run. I have basically no use for the 
sorts of privilege-baiting that is implicit in ?white people stay home? arguments, but we 
did want to be clear about why we were there. At one point I got interviewed by a stringer 
from a major national news outlet. While the final article got the details mangled ? it 
identified our adopted son as our oldest child at 21 years, when in fact he?s the youngest 
at not-quite 21 months ? it did summarize our reasons for being there: 1) we (like people 
all over the world) are angry about the murder of Michael Brown, and 2) we (like people 
all over the world) are inspired by the struggle of the people of Ferguson against police 
brutality and white supremacy. Notably, that seemed to be perfectly sufficient for pretty 
much everyone we talked with while we were there. If I could summarize our reasons for 
being there in one word it would be ?solidarity.? A very small effort, but one we won?t 
soon forget.

embedded links:

The Crimethinc. piece: http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/r/agitators/index.html

The collectivization debate sequence from Land and Freedom: 

And the scene from Wind that Shakes the Barley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z_z6lSgB_8

(en) US, A Call to participate in The Third Annual East Bay Anarchist Conversation & Book Event

In the city of Oakland, on Ohlone land, in December of 2014 we will host the third annual 
East Bay Anarchist Bookfair: Conversations & Books where we will present the projects and 
people who have comprised the East Bay Anarchist community for decades. Our website is at 
http://eastbayanarchist.com ---- Dates & Location ---- The event will be held at the  Humanist Hall (http://humanisthall.net/wp/) 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA, 94612-3104 on 
December 7th from 10AM to 8PM. It will include conversations and books during the day and 
party in the evening. ---- How to request a conversation ---- Unlike a traditional book 
fair, and as we did last year, EBAB emphasizes conversations, both for people who are new 
to anarchist ideas and for more experienced radicals and activists. Our introductory 
conversations will be respectful, thematic, and facilitated by experienced people. No 
themes have been proposed yet, as it?s early days. But last year we talked about 
Illegalism, asynchronous music, William Blake and Thomas Pynchon, and nihilism. If you 
have a conversation idea or are an experienced facilitator drop us a line at 

How to request a table

The main room of the hall will house booksellers, distributors, independent presses, and 
activist groups from all over North America but with an emphasis on the Bay Area and 
California. If you?d like to table this year, provide a short description of your group 
and the materials you intend to distribute. The fee for tabling at the event is 10% of 
your sales (minimum of $40 which is due with table confirmation). The deadline to request 
a table is October 15, 2014. Drop a line at tables@eastbayanarchist.com

More Information http://eastbayanarchist.com/ or Email Us!

(en) Brazil, COLETIVO QUEBRANDO MUROS - Day 28.08 (Thursday): The Final Battle Against Ebserh (pt)

[machine translation]

On 28.08, Thursday next, there is a huge possibility that the board will ultimately decide 
that joining the Ebserh UFPR, or may not occur. Depending of Directors, half dozen (63 
councilors), all / people who never used or will use the Hospital de Clinicas (HC), will 
decide the future of a number of workers who depend on the HC both because there are the 
Hospital that welcomes them, as for being their place of employment (this will be 
precarious employment by EBESRH probably outsourced. ---- Thus, we can only rely on the 
strength of the low, those who depend on the Hospital its full defense, ie, only the 
strength of the streets can stop the privatization of HC through Ebserh. ---- Therefore, 
we count on your presence in over this battle, the final battle against this pernicious 
measure of the federal government and its lackeys.

Ebserh NOT PASS!






Workers and students UFPR are fighting for years against the privatization of the HC. In 
2012, thanks to strong strike carried out by the university community, we approve the 
University Council (COUN) resolution contrary to Ebserh: the Resolutions will be 23/2012, 
which remains in force.

Since then, the federal government is strangling the budget of the hospital for the 
benefit of the private sector. At the same time, the media portrays the scrapping of 
biased way by presenting privatization as "only alternative" for HC. To make matters 
worse, in Paran?, unfortunately, the judiciary is also in favor of privatization. 
Supported these "allies", the Rector of UFPR, Zaki Akel Sobrinho and his friends 
privatists "changed their mind" and now want to pass on Ebserh COUNTY, contrary to the 
resolution they approved them in 2012!

To accomplish this insanity, promoted two illegal meetings COUN, on 4 and June 9, without 
proper notice, outside the university, and protected by strong police apparatus (private 
security, military police and Federal Police).

The community responded and conducted two major protests, barring privatization. The 
meeting of June 9, held at the headquarters of the Post Office, was canceled by the 
Federal Court, as the invitation descumpria the bylaws of the Board. The Rector wanted to 
meet only the advocates of privatization, so it did not disclose the location in advance.

The HC is the people, who should decide on your destination is the People!
Front We Fight To Not Lose HC understand that the decision on the privatization of the HC 
can not be made by "a handful of lords" (63 councilors) who even use the hospital or the 
NHS. Such a decision can only be taken in a democratic way by consulting the community 
(patients, users, workers and students) through community assemblies and referendums with 
all those who depend on the Clinical Hospital. Therefore, we argue that UFPA conduct a 
plebiscite in the whole state of Paran?, to listen to the people!

August 28, Thursday
(In the courtyard rectory UFPR, from 8 am)

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - IAL #100 - LGBT and feminist struggles in some key appointments (fr, pt)

[machine translation]

The pride parades are part of the calendar of LGBT activist and feminist struggles, and 
several other times of visibility, commemoration and claim that take place throughout the 
year. ---- > March 8: International Day of Women's Rights, which has existed since the 
early twentieth century. This day is politicized by some media and advertisers who renamed 
it "Women's Day" to better sell flower bouquets, jewelry and perfumes. Despite the usual 
artifice of misogynist jokes uninhibited on this day fire, women are on the streets every 
year, either in mixed or processions in reclaiming public space at night marches in 
single-sex. ---- > The last Sunday of April: the day of remembrance of the victims and 
heroes of the deportation. This is to bring the memory of the deportation on the grounds 
of homosexuality is still not officially recognized by the French Republic.

> May 17: International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (English IDAHOT,
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia), launched May 17, 2005 by 
Louis-Georges Tin exactly 15 years after the removal of homosexuality from the list of 
mental illnesses in the International Classification of Diseases published by the World 
Health Organization. Of months or more institutional events (conferences...) or activists 
like gatherings are held each year on this day to continue the fight against homophobia 
and transphobia.

> Month of June: Pride. It is the commemoration of the Stonewall riots occurred in June
1969 in New York in response to police repression. In 2014, the Pride took place in 
Angers, Arras, Auxerre, Avignon, Biarritz, Bordeaux, Caen, Crest, Dijon, Le Mans, Lille, 
Lyon, Marseille, Metz, Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Poitiers, Rennes, Rouen, 
Strasbourg, Toulouse and Tours. It is an event often criticized regarding its market 
recovery. However, this is a criticism that is also worn internally, as found in the Pride 
politicized and radical processions which should be united.

> Month of October: the Existrans. It is the manifestation of the trans & intersex and
those who support them. It takes place in Paris since 1997, The event is organized 
annually by an interagency group of associations (collectively Existrans), based on a set 
of common demands: free free civil status change, and d?m?dicalis? diverted, free choice 
and reimbursement of medical course, respect for gender identity and improving the lives 
of trans people in prison, stopping operations / mutilation of intersex children, 
self-determination of intersex people, regularization of undocumented trans...

> November 20. Remembrance Day trans (English TDOR, Transgender Day of Remembrance This
is a day of remembrance for victims of transphobia, which kills many people each year 
worldwide (especially trans women, often prostitutes and / or racialized) and 
visibilisation of transphobic violence.

> November 25, the International Day against male violence, denouncing all forms of
violence against women.

> December 1: World Day against AIDS.

Group Lille and Lyon group

(en) US, First of May Anarchist Alliance - Hands Up Don?t Ship Action in Minneapolis - A MESSAGE FROM UPS WORKERS

Sisters and Brothers: ---- We are a group of workers at the UPS distribution center in 
Northeast Minneapolis. Like many such jobs, the pay is low and the conditions terrible. 
The workers at our facility are a diverse group of young people, many of whom are 
attempting to pay our ways through community or tech colleges. Each day, we sort through 
and load through thousands of packages into trucks so they can get to their destinations 
across the country and UPS can make its billions. On last Friday, some of us made an 
exception? Early last week, we looked into one of the companies which ships through our 
facility, a company called Law Enforcement Targets, Inc. This company ships shooting 
range targets to police departments and federal agencies nationwide, and we discovered it 
was shipping to cops all around Ferguson. They sell product lines like ?Urban Street 
Violence? and ?No More Hesitation?. They have photos of sterotypical ?thugs,? as well as 
pictures of gun-wielding children, pregnant women, mothers, and elderly people, all as if 
to say that you should consider everyone you see as a threat to be gunned down.

So, last Friday, a small group of about a dozen workers, both workers of color and white 
workers, started to stand up to our work contributing to the ongoing violence against the 
people of Ferguson and the police murder of young black people like Michael Brown. When 
Law Enforcement Targets packages came into trailers, loaders would remove them and place 
them outside. When they came across our conveyor belts, sorters would refuse to correctly 
sort them. When managers asked workers to put the packages into the right truck, they 
would conveniently find more important tasks to take care of first. We posed outside our 
building with signs reading ?Hands Up Don?t Ship.?

This was simply a start, and most of the packages were placed by supervisors int
o the trucks later. But it is growing. Right now, as this statement is being read, we are 
at work, continuing with this, and each day more people at work are learning of the action 
and deciding to join us. We want to put forward a simple idea: we shouldn?t be forced to 
contribute to racism, brutality, or murder in order to pay our rent.
What if every time the cops brutalized black and brown communities, no one would send them 
ammo? What if no one would fix their patrol cars? What if their laundry service refused to 
wash the stench off their uniforms? What if every time they tried to close down a school 
in a poor neighborhood, janitors at city hall refused to show up to work? What if we 
stopped having to check our conscience at the door when we clock in?

We?re a far way away from that, and we know it. But we want you to know that you have more 
power than you think. It?s not just us, people working all sorts of jobs can take on these 
awful systems if we get organized. For us, we?ve done this through the Industrial Workers 
of the World, and we know that some of our comrades from the IWW are here today and would 
be happy to put anyone in touch with us. For you, it may be something different. Whatever 
it is, we urge you to find ways that we can all stand up to oppression as working people 
and stop the systems that keep people down. We?ll be there to support you so we can all 
stand taller together against the violence and brutality.


World :Small story about the INFOGUIDE w2eu GREECE- proposal for more countries to make INFOGUIDES‏

Yeasterday a friend fotografer came to PIKPA and in the evening he told us following story:

He saw in PIKPA  a person praying, holding a booklet. His lips where moving reading. Concentrated.
He made a foto from far away.
Then one from the eyes of the person reading.
And then he went to make with a tele one from his back, focusing on the book.
As he was focusing he saw among the farsi letters some in latin saying:
lesvos.w2eu.net  and could not believe his eyes that in the Coran a link to w2eu is.
Then he realised that it was our INFOGUIDE for GREECE that he was reading so carefully .

Our infoguide are one of our most usefull ideas and we schould try to finance and print 10.000 at least and transfer the idea to more countries.

World : The End Malnutrition Daily is out! Edition of 31 August 2014‏

The End Malnutrition Daily
Published by
Fred Tissandier
31 August 2014
Business Leisure World Science Environment Health #hunger #malnutrition
Today's headline
Acción Contra el Hambre
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thumbnailwww­.accioncontraelhambre.org - GAZA: ACCIÓN CONTRA EL HAMBRE APOYA A LA POBLACIÓN A VOLVER A LA NORMALIDAD TRAS EL ACUERDO DE ALTO AL FUEGO Tras cinco semanas de hostilidades y la consecución del alto al fuego permanente el pasa...
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