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zondag 26 april 2015

World Lesbian gay bi and trans people face death #threats every day on Twitter.

photo of gay rights campaigner David Braniff-Herbert
Lesbian and gay people are facing storms of anti-gay death threats on Twitter
Call on Twitter to crack down on online threats
Dear Luc,
Lesbian, gay, bi and trans people face death threats every day on Twitter. I know because it’s happened to me: last week someone tweeted at me that I deserved to die of AIDS. And I’m not alone: two high profile lesbians quit Twitter recently because of all the threats.
You might think trolls are just normal on the internet. But actually, big web companies have a responsibility to protect their users.Twitter has announced that they will do more: a huge global petition will show them they need to really prioritise it.
Will you join me in calling on Twitter to fix the way it deals with hateful online abuse? Sign now:go.allout.org/en/a/twitter-trolls
I received a torrent of anti-gay abuse on Sunday after tweeting that I’d been slapped by a councillor from the UK Independence Party. I reported hundreds of hateful messages to Twitter, but only got automated replies back. They could’ve done more to make me feel safe.
Twitter should post to say when they’re investigating an account, so victims can retweet it to curb viral hate storms. And they need to make it easier for people to report abuse to the police. I'd like Twitter to meet with me personally to hear how they could've done better in my case.
Call on Twitter to make these fixes:go.allout.org/en/a/twitter-trolls
Twitter has the highest levels of abuse compared to other social networks, with women particularly targeted. Sexism, homophobia and rape threats are common. Food blogger Jack Monroe and TV presenter Sue Perkins both quit Twitter recently because they felt so unsafe.
Twitter’s Chief Executive has said: “we suck at dealing with abuse and trolls”. They know that there is a business case for improving and they announced new features this week. But we need to keep up the public pressure until we see improvements in people's actual experience of Twitter. We need a global outcry to show them that this matters to thousands of people.
70,000 of us got behind All Out member Mirjam in March when she was banned from kissing her girlfriend on a train platform. We got train company Thalys to denounce homophobia and commit to revamping their equality training for all staff. Now let’s push Twitter to better protect lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.
Thanks for going All Out,
David Braniff-Herbert, All Out member (@the_dbh)
P.S. All Out's member-funded – that means every individual donation goes to powering groundbreaking global campaigns. It also means governments and corporations can't tell us what to do because we won't take their money. If we want to be 100% independent, run on individual donations AND change lives by funding amazing, grassroots groups on the ground – we all need to chip in now: go.allout.org/en/a/ps-donate

We don't take money from governments or corporations, so the only people we have to listen to are our members. Our tiny team stretches every contribution to make them count.
All Out is mobilising millions of people to build a world where no person will have to sacrifice their family or freedom, safety or dignity, because of who they are or who they love.
Our mailing address is:
All Out Action Fund
115 Fifth Ave

New York, NY 10003

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