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zaterdag 1 april 2017

Update: Transnational protest on the Hungarian-Serbian border // 15 April

Transnational demonstration against the the EU border regime and its
actualization in the prisons and the militarized border of Hungary!

April 15th, Röszke/Horgos border crossing


The Hungarian state continues to take an especially visible role in the
deathly puzzly of Fortress Europe, guarding capitalist means of
production in white hands. As the latest piece in the puzzle on March
15th the state passed legal changes which mean that ALL
people seeking asylum will be detained in prison-containers at the
Hungarian-Serbian border. It also means that the only place to apply for
asylum is in the two transit zone-prions at the border, where only 10
people per day can enter. Everybody who enters the country through other
parts of the fence — proud private property of the Hungarian state–
can be pushed back from the whole territory of Hungary to the Serbian
side of the fence again.

The push-backs, which are nothing less than legalized state violence,
are already happening since the fence was built in September 2015 and 
years before that. Day by day people get beaten up, humiliated, attacked 
with dogs and robbed
by the police in their attempts to cross the border. Without even the
need for masking, the special unit of the police in charge of this
violence is called the border hunter unit. 2 months of ‘training’ are
enough to be equipped with weapons and sent to the borders, with the
licence to protect white supremacy, at the frontiers of fascist Europe.

NO to the prisons guarding white Europe!
NO to the web of violence and militarized borders!
No to the criminalization of migration!
NO to the legalization and normalization of fascist politics!

PROTEST on the 15thof April on the Hungarian side of the border, at the
Röszke/Horgos border crossing! Further directions later:




Transnacionalna demonstracija protiv graničnog režima EU i njegove 
aktualizacije  u obliku zatvora i militarizovanih granica!

15. April Horgoš/Röszke prelaz


Od 15. Marta je promenjen zakon u Mađarskoj koji nalaže da će SVI ljudi 
zatraže azil biti zatvoreni u kontejner- zatvore na srpsko-mađarskoj
granici. Takođe novim zakonom dve tranzitne zone na granici će biti 
jedina mesta gde ljudi mogu zatražiti azil, a gde samo 10 ljudi svakog 
(radnog) ima dozvolu za uđe u tranzitnu zonu. Svako ko uđe u zemlju van 
ovih zona, ‘ilegalno’ biće izguran sa čitave teritorije Mađarske nazad 
na srpsku stranu ograde.

Ova nasilna vraćanja se događaju još otkad je ograda izgrađena u 
septembru 2015. a i  godinama pre toga. Ljudi prijavljuju ozbiljno 
nasilje koje sprovodi mađarska policija,
uključujući sate mlaćenja, ponižavanja, napada psima i pljačkanje. 
Zakonske promene sistematski legalizuju nasilje, specijalne policijske 
jedinice, takozvani GRANIČNI LOVCI  nakon 2 meseca treninga se 
naoružavaju i šalju  na granicu, misijom da brane belačku superiornost 
na granici fašističke evrope.

Mi protestujemo protiv bilo kakvog zatvaranja migranata i ljudi koji traže
Mi protestujemo protiv nasilja mađarskih (i svih ostalih) vlasti na 
granicama! Mi protestujemo protiv dehumanizirajuće državne propagande!

NE zatvorima koji “čuvaju” belu hrišćansku Evropu!
NE nasilju i militarizovanim granicama!
NE kriminalizaciji migracije!
NE legalizaciji i normalizaciji fašističle politike!

Priključite nam se 15. aprila na mađarskoj strani granice!

Za više detalje pratite facebook stranicu.


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