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zondag 21 mei 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 21.05.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Austria, Vienna: Anarcho-Queer-Feminist Meeting By ANA (pt)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  anarkismo.net: May 17, International Day Against Homophobia.
      Solidarity with the victims of homophobia in Chechnya but not
      only by Alternativa Libertaria/fdca - AL/fdca (fr, it)

3.  Greece, anarchist group "restive horse" A.P.O. - general
      strike (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Britain, MAY 14, 2017 What Lodon AF have been up to lately

5.  US, black rose fed: WHAT DO MOTHERS REALLY WANT 
     FOR MOTHER' DAY? (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Anarcho-queer-feminist meeting: Thursday, May 18, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Planet 10, 
Pernerstorfergasse 12, 1100 Vienna. ---- This is an appeal to all people whose struggle 
against sexism is also for anarchist ideas or for those who believe that anarchism does 
not work without queer feminism and the struggle against patriarchy and heteronormativity. 
For all people who see themselves as arachafeminists  or would like to retrieve this word 
for themselves. For all those who reject authority in all its forms and adopt their 
feminist practice, for those who see sexism in anarchist theory and practice as a problem 
or simply do not want to think about anarchism without gender issues. ---- For us this 
also means that we are interacting with each other and that we do not take all normative / 
discriminatory / repressive situations as individual events, but as part of an intertwined 
complex, against which we want to fight together. That's why we want an anti-oppressive 
atmosphere at our second meeting, bring some basic and understandable input to anarchism, 
queer feminism, anarchofeminism, and anything you connect to it - video clips, articles, 
comics ... anything!

Translation> Moana


Message: 2

The Novaya Gazeta, a newspaper in opposition in Russia, has published a series of reports 
about Chechnya about the detention of dozens of men in a secret prison "due to their 
non-traditional sexual orientation or its suspicion". The Russian newspaper writes that 
recent waves of repression have led to the arrest of more than 100 men and to the death of 
- at least - three of them. ---- The atrocities that the Russian newspaper brought to the 
fore have not yet[note from the translator: it has been since]been confirmed by 
independent sources but the NGO Human Rights Watch claims that indeed something is going 
on there, based on information from reliable sources. ---- Tanya Lokshina, head of HRW 
program in Russia says that given the numbers of sources and the coherence of theirs 
stories, there can be no doubt about the catastrophic developments of the ongoing anti-gay 
campaign in Chechnya.

Ekaterina Sokirianskaia of the International Crisis Group, who is an expert on the issues 
of the North-Caucasus region, received similar confirmations from her own sources.

A direct support line that was activated in Russia for Chechens by the LGBT-network has 
received more than ten calls from Chechnya within two weeks after it was published in 
Novaya Gazeta.

The brutality of this repression shows how much Chechnya has become Ramzan Kadyrov's fief. 
The Chechen president's spokeperson replied to Novaya Gazeta and sid there was no gay 
people in Chechnya as "if there were such kind of person in Chechnya, police forces 
wouldn't have to deal with it because their parents would already have sent them in a 
place which allows no way back".

Who believes that a simple intervention from Putin could bring the Chechen authorities to 
end this persecution?! The Kremlin depends on Kadyrov's presidency to guarantee stability 
in the region as it tried to do so for a long time now.

Actually, Kadyrov has a personal security force of about 20.000 people and his Republic 
strictly abides by a ultra-traditional social and religious code that is completely 
independent of the Russian law. He also declared to be in favor of polygamy and honor crimes.
Talking about homosexuality is a huge taboo and gay people are invisible. That makes it 
even more complicated to reach them and provide evidence of the repression.

«The news arrive too late» says Igor Kochetkov of the Russian LGBT-Network who launched a 
program of evacuation from the region. The actual repression could be even more brutal 
than what is described by Novaya Gazeta. As Ekaterina Sokirianskaia says: "We've just seen 
the tip of the iceberg".

Alternativa Libertaria stands in solidarity with the LGBT community in the Russian 
Federation, against arrests and attacks in Chechnya, in Russia and in others countries of 
the Federation where freedom of press and expression in public spaces have been repressed 
for the LGBT people. We support counter-informative work on this ongoing case and try to 
provide information about the way authoritarianism and traditionalist new-religious spirit 
in the countries of the Federation have revealed being a tool for domination on people.

May 4th, 2017 | Alternativa Libertaria/fdca Translated from Italian by the International 
Relations of CGA
Related Link: http://www.fdca.it



Message: 3

barbarity ---- The all-out attack of the state and the bosses and the continuous 
introduction of new burdensome conditions of exploitation and oppression express the 
overall violent restructuring of the state and the capitalist mode of social organization. 
The current political administration, fully in line with the aspirations of the local and 
international capital, the EU policy and previous governments, implements a new round of 
looting towards society on terms more onerous and tougher than the past because the 
measures resulting from the "closure of the evaluation" resulted in the signing of a new 
memorandum and add to the ruins they have left behind them the three previous understandings.


 From our side, the side of the unemployed, the workers, the poor, the plebeians, the 
story of our social and class struggles shows that proletarians are not expecting anything 
from the institutions, parliaments, elections, bureaucratic union leaderships , their hope 
traders and intermediaries of the class struggle. They have to earn it is a result of the 
broad, organized on the base, militant and radical struggles. Only the total subversion of 
the state and capitalism, social expropriation of wealth that we ourselves produce and 
sucks a caste of rulers, and the social revolution for a new common ownership society, 
solidarity and freedom can vindicate their aspirations and actual social needs oppressed 
and exploited.

anarchist group "restive horse" -Member A.P.O.


Message: 4

Below is a list of what London AF has been up to recently and what we are planning for the 
future ---- We have organised several mass distributions of the AF newssheet Resistance, 
including at Bethnal Green and Whitechapel ---- We attended the May Day event in London 
and had a successful literature stall at the beginning and the end of the march. We helped 
organise the libertarian bloc on the march and marched with our superb London AF banner 
with the slogan Make London the Rebel City. ---- Talking of which, the new issue of Rebel 
City is now out and was distributed widely on the May Day event. Up to this issue it was 
the newssheet of London AF but at a meeting with other class struggle anarchists we 
decided to throw it open to others, and the latest issue contains articles by members of 
Haringey Solidarity, the Industrial Workers of the World, Radical Assembly etc. We hope 
this has broadened the base of the readership. You can get a copy at Freedom Bookshop, 56a 
Infoshop, LARC, Housmans, the Common House etc or you can pick up a copy from us.

We are participating in the Anti University events from 10th-16th June -Teaching and 
Learning As Direct Action, a direct action programme of self-organised radical learning 
activities. On June 11th as part of these events we will be putting on a public meeting at 
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1 (nearest tube Holborn) at 4pm, An Introduction To 
Anarchist Communism.


Later the same day at The White Building, Queen's Yard, White Post Lane, London E9 5EN at 
7pm, London AF will be hosting the writer-activist Pieter Gelderloos, who will be speaking 
about his new book Worshipping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation'.This 
book provides a history of state formation in Asia, the Americas, Africa, and Europe, from 
Mesopotamia to the 20th century. Identifying different models or paths of state formation, 
Worshiping Power lays the groundwork for an anarchist theory of the origin of states, and 
in the process disputes common misconceptions stemming from liberal, Marxist, primitivist, 
and environmental determinist theories of state formation. Rather than treating state 
formation as a singular event, a Pandora's Box, Worshiping Power analyzes state formation 
as a constant process, with religious, militaristic, economic, and kinship-based motors. 
It is also a work in grassroots scholarship, taking the study of the State out of academic 
institutions and into the streets, showing how a historically grounded understanding of 
the nature of the State is relevant to today's struggles against patriarchy, environmental 
devastation, racism, war, and capitalism. There will be a talk by the author and Q&A 
session. Peter Gelderloos is also the author of ‘Anarchy works' and ‘The failure of 


We are also organising a fund raiser on May 30th at 7pm at the Common House, 5e Pundersons 
Gardens, E2 (nearest tube Bethnal Green) for Cribs, helping pregnant and young mother 
refugees in Greece. CRIBS International was founded by an AF member who realised that the 
conditions refugee women were forced to return to after giving birth were untenable. Many 
women have caesarean sections and then return to live in tents with poor diet, no 
furniture, terrible hygiene and snakes, flied, mosquitoes and wild boar. The NGOs on the 
ground were ultra conservative in their response and CRIBS was formed in response. It 
provides accommodation and other necessities for perinatal women and their families, 
ensuring they have follow-up care and psychological support where needed. This is an 
expensive business and we ask for your support. Come and hear about the work we have done 
so far and what we would like to achieve.


These are just some of the things we have done, are doing, or plan to do.
Want to get more involved? Come along to our London group meeting on Thursday May 18th at 
7pm (contact us or venue)



Message: 5

"All I want for Mother's Day is that revolutionary, anarchist-feminism." ---- Despite the 
commercialized version of flowers, cards and brunches celebrated today, Mother's Day has 
deeply political roots. Abolitionist and feminist Julia Ward Howe wrote the original 
"Mother's Day Proclamation" in 1870 calling for the eradication of war and later 
campaigned for recognition of a "Mother's Day for Peace" in 1907 - several years before 
President Woodrow Wilson declared it an official holiday in 1914. ---- "...Arise, all 
women who have hearts, whether your baptism be that of water or of tears! Say firmly: "We 
will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies, our husbands shall not come 
to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. ---- Our sons shall not be taken 
from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and 
patience. We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow 
our sons to be trained to injure theirs.

 From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says, "Disarm, 
disarm! The sword is not the balance of justice." Blood does not wipe out dishonor nor 
violence indicate possession..."

In the spirit of the original, deeply political meaning of Mother's Day we at Black 
Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation, offer this meme series "What do mothers really want 
for Mother's Day?" Feel free to share this post or the individual memes and let's imagine 
that a new world - without patriarchy, war, capitalism, and white supremacy - is not only 
possible, but we are fighting to build it right now.

"All I want for Mother's Day is a world without presidents, prisons or police"

"All I want for Mother's Day is to dismantle white supremacy"

"All I want for Mother's Day is housing for all, not for profit"

"All I want for Mother's Day is to build power from below, not from above"

"All I want for Mother's Day is to seize the means of production"

"All I want for Mother's Day is queer liberation"

"All I want for Mother's Day is socialized healthcare"

"All I want for Mother's Day is to disarm, defund and disband the police"

  "All I want for Mother's Day is free education for all, not for profit."

"All I want for Mother's Day is a world where workers control their workplaces"

"All I want for Mother's Day is a world where we live sustainably with the planet"



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