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zondag 21 mei 2017

Teaching hate in textbooks?

Dear friends,
For years now, many textbooks in Chinese universities teach that "being gay is a disease."
Qiu Bai wasn't having it. That's why she went to the Minister of Education to ask him to remove these homophobic textbooks from schools. When he refused, she sued. Even judges are ignoring her and keep dismissing the case.
But someone finally listened: one of China's largest educational publishing houses recently promised to remove anti-gay content from their textbooks.
More than 130,000 All Out members signed Qiu Bai's petition to remove these textbooks. In a couple of weeks, we'll deliver the signatures to the Ministry of Education. Momentum is on our side. If we dial up the pressure now, they'll have to listen.
– Matt
Previous email:
"Being gay is a disease."
That's what textbooks in universities across China say.
My name is Qiu Bai, I'm twenty-one, and I'm a lesbian – and I've had enough of these dangerous lies being taught in our classrooms.
After months of being ignored by the Ministry of Education, I decided to sue them. The shocking verdict just came out: the Court says that these anti-gay books don't target me personally, so there's nothing they can do.
I won't give up, but I need you.
If thousands of people join my call, we can get this story all over the news. We will show the Ministry of Education that I'm not alone. That the world is watching.
China, dump the anti-gay textbooks
I found out about these books during my freshman year in college. I was confused about my sexuality and wanted all the information I could get. After reading them, I was terrified. I was even more afraid to admit that I’m gay.
These books are causing real harm to LGBT people across China, and the Ministry of Education needs to take responsibility.
I'm appealing the Court's decision now, so this is the time to dial up the pressure: thousands of signatures from around the world can get the Minister to act before the second ruling.
Thanks for going All Out,
Qiu Bai, with the All Out team.

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