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zondag 21 mei 2017

One Month Left to End child marriage in New York!

Join us and help End Child Marriage in New York
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One Month to End Child Marriage in New York
Email Lawmakers Now
Dear friends,
You can’t legally drive until you are 16, join the military until age 18, or buy alcohol until you turn 21 in New York State.
But did you know 14-year-olds can legally marry there?
Studies show that girls in the United States who marry before age 19 are 50 percent more likely to drop out of high school than those who don’t marry, and girls who marry before 16 are roughly 30 percent more likely to live in poverty. Research strongly links child marriage with mental and physical health problems in the United States. 
Thanks to 30,000-some emails many of you have set to ­­New York’s lawmakers as part of our campaign, a bill to ban child marriage has passed the New York Senate. Additionally, New York’s governor has said he supports reform. We now need the Assembly, Senate and Governor to come together and push the law to an assembly vote.
New York’s legislative session ends on June 21st. We only have one month for New York to decide whether to end child marriage.
We need your support once again. It is time to make this a priority!
Heather Barr
Senior Researcher, Women's Rights Division
Human Rights Watch
Email Lawmakers Now
In order to maintain our independence, we accept no money from any government. We rely solely on the generosity of people like you to defend human rights.
Empire State Building as seen from Top of the Rock © 2008 Daniel Schwen
Human Rights Watch | 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor | New York, NY 10118 USA
Tel: 1 (212) 290-4700 | news@hrw.org

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