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woensdag 28 juni 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 28.06.2017
Today's Topics:
1. Australia, melb. acg: No Pride in Hate Anti-Fascist
Mobilisation by ablokeimet (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Greece, restive horse - APO: Posting banners and text
sharing in the context of nationwide solidarity day in
T.Theofilou (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. France, Alternative Libertaire - Training debates by AL
Paris North-East (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #273 - interview, Violaine
Girard (sociologist): "In the peri-urban area, elected officials
want to preserve a" entre-soi "of white people's households" (fr,
it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. Greece, Thessaloniki: Antifascist CONCENTRATION Sunday 25/6
18.00 STATUE VENIZELOU By APO (gr) [machine translation]
6. Poland, rozbrat: The beginning of the Court process of
Poznan anarchist - rozbrat.org [machine translation]
Message: 1
https://www.facebook.com/events/1293061844125483 ---- Neo-Nazis are planning an
‘Australian Pride March' on Sunday 25 June. ---- Their focus is refugees, Islamophobia,
the African community, trans people and the Left. ---- The Australian flag is their symbol
for ‘traditional Australian morals and values'. ---- This means White Australia, genocide
of First Nations, workers' power destroyed, women ruled by patriarchs, and LGBTIQ people
back in the closet. ---- We cannot give fascists the streets. ---- We can't let them
recruit and grow. ---- Join us in stopping them. ---- Our strength is our unity, diversity
and numbers. ---- Our ‘No Pride in Hate' rally will start at 10.30am, before the far right
rally. ---- Touch One, Touch All.
Message: 2
Banners hung in Esperos (pl.Georgiou) on 24/6 ---- As part of a nationwide day of
solidarity to anarchist communist Taso Theofilou, hung banners in Esperos in George
Square. Also shared the following text of the anarchist group "restive horse" at meetings
held in George Square and St Nicholas stairs: ---- AGAINST STATE revanchism, THE
dominant political strategy today and demonstrates in the most raw and clear way the
vengeance and the machinations of the state against political opponents and the formation
of the special exemption regime for them is the case of the anarchist communist Tasos
Theophilus. ---- In the summer of 2012 in Paros carried robbery at a branch of alphabank
during which fatally wounded a taxi driver who tried to prevent the escape of robbers. A
few days later, arrested Tasos Theophilos in Athens main categories of murder,
participation in robbery and participation in the organization Conspiracy of Cells of
Fire. Categories from the outset denies. The only element that led to the arrest of
Theophilus in accordance with anti-terrorist service was an "anonymous call" at police
headquarters indicated him as the perpetrator of the robbery. The condemnation of Tasou
Theofilou (no witness not recognize him nor the first trial, nor during the appellate
decision -anamenetai for self-) based on a DNA sample found on a hat which supposedly worn
by the robber. However, the hat that was presented at trial was spotted in hindsight, was
not included in the spot shooting of testimonial evidence, not recorded in the seizure
report nor recognized by witnesses.
Characteristic also is the case of Iriannas B. Av. Recently imposed penalty of 13 years in
prison for her personal relationship with the accused to participate in the organization
"Nuclei of Fire" and even though he was acquitted! The Irianna V.L. He was at home then on
trial in 2011, but the prosecution began much later, in 2013, when partial DNA sample
found on incriminating evidence. Under this sub-sample, and no testimony or any other
element of the research conducted, the court sentenced on 1 June.
From the above, it is clear that convictions without evidence (or a single element using
the DNA) and rigged trials (case Sipsas) are not isolated incidents, but are an essential
element of the dominant policy (with the tandem state repression mechanisms and
"independent" judiciary) which aims to disseminate and consolidate the fear at the bottom
of society to be able to complete unhindered its aspirations.
'' The state of exception is becoming the rule and almost all of humanity is defined as a
dangerous class. ''
Walter Benjamin
The "war on terror" and the exemplary punishment of dissidents passed through the
consolidation of the iron lattice repression in every social field, the intensity of
control and surveillance in society, and by creating a special exemption regime for
politicians and social activists. A system built through special legislation terror law
which imposes special trials, especially indictments, deprivation of basic rights,
especially cells and special treatment, deprivation of licenses etc. The unmistakable
evidence of special treatment subject political prisoners nowadays is the withdrawal of
authorizations legally entitled to for years. Licenses openly denies justice, citing that
they do not regret their actions, seeking essentially a declaration of repentance and
renunciation of ideas, bringing to mind trials post civil war era. The anti-terrorism
campaign continues today with a new bill tabled in the week (after one day retired because
of ambiguities) and provided for the strengthening of laws 187 and 187A of criminal and
terrorist organization, introducing inter alia, the concept of "stimulation terrorist
deeds "and the criminalization of channeling information and education in the use of
weapons etc. the first regulation strengthens existing on" Celebrating incitement and
terrorism "that poinikopoi even et and speech articulation. This law was revised in the
spring of 2015, after the match in which spearheaded was the hunger strike that made the
political prisoners in the first months of SYRIZA-ANEL government. A match which was
accompanied by the movement of several comrades (who were accused by koukoulonomo at
different moments of the match) to go into public disobedience statement and refusing to
comply with the restrictive conditions as a subscription gesture in the greater conflict
with the terrorist and repressive regime . Still, as a solidarity movement on hunger
strike polar prisoners had held takeover of the Senate, which was evacuated by riot police
after a political decision and order of the then Minister of Public Order C. Panousi and
the government.
The world of power reserve more control, more repression, more exploitation and fear.
Opposite to stand the race communities to organize social and class fronts and our
political presence for the overthrow of the political and economic elite designs.
At a time when state and capitalist barbarism attempts to dispel the lives of the workers,
the unemployed, the poor and plebeians of society, at a time when no government, party,
parliament and intermediary device can not promise only subjugation and impoverishment,
and we need to develop the communities, the operating areas, in neighborhoods, in schools
and faculties, self-organized structures struggle and solidarity.
In irreversible decay of the state and the capitalist world, the dead ends, the policy and
the value of the bankruptcy to oppose collective resistance, the emancipation of the
oppressed, the only living social perspective: The world of Anarchy and Libertarian Communism.
FACING THE FEAR, subjugation and repression ... to oppose the organization and convince RALLY
Militant - Social self-organization - CLASS SOLIDARITY
Anarchist group "restive horse" -
member of the Anarchist Political Organization
Message: 3
In order to breathe a bit in this electoral period, AL Paris Nord-Est is organizing a
cycle of 4 training-debates dates on direct democracy. ---- The French Revolution ----
March 26, 2017 - 3 pm to 6 pm ---- The Russian Revolution ---- May 28, 2017 - 3 pm to 6 pm
---- The Spanish Revolution ---- June 11, 2017 - 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm ---- Democracy in
struggles ---- 25 June 2017 - 15h to 18h ---- The French Revolution (1789-1794) ----
Sunday, March 26, from 3 pm to 6 pm ---- at the AL local office - 92 rue d'Aubervilliers
(Paris 19 e ) ---- We will speak of the first modern popular forms of democracy, effaced
from the collective memory by the myth of a "bourgeois revolution." ---- The Russian
Revolution (1917-1921) ---- Sunday, May 28, from 3 pm (welcome from 2:30 pm) to 6 pm ----
at the AL local office - 92 rue d'Aubervilliers (Paris 19 e )
One hundred years later, a focus on the Russian Revolution to present the major stages of
this major event in the history of the workers' movement and to return to the strategic
questions that then arose ...
The Spanish Revolution (1936-1939)
Sunday, June 11, from 3:30 pm (reception from 3 pm) at 6:30 pm
at the AL local office - 92 rue d'Aubervilliers (Paris 19 e )
With the 1920s and the dizzying growth of the CNT, Spain has become the epicenter of
anarchism in the world. Very soon after the advent of the II e Republic, she launches
insurrectionnelles.En attempts in July 1936, the attempted coup d'état Franco is stopped
by the popular reaction. The anarchists took the lead of the anti-fascist struggle and the
Spanish Revolution. Which organization was set up ? What forms of self-management ? How to
reconcile military discipline and democracy ?
Strike at the CTC of Sotteville-lès-Rouen
In the center: Pascal Devernay
Democracy in struggles
Sunday 25 June, from 3 pm (welcome from 2:30 pm) to 6 pm
at the AL local office - 92 rue d'Aubervilliers (Paris 19 e )
Against the bureaucratic devices and the decisions that come from above, the 70s were
marked by new ways of struggling and organizing their struggles. How to make decisions
collectively ? How to act together while respecting the opinions of each one ? How can we
not reproduce in spite of ourselves the oppressions we are fighting ?
Message: 4
Violaine Girard, a sociologist who teaches in Rouen, is the author of Le Vote FN in the
village. Based on a periurban survey, it describes the trajectories of employees in an
industrial park and seeks to understand relations with politics. ---- Alternative
libertarian: The periurban has become a media object in its own right. Can a definition be
given ? ---- Violaine Girard: The periurban is first of all a category of INSEE which aims
to measure the extent of the urbanized areas around the agglomerations, starting from the
number of active and active who live in the periurban while going to work in the cities
neighbors. What interested me, as a sociologist, is that the periurban, after having long
been associated with the middle classes installed as a single house, became during the
2000s the incarnation of white households fleeing the cities, Which would be relegated
away from the cities and acquired by the FN.
What is the difference between this image and what a qualitative analysis shows ?
Violaine Girard: This representation corresponds to only part of the social reality, since
it is true that when they manage to become owners of pavilions, households of the popular
classes are often forced to settle on the periphery of agglomerations, Where land is
cheap, not in the city centers. But this type of representation remains partial.
It is necessary to go against the accepted idea that the development of the periurban
would respond only to the will of households fleeing the suburbs. Their residential "
choices " or aspirations are in fact more often postulated than they are known, since it
is evident that they wish to leave the suburbs and their " problems ". If we go back a
little, in the 1970s, we realize that these residential trajectories are framed by a whole
series of political decisions, which have heavily weighed on the development of the periurban.
The field survey also shows that most households that settle in the outskirts have, above
all, sought greater stability by becoming owners or have wished to live in more
comfortable housing. Of course, their residential paths are subject to severe financial
constraints, but many of them benefit from State aid to home ownership.
So we can not say that they are completely abandoned by the public authorities. Moreover,
the peri-urban area is today a type of space that welcomes industrial or service jobs:
this is the case in the zones of activity that border highways on the outskirts of major
cities. Although this movement does not affect all peri-urban crowns, companies have been
established in the peri-urban areas since the 1990s. These jobs of workers, workers and
employees attracted popular households who came to live close to their workplaces.
Have you analyzed the strategy of the FN vis-à-vis these populations ? Why does the
extreme left find it difficult to find audience ?
Violaine Girard: I investigated a territory in which there is not, to my knowledge, any
activity claimed publicly by a group affiliated to the FN. This does not mean that there
are no members, but in any case, there is no structure linked to this party that is
visible locally.
Despite this, many voters turn to the FN in different polls. How can we explain this,
knowing moreover that this territory has been experiencing positive employment dynamics
since the 1980s ? I left the archives to study the role of local elected representatives
in this valley.
In the 1970s, an elected official close to Giscard d'Estaing launched the development of a
new zone of industrial activity, promising business leaders an " excellent social climate
", as he used it at the time. This area now has about 4,000 jobs, in logistics,
agri-food and chemicals mainly, with a strong burst of employment between a hundred
different employers.
With the development of this zone, it was a question of circumventing the older industrial
establishments where there were trade union structures, as two researchers have shown in
the case of another zone [1], and to shape the image Of salaried.es not demanding because
acceding to the property.
The existence of these strategies, borne by the local elected representatives in support
of the employers' organizations, is not often mentioned in the explanations of the vote.
And yet, even if this does not have mechanical effects, the weakening of union structures
and the collapse of work collectives plays a role in the relation to the policy of the
wage-earners. This fuels a growing lack of interest in institutional politics and
maintains that it is not possible to make a difference.
Many of the popular employees I have met are skeptical about the practical effects of
economic measures. Mistrust of the main political leaders is a very widely shared attitude
among them. This is reflected in a number of ways during the elections: a large proportion
of the working classes of the popular classes abstain more or less frequently, one vote
more or less constantly for the candidates of the left-wing or right-wing parties, Finally
a vote National Front vote.
According to available figures, if one takes into account the non-inclusion and
abstention, today is about a worker or a working week that FN vote in France [2]. And of
course, other social categories, such as the self-employed or management, also feed the
results of the FN.
You are talking about strategies for controlling settlement on the part of local
communities, what is it ?
Violaine Girard: Since the 1970s, the choices made in terms of housing policy at the
national level have contributed to widening the gaps between those households who can
access stable employment and become owners, and those who are the opposite Vulnerable or
living in the social housing stock.
Since the 1990s, local and regional authorities have played an increasingly important role
in the concrete implementation at local level of housing policy. Local elected officials
must follow certain national guidelines, but they are the ones who develop the programs at
the local level.
However, there is no mechanism to compel the elected representatives of small
municipalities to build social housing. This explains why peri-urban spaces correspond to
the category of space where social housing is the least present: only 6.5 % of households
, compared with 20.3 % in urban centers and 14.6 % in urban areas . French average.
In the commune where I investigated, elected officials take advantage of this lack of
legal constraints to reaffirm their desire to keep the tenants of the HLM park at bay. In
their speeches, they reject two social figures, those of the most precarious, then those
of racialized households, that is to say, assigned to a supposed ethnic origin or cultural
affiliation. And these same politicians are also trying, more informally, to preserve some
of the white people's households. To do this, they try to control information on land
available for sale or on rented housing, which is possible in a small municipality where
this information circulates a lot through word of mouth.
There are, therefore, certainly not all the periurban municipalities, but probably in a
certain number of them, attempts to control the settlement of elected representatives,
which may otherwise be without political etiquette. This shows that the FN vote is not the
only political manifestation of rejection of racialized minorities.
Beyond the cases of FN mayors elected in 2014, a number of elected representatives of
small municipalities can contribute to the trivialization of this electoral choice, when
they implement, as part of their municipal mandate, Excluding minorities. This may
contribute to explaining that the results of the FN are relatively high in some peri-urban
areas, whereas the party does not necessarily have locally-based militant structures.
Interview by Fanny (AL Paris-Nord-Est)
[1] Baudouin T., Collin M., The circumvention of workers' fortresses: precariousness and
syndicalism, Paris, Librairie des Méridiens, 1983.
[2] Lehingue P., "The Electorate" of the National Front. A return to two or three
"received ideas" , in Pelletier W. and Mauger G., in The popular classes and the FN.
Explanations of votes, Croquant editions, 2017.
Message: 5
Sunday 25/6 and on the pretext of birth anniversary of the great Alexander the fascists of
Golden Dawn attempt to reappear in Thessaloniki after a prolonged absence, calling the
event the offices weakened and frightened to call the event in a central part of the city
previously tried without any success course. This development is only a clear retreat in
front of victories fascist movement in the street and consistent presence across the
fascist formations, in whatever sign you show them. (Sacred Band, AMS, etc.) ---- The
struggle against fascism is a fight for his own life .In a time when state and bosses
attack head-on plebeian layers, passed anti-labor and anti-social measures which are added
cumulatively on our backs, which criminalized the common struggles locals and immigrants,
and emptied squats, we as anarchists / s we choose to dwell once again on the path towards
the capital and his minions. Against the racism and hatred towards anything different on
the exemption policies and death imposed by state and para-fascist fight and shouting for
life and dignity
locals IMMIGRANTS crimp NAZI
Black & Red - member FROM APO
Message: 6
June 21 in Criminal Court Street. Mill in Poznan held a hearing participant section of
Poznan Anarchist Federation. Anarchist, was arrested as a result of police officers after
a demonstration against the imprisonment Luke Bukowski on 7 May 2016. (More about the
protest here ). ---- Police officers acting in plain clothes, stopped that day also one of
Warsaw's anarchists associated with the Collective Syrena, and Piotr Ikonowicz of the
Movement of Social Justice. After the end of the demonstration when its participants have
already dispersed, at the intersection of Pulaski and Al. Greater group of activists was
attacked by plain-clothed police officers. After the attack by the "undercover" also came
up with four police cars prevention officers in full riot gear and brutally detained four
people. The incident caused the solidarity in the group of 100 activists went to the
police station at Al. Marcinkowski, where the detained activists. At the police station he
held a solidarity picket, and some people protested inside the building, chanting "Free
the detainees." On site appeared riot.
Prosecutor accused of anarchist action today with art.224 & 2 of the Penal Code, that is,
here, that, acting jointly and in concert using violence in the form of pushing, shaking
or detention of a police officer and the connection with the performance of his official
duties. What a fairly significant person who was then chased by the police, he has already
been acquitted. This means that the whole event and action of the police was unnecessary.
Not the first time police used against activists of social measures and disproportionate
force. Constant monitoring and filming, even modest picket police bodyguards, and
strenuous attempts to criminalize social activities. Repeated attempts to prosecute more
participants and participants in the freedom movement at least about "illegal gatherings
leadership" - in these cases, all cases were able to win, get acquittals and exemplary for
persons accused in view of the legal costs incurred.
The police, however, show a much greater commitment to action against activists and
activists than against, even czyscicielom houses or the more their masters. Another case,
summons for questioning, or obtained as a result of police personal data of people
associated with the liberation movement, the manifestations of vague, but repression with
which apparently must count contesting the order of socio-politico-economic.
At the hearing questioned four witnesses police officers. The accused refused to give
The next hearing will be held in September. Observers at the hearing were the participants
and the Anarchist Black Cross Anarchist Federation.
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