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maandag 30 oktober 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 30.10.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Brazil, federacao anarquista gaucha: FOUR INVESTIDE
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Octobre - SNCF: Fighting
      today, preparing for 2018 (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

3.  Greece, Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki: ANTIFASISTIC
      CONCENTRATION MONDAY 30/10 (gr) [machine translation]

4.  Brazil, Note of the Gaucho Anarchist Federation (FAG):

5.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Petition, Let's warn
      about state practices towards migrants on the Franco-Italian
      border and in France! (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

6.  anarkismo.net: URGENT! Against Criminalization, Surround
      Those That Struggle With Solidarity by FAG - Federação
      Anarquista Gaúcha (ca, fr, gr, it, pt) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The Organization is in solidarity with the spaces and groups that have also been hit by 
the repressive action - Parrhesia and Ocupa Pandorga - and takes a resolute stance for the 
right of association and free thought. ---- October 29, 2009 the headquarters of the 
political organization was invaded by civilian agents and had equipment, files and 
propaganda props seized by the police. It was an official reaction to the agitation 
campaign unleashed by the FAG that demanded justice for the case of Landless Elton Brum da 
Silva, assassinated by the Military Brigade commanded by the governor Yeda Crusius. 
Headquarters invaded, seized material and 6 militants processed, which later expired due 
to the fragility of the process. ---- June 20, 2013, in the light of the day when a 
mega-march of the epic journey of the Block of Struggles was announced, the Ateneu 
Libertario Batalla da Várzea was broken into and invaded without indication of a court 
order by a repressive force in the pay of Governor Tarso Genro . At a press conference of 
the security department, after the incident, the chief of the civil police was consecrated 
by the pearl that the action found conclusive evidence in "vast anarchist literature".

Tarso Genro firing shameless nonsense at the popular revolt that he could not control used 
the "anarcho-fascist" seal for the disaffected and authorized his police to recklessly 
kidnap books from the Athenaeum's library, among them a prominent and notorious anarchist 
and Italian antifascist. The State of RS soon fell silent on this infamy and returned in 
part some of the books after the public shame of a bland joke that won the country.

October 1, 2013 the Athenaeum is again visited with violence by the police during a witch 
hunts operation on militants and organizations that formed the Fight Block. The warrant 
searches for collective places and homes. The plan sought elements to prove the theory of 
the domain of fact about the most active sector of the June days. The idea was as simple 
as it was stupid that it was embedded in the play was that everything that took place 
inside the mass revolt that was unleashed in the streets of the capital, in wave with the 
country, was controlled by the compas and investigated places. As a result of this 
operation, 6 militants of the Bloc, of different ideological affiliations, were prosecuted 
by the criminal figure of the gang and "formation of private militias", with process until 
the present day.

October 25, 2017 comes new fideid associated with our Organization and that also reaches 
other spaces and libertarian conceptions. Civilian police say they have about 10 locations 
and 30 people investigated and criminalized by their factoid. Our solidarity with Ocupa 
Pandorga da Azenha and Parrhesia in Cidade Baixa, who were invaded and had publications 
and work equipment hijacked by the police operation during the day. They are public places 
known for their social projects with the neighborhood or the community of interests they 
bring together.

The criminal and individualizing discourse on the radicals is an ancient device to 
frighten and demobilize, to plant confusion and distrust, to neutralize the attraction of 
a direct action syndicalism or the combative markers that can raise the tone of the 
popular movement. They want to fight the rebelliousness by taking to the light of the news 
a gang fantasy of confusing purposes. Right in the middle of hard social struggles against 
adjustment, in the state with the education strike, and in the municipality by the hand of 
the servers of Porto Alegre. Strikes with a strong and indignant participation of the 
categories and with determination to create resistance at all costs to the project of 
crushing and dismantling of public services, where FAG participates modestly with its 
group of militants, as workers that we are, as a libertarian tendency that marks its look 
at things, among the many other colleagues that form the field of struggle that gains 
expression united in the union.

Anarchism that has a voice in our project is a strategic struggle against power that 
relies on structures of social inequality, colonial violence, gender and race, and class 
domination. Anarchism that embraces a program of socialism in economics and political 
power, with self-management of production by workers and direct democracy and federalism 
in the regime of public life. Ours is a political organization to act for tactics in 
social and political struggles and to dig the new world through the action of the 
grassroots organizations of the social movement. Fight and create POPULAR POWER with 
direct class action and independence from governments and bosses.

The memory of Elton Brum screams and accuses the murderous policeman that the same justice 
that criminalizes the anarchists tries to release.

Enough of impunity of the ruling clique of the Brazilian State, the business of bribes and 
evasion and the parasites of the financial system.







Message: 2

In the first half of next year, a framework law will organize the privatization of TER and 
intercity trains. By undermining railway status in passing, to make the business more 
attractive for private companies. Should we wait until 2018 to mobilize ? No ! 
Mobilization against the XXL Labor Act can be a springboard. ---- In an interview given to 
the house magazine of the SNCF, the Info Mag 1 st  July Macron unveiled his future 
offensive against what remains of the public railway service. Senators Hervé Maurey (IDU) 
and Louis Nègre (LR) tabled at the same time an umpteenth 29-page bill aimed at 
accelerating total privatization, which the technocrats call "  opening up SNCF to 
competition  ". ---- Within the framework of the European texts requiring the opening of 
TER and TETs (former Intercités) to competition from 3 December 2019 and the TGVs for 
2020, equipment, stations and workshops will be able to move into the private sector. And 
the SNCF employees, too, because if the latter loses a call for tenders, railway workers 
working on the line, in the region or in the service concerned will be transferred to the 
private operator. Of course private companies will enjoy attractive public subsidies !

When SNCF encourages road transport

This liberalization of passenger transport falls within the framework of the fourth " 
railway package  ", that is to say a batch of European Directives which have already 
imposed, in 2006, the liberalization of freight transport. The result is disastrous: 
traffic has declined steadily since opening up to the private sector. Road transport, 
while much more polluting, is favored over rail. By acquiring Geodis, France's leading 
road transport company, SNCF has even found the means, within itself, to bring cargo into 
competition with the road. The consequences will be similar for the passenger transport, 
the less profitable lines will disappear gradually. In the name of profitability and to 
the detriment of the continuity and the accessibility of the public service.

The SNCF's debt is not ours

Along with the introduction of competition, several steps against the rights of railway 
workers and railway workers are also considered: status, mobility, retirement plan, 
traffic facilities ... And to justify the attack, the scam is simple: suggest to the 
population that the SNCF's current debt is due to the railway social system and their 
alleged "  privileges  " that would plumb the company. The State would graciously accept 
the resumption of part of the debt, against an "  effort  " of the employees.

But the debt of the rail system is not that of the workers ! It is a state debt, a 
consequence of the clientelist policy of the all-TGV and the delirious toll systems that 
for twenty years force the SNCF to pay to circulate its trains on railways that it has 
itself built ! Thus, SNCF-Réseau, which manages the tracks, invoices tolls to railway 
undertakings, including SNCF-Mobilities !

If ticket prices increase, it is partly because the SNCF pays to circulate its trains on 
the tracks of the national rail network ! In ten years, tolls have increased by almost 30%.

If the status is attacked it is mainly for ideological reasons. To break railway status is 
further weaken the corporation, which is a major obstacle to privatization. The fewer 
employees in the railway sector, the greater the ease and benefit to employers of their 
transfer to private groups. The railway system, such as that of intermittent and 
intermittent performances, represents an embarrassing counter model during the uberization 
and precariousness of the wage-earning system.

Since the framework law is planned for the first half of 2018, it is now necessary to 
prepare for a major confrontation.

With 30  per cent of the strikers on 12th September, railwaymen and railway workers showed 
that they had not fallen into the trap of division or the temptation to "  keep their 
forces  " for a battle peculiar to the SNCF.

Renewing the practice of general assemblies

The fight against XXL Labor Law is also theirs. An isolation from other sectors, so much 
desired by the government, would cost us dearly in the future battle that is ahead.

Alas, for the 12th and the 21st of September, there were not even single calls to the 
strike, not even inter-union roads to organize the action. More than ever, it is necessary 
to return to the practice of general assemblies, as close as possible to each workplace, 
so that each one can express, exchange and decide !

Faced with the lies of the government, the SNCF management and the media about our 
so-called privileges, we will have to light up firebreaks. Convincing users and users that 
openness to competition, they too will pay for it. The setting up of user groups against 
liberalization could open a track. Their construction could be based on our local 
interprofessional unions.

It is time for the trade union federations to be more inclined to organize this necessary 
momentum. Today against the Labor XXL law, tomorrow against the new railway law, it is 
always the same class that struggles. It is up to us to work at its unity.

Libertarian railway workers and railwaymen

New measures against the right to strike

The SNCF management, too, is preparing for the confrontation in 2018 ... further reducing 
the right to strike.

It had penetrated a first corner in 2004, obtaining the signature of all the union 
federations, except SUD-Rail and FO, on a text aimed at "  preventing social conflicts  " 
... Three years later, the law of 2007, whose anti-strike character has been reinforced 
several times since.

The requirement to file individual declarations of intent (DII) has a deterrent effect. So 
far 31,500 railwaymen and railway workers were bound by this declaration ; from 1 st 
October, the management decided to submit almost 20 000 more from this rule.

This measure comes amid a constant and growing repression against trade unionists and, 
more broadly, those who disturb. Repression that goes hand in hand with an aggressive 
management that pushes colleagues, sometimes even suicide. To create bond, solidarity, 
collective, is the only bulwark against the isolation and the distress that it provokes.



Message: 3

Last week, the fascist city of the city surrounded its rotten flesh in our city. This time 
the occasion was the performance "The Time of the Devil", which was played at the 
Aristotle Theater. Half a handful of fascists with Greek flags mingled with Christian 
fundamentalists with the flags of the Byzantine Empire, candles and sanctuaries were found 
outside the theater to protest the "blasphemy," leaving all the other people living in 
this city to admire the stupidity their. On Monday, 30/10, the same fascist crowd calls 
for protest for the show "Ecclesiastes", played at the Avlea Theater. ---- In this city, 
we saw the various fascists trying to appear on the road with various occasions. But we, 
as anti-fascists and anti-fascists, see the fascism as the long hand of capital, 
irrespective of the causes that the fascists invoke in order to get out of their hole and 
assemble various racists, Greek-believers and religious. And that is why we are not 
separating our struggle against the fascism from it to capitalism. Fascism is the 
intensification of the capitalist condition of the exception. Our fascism wants slaves of 
the bosses. Fascism intensifies the unlawfulness and militarization of labor by setting 
conditions for extermination in the "overwhelming" workforce.

Understanding the central role occupied by capital-labor opposition as the relationship / 
opposition from which the present (sometimes historically concrete) form of organization 
of all social relations (capitalist social formation) is produced and, at the same time, 
being part of the working class , we can only approach and interpret every relationship of 
power within the capitalist society from a paradoxical, classical point of view. This 
means, first of all, that we are trying to identify and highlight its special capitalist 
form, the way in which the empowering relationship takes class status and serves the 
interests of capital. It is a constant trend and a vital need of capital to organize all 
social relations in the direction of (re) production and circulation of value.

Fascism was employed in the absolute form of the prevailing regime at a time when 
capitalism was experiencing the deepest crisis and at the same time faced with the danger 
of a generalized proletarian revolution. Let us not laugh: if capitalism needs it again, 
he knows he always has his arrow in his quiver. Today he needs it as a tool that acts 
within bourgeois democracy: to attack trade unionists, anti-fascists, anarchists, 
immigrants, resistance areas, hangouts, occupations. Tomorrow again we can see this one 
handful of ridiculous becoming part of the governmental power. We also do not forget how 
quickly entire Asian countries were dragged into the most obscure regimes because it 
brought about sovereignty.

Capitalism needs fascism for a number of reasons: as a means of disciplining the most 
underestimated parts of our class (nowadays immigrants and migrants in particular) as a 
means of dividing the order (on legal and unpaid workers, lgbtqia + and straight, women 
and men, etc.) and as a means of increasing or reducing labor supply in production.

Racism - a basic pillar of fascism - is necessary among many other relations of oppression 
that "offer" the same service to capital, the division of the working class and the 
oppressed, and the fragmentation of its resistances. Discrimination based on gender, 
sexual orientation, age, race, and any other dividing line (straight / lgbtqia +, legal 
worker / paperless, female / male, white / black, young / are cultivated by sovereignty 
diligently and reproduced, both material (wage differences, exclusion of categories from 
the labor market, etc.) and ideologically. Capitalism uses the power relations ("takes 
over" from older systems, creates, restructures, intensifies them)

Racism is also necessary (again among other forms of discrimination) in order to remove 
unnecessary labor from production. It is no coincidence that the Nazi and fascist regimes 
that emerged in Europe at the beginning of the last century first made use of racism and 
patriarchy to reduce the supply of working hands. The need to withdraw huge parts of the 
working class from production was clear: racism cared for mismanage with Jews and Roma and 
sexism with women. Thus, suddenly, with large parts of our class not being measured in the 
ranks of the unemployed, the "national-socialist dream" with the allowances, the 
state-paid holidays and the supposed comforts of the German working class became a 
reality: for those who naturally exited.

Fascism has been the embodiment of the absolute form of all power relations: racism, 
nationalism, chauvinism, misogynyism, homophobia, militarism ...

For us, fascism is the birth of this world of oppression, exploitation and exclusion. That 
is why it is treated in class terms, upsetting the system that rears it and which it 
always serves.

We will not even go into the process of telling the obvious about artistic freedom or the 
demagogic-despotic role of the obscurantism church (which we have altogether on the 
whole). We will only say that the air they took last week, we have to cut them off. We 
will not leave our city to the fascists and the dark men, as few as they are, how 
ridiculous they are.


17:00, KAMARA

Eleftherial Initiative of Thessaloniki - member of the Anarchist Federation
lib_thess@hotmail.com libertasalonica.wordpress.com



Message: 4

We learned a few hours ago of a civil police operation against a suspected group 
responsible for several attacks on police vehicles, bank, car dealers, police stations and 
political party headquarters. According to news published in the G1, will be attributed to 
this alleged group crimes of gang formation, use of explosives and attempted murder. The 
address of our former public headquarters, located on the Travessa dos Venezianos, was 
invaded by police who seized computers, telephones, books and other belongings of the 
cultural group that kept the space. We learned that the warrant was addressed to our 
Organization. Other political-cultural sites were also visited by civilian police.
It is another FACTOIDE that aims to create a scarecrow, a scapegoat, to criminalize and 
repress all social movements and the non-electoral left and in particular our ideology. In 
a conjuncture of withdrawal of rights, fiscal adjustment, intensification of exploitation 
and domination over all the oppressed classes, the heavy hand of criminalization against 
the anarchists comes into play.

We have not yet had our public place invaded, but we believe it may only be a matter of 
time. We alert all of the social fighters about this and about the need for SOLIDARITY to 
everyone who fights!


Anarchist Gaucho Federation - FAG October 25, 2017


Message: 5

This alert, in the form of an open letter, is intended to alert national political and 
legal officials about the current abuses in the territory of Briançonnais in terms of 
militarization of the border, and illegal practices including the expulsion of major and 
minor migrants , practices of intimidation of solidarity citizens who assist migrants. It 
also recalls the principles of respect for fundamental rights that we urge the state and 
its structures to implement. ---- ALERT IN STATE, ALERT TO OUR REPRESENTATIVES, ALERT TO 
CITIZENS ! ---- Mr. President of the Republic, ---- Mr. Prefect of the Hautes Alpes, ---- 
Mr. Prosecutor of the Republic, ---- Mr Defender of Human Rights, ---- Ladies and 
Gentlemen, ---- Ladies and Gentlemen the Citizens, ---- The local, regional and national 
signatory associations join the Citizen Movement All Migrants to alert you again to the 
following facts on the border territory of Briançonnais: The military and police activity 
on this Franco-Italian border is reflected every day by dozens of refusal of entry and 
inadvertent dismissal of adults and children in exile. These referrals are made in 
violation of fundamental rights and legal provisions, particularly with regard to the 
right to asylum and the protection of children.

This policy resulted in a serious accident known (two young people dropped 40 meters in 
rock bars to avoid the police in the night of August 18 to 19), others, unknown, and 
multiple endangered. Migrants take dangerous paths to avoid the main road and / or hide 
for days and nights to escape the controls. They arrive exhausted, hungry, terrorized 
Briançon. With the approach of winter, these risks are increasing: risk of death by cold 
or frostbite (two people were amputated in March 2016).

In addition to these refusals of entry and inadvertent dismissals, many of us also witness 
recurring facts relating to the following situations:

Hits to the man, especially at night with special equipment ;
Identity checks based on skin color ;
Absence of translators during arrests of migrants to explain their rights in a language 
they understand ;
Systematic fingerprinting of minors at the police station ;
Referrals to Italy of persons of legal age despite their status as asylum seekers, and 
even minors ;
Releases to the street of minors ;
Intimidation by some members of the police of solidarity citizens ;
Refusal or lack of justification by the police of the legal basis of these actions.
Many people are outraged by what they witness and help out as much as they can to those 
people in distress, including a majority of young minors. However, the Public Prosecutor 
summons some of them by accusing them of the crime of helping foreigners in an irregular 

In view of this observation, we, as citizens' associations, solemnly remind the 
authorities of their responsibilities towards the rule of law, because less than anyone, 
they can not ignore that:

The right of asylum is a fundamental right ;
Minors and asylum seekers are not illegal aliens but vulnerable persons who must be 
protected according to the law and international conventions ;
Failure to assist a person in danger is a crime ;
Endangering the lives of others is a crime ;
Solidarity is a duty, consecutive to the values of our Republic incarnated by the motto " 
Liberty - Equality - Fraternity  " and this solidarity is part of the curriculum of the 
public school.
That is why, in order to restore the rule of law seriously threatened by this policy, and 
before an irreparable accident (death, amputation, disability ...) does not happen again, 
we urge you to:

Stop immediately the endangerment of human beings organized by the State ;
Restore freedom of movement at borders established by the Schengen Agreements ;
Respect fundamental human rights and grant protection to people forced to flee their 
country who knock on the door of France ;
To stop the intimidation and prosecution of the solidarity citizens of these people in 
We understand the dilemmas faced by those who are enjoined to perform measures contrary to 
their beliefs. These situations can lead and have already led to serious accidents that 
are likely to increase. They also have deleterious effects on workers, as they can testify.
We encourage workers and their unions to express themselves, not to be abused and to use 
all their rights in occupational health, but also with regard to the risks for exiles 
pursued in the mountains, children on the street, people without financial means to pay 
for a ticket or something to eat ...

We encourage them to challenge those responsible for the criminal liability that may be 
incurred, including the deliberate endangerment of the lives of others or the breach of a 
duty of care or security provided by law (Article L121). -3 of the Penal Code), and where 
appropriate, to use their duty to disobey a manifestly illegal order (Article L122-4 of 
the Criminal Code).

We call on all citizens, regardless of their rank in society, to resist this dangerous 
drift of the rule of law, to continue to record their daily acts in accordance with the 
values taught to our children and for which our parents have beaten at the risk of their 
lives, and, if necessary, to disobey collectively the obviously unlawful orders they may 
receive in the exercise of their functions.

Briançon, October 17, 2017

Petition to sign on change.org

First signatories:


Libertarian Alternative, National Border Assistance Association for Foreigners (Anafé), 
Federation of Tunisians for a Brotherhood of the Two Shores (FTCR), South-Education 
Federation, South-Rail Federation, MRAP, Faith Network & Justice Africa Europe antenna 
France , Networks Education Without Borders, Network Initiatives for Another World, System 
B as Slum, Transport People and Care, Syndical Union of Psychiatry, French Jewish Union 
for Peace (UJFP), Union Syndicale Solidaire, Utopia 56.


The South-East Cimade, Secours Catholique Caritas France-Delegation of the Alps, League of 
Human Rights PACA, Network Hospitality South-East.


Home Migrants of the Gers, Home Migrants Valfleury, Association of Solidarity in Essonne 
with the Roma and Romanian Families, Auberge des Migrants (Calais), Bagagérue (Paris), 
CGT-National City of the History of Immigration (Paris), Circle of silence Hazebrouck, 
Circle Louis Guilloux (Paris), Paths Plural (Embrun), Citizens Solidarity 06, Anti-racist 
collective of the region of Elboeuf, Collective of the defense of the rights and liberties 
of foreigners (Besançon), Collective Migrants Austerlitz, Collective without Shelters 
Nantes, Iséroise Solidarity Coordination with Migrant Aliens, Emancipée School 34, Escale 
(Salernes), Indian American Group (Crest), Habitat & Citizenship (Nice), Institute for a 
Relationship Policy (Lyon), Justice, Equality, Fraternity , Solidarity (Calais), Justice & 
Freedom (Strasbourg), Lille New Jungle,LDH Toulon, Migrants Welcome 34, The Cimade (05, 
06, 46), FCPE 05, Icare 05, Solidary House of Saint Stephen, Migrants: change our eyes 
(Antony), Paris of Exile, The Chapel Standing! (Paris), The Pastoral of Migrants 
Marseille, The Hot Potato (Grenoble), Refugees of Vaucluse, Migrant Support Network of 
Yonne (89), RESF (05, 13, 25, 32, 43, 65, 69, 84), Réseau Universitaire Sans Frontières 
13, Romeurope 94, Romeurope of Val Maubuée, Roya Citizen, Solidarity Migrants Etorkinekin 
(Basque Country), Solidarity Migrants Graulhet (81), Solidarity Migrants Oise, Solidarity 
Migrants and Refugees (Besançon), Solidaritat Ubaye, Solidarity with Refugees of Sisteron, 
Support for Roma Families (93), South Education (05, 84), Land of Wandering 
(Norrent-Fontes), All Migrants Savoie, Union Syndicale Solidaire 05.



Message: 6

We learned a few hours ago of a civil police operation against an alleged group 
responsible for several attacks on police vehicles, a bank, car dealers, police stations 
and political party headquarters. ---- According to news published on G1 crimes of gang 
formation, use of explosives and attempted murder will be attributed to this alleged 
group. The premises of our former public headquarters, located on Travessa dos Venezianos, 
was invaded by police who seized computers, telephones, books and other items belonging to 
the cultural group that maintained the space. We have learned that the warrant was 
addressed to our Organization. Other political-cultural spaces were also ‘visited' by 
civil police. ---- This is yet another FACTOID that aims to create a scarecrow, a 
scapegoat, to criminalize and repress all social movements, the non-electoral left and our 
ideology in particular. In a context of eroding of rights, austerity, intensification of 
exploitation and domination over all the oppressed classes, the heavy hand of the 
criminalization against the anarchists comes into play.

Our public space has not been invaded yet, but we believe it will only be a matter of 
time. We alert all of the social fighters about this and about the need for SOLIDARITY 
with everyone who struggles!

Federação Anarquista Gaúcha - FAG
25 October 2017



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