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donderdag 23 november 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 23.11.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Britain, freedom news - A year through anarchist eyes: 1950

2.  Greece, Text of Patras anarchists comunists against the
      recent occupation of the Polytechnic School of Athens (ca, pt)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre - Social Worker:
      Child Protection Under Attack (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

4.  awsm.nz: Filthy Rich - Europe Billionaires Wealthier Than
      Ever (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  [Chile] 2nd Anarchofeminist Journey: Presentation of
      Arpillera Magazine Nº 3 By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

6.  wsm.ie: Dublin march demands end to Direct Provision, No
      Deportations and the Right to Work + video (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Rob Ray takes a unique run through the pages of Freedom in 1950, a time when anarchism was 
in a pretty dire state, but was starting to gain traction via a focus fighting issues such 
as capital punishment, nuclear weapons and militarism, which would characterise some of 
anarchism's biggest campaigns later in the decade. ---- The 1950s saw what remained of the 
anarchist movement very much on its uppers, hit hard by both the war and the seeming 
success of Bolshevism - the Communist Party of Britain being able to pull out 2,000 people 
at a time for debates and as yet untarnished by the Hungary invasion. Much of the first 
part of the year's reporting was taken up with a series of translations of the happenings 
of the 1949 International Anarchist Congress, alongside comment on issues which would help 
to define the movement, including Korea, the atom bomb and a scathing approach to TUC 
union chiefs.

Noteable was the small number of groups listed in the regular Meetings and Announcements 
list, which outside London included only Glasgow, Liverpool, Colne & Nelson, and 
Hampstead. By the end of the year only London and Glasgow were reporting back, and times 
would be tough until the close of the decade.

In November 1949 a major international anarchist gathering had taken place in Paris, which 
Freedom opened the year with and would translate over the course of several months for 
readers. The conference claimed direct descent from the 1872 Congress of St Imier, saying:

As the first five decades of this century have passed, the federalist and 
anti-authoritarian solution of the social problem has become a more and more pressing 

[Jan 21 pdf]

The month started with a general election and a four-page denunciation, at a time when it 
was still plausible to vote for a communist candidate as opposed to merely a social 
democratic one, of the:

Appalling waste of energy and paper which has resulted from the frantic efforts of 
political people to acquaint you of the benefits of full employment, the iniquity of 
controls, the upsurge of liberalism or how everything would be wonderful if only Britain 
would trade with Russia ...

The Union of Anarchist Groups meanwhile (of which Freedom was a member) had Albert Meltzer 
talking on "the futility of elections," John Hewetson on birth control and a debate on 
whether workers' control would be established by industrial action alone.
[Feb 18th pdf]

Much was made of the end of the Peckham Experiment after 25 years, a fascinating and 
successful experiment in self-actuated community social life and positive health lost due 
to a lack of financial support from the government. Freedom noted:

The newspapers have suggested that the LCC (city authority) should take over the Peckham 
Centre to serve as a model health centre under the National Health Service. Nothing could 
more completely misconceive the aims of Peckham ....

Two considerations ought to be clearly in the minds of those who watch anxiously the 
future of the centre. First, the aim of researching into positive health, to study human 
behaviour in conditions of freedom. And the second (which really stems from it), is that 
the member families shall be allowed to follow their own inclinations without organisers 
or masters of ceremonies or any other kind of busybodies.

Meanwhile on the London Docks, 1,200 people were holding an overtime ban - because the T&G 
(now part of Unite) had expelled three trade unionists who had been members of an 
unofficial Port Workers' Committee during a major strike the year before. Freedom mused 
that the timing of the expulsions, which essentially made it impossible for the trio to 
work in what was a closed shop workplace, was deliberate - March being a slack period of 
the year.

On April 29th however the paper reported that the overtime ban had become a strike. Union 
leaders confirmed the expulsion on April 14th, feeding into a wildcat walkout over 
"resentment of union authority" which saw 12,000 people down tools and 60 ships left idle.

[March pdfs: 04 | 18]

Freedom's front-page denunciation of flogging was part of a long-running battle to stop 
the practice, which was finally won for good in 1967 with the abolition of flogging in 
prisons. The paper wrote:

The act of flogging requires the services of a brute to administer the lash, or else it 
brutalises a less harsh nature. Then there are all the trappings: the  fastening of the 
malefactor to the tripod; the dipping of the birch twigs in brine; the doctor who examines 
the victim before and during the punishment and gives his opinion as to whether he is 
"fit" to receive or continue it - these modern refinements make the procedure even more 
morally abnormal than the medieval and renaissance torture chambers. For anarchists there 
can be no nice weighing up of "pros" and "cons" - the whole business is revolting.

Marie Louise Berneri had died the previous year and throughout 1950 there were updates on 
fundraising and tributes to her life. Berneri was a key figure at the Press and 
much-loved, upwards of 100 people contributed to the memorial committee.

[April pdfs: 01 | 15 | 29]

Arrests in Spain were front page of Freedom as Franco's police swept through Barcelona 
detaining people, including Jose Iglesias Paz, a national delegate of the banned CNT union 
who had been a member of the Durruti column. The police said 13 men were part of a team 
which had committed multiple robberies and assassinations in the area. Five would 
eventually be executed, while the rest were sentenced to 30 years in prison each. Paz 
would serve 10 years before being granted amnesty and eventually going into political 
exile in Switzerland.

[May pdfs: 13 | 27]

Jose Iglesias Paz
Freedom took a contrarian view of de-rationing as the government relaxed its regime, 

The whole conception of price control and the attempt to secure equitable distribution 
through rationing drives from the recognition - belated and incomplete that it is - that 
all men have a right to at least the necessities of life. It is unquestionably a progress 
that such a conception should now be common property. But it is also indicative of society 
and of the administrative class that this conception is thought to have application only 
during wartime.

One of the trends of Freedom in 1950 was that, in the absence of major anarchist upheavals 
at home the content largely revolved around a vocal support of unofficial union action in 
Britain and the more spectacular efforts of anarchists in other countries. A court case in 
Genoa was a good example of this, with three anarchists, Buscio, Deluchi and Mancuso going 
on trial for forcing their way into the Spanish Consulate with a plan to assassinate the 
Consul. The man himself being away, they let off a hand grenade in the office.

A full rundown of what happened, and the astonishing outcome, can be found at the Kate 
Sharpley Library.

[June pdfs: 10 | 24]

The Korean War had just begun, and Freedom's opinion was strident:

We are witnessing the great powers hiring out the territory of a backward, divided puppet 
as a battlefield, fighting behind other men's lives. It is not the first time we have seen 
such a pattern.

For us, as anarchists, there remains the question - what about the Koreans? In the context 
of the cold war, such a question appears almost an irrelevancy! In Korea today it is not 
what the Koreans want; the decisions are not made on either side of the 38th parallel, but 
thousands of miles away in Washington and Moscow. Propaganda cries about the aspirations 
of a people, or the establishment of effective democracy become quite meaningless from 
this perspective.

[July pdfs: 08 | 22]

The biggest event of the year for Freedom Press was a summer school held at "the Trade 
Union Club" in London on the August bank holiday weekend (26th-28th), instructive for 
where the anarchist movement was drawing its support from at the time, as it listed 
attendees from Glasgow, Liverpool, Cone, Newcastle, Gosport, Crewe, the Isle of Man, York, 
Bradford and Birmingham.

Talks were offered on the Saturday by John Hewetson on "aspects of anarchism," Sam 
Fanaroff on "agriculture, industry and the commune," Alex Comfort on how the new-fangled 
psychology of "delinquency" could append better to MPs than petty crooks, Jimm Raeside on 
"anarchism and resistance to war" and Albert Meltzer on "anarchism and the word picture." 
Characteristically, Meltzer refused to soft soap in his lecture, admitting that 
"anarchism, as a force, hardly appeared on the world scene" and complaining that the 
syndicalist unions were tending to treat anarchism as "the poor relation." Many of the 
lectures were subsequently written up as articles for following issues.

On the Sunday afternoon, an open-air meeting at Hyde Park saw Eddie Shaw and Jimmy Raeside 
spoke to "a very large and interested crowd" at Speakers Corner, followed by "a social 
with a Dixieland-style jazz band (and singing by George Melly, featured below) providing 
the entertainment."  The young Albert Meltzer and Vernon Richards dancing the night away 
to Melly's cheerful patter, all of them parts of a tiny movement that was yet to see its 
1960s growth spurt, or the vicious feuding that would later characterise both Meltzer and 
Vero's lives, is a thoroughly charming and poignant image.

[August pdfs: 05 | 19]

Freedom was spot on the money about the Korean war when it noted that:

The American government in particular is so deeply committed that, no matter what the cost 
in soldiers' lives, it must continue to defend what its own advisers considered to be 
strategically undefendable. Defeat in Korea would be so disastrous that, however great the 
losses, the government whose prestige is at stake dare not end the war. Men may die, the 
country may be utterly ruined, but prestige must not be lost.

The paper was by now also beginning to be able to report on the activities of libertarians 
in Britain itself, with one of a series of writeups of lectures given by anarchists at the 
Summer School and a piece on the state of the movement, based on a meeting from the same 

"CW" (likely Colin Ward) noted the ongoing Union of Anarchist Groups, which had formed in 
December 1945 at a conference in Glasgow and to which the London Anarchist Group (linked 
at the time to Freedom) belonged. Ward was relaxed about a lack of coherence in the 
organisation, described as "nebulous," declaring "let the organisers organise, and the 
non-organisers abstain from organising."

Later in the month a front page piece reported on the stymied efforts of the Chemical 
Workers' Union to replace the TUC's bureaucratic model of organising with a full 
industrial democracy. TUC council member Lincoln Evans was extremely unamused by the 
suggestion, saying it smacked of syndicalism, a charge denied by the CWU rep Robert 
Edwards (who would later go on to become an MP).

[September pdfs: 02 | 16 | 30]

A fascinating report arrived at Freedom via the International Anarchist Congress, 
well-timed to provide a stark contrast with the conflict in full flow of war in Korea, 
from W Karim, general secretary of the General Federation of Korean Anarchists.

In his essay on their efforts against both Stalin and the US, Karim said around 3,000 
active members with influence over a further 600,000 people had in previous years 
conducted a highly successful anti-imperial struggle to get Japanese oppressors off the 
peninsular, but had struggled after 1945 as a popular front Workers Union had been largely 
manipulated and seized on by pro-Bolshevik forces. Shifting to their own groups, including 
the Agricultural Workers' Party, Independent Workers and the General Students' Federation, 
the anarchists were at the time of writing running two daily papers and one weekly, using 
their own presses.

Later that month, a review of Stalin's Anarchism or Socialism remarked on the old man's 
"usual myopia" on what anarchism is and remarked, with bitter humour, that despite 
accusing anarchists of unfair rumour-mongering about the reactionary nature of the 
Bolshevik regime:

"Stalin has lately proclaimed that the state will not ‘wither away' in Russia and is, 
furthermore, to be strengthened. So much for the ‘tittle-tattle' of the anarchists, which 
seemed to have some foundation, after all."

Six year later, the invasion of Hungary would put paid to Bolshevik pretensions for good, 
starting the long collapse of the Communist Party of Great Britain almost at a stroke.

[October pdfs: 14 | 28]

In the 1939-45 period following the Spanish Civil War, thousands of people loyal to the 
Communist Party fled first to France and the to Russia, a country they believed would 
grant them asylum. According to accounts published by Freedom however, Stalin and the NKVD 
were less than welcoming:

The defeat of the Spanish workers by Franco's army and the betrayal of their revolutionary 
aspirations by such leaders as El Campesino was accompanied by a mass exodus to France of 
anarchists, socialists, communists who feared reprisal. El Campesino (now) tells us that 
in France a committee of communist leaders was created to ‘screen' those CPers who were 
seeking asylum in Russia. Priority was given to three categories of ‘comrades': members of 
the NKVD (secret police); well-known militant whose position was compromising; Spanish and 
foreign militants ‘who had given signs of lukewarmness during the civil war or who knew 
too much. Not having been able to liquidate them in Spain, as had been the case for a 
number of their friends, they were to be sent to Russia to disappear.'

The first contingent, under the direction of Tegliatti, Modesto and Lister, left in April 
1939. Altogether 3,961 Spanish refugees arrived in Russia this way. They had been 
preceeded by 1,700 children accompanied by 102 teachers.

El Campesino claims that of nearly 6,000 Spanish refugees in Russia, only 1,200 are still 
alive today, and challenges the Communists to disprove his figures.

[November pdfs: 11 | 25]

El Campesino, aka Valentín González, was a USSR loyalist who was forced to flee Russia in 
1949 to France, where he lived in double exile.
The Peace Pledge Union is still the oldest pacifist organisation of its kind in Britain, 
having first emerged in 1934, and was strongly influenced by the anarchists.

PPU member Alex Comfort, also a writer in Freedom, had published an anti-war pamphlet 
through it which, Freedom reported in December, had perturbed Westminster enough to spark 
a debate over whether such writing should be somehow banned. The leaflet, Civil Defence - 
what you should do now, was worried at by Labour Home Secretary James Ede and Tory MP 
Harmar Nicholls for potentially "hindering recruitment for Civil Defence by circulating a 
defeatist pamphlet." It was duly given a partial reprint in Freedom.

[December pdfs: 09 | 23]



Message: 2

On November 15, 2017 a group of people proceeded to occupy the old Polytechnic School of 
Athens, in whose enclosure each year, from November 15 to 17 , events are celebrated in 
memory of the rebellion of November 17, 1973 against the military dictatorship . According 
to the first concise communiqué of the occupation, its first political goal is "the 
expulsion of political and partisan organizations that intend to manipulate the 
rebellion." In the same text a call was made "to make the insurrection a reality and to 
confront us with the police forces". In the second communiqué, as concise as the first, 
the phrase "political and partisan organizations" has been replaced by the phrases 
"partisan partisans" and "partisan and institutional manipulators."
On the same day, several leftist groups held a protest march outside the grounds of the 
old Polytechnic School. The following day, several leftist parties and groups (and few 
anarchists) marched to the School and ended the occupation. At the time of writing these 
lines, the group that occupied the Polytechnic School did not issue any statement about 
the end of the occupation. Next, the text of the anarchist collective "Communist 
Anarchists of Patras" against the occupation.
The Polytechnic belongs to the fighters and the fighters. November 17 can not be 
manipulated, anarchy can not be debased
With surprise, sadness and anger, we are informed of the occupation of the old Polytechnic 
School by a group of people on the morning of Wednesday ( November 15 ) , and the 
consequent exclusion of student associations and leftist groups from the University 
campus. These collectives traditionally celebrate in this enclosure the historical memory 
activities held each year for three days.
As communist anarchists and fighters who have spent almost twenty years participating in 
both Patras and Ioannina in the activities of historical and class memory carried out 
because of the anniversary of the revolt of the Polytechnic School ( November 17, 1973 ), 
we have made it clear that no one has the right to impose a logic of ownership of the 
struggles of the Polytechnic School. The fighting, class and insurrectionary tradition of 
the Polytechnic School and the struggles of the students and the workers against the 
military junta of the colonels belong to the fighters and fighters of that occasion, the 
present and the future. It belongs to the lower classes of society and to all those who 
have set up barricades against the onslaught of state and capital totalitarianism.
In any case, we know full well that one of the fervent desires of Sovereignty is to 
incorporate and absorb the struggles, as well as to distort those radical traits of them, 
for which they may be dangerous in the future. Therefore, the occupation of the 
Polytechnic School may only be harmful with respect to the maintenance of historical 
social and class memory, when it prohibits student associations or leftist political 
youths from celebrating their activities (events) in their enclosure.
We are reluctant, therefore, to any attempt to manipulate and try to derive political 
profit from the collective struggles of the lower, both past and present. Even if the 
squatters want to protect the messages of the Polytechnic School rebellion from partisan 
manipulation, in practice they have succeeded in reproducing this manipulation, having as 
a symbol the circulated A and invoking Anarchy. Moreover, since a similar action is an 
action of elitism and vanguardism, separated from the desires and needs of the 
contestatory class movement in this period. In short, the methods used by squatters are 
not those of anarchist and libertarian fighters. They are the methods of the left-wing 
leaderships, the notion of political vanguards that rise above fighters and fighters, and 
make decisions for them and without them.
Therefore, we believe that this political action reproduces dangerous ideological 
inventions, intending to put into practice within the contestatory movement (with its 
various shades) a polemic that in the current conjuncture must be carried out against the 
sovereigns. We are clearly reluctant to move to the terrain of the social and class war 
movement against Capital, the State and the fascists.
At the same time, we can recognize some common ideological starting points after this 
occupation-isolation of the Polytechnic School, between the attack against communists and 
anarcho-syndicalists two years ago, in the context of the celebration of events on the 
anniversary of the rebellion of the Polytechnic School, and the attack against students in 
Athens during the last student elections.In both cases we speak of bullies with an 
anarchist mantle. Apart from the different composition of the subjects of these different 
attacks, the concept that has some segments of the anarchist "scope" of these actions, in 
fact is based on an anti-Communist and petty bourgeois logic and attitude, which 
identifies the communist students and the leftist parties and classifies them into the 
category of enemies, along with the state and capital. This logic makes us sick.
The only positive thing (if there is anything similar) in such actions of people who 
(possibly unconscious) operate as the idiots useful for Sovereignty, is that since (we 
believe) certain organized segments of anarchists keep distances from them , is 
demonstrated in the clearest way that the anarchist "scope" is already a cloud, a 
reference to historical periods of the past. The challenge is that (this scope) will 
already begin to acquire the characteristics of a movement that has a broad social 
discourse. In this direction it is necessary to maintain distances from such actions.
November 16, 2017

Communist anarchists of Patras



Message: 3

A concrete case of attack against social workers, that against the protection of childhood 
is symbolic because it affects the most vulnerable. Employees are mobilizing to prepare 
the response. ---- The law of 5 March 2007 is an in-depth reform of child protection, 
including the principle of the subsidiarity of judicial protection in relation to 
administrative protection, by entrusting the department with the responsibility to 
implement the whole social and educational interventions. ---- Very quickly, the 
departments finance or impose calls for projects placing associations in competition with 
each other. ---- In 2015, the departmental council of 49 chaired by Christian Gillet (UDI) 
launched a call for projects to allocate 698 places in educational and therapeutic support 
including forty new places funded at constant means. While the reception in children's 
home of social character (Mecs) costs on average, in this department, 170 euros per day 
and per child, the range proposed in the call for projects was below: between 150 and 170 
euros .

350 jobs at risk

In March 2016, the ax falls: SOS Children's Village (cheaper because derogatory in terms 
of labor legislation) and the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation (both recipients of private 
funds) take the call by answering calls offers with nearly 30  % budget saving.

For the employees of Tourelles, Apaech, Larpeje in Angers, CAP Baugé ... This is the cold 
shower. Nearly 350 child protection workers are threatened with dismissal.

By disengaging themselves, departments put children and adolescents in danger. Hundreds of 
children live in dramatic situations: some can not be placed because of lack of means, 
other young people are "  casé.es  " in a social hotel and delivered to them and themselves.

The conditions of access to housing contracts for young adults leave out the most 
vulnerable, and many isolated minors are homeless and left in situations of extreme 
psychological distress. Specialized prevention clubs are disenfranchised one after the 
other ... Not to mention the working conditions and the quality of the services provided 
to the public who are deteriorating day by day. Against the scourge of social work, the 
Egats (Alternative General States of Social Work) [1]intend to federate all the social 
work, medico-social and health around a major national event on 20 November.

The facebook page for the call to strike

The child protection workers had already mobilized in June, July and September. A general 
meeting of the Egats took place on Thursday, October 19 to prepare for a major response.

Marie-Line (AL Lyon)

Appeal letter to the demonstration of November 20th

[1] The collective "Etats Généraux Alternatifs du Travail Social", which brings together 
several unions and collectives, was formed in response to the lack of consultation and 
taking into account of the word of the workers and social workers during the Estates 
General of the social work, launched under Holland.



Message: 4

Europe's fifty richest people have become 153 billion dollars wealthier over the past 
year, with a total net worth rising to 754 billion dollars. ---- That rise - about three 
billion dollars each on average - is equivalent to five billion dollars for each of the 28 
EU member states or 300 dollars per person across the EU. ---- All but two of the top 50 
fattest cats increased their wealth. ---- By country, Germany led the rankings, accounting 
for 14, followed by France and Sweden, each with nine , Italy and the UK each with three, 
and Spain and Austria each with two out of the fifty. ---- The European Central Bank's 
policy of quantitative easing, by raising asset prices, has disproportionately benefited 
the wealthy, thereby contributing to rising inequality. ---- At the same time EU-inspired 
austerity policies have reduced income for the 99% directly - average EU wages have been 
falling in real terms since at least 2011 - and indirectly - through cuts to welfare and 
public services, which, together with your pay packet, make up what was once called the 
so-called the "social wage".

In 2016, 117.5 million people, or 23.4% of the population, in the European Union (EU) were 
at risk of poverty or social exclusion, and 7.5% of the population were "severely 
materially deprived", rising to over 20% of in some countries - Bulgaria (31.9%), Romania 
(23.8%) and Greece (22.4%).

The above article first appeared here: 

For comparative purposes...

nz's rich list:



The country's two wealthiest people own the same amount as the poorest 30 percent in New 

And the richest 1 percent of New Zealanders own 20 percent of wealth, while 90 percent of 
the population owns less than half of the nation's wealth.



Message: 5

Comrades: ---- On the occasion of the  launch of the third edition of Arpillera Magazine , 
we invite you to an Anarchofeminist Journey: Presentation of Arpillera Magazine Nº 3, 
which will take place on Monday,  November 20th . ---- We will count on the projection of 
the documentary " Cuidado, slips ". Also, we offer the presentation of a new edition of 
the body of feminist and anarchist studies, Revista Arpillera. From there, we hope you 
will join us in a conversation that sheds light on what anarchofeminism is and how 
important it is in a context like ours. ---- In addition, there will be a libertarian 
fair, vegan food and infusions. We rely on her voice and presence to create a new horizon 
of autonomous feminist struggle. We are waiting for you! ---- The commitment is in the 
House of Libertarian Communism (Nataniel Cox 1910, Franklin subway, Santiago), Monday, 
November 20, starting at 7pm.

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1679864522088224/

Related Content:


anarchist-ana news agency


Message: 6

The Direct Provision institutions were introduced as a supposedly temporary measure in 
2000.  17 years later they are still with us and some have spent over a decade trapped in 
the institutional isolation and poverty they create.  Adult residents receive 21.60 a week 
and some like Mosney are in isolated locations with no transport connections.  Visitors 
are controlled and there are little or no cooking facilities which means the children who 
have grown up there have seldom taste their parents cooking and have been unable to have 
friends sleep over. ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGLiUghnI0g ---- Saturday 18th 
November saw what is becoming an annual demonstration in Dublin to End Direct Provision, 
Stop Deportations and Give the Right to Work.  Ireland was one of only two countries in 
the EU that bans asylum seekers from working but back at the end of May the Supreme Court 
took the first step in overturning that ban.  This was due to a Burmese man who had spend 
over 8 years in direct provision before finally winning refugee status.   He had argued 
that living on 19.20 a week without being able to work meant, as the Irish Times reported 
that "he suffered depression, "almost complete loss of autonomy" and being allowed work 
was vital to his development, personal dignity and "sense of self-worth." But as you will 
hear in the video the government appear to be trying to fudge the issue by denying this 
right to anyone appealing their initial ruling, these are almost always negative although 
frequently overturned through the legal system.

Saturday's demonstration included residents and ex residents of several direct provision 
centres, including groups from Galway and Cork. You will hear several speak out in our 
video of the demonstration, a brave act because being outspoken or organising sometimes 
results in retaliation from the companies that profit from the centres.  MASI, the 
Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland, an independent self-organised collective of asylum 
seekers and former asylum seekers seeking justice, freedom and dignity for all asylum 
seekers distributed the leaflet whose text is below.

- Scan of MASI leaflet begins -


Direct Provision destroys many lives. It has
robbed us of our future and even our identity
and sense of who we are. Denying us the right
to work is a big part of this injustice and destruction.
We are deprived of the right to provide for
ourselves and our families. We are robbed of
hope for the future and the dignity that every
human being deserves. It is government policy
to keep us in a state of poverty and segregation.
The unrestricted right to work is a crucial part of
dismantling this system of apartheid that is
called Direct Provision.

'Asylum Seeker' is a label that erases the reality
of our lives, talents, experiences- everything
about us ceases to exist once we become
'asylum seeker'. Most of us suffer from depression
and demotivation as a result of not being
able to work and not being able to make any
productive use of our time, abilities, knowledge,
and qualifications. Among us are doctors, lawyers,
bankers, computer scientists, nurses,
teachers, company managers, administrators,
business people. But regardless of qualifications
all of us have skills, qualifications, experiences,
talents, capabilities that are being wasted while
we are barred from employment.

The right to work is not just about people who
are in the asylum system now, but about those
who come after, and about our sons and daughters
who are now children and young adults, and
the opportunities that will be made available to
them to make a life with dignity and meaning in
this country.

MASI calls for the right to work without
discrimination. This includes:
-Immediate access to the labour market for all
including those of us in the system now,
with no time restriction
-No restrictions on which jobs can be taken up
by asylum seekers
-To have the same labour rights and rights to
social benefits as citizens
-To be recognised in trade unions
-The right to education and training
-Acknowledgement of skills and experience we
bring with us from country of origin and
recognition of home country

The right to work must not invalidate our right to
accommodation, access to medical cards, and
other basic supports we get to subsist while in
Direct Provision.


-Add your voice to the UPLIFT email and tell
Ministers Charlie Flanagan, Frances
Fitzgerald and others that you support the
unrestricted right to work for all people in
the asylum system:

-Call government ministers and your local TDs
and tell them you support the immediate,
unrestricted right to work for all asylum

-Follow MASI on Facebook for regular updates
on what we are doing and how you can
stand with us and check in on our
website: http://wvvw.masi.ie/

MASI is the Movement of Asylum Seekers in
Ireland. We are an independent self-organised
collective of asylum seekers and former
asylum seekers seeking justice, freedom and
dignity for all asylum seekers.

- MASI leaflet ends -

See our Facebook photo album from the march



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