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woensdag 14 maart 2018

Bullfighting Doesn't Just Harm Bulls

Bullfighting is a Bloodsport. Tell Spain to Stop Exposing Kids to Unnecessary Violence and Ban Underage Bullfighting!
Sign Now
Dear friends,
No responsible parent would allow their child to run around with a sharp item torturing animals. But in Spain, children as young as 14 can learn how to bullfight. And according to the United Nations (UN), it can have serious long-lasting effects.
Recently, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has come out against allowing children under the age of 18 from bullfighting events or attending bullfighting schools.
While this ugly sport continues to be legal in Spain, the country has said that they will consider the UNCRC's recommendation. This could be one step towards ending the sport entirely as fewer young people will grow up desensitized to this barbaric practice.
Please add your name to the petition urging Spain to protect its children from the unnecessary violence of bullfighting. Ask Spain to ban children from bullfights in any way, shape or form.
Thank you,
 Andrew M.
The Care2 Petitions Team
PS: Your signature could make a difference and protect children and animals from cruelty in Spain. Please sign the petition now.

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