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vrijdag 10 augustus 2018

Anarchic update news all over the world - 10.08.2018

Today's Topics:


1.  alas barricadas: Elections in Mexico. War, domination and
      fight against the State (ca) [machine translation]

2.  avtonom: The new issue of the magazine "Avtonom" is
      approaching the printing house![machine translation]

3.  Britain, CLASS WAR STATEMENT (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

      A.P.O. (pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  [Switzerland] Cycling brings together about 100 cyclists in
      protest against the sale of Fabrikool By ANA (pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Marcelo Sandoval Vargas, Revolutionary Alliance for Anarchic Communism ---- What gains the 
proletarian with the fact of depositing in the ballot box a ballot in which he has put the 
name of the person who has to be part of the government?[...]the government is the source 
of injustice, hatred, war between human beings. The worker who wields an electoral ballot 
is worthy of pity, because he himself appoints his executioners, he himself manufactures 
the whip that has to cross his face, he himself allows this infamous system to endure -- 
Ricardo Flores Magón ---- On July 1, 2018, through the electoral day that was lived in 
Mexico, we attended a show that maintains the general spectacle of class society, 
patriarchal, state and colonial society. The current society is a generalized spectacle 
and is, at the same time, an accumulation of spectacles. For the powerful the spectacle is 
the only possibility of participation, one that is carried out in terms of appearance and 
passivity, where the capacity to do and imagine is subsumed to the instituted world. The 
politics of the spectacle is that carried out by citizens, that subject that is conformed 
at the moment in which an atomized individual delegates the destiny of his life, when he 
decides to abandon the commitment to take charge of his own existence.

The Mexican electoral process was carried out in the middle of a war, organized over 
clandestine graves, about the lives of the disappeared, of murdered women, of young people 
and enslaved children. The mechanisms and forms of deployment of the current stage of the 
historic war of capitalism against life began in 2006, when it began to experience an 
increase in state violence against the people; violence and repression that clearly broke 
out with two events that marked the beginning of a new state policy, reflecting the 
intensification of the processes of accumulation, through the destruction of life, 
territories and bodies of people.

In that year the Mexican government repressed the people of San Salvador Atenco, state of 
Mexico; people who defended their land since 2001 before the pretensions of building an 
airport on their territory. In May of 2006, the Front of Peoples in Defense of the Land 
(FPDT), an organization that brought together the ejido members of Atenco, decided to 
accompany some florists who resisted an eviction by the police, in front of this act of 
solidarity, the Police responded with repression and violence, so some florists and FPDT 
leaders stayed in a house for several hours to protect themselves. The repressive action 
forced the members of the FPDT to block a road that connects the state of Mexico with 
Mexico City, to demand the liberation of the florists and ejido members of Atenco. The 
response from the government was a police-military operation that had the intention of 
apprehending its leaders, accusing them of kidnapping; the town was invaded by police, who 
were looking for any villager or person who had gone to show solidarity with the people of 
Atenco, when they found someone they beat and stopped. The final balance was two people 
killed, dozens of women vexed and raped by the police themselves, dozens of people beaten 
and tortured. All of them were imprisoned for several years for crimes they did not 
commit. The repression was used to break the organization and resistance of the people, as 
well as threatening all the struggles, movements and organizations of the country. the 
town was invaded by police, who were looking for any villager or person who had gone to 
show solidarity with the people of Atenco, when they found someone they beat and stopped. 
The final balance was two people killed, dozens of women vexed and raped by the police 
themselves, dozens of people beaten and tortured. All of them were imprisoned for several 
years for crimes they did not commit. The repression was used to break the organization 
and resistance of the people, as well as threatening all the struggles, movements and 
organizations of the country. the town was invaded by police, who were looking for any 
villager or person who had gone to show solidarity with the people of Atenco, when they 
found someone they beat and stopped. The final balance was two people killed, dozens of 
women vexed and raped by the police themselves, dozens of people beaten and tortured. All 
of them were imprisoned for several years for crimes they did not commit. The repression 
was used to break the organization and resistance of the people, as well as threatening 
all the struggles, movements and organizations of the country. dozens of women vexed and 
raped by the police themselves, dozens of people beaten and tortured. All of them were 
imprisoned for several years for crimes they did not commit. The repression was used to 
break the organization and resistance of the people, as well as threatening all the 
struggles, movements and organizations of the country. dozens of women vexed and raped by 
the police themselves, dozens of people beaten and tortured. All of them were imprisoned 
for several years for crimes they did not commit. The repression was used to break the 
organization and resistance of the people, as well as threatening all the struggles, 
movements and organizations of the country.

The second repressive action occurred in November 2006, it was another police-military 
operation; this time against the inhabitants of the city of Oaxaca, the indigenous peoples 
and the organizations that led this insurrectionary movement, which since June of that 
year organized one of the greatest experiences of struggle and self-government in recent 
decades. It was known as the Commune of Oaxaca and was the work of the Popular Assembly of 
the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO). The movement broke out in response to the government's 
attempt to evict a seedling of basic education teachers in the city's zócalo, which was 
set up in May in demand for wage increases and greater labor rights. When the police began 
to attack the teachers, people left their homes in defense of the teachers. First they 
reinstalled the seedling, but the organization did not stay in that, they decided 
spontaneously to take control of the city. The insurrection was carried out through the 
installation of barricades in all neighborhoods, took several radios, university, 
government and commercial as well as state television, used the media to publicize their 
struggle and make complaints of harassment that led to the government, but not only, the 
most important thing was that they used them as organizers of the movement. During the 
months of insurrection the government hid and the people organized the life of the whole 
city. The experience lasted around 5 months, during which time the violence of the State 
was permanent: it converted the police, dressed in civilian clothes, in a paramilitary 
group that at night went out to attack with firearms the people of the barricades; every 
day there were confrontations with the forces of order in different parts of the city; the 
territories controlled by the insurgents were constantly harassed. Finally, in November, 
the government carried out a police-military operation that ran through street by street 
with tanks and armed men with the intention of destroying the barricades, beating, 
imprisoning and assassinating those who maintained the resistance. So far it is not known 
for sure how many people were killed, disappeared and imprisoned, but it is estimated in 
hundreds. Finally, in November, the government carried out a police-military operation 
that ran through street by street with tanks and armed men with the intention of 
destroying the barricades, beating, imprisoning and assassinating those who maintained the 
resistance. So far it is not known for sure how many people were killed, disappeared and 
imprisoned, but it is estimated in hundreds. Finally, in November, the government carried 
out a police-military operation that ran through street by street with tanks and armed men 
with the intention of destroying the barricades, beating, imprisoning and assassinating 
those who maintained the resistance. So far it is not known for sure how many people were 
killed, disappeared and imprisoned, but it is estimated in hundreds.

What these two repressions represent is the beginning of a new state policy; one that is 
characterized by the state of exception for the peoples, where violence is the first 
governmental response in order to guarantee the accumulation and profit of the 
capitalists, which implies the intensification and reconfiguration of the capitalist war, 
that conflagration of long breath between the dispossessed and the possessors. What 
definitively rounded up this change in state policy was the electoral fraud that was 
organized in the same year, a fraud that was committed against the presidential candidate 
Andrés Manuel López Obrador (of social-democratic tendency). The intentionality of fraud 
was to allow the right-wing candidate Felipe Calderón to reach the presidency, since he 
was the one who committed himself to the powerful, under the speech that he was going to 
impose a war against drug trafficking, to concretize the new stage of capitalist war 
against life. All this contributed to give free rein to an episode in the history of 
Mexico that has left a balance of 118 thousand people killed and tens of thousands of 
missing, according to official figures.

Up to now it is 12 years of war, since the president who followed Felipe Calderón, the 
right-wing Enrique Peña Nieto, has been a continuation of the same terrorist policy for 
the control of territories and life, of this war against the peoples, against women and 
against nature, but that has been framed in the media and in the speeches of the rulers as 
war against drug trafficking. During this period, people realized that the main murderer 
and criminal is the State itself. For example, it has been evident, for example, the 
direct participation of the police, the army and the rulers in the murder of 3 and the 
disappearance of 43 students of the Rural Normal of Ayotzinapa on September 26, 2014. The 
massacre was verified. the army in Tlatlaya, state of Mexico, in the same 2014.

In response to the capitalist war, there are peoples who have organized to resist and 
defend themselves. Some movements and struggles have realized that they can not expect 
anything from the government, that the problem is the State itself, therefore, experiences 
of autonomy and self-government have emerged, as well as forms of community security and 
self-defense. The families of the disappeared have gone looking for their sons and 
daughters, they go from city to city, from grave to grave, they know that the government 
will never find their relatives, because it is part of the same system that disappears 
them. However, in these 12 years of terror and chaos, it has not had the capacity to form 
a revolutionary project that brings together part of the discontent, a real alternative 
from which the movements, peoples and struggles are able to fight.

Rationale for everything and that at the end of 2017 the legitimacy of the State and 
political parties was in its worst situation in recent decades, since the ruling political 
class was almost unanimously despised and expressed a fear and a general rage against the 
army, the navy and the police for their participation in disappearances, massacres, 
dispossessions and unjust detentions, it was not possible to build a revolutionary 
solution to capitalist barbarism. This impossibility was taken advantage of by the 
political parties in the opening of the electoral campaigns, the social-democratic 
candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, appeared as in 2006 above in the polls, at a very 
great distance from his two competitors, the right-wingers Ricardo Anaya and José Antonio 

On the economic plane, the three main candidates represented the continuity of 
neoliberalism, the same pursuit of profit and capitalist accumulation, only that Anaya and 
Meade explicitly spoke of continuing with the same dynamics of generalized violence, of 
undeclared civil war; and López Obrador said that that same accumulation and gain can be 
concretized in a better way if there is peace and a certain tranquility for the people. 
That speech, associated with 12 years of desperation for the people, allowed him to stay 
very high in the polls during the entire electoral campaign and finally win the elections 
on July 1, 2018.

The contempt for the electoral campaigns of the different parties was generalized. The 
voting percentage remained within the average for a presidential election, about 60% of 
the electorate. In general disenchantment was perceived, despite the fact that the 
social-democratic candidate López Obrador won by a very large distance, obtaining more 
than 50% of the preferences; It has not manifested among the people of the bottom hopes 
for a profound change in the situation, they aspire to live with less violence, they hope 
that the murders and disappearances will diminish, that there will be work so that it can 
be consumed, that there will be tranquility so that can be produced

What is observed, with the victory of López Obrador, is that the State has been 
legitimized again. In addition, being a character who has a leftist discourse on the 
social level, we are sure that the forms of repression that will be used by the government 
that represents will be cooptation and low intensity war. The middle class has become 
their main ally and is their first line of defense. However, what the middle class forgets 
is that in a country like Mexico, where electoral fraud is the rule, Lopez Obrador's 
triumph means that the elites have given their approval, it means that there is an 
agreement between the two parties and surely a series of commitments that must be 
fulfilled by the new government that will take office on December 1, 2018.

For those of us trying to position ourselves in a radical and revolutionary way, the 
outlook is adverse in a different way than we had been dealing with the two previous 
governments, where violence was the first response for those who were in defense of the 
territory and of life. This time we are facing a consensus between the media and the 
middle class in their support for the new government; political parties of all tendencies 
accepted their defeat easily and have aligned themselves with the next president. That is 
why radical, anti-statist and anti-capitalist criticism will become necessary in a context 
where it will be disdained even more than before.

Under the discourse of giving an opportunity to a government that for the first time 
represents a social-democratic and leftist position, passivity is going to be promoted. 
And as in all the progressive governments that occurred in South America, any criticism 
will be branded as reactionary and pro-imperialist. That leaves a winding road for 
revolutionary options, which are currently scattered, isolated and weak, while the 
movements and peoples fighting and defending the territory will face repressive mechanisms 
based on cooptation and welfare, without discarding, Of course, violence when the 
interests of capital are threatened.

All that remains is to prevent anti-statist and anti-capitalist criticism from falling. It 
is necessary to build a real project from which an effective resistance against capitalist 
domination can be articulated, capable of organizing life in a different way. The State 
remains the same, only now it has become stronger and has legitimacy again, so it is a 
more dangerous enemy, surely it will not stop resorting to violence, disappearances and 
dispossession, but to those mechanisms of oppression is incorporated new control 
mechanisms. The electoral days of July 1 and the outcome that it had, confirms that the 
capitalist system is trying to renew itself to continue exploiting and dominating. The 
elections meant one of many illusory alternatives that only lead to the restoration of the 
same domination. To the persistence of the war. For the indigenous peoples and the 
oppressed, for the disinherited and the dispossessed, there is no alternative but 
resistance. The capitalist world means the destruction of life, it is against those who 
resist, rebel and fight. For that reason, our only answer is the social revolution, 
understood as an accumulation of efforts that bet on living in the now of the struggle 
under other modes, from other social relations. Our path, in this sense, will be created 
as we decide to face daily problems, confronting them collectively and through the 
exercise of our direct action, without representatives or leaders.



Message: 2

" Autonom " - one of the oldest in modern Russia and the "most glossy" anarchist magazine 
- is preparing to send its 38th paper number to the printing house. Issue "paper" we have 
at this point is obtained once a year, some texts we publish online . This link also 
provides information on our other activities. ---- The new issue will have 100 pages, the 
print is mostly black and white, but in some places - color. You will read about the 
attempt to introduce self-management in a separate supermarket Pyaterochka, the problems 
of defrauded co-investors, the "Chinese Makhno", the Russian anti-fascist computer 
shooter, the struggle against street cameras in the American outback, the Norwegian 
libertarians, "anti-terrorist" criminal cases in the European Union and much more.

Pre-ordering a magazine, you not only save money, but also support the editorial office of 
"Autonomy". The preliminary price of the magazine is 250 rubles. From 10 copies and / or 
for those wishing to become our corporation - 200 rubles.



Message: 3

We applaud the attack on Rees-Mogg's* home. Those who did it have done more for our class 
than Momentum and Len McCluskey and Corbyn put together. CW will be greeting RM and family 
on their move into Cowley street in September.
* Jacob Rees-Mogg, the backbench Conservative MP and Brexiteer


Message: 4

Position of the Anarchist Political Organization on the devastating fires that have 
recently hit Attica. ---- DANGEROUS FIRE IS A STATE AND CAPITALISTIC CRIME ---- The frenzy 
and death behind the "growth" behind it,  the social anger over the bankrupt world of 
power ---- The events that we are watching over the last 24 hours in Attica are indeed 
shocking and cause sadness and anger to every person. The fires that broke out in many 
different places left behind a hundred dead people, thousands of burned acres of forest, 
and flattened entire areas and settlements, making the size of the environmental and 
social disaster incalculable. ---- From the very beginning, the state and the media are 
trying to present the image of the "national tragedy" resulting from an "asymmetrical 
threat" desiring to destabilize political and social life, while turning the terrible 
tragedy into a field of micropolitanist opposition to government around the management of 
the tragic results of the events. The crocodile tears poured can not in any way conceal 
the criminal responsibilities of the state apparatus and its antisocial role. As in the 
case of the devastating floods in Mandra, as well as ten years earlier in the murderous 
fires in Ilia and Evia.

The state, for decades, has sought to dissolve every form of social self-organization in 
relation to the elements of nature, but also in general, then replaced it, now expressing 
its weakness, inability or reluctance - because of its own interests nature, structure and 
orientation - to deal with the consequences of disasters, natural or man-made, leaving 
society to their harsh effects. At the same time, the continued underfunding of social 
care projects (fire-fighting, flood protection, anti-seismic works) combined with the 
waste of spending on military equipment in military equipment can only be characterized, 
particularly in a country that has been hit many times and is known their hazards.

In fact, the tragic events that shock us are not unfortunate incidents or deviations of 
the system, but inevitable and ever-escalating consequences that bring to the physical 
world and society the multitude of great and small interests that derive from the system 
itself and they support it.  Specifically, the Eastern region  Attica has become for more 
than thirty years a field of ruthless speculation because of the suffocating pressure for 
the continuous expansion of the Athenian metropolis promoted by central state policies and 
capital. Moreover, as a privileged residential environment for the middle and upper 
classes, as well as a profitable area for the development of the tourism industry, it is 
an eldorado of construction, building, real estate and business capital.

So it is not accidental phenomenon -in the event throughout the mountains of Penteli and 
Hymettus, at the foot of the mountains and adjacent lowland and coastal areas; the last 
thirty years, hundreds of fires that have turned vast areas of forest in place of the 
skull to achieve the declassification of entire areas of forest, turn into spaces of 
different uses and development of any kind of business and gradually integrated into the 
city plan. Within this condition the tragic events of Monday, July 23, 2018 could have 
happened in many other cases in the past, as is very likely to be repeated in the future. 
This lethal fire was just one of the hundreds that have erupted in the wider region,

It is important here to note that the fire that has taken place, despite its speed of 
expansion, because of the strong western wind it has been in the region, is by no means an 
"asymmetrical threat", as the Prime Minister has unprepared to justify the size human 
tragedy, mimicking the ridiculous statement of Minister Polydoras in 2007 about "wind 
generos". This was because the direction of the air was steady, the direction of the fire 
predictable and the extent of the burnt area relatively limited.

The fire started from the foothills of Penteli in a low vegetation area since it had been 
rebuilt in the recent past, headed east to a forested area, burning most of the settlement 
Neos Voutzas leaving behind dead people and proceeding to a dense forest area towards Mati 
and the beach. A unique firewall on this route, where ground-based fire-fighting vehicles 
can intervene to halt the fire, is Marathonos Avenue. It was certain, from the very first 
moment of the fire, that if it is not possible to stop the fire on Marathon Avenue - 
either because of the state's fire extinguishing mechanism or due to exceptional weather 
conditions - then it will continue in a densely populated forest area with high traffic, 
threatening thousands of human lives. For this, it is inconceivable that since early in 
the afternoon it was known to the state staff that the fire was growing in inhabited areas 
and that there was no way to hinder it, since this was never attempted by fire-fighting 
instruments, but the same Staff did not make any effort to evacuate the village of Mati or 
to notify its inhabitants even at the last moment, for what would inevitably happen. In 
addition, no state effort has been made by state mechanisms to directly launch floating 
means to save hundreds of people heading to the sea to save themselves from the flames, 
only hours later and after many have been lost to it. and from early in the afternoon it 
was known to the state staff that the fire was growing in residential areas and that there 
was no way to halt its pursuit, since this was never attempted by firefighting, but the 
same staff did not make any effort to the evacuation of the settlement of Mati or the 
warning of its inhabitants, even at the last moment, for what would inevitably happen. In 
addition, no state effort has been made by state mechanisms to directly launch floating 
means to save hundreds of people heading to the sea to save themselves from the flames, 
only hours later and after many have been lost to it. and from early in the afternoon it 
was known to the state staff that the fire was growing in residential areas and that there 
was no way to halt its pursuit, since this was never attempted by firefighting, but the 
same staff did not make any effort to the evacuation of the settlement of Mati or the 
warning of its inhabitants, even at the last moment, for what would inevitably happen. In 
addition, no state effort has been made by state mechanisms to directly launch floating 
means to save hundreds of people heading to the sea to save themselves from the flames, 
only hours later and after many have been lost to it. but the same staff did not make any 
effort to evacuate the village of Mati or to notify its inhabitants even at the last 
moment for what would inevitably happen. In addition, no state effort has been made by 
state mechanisms to directly launch floating means to save hundreds of people heading to 
the sea to save themselves from the flames, only hours later and after many have been lost 
to it. but the same staff did not make any effort to evacuate the village of Mati or to 
notify its inhabitants even at the last moment for what would inevitably happen. In 
addition, no state effort has been made by state mechanisms to directly launch floating 
means to save hundreds of people heading to the sea to save themselves from the flames, 
only hours later and after many have been lost to it.

The number of individual elements that contributed to the tragedy, such as the way of 
building, the absence of a district fire design and the evacuation and rescue design, 
mismanagement of traffic, state mechanisms, the criminal cover they provide to small and 
large private interests and their interference with them. However, in addition to the 
failed state-building plans and their even more failed implementation, the nightmarish 
events as developed and described above also highlight, in the most violent and obvious 
way, the deeply anti-social nature of the state which at a time of great social a crisis 
where thousands of human lives are threatened, has shown no reflective potential and 
reaction to the alarm and rescue of so many people. On the contrary, his inertia 
contributed to the disorientation, complacency and inactivity of the residents and 
visitors of the region in the face of the imminent destruction, with tragic consequences. 
And if this tragedy did not get even bigger, this is solely due to the self-action and 
solidarity developed by people who were faced with the fire and those who rushed to help. 
The state has remained at the very first moment a chilly, external and top observer of 
human drama, geared to managing the political cost of events, to masking and shifting 
responsibilities, and controlling the social anger that frightens the fools and the death 
it leaves behind the state-capitalist turmoil of development.

In the case of West Attica, the fire that occurred on 23/7 burning a large forest area and 
many houses in the village of Kineta and adjacent settlements, fortunately without human 
victims, had an obvious cause. The point where the fire occurred in Gerania Mountains and 
the forest land incinerated is the site that is planned to be converted into a bauxite 
mine by the Mytilineos group. In the past, a request for authorization was submitted by 
the Mining Company DELPHI - DISTOMON SA for an area of 50,000 acres in the Gerania 
Mountains, which was first rejected by the Regional Council for environmental and social 
reasons, one of the the forestry character of the area.

It is a real war against nature and society, which, like the war in general sweeping many 
regions of the world, is a constituent element of the system.

In an environment of wild class exploitation and attack on society and nature, destruction 
by fires is the result of the criminal policies of the state and of capital, of the very 
nature of the social and political world - a human being that is destructive to the 
natural world - and economic system that in the name of "development" and "profit" does 
not hesitate to destroy whole mountains, lakes and rivers to turn them into industrial 
zones, sink villages and scatter cancer to whether people, convert settlements into 
rubbish sites, plunder even the entire ecosystem. In this strategy, fires are a very 
common practice for desecrating and destroying the natural environment so that it can then 
be exploited and exploited through mines, casinos, maisonettes, tourism ... To emphasize 
that today the restructuring of the political and economic system is characterized by an 
unprecedented aggression towards society and nature, the key element of which is the giant 
enterprise of divesting public natural resources and land in private capital, from the 
Greek state under the EU's guardianship. and the IMF. the key element of which is the 
giant enterprise of the disposal of public natural resources and land in private capital, 
carried out by the Greek state under the custody of the EU. and the IMF. the key element 
of which is the giant enterprise of the disposal of public natural resources and land in 
private capital, carried out by the Greek state under the custody of the EU. and the IMF.

At the same time, the global environmental disaster, the dramatic climate changes and the 
way to deal with the "extreme" weather phenomena, highlight the overall bankruptcy of the 
entire political, economic, social and cultural system that is founded on social-class 
competition and hostility toward nature and societies. Typical is the case of the tragedy 
caused by Hurricane Katrina in N. Orléans in 2005, with more than 1800 dead people, mostly 
poor blacks - some of whom were murdered during the police and military control operations 
of the city - and hundreds of thousands of homeless people the result of state 
indifference and hostility towards them. As Republican MP Richardson Baker said cynically: 
"We have finally dispelled the issue of social housing in New Orleans. We could not do it, 
but God did. "  This catastrophe was" exploited "by the state for the definitive 
displacement of the largest number of the poor black inhabitants of the city and was an" 
opportunity "for capitalist development, rebuilding and the transformation of the city on 
the criteria of state control and the profitability of capital. " I believe we can start 
from the beginning. This white page provides us with some very great opportunities. " 
Joseph Canizar, a big businessman.

Accordingly, for the state-capitalist system, the fire that burned an area of about 12,000 
acres of forest and settled in eastern Attica leaving behind more than 90 dead people, as 
well as the fire in the Gerania Mountains and Kineta, are "opportunities" exploitation, 
"exploitation" and business development.

In conclusion, the solutions for defending life, humanity and nature from the threatened 
destruction and the perverse forms of destruction and death that the state-capitalist 
system places on them and point out the inevitable consequences of "progress" are not 
within the system, but to its destruction before pulling and destroying everything. The 
small but valuable struggles and resistances that emerge today (from Lefkimmi Corfu, 
Epirus and NE Chalkidiki to Agrafa and Acheloos and in many other regions) in front of the 
individual phenomena of the generalized destruction that spreads death, pollutes the 
earth, the air and the waters, burns the primordial forests and wipes out the wildlife, 
while simultaneously dissolving the local societies, they are mounds to prevent and delay 
this destruction and to defend those that can be saved, such as mountains ashes, coasts, 
rivers, lakes, animals and birds. But they must also become signs of a radical awakening 
and fields of deeper and conscious radical criticism and struggle against the state and 
capitalism that sweep the human society and the natural world.

At the same time, it is valuable to support those in need and to promote mutual aid as the 
most important human value, social self-organization as a practice that goes beyond the 
parasitic state, antisocial institutions and the hypocritical attitude of all sorts of 
political factors.






Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities


Message: 5

With good humor and loud music, about 100 cyclists cycled on Friday afternoon in protest 
of the sale of the Fabrikool building, an occupation in the city of Bern. ---- The 
movement began around 6 pm in front of the occupation and made a trip to the Office of 
Construction and Property of the Canton of Berne (AGG). There the protesters shouted 
slogans and erected banners against the sale and vacating of the building. ---- The 
occupants said that new actions in and around the building will happen: " The occupation 
is and will remain wild, self-determined and free of hierarchies, consumerism and 
unnecessary bureaucracies ." ---- Recently, Fabrikool opened the anarchist information 
center "Furia" (library and bookstore) and the bicycle workshop "Bicykool", expanding its 
creative, emancipatory and militant infrastructure.

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More pictures:

anarchist-ana news agency



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