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maandag 27 augustus 2018

Anarchic update news all over the world - 27.08.2018

Today's Topics:


1.  Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group: PUSH! Organising and
      Educating to Build an Anti-Fascist United Front by ablokeimet

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #285 - Film: Stéphane
      Brizé, "At War" (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]


4.  Czech, afed: As part of the International Week of Solidarity
      with Anarchist Prisoners, we bring a list of imprisoned
      anarchists and a poster to download. [machine translation]

5.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #285 - Roman: Philippe
      Huet, "The powder fire" (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]

6.  Russia, avtonom - Till all are free: A Solidarity Sense! --
      Coming Sixth Annual Week of Solidarity with the anarchist
      prisoners and staff initiative - "Food Not Bombs - Moscow" (fr,
      it) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group is pleased to announce that we have participated 
in the launch of a new anti-Fascist organisation. The initial callout is reproduced below. 
---- PUSH! Organising and Educating ---- to Build an Anti-Fascist United Front ---- A 
callout to unite forces against fascists and the far right ---- In Australia and around 
the world, we face a fascist threat. Nazis are returning to the streets of towns and 
cities, winning seats in parliaments across Europe and - closer to home - marching openly 
under police protection through the streets of Melbourne. Wherever they appear, fascists 
spell danger, with local groups such as Blair Cottrell's Lads Society training for combat 
and Neil Erickson's Cooks Convicts raiding local councils and intimidating immigrants and 

While these developments do not mean we are in a fascist state, they are warnings. 
Fascists rely on enablers and collaborators in the political mainstream to give them a 
platform. The current wave of fascism is no different. From Israel's Netanyahu and the 
Philippines' Duterte to the USA's Trump, far right governments light the way for these 
emerging fascists. So do fear-mongering mainstream "democrats," from Malcolm Turnbull and 
Peter Dutton to Matthew Guy and Daniel Andrews.

Racism lays the foundation for fascism

Australia is a state founded on the theft of Aboriginal land, the denial of the 
sovereignty of the people who have been living here for tens of thousands of years, and 
genocide to wipe out their communal culture. The capitalists need to propagate racism and 
reactionary nationalism to validate their position and pit workers against each other. 
Official state racism provides the environment where fascists are encouraged to organise.

Through rallies, elections, social media and think-tanks, fascists seek platforms to 
recruit from and normalise their world view, more broadly co-opting conservative or 
moderate forces toward their agenda. Following the examples of Hitler and Mussolini, they 
aim to build a movement capable of lifting them, and their ideological program, into state 
power. This is fascism - a mass movement, whose social base is mainly small business 
operators and entrepreneurs (the middle class) but also workers devoid of class 
solidarity, desperately looking for a solution to their impoverishment and uncertain futures.

Without capitalism, there would be no fascism

Fascist ideologues feed on their fears and prejudices, harkening to a mythical bygone era 
of greatness steeped in reactionary nationalism, white pride and patriarchal family 
values. Exploiting deep-seated and systemic racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia, 
they offer up scapegoats to blame - Muslims and Jews, immigrants and refugees, people of 
colour, First Nations, women, disabled people and the LGBTIQ community. However their 
prime marks are trade unions and the Left, because these are the movements capable of 
uniting and mobilising their targets against them.

Scapegoating deflects attention from the source of ever-widening desperation: the profit 
system. When economic crisis becomes so critical that workers and the oppressed resist and 
parliamentary democracy can no longer keep the class "peace," the billionaire class will 
turn to the fascists. This happened 80 years ago. This economic élite will resort to 
fascism again to stave off revolt and save itself. The aim is to crush the working class 
so that capitalism can survive.

We can stop this

Hitler himself said that organised resistance could have eliminated the Nazis when they 
were still small and weak. But the fragmented labour and Left movements failed to coalesce 
into a united front. Fascism beat the working class into submission - assassinating its 
leaders, sending millions into concentration campsand forced labour, enforcing "kinder, 
küche, kirsche" (children, kitchen, church) on women of the "master race," and smashing 
trade unions.

Unity in action is our collective, mutual defence. All of fascists' targets coming 
together as organisations and individuals is our weapon against aspiring führers while 
they're still small, split and weak. And while we still have rights to organise.

The united front is our collective defence

Our vision is of a united front in which politically divergent groups and individuals 
cohere around points of agreement and work together respectfully, collaboratively and 
uncompromisingly in the interest of workers and all the oppressed. A united front is about 
marching with our own banners and slogans, and striking together.

Democracy and accountability are key to this united strength. Without them, a united front 
can't build or last.

Crucial to the united front is the involvement of the union movement, because this is 
where workers organise and build collective self-discipline to act in defence of our 
class. Union officials are belatedly beginning to recognise the threat. But it is the 
members and delegates - the ones facing fascist targeting in their everyday lives - who 
are most compelled to push our unions to join.

Open letter from Victorian Trades Hall Council, August 2018. Below is an extract:

"The mighty Victorian union movement is comprised of workers from all walks of life, 
united across race and religion. We're a movement built on respect, care and unbreakable 
solidarity. We welcome everyone.

Except Nazis."

PUSH! Organising and Educating to Build an Anti-Fascist United Front

PUSH! is a newly formed group committed to working with all other anti-fascists fighting 
to defeat this threat. Our member organisations - Freedom Socialist Party, Indigenous 
Social Justice Association - Melbourne, Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group and Radical 
Women - have long histories of anti-fascist organising, from running National Action out 
of Brunswick and later Fawkner and ridding Victoria of the misogynist, homophobic 
Blackshirts, to fighting off the current fascist scourge as founding members of Campaign 
Against Racism and Fascism.

This is a callout to all organisations and individuals who want to join in democratically 
shaping the agreed principles of unity and direction for a collective, united push to 
remove the fascist threat and make our communities and movements truly safe.

If you agree or want to talk,
please contact PUSH: email antifascist.push@gmail.com
or contact us on Facebook at Antifascist.Push



Message: 2

After The Market Act , director Stéphane Brizé presents In War, another film about the 
world of work. We are at the heart of a PSE plan for safeguarding employment ... Vincent 
Lindon is a CGT union representative. Strike, occupation, demonstration ... Everything is 
deployed to fight against the closure of this company belonging to a multinational. ---- 
Xavier Mathieu, former union delegate at Continental, was a technical advisor and we find 
many actions that "  Les Conti  " have conducted to be heard ... But not sufficient to be 
able to oppose the closure of factory. ---- There are also allusions to Air France whose 
HRD had the torn shirt, and the conflict at PSA with the presence of a union "  box  " 
collaborationist with the boss. ---- This film shows the limited power of employees facing 
justice that does not cancel the PSE while the company had made 18 million euros in 
profits the previous year ...

The CEO of the firm justifies the closure of the box by invoking a rate of return too low 
for shareholders. It follows the "  market  " and acts legally.

For its part, the "  government adviser  " does not want to be too "  interventionist  " 
with the boss of the same multinational so as not to give a bad impression to the " 
entrepreneurs  " who could be foreigners. And to add that it is normal that a company is 
created ... and firm !

Faced with this, the employees of the box have only their solidarity to oppose the closure 
of the company since they have no help or justice or the government. Blocking the factory, 
blocking production, blocking stocks, everything seems to be going well until the 
reformist union and the "  box  " union withdraw from the inter-union fighter. This is 
followed by the releasing of the plant by the CRS and the resumption of work for a part of 
the employees.

The tragic end pays tribute to the lives of thousands of employees who are victims of 
harassment and dismissal. There may be another vision of this epilogue, more optimistic ...
A film that shows that employers can legally ask employees to make sacrifices and then 
fire them if the market and the shareholders consider that they are not productive enough.

A film that shows that the fight is not only at the heart of the company but outside and 
that it is good for another society that we must fight, for another sharing of wealth, 
where the capitalist world does not allow it.

François (CAL 30)

Stéphane Brizé, At war, May 2018, 1h53



Message: 3

Español Abajo. We reproduce this statement from our comrades in Argentina, Acción 
Socialista Libertaria (ASL), on the current struggle for abortion rights. It is estimated 
that 500,000 illegal abortions occur each year in Argentina. Around 80,000 people annually 
are hospitalized related to post-abortion complications and often face legal punishment as 
a result. Abortion remains illegal in Argentina except in except in cases of rape or when 
the life or health of the woman is at risk but even under those circumstances abortion 
services remain difficult to obtain. In June through August 2018 Argentina's Congress 
considered a bill that would have allowed abortion up to 14 weeks which narrowly passed 
the lower house Chamber of Deputies but was voted down in the Senate on August 9. This 
statement is in response to the vote. #NiUnaMenos

We are convinced that only the struggle and organizing will give us freedom. We don't want 
more girls to die from clandestine abortions. What happened on August 8 revealed the 
greatness of the feminist movement and the weakness and weariness of the parliament of the 
"bourgeois representative" system. Young women, lesbians and trans men will continue to 
have abortions; we will continue to come along with them for it to be as safe as possible. 
However, those "so-called representatives of the people"[of the Argentinian Senate]that 
earn hundreds of thousands of pesos - that only represent businessmen - restricted the 
possibility of legalizing abortion; legalizing the right to decide over our own bodies.

In Congress we listened to election speeches, trying to take advantage of a few minutes of 
"fame" to win a few new votes. We listened to how they laughed in our faces, how they 
denigrated us, how they lied, how they misinformed. We listened and saw how a group of 
cynical people, totally distanced from the reality of working class people, sat down - as 
if in a social gathering drinking tea - to ramble on and then vote to maintain the chains 
they put around our uteruses. What do they know about life and choice?

We are the ones who put our bodies on the line, the ones who suffer cold, hunger, fear 
humiliation and pain. We are the ones who take up the sword of "justice" - always 
bourgeois and patriarchal - over our heads when we become stigmatized, criminalized and 
persecuted. They take our lives in filthy rooms with anything handy to practice an 
abortion, after they fill their pockets with the money we're able to put together, 
oftentimes, the money for our next meal. We mourn the compañeras that the state murders by 
condemning us to secrecy. We had to organize on our own, through sheer grit, to be able to 
be there for the pregnant folks that want to make decisions over their bodies and their 
lives. We are the ones who raise the money and juggle to be able to charge a phone, one of 
us goes upstairs, another one buys what's necessary to help the compañera that wants to 
have the abortion. We are the ones that carry on our shoulders the dozens of cases and who 
sometimes collapse because we work ourselves out until our heads explode. We're the ones 
who answer calls, give hugs and dry tears because the hypocritical social condemnation 
weighs over the girls who want to make their decisions. What do they know from their 
comfortable benches?

They're only interested in maintaining the business of illegal abortions that includes 
private practices and the international trafficking of medications: 15 million pesos a 
year just in Argentina. Tangled up in this web is also the Laboratorios Beta (in Buenos 
Aires), the only company that manufactures and commercializes Misoprostol[medication that 
induces abortion]; a giant company that moves one billion pesos with it's monopoly. The 
doctors then charge between 30 and 50 thousand pesos[roughly $1,000-1,600 US dollars]to 
practice an abortion in a clinic. They're just interested in making profits at the expense 
of our bodies. Besides maintaining the church's power, this hypocritical institution, 
which fills itself with money from the state and represses women's and pregnant people's 
right to choose - but don't say anything, on the contrary, endorses priests to rape children.

 From ASL (Acción Socialista Libertaria) we're calling for, today more than ever, the 
strengthening of the political, financial and logistic support of the women's and gender 
non-conforming people's counselling and groups that accompany abortion cases. It is these 
groups who, all over the country, provide safe information on the use of Misoprostol and 
reduce risks. Likewise, as health workers we have no other alternative than continuing to 
commit to deepening union organizing to guarantee access to the legal abortions options 
that exist today and that they are now trying to adjust.

The streets are increasingly filling with green[the color of the abortion rights 
movement]as thousands of comrades are coming out to take a stand. The streets have spoken 
and, socially, the stigma is beginning to dissipate. We must think about what kind of 
democracy we want; clearly, representative democracy is not working. The institutions of 
this bourgeois democracy will never be on our side. Just as the state doesn't address the 
crisis, it also doesn't guarantee anyone's freedom. Let's opt for creating a direct 
democracy of the people and to building true self-defense and to face our struggles when 
necessary. We are not alone anymore, we're all together, we are millions.

Long live those who fight! / ¡Arriba lxs que luchan!

-Acción Socialista Libertaria

Extra: Greetings to the Argentinian Feminist Movements from members of Black Rose/Rosa 
Negra. Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell to receive alerts on our 
newest videos.



Message: 4

The Anarchist Federation (AF) joins this year's International Week of Solidarity with 
Anarchist Prisoners , which was announced on days 23-30. August. ---- On 23 August 1927, 
anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed after the manipulated trial 
in the US. Judicial murder then offended the public across the world. Even in 2018 there 
are dozens of anarchists around the world. On the occasion of the action week, we bring 
the most complete list of imprisoned anarchists and anti-fascists with contact addresses. 
You can write them either individually or organize a collective letter writing action. You 
can also upload and distribute the poster with the names below, which you can download 
HERE . ---- Azerbaijan ---- Students Bayram M?mm?dov and Giyas Ibrahimov were arrested on 
May 10, 2016 in Baku when the police reportedly found heroin. In fact, the authors are 
graffiti with inscriptions Happy Slaves Day and Fuck the System on the statue of former 
President Azerbaijan Gejdar Aliyev, whose son Ilham Aliyev is the current authoritative 
president. In the manipulated process, they were allegedly in possession of drugs, in fact 
political graffiti for ten years in prison. Write them by contacting: 
https://www.facebook.com/nidavh.org/ and info@nidavh.org


Svjatoslav Baranovic was arrested on October 2, 2017 as a suspect of committing violence 
against a police officer (he was prevented from arresting the secret of a protest action). 
In March 2018, he was sentenced to three years. Baranovich Svyatoslav Vladimirovich, . 
Novopolotsk, ul. Technique, d.8, IC-1

Anti-fascist Roman Bogdan was arrested on April 1, 2015 as a suspect in a fight with 
neo-Nazis. In October 2015, he was sentenced to eight years. 1 st Zarvodska, 8, IC-17, 
Division 12

Antifascist Vadim Boyko was arrested on March 22, 2016 as a suspect for involvement in a 
fight with Nazi ultras. A year later, he was sentenced to four years. Boyko Vadim 
Sergeevich, IK-17 str. 1-a ?????????, 8, 213004, ?.

Dmitry Poljenko was arrested on April 29, 2016 during a protest cycling tour in Minsk, 
when he defended the perception. In October 2016 he was sentenced to two years. Dmitri 
Polienenko, IC-2, 9 squad, str. Sikorskogo, 1, ?.

Anti-fascist Vlad Lenko was arrested on December 27, 2014 for a fight with neo-Nazis. He 
was six years old to be hurt and injured.


Marcelo Villarroel Sepulveda was charged with bank robbery and was arrested in Argentina 
in 2008. He was 14 years old. Unidad Especial by Alta Seguridad, Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, 
Modulo H Norte, 1902 Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, Chile

Juan Aliste Vega was arrested alongside Marcel Villarroel Sepulveda and Freddy 
Fuentevilla. After years of waiting for judgment, Juan was 42 years old. Unidad Especial 
by Alta Seguridad, Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Modulo J, 1902 Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, 

Juan Flores Riquelme dostal 23 let za "terorismus" (see skutecnosti šlo or útoky na 
majetek). Special High Security Unit / Jail of Alta Seguritad, 1902 Avda. Pedro Montt, 
Santiago, Chile

Tamara Sol Faris Vergara was sentenced in January 2014 to shoot Banco Estado as a reward 
for the death of anarchist Sebastian Overlje. Tamari's relatives were murdered for 
military dictatorship. She was seven years old. Complejo Penitenciario Valdivia, Av. Ramon 
Picarte 4100, 5101516, Valdivia Los Ríos, Chile


In 2012, Francesco Puglisi was sentenced to fourteen years for "destruction and looting" 
and for taking part in protests against the G8 summit in Genoa. After escaping, he was 
arrested in June 2013 in Barcelona and released by the Spanish state. Casa Circondariale 
Roma Rebibbia - Nuovo Complesso, Via Raffaele Majetti, 70-00156 Roma, Italy

Pierloreto (Pascal) Fallanca was arrested as a member of Operation Panico and accused of 
attempting to kill (due to pyrotechnics) and the production, possession and transport of 
explosives, etc. In July 2018 the trial was not over. Casa Circondariale Borgo San Nicola 
4, 73100 Lecce, Italy

Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai were arrested on September 14, 2012 and accused of 
exemplary assault by a senior manager. In May 2015, they were nine and eight years old. 
Casa Circondariale Ferrara, Via Arginone 327, IT-44122 FE, Italy

Giovanni Ghezzi was arrested and charged with Pierlore Fallance. The outcome of the trial 
is still waiting. Casa Circondariale Sollicciano, via Minervini 2r, 50142 Florence FI, Italy

Anarchist from Sardinia, David Delogu, was sentenced to eighteen years for a robbery and 
attempted murder. In 2011 and 2017, he unsuccessfully attempted an escape. He started a 
hunger strike in the solitary confinement. C ontrada Piano Ippolito 1, 96011 Augusta (SR) 
- Italy

Andreas Krebs spent sixteen years in prison in 2014. He is now again accused. Andreas 
Krebs, Sez. 1 Stz.1, Sez. Mediterraneo, Via Roma Verso Scampia, 250, Cap 80144 Napoli 
(NA), Italy

Maddalena Calore was arrested on March 3, 2017, when her apartment was searched, where 
police reportedly provided criminal materials. Casa Circondariale di Uta, Strada II Ovest 
- 09010 Uta (Cagliari), Sardegna, Italy

Mauro Rossetti Busa received six years for "organized crime" and two years for violating 
bail terms. Casa Circondariale La Spezia, Piazza Falcone e Borsellino 1, 19125 La Spezia, 

Salvatore Vespertino was arrested in August 2017 and accused of assaulting a fascist 
bookstore in Florence. Casa Circondariale Sollicciano Via Minervini 2r, 50142 Firenze, Italy

Police operation Scripta Manent took place in various places in Italy in 2016 and resulted 
in the arrest of five anarchists accused of "terrorism". The Digos political police were 
trying to construct a vertically organized anarchist terrorist structure.
Marco Bisesti Casa Circondariale, Statale per casale 50 / A, 15121 Alessandria (AL), Italy
Alessandro Mercogliano Casa Circondariale di Ferrara, Via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, Italy
Anna Beniamino Casa Circondariale Rebibbia Femminile, via Bartolo Longo 92, 00156 Roma, Italy
Danilo Emiliano Cremonese Casa Circondariale di Ferrara, Via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, 
Valentina SpezialeRebibbia Female Circondariale House, via Bartolo Longo 92, 00156 Roma, Italy

Giovanni Barcia was eleven years old in September 1999 for assaulting the Italian consul, 
thus expressing solidarity with the unjustly convicted Italian anarchists. via Arginone, 
327, 44122 Ferrara, Italy

Claudio Lavazza was arrested in 1996 during a bank robbery in Spain, killing two police 
officers. In total, he received 118 years. n. ecrou 445097 D5-2G- 44 ?, MAH de 
Fleury-Mérogis, 7, Avenue des peupliers, 91700 Fleury-Mérogis, France


Lisa Dorfer was sentenced to seven years for bank robberies on 7 June 2017. JVA Willich 
II, Gartenstraße 2, 47877 Willich, Germany

Rainer Loehnert spent more than thirty-one years in various prisons for fifty-five years 
of his life. In 2014, he was hungry to solidarily support arrested activists in Greece. 
Südlicher Rundweg 20a, Haus F1, Station 1, 47551 Bedburg Hau, Deutschland

Manfred Peter has been sitting for more than twenty-five years, conducting a marijuana 
legalization campaign, supporting alterglobal protests. Eickelbornstrasse 19, 59556 
Lippstadt, Deutschland

RASH skinhead Thomas Meyer-Falk was arrested and sentenced in 1996 for bank robbery. JVA 
(Sicherungsverwahrungs-Abteilung), Hermann-Herder-Str. 8, D-79104 Freiburg, Deutschland


Peike S. was arrested at the G20 summit and was given nearly three years to throw two 
bottles of cops when he defended the arrest. Mailbox at the Bollox, Bollox, Eerste 
Schinkelstraat 14-16, 1075 TX, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Alexander Kolchenko was arrested in the Crimea on May 16, 2014 on suspicion of membership 
in the anti-terrorist nationalist terrorist group. Anarchist and anti-fascist Kolchenko 
took part in the student and environmental protest events, several times attacked by 
neo-Nazis. Alexander Kolchenko was sentenced to ten years and twenty years in prison, 
along with the famous director Olegem Sencov. Alexander Aleksandrovich Kolchenko, 456612, 
Chelyabinsk region., Kopeisk, st. Kemerovskaya, 20, IC-6

Ilja Romanov was sentenced to ten years for preparing a terrorist attack, producing and 
storing explosives, and publicly calling for a terrorist act. In the autumn of 2013, a 
home-made petard exploded in the street and his hand had been amputated in his wrist. 
Careless treatment of pyrotechnics has been used for the political trial. Ilya Eduardovich 
Romanov, 1967 r., 431161, Zubovo-Polianski district, p. Ozerny, st. Lesnaya, e. 3, IC-17

Yevgeniy Karakasov was arrested on February 1, 2018 for public calls for terrorism. In the 
chat, he published a text for his friends, which features "propaganda of the ideology of 
violence". Evgeniy Vitaliewic Karakashev, 295000, Republic of Krym, d. Simferopol, Blvd. 
Lenina, 4, SIZO-1

In the fractured case, the network was arrested in the autumn of 2017, and Ilja Shakurski, 
Vasily Kuksov, Dmitry Pchelinov, Andrei Chernov, Arman Sagynbaev, Mikhail Kulkov, Maxim 
Ivankin, Viktor Filinkov, Igor Shishkin and Juliy Bojarishinov were arrested and charged 
with "terrorist plot". Illya Shakurski, Vasily Kuksov, Dmitry Pchelintsev, Andrey Chernov, 
Armand Sagybayev, Mihail Kulikov, Maxim Ivankin, Viktor Filinkov, Igor Shishkin, Julius 
Boyarshinov, PKU SIZO-1, ul. Karakozova, 30, Penza, Penza region, Russia, 440039


Aggeliki Spiropoulou was arrested in March 2015 for the political support of an 
unsuccessful attempt to escape Korydallos anarchists. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou, 
Gynaikeies Fylakes, TK 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece

Argyris Dalios was arrested on April 20, 2013 and tried for theft and membership of the 
anarchist organization. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou - Andrikes Fylakes D Pteryga, PC 
18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece

Damianos Bolano was arrested on March 14, 2011 for "terrorist attacks" and behind the text 
to support the outlawed anarchist Nadir squat. He was sentenced to several decades. 
Dikastiki Filaki A Pteryga, Coridallos, TK 18110, Athens, Greece

Christos Tsakalos was arrested on 14 March 2011 for membership in a "terrorist 
organization". He has received several tens of years of imprisonment (there is no life 
sentence in Greece). Dikastiki Filaki A Pteryga, Coridallos, TK 18110, Athens, Greece

Dimitris Politis was arrested on February 1, 2013 and accused of "individual terrorism". 
He was sentenced to twelve years. Dikastiki Filaki A Pteryga, Coridallos, TK 18110, 
Athens, Greece

Fotis Tziotzis was arrested on May 12, 2015 and charged with armed robbery in the 
supermarket and assaulting police officers. Evidence does not exist. Dikastiki Filaki 
Larisas, PC 41110, Larisa, Greece

Gerasimos Tsakalos was arrested on November 1, 2010 for membership in an anarchist 
militant organization. He was sentenced to several decades. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou - 
Eidiki Pteryga, PC 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece

Giannis Mihailidis was arrested on February 1, 2013 and accused of "individual terrorism". 
He was sentenced to sixteen years. Dikastiki Filaki A Pteryga, Coridallos, TK 18110, 
Athens, Greece

Giorgos Nikolopoulos was arrested on March 14, 2011 for bank robbery and support for the 
squatted Nadir squat. He has received several decades of jail. Dikastiki Filaki A Pteryga, 
Coridallos, TK 18110, Athens, Greece

In 2016, Giorgos Petrakakos was convicted of bank robbery. It is up to 36 years. Dikastiki 
Filaki Korydallou - Eidiki Pteryga, TK 18110, Korydallos Athens, Greece

Konstantinos Giagtzoglou was arrested on October 28, 2017. He is accused of membership in 
an anarchist militant organization, but in addition to the solidarity revolutionary 
support of his allies , he refuses accusations. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou, PC 18110, 
Korydallos, Athens, Greece

Kostas Gournas was sentenced to several decades in the Revolutionary Fight case. Dikastiki 
Filaki Korydallos - Eidiki Pteriga, PC 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece

Michalis Nikolopoulos was convicted of membership in an anarchist militant organization 
and faces further charges in the Greek police operations of Phoenix and Ardire. Dikastiki 
Filaki A Pteryga, Coridallos, TK 18110, Athens, Greece

Nikos Maziotis was arrested on 10 April 2010 for membership in the Revolutionary Struggle. 
He received several decades and, moreover, 129 years for a shootout with police officers 
during his escape. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou - Eidiki Pteryga, PC 18110, Korydallos, 
Athens, Greece

Theofilos Mavropoulos was arrested on May 18, 2011 for militant actions. He has received 
several decades. Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou A Pteryga, Coridallos, UK 18110 Athens, Greece

Nikos Romanos was arrested on February 1, 2013 and accused of "terrorism". He was 
sentenced to fifteen years. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou A Pteriga, Koridallos, TK 18110, 
Athens, Greece

Olga Ekonomida was arrested on March 14, 2011. In December 2014, she was sentenced to 
twenty-five years. With ten more prisoners in 2016, she was sentenced to 115 years for a 
planned flight. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou - Gynaikeies Fylakes, TK 18110, Athens, Greece

Kostas Sakkas was arrested on December 4, 2010, released in January 2014, and sentenced to 
16 years in absentia in December. He was again arrested in August 2016 and was given two 
more years. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou A Pteryga, PC 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece

Giorgos Polydoros was arrested on March 14, 2011 and convicted in December 2014 for 
"terrorism" for decades. For the first attempt to escape, he was 115 years old, and he is 
waiting for trial for further attempts. Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou A Pteryga, Koridallos, 
TK 18110, Athens, Greece

Spyros Christodoulou was arrested on May 29, 2015 at a police raid near Volos. Spyros 
Dravilas was killed during the raid. Dikastiki Filaki Larissas, TK 41110, Larissa, Greece

Marios Seisidis was convicted of bank robbery and assaulting police for thirty-two years. 
Katastima Kratisis Malandrinou, PC 33053, Malandrino, Fokida, Greece

Panagiota (Pola) Roupa was arrested on 10 April 2010 for membership in the Revolutionary 
Battle. She was released on bail in October 2011. In February 2016, he tried to free Nikos 
Maziotis from jail by helicopter. In January 2017, they closed her again, in July 2018 she 
was punished. Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou, Gynaikeies Fylakes, TK 18110, Korydallos, 
Athens, Greece

Christos Rodopoulos was sentenced to seventy-five years in prison for membership in a 
militant organization. Sofronistiko Katastima Domokou, TK 35010, Domokos, Fthiotida, Greece

Argyrou Panayiotis was twenty-five years old for membership in the combat organization, 
and in 2014 another nineteen. Further judgments are still pending. Dikastiki Filaki A 
Pteryga, Coridallos, TK 18110, Athens, Greece

Since March 2013, Aspiotis Panagiotis has been sought to hold a firearm. In October 2015, 
he volunteered. He has been waiting for a trial in a prison near Athens since then. 
Dikastiki Fylaki Nafpliou, TK 21100, Nafplio, Argolida, Greece


Osman Evcan is serving the punishment in solitary confinement. He was sentenced to thirty 
years in 1992 for membership in the left-wing organization (DEV-SOL) and expropriation. 
Ten years ago he became an anarchist and then a vegan. In 2011 he held a successful hunger 
strike with a request for sufficient food and medical care. Silivri 9 No'lu Kapali Ceza 
Infaz Kurumu, C-9-66, Silivri-Istanbul, Turkey


Bill Dunne was arrested in 1979 when he tried to liberate his friend Artie Ray Dufur with 
Larry Giddings. That was done, but they were arrested during the escape. Bill was eighty 
years old, in 1983 he tried to escape and got another fifteen years. He spent seven and a 
half years in solitary confinement. # 10916-086, FCI Victorville Medium I, PO Box 3725, 
Adelanto, California 92301, USA

Occupy Cleveland Occupy Connor Stevens was arrested on April 30, 2012 as a member of the 
Cleveland Four, in which the police provoked. For "terrorism" he was eight years old. # 
57978 -060, FCI Gilmer, PO Box 6000, Glenville, WV 26351, USA

Casey Brezik tried to assassinate the Missouri governor in 2010. In June 2013, he was 
sentenced to a total of nineteen years. # 1154765 , Algoa Correctional Center, 8501 No 
More Victims Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101, USA

Environmental activist Marius Mason was arrested in 2008 for property destruction. In 2009 
he was twenty-two years old. # 04672 -061, FMC Carswell, PO Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 
76127, United States

Doug Wright has been elected as a member of the Cleveland Four for eleven years. # 57973 
-060, USP McCreary, PO Box 3000, Pine Knot, KY 42635, USA

Eric King was arrested and accused of attacking a government official (suspected of 
activist graffiti). In June 2016, he was sentenced to ten years. # 27090 -045, FCI 
Florence, PO Box 6000, Florence, CO 81226, USA

Jared Chase was arrested in May 2012 before the protests against NATO in Chicago. In 
January 2014, he was found guilty of arson and failure to report planned attacks. # M44710 
, Dixon Correctional Center, 2600 North Brinton Ave, Dixon, IL 61021, USA

Antieuthority and insurer trans-woman Jennifer Gann have been in prison for more than 
twenty-five years. Even through constant bullying, they defend their rights. J. Gann #E 
-23852, Salinas Valley State Prison, PO Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960-1050, USA[on the cover 
for J. Gann, letters to Jennifer]

Sean Swain has been jailed since 1991 for killing in self-defense. In 2012 he led the 
prison revolt. Sean Swain # 243-205, Warren CI, PO Box 12, Lebanon, Ohio 45036, USA

Hacker Jeremy Hammond was arrested in March 2012 and received the highest possible penalty 
- ten years. Jeremy Hammond # 18729-424, FCI Milan, PO Box 1000, Milan, MI 48160, USA

Joshua Stafford has been a member of the so-called Cleveland Four for ten years. # 
57976-060, USP McCreary, PO BOX 3000, Pine Knot, KY 42635, USA[on the cover for Joshua 
Stafford, in a letter to Skelly]

Black gay anarchist Michael Kimble was killed for a homophobic racist white man. Michael 
Kimble # 138017, 3700 Holman Unit, Atmore, AL 36503, USA

Great Britain

Anarchist Sam Faulder was given a life sentence for a murder she did not commit. In 2016, 
she diagnosed her cancer, and the prison administration refused her surgery until she was 
too late for her. Samantha Faulder A1209CF, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, 
DE65 5DN, England

Sven van Hasselt was sentenced on January 24, 2018 for an attempt to abolish a well-known 
laboratory where animal experiments were conducted. He was five years old. Sven van 
Hasselt A3021ED, HMP Winchester, Romsey Road, Winchester, SO22 5DF // Great Britain

Further information:



Message: 5

Third and last novel of his trilogy on the labor struggles of Le Havre, Philippe Huet 
plunges us this time into the electrical atmosphere that precedes the social explosion of 
1936. ---- We find again the journalist Louis Albert Fournier and the writer Céline 
already crossed before when he was doctor under the name of Louis-Ferdinand Destouches. 
But it is also the rabid metallo of 1922, Victor Bailleuil, that one finds in the Fire 
with the powders. He is now employed at Bréguet, a large aviation company, held with an 
iron fist by the nationalist league of Croix de Feu. There will never be anything 
happening at Breguet, it was said, no tradition of struggles, too much employer repression 
... And yet, clandestinely, the reunited CGT has infiltrated the company and patiently 
works for the organization. of the struggle. While management decided to fire two workers 
who participated in the 1 st May, the strike goes off in solidarity and takes a particular 
turn when it is decided to occupy the factory ! In particular the workshop of Breguet 730, 
prototype seaplane, jewel of the company.

As for the two previous novels, difficult to differentiate between the historical and 
fictional as the author is inspired by the facts and characters of the time. For example, 
Huet modeled the character of René Haudouin in the novel on that of Louis Eudier, 
secretary of the CGT trade union metals Le Havre in 1936 and future deported. It is he who 
will propose to the workers of Bréguet the idea of the occupation and it is this factory 
that will thus launch on May 11 the original tone of the strike movement of 1936.

To finish this trilogy, the writer seems to take the time to develop more in depth the 
personal stories of his heroes, love stories among others. The labor and trade union 
struggle is less prominent than in The Quays of Wrath and The Rioters (see AL of January 
2018). Nevertheless, it remains the backbone of the story and the link that unites all the 
characters. Also, Le Havre in the background, its bistros, its port, its working class 
neighborhoods ... Huet again so to close this superb historical trilogy, informative and 
explosive. To read absolutely !

Benjamin (AL Nantes)

The Fire with powders, Philippe Huet. Éditions Rivages. 352 pages. 20 euros.



Message: 6

Anarchist movement throughout the history of its existence is subject to constant 
repression by its main enemy - the state. Any government, both "democratic" and 
"socialist," set and aims to eliminate and suppress the libertarian movement in all parts 
of the world. Chicago-1886, Kronstadt-1921, Barcelona-1939, Prague-1968 - only a small 
list of bloody dates in the history of the movement. Thousands of fates have been crushed 
by prisons, hundreds of people have disappeared. ---- Despite all this, the anarchist 
movement is alive and continues its struggle for freedom. Unfortunately, prisons and 
states exist to this day. All over the world, our comrades and comrades are persecuted and 
imprisoned. Our response to repression is solidarity!

We have prepared a small zine about political prisoners and want to present it to you, and 
also read stories about those who for the ideas of equality and freedom were imprisoned. 
The program also includes joint creation of postcards, tea with vegan biscuits and a sea 
of pleasant intercourse:)

Until everyone is free! joins the action!

Date: August 26

The time now is:

Location: Moscow, Sakharov Center / round hall (Zemlyanoy Val St., 57, p.6)

Vkontakte meeting



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