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zondag 5 mei 2019

Anarchic update news all over the world - 5.05.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  Greece, vogliamo tutto, street newspaper AATTRIS #41:
      Venezuela: How we got here [machine translation]

2.  Britain, north east anarchist group: Relationships & an
      Alternative to Monogamy (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  London Anarchist Federation: Green Anti-capitalist Front -
      Open Meeting 4th May 2019 (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Black May 2019: Calls in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras By APO
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  May Day 2019 Statement of Melbourne Anarchist Communist
      Group macg (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  Britain, AFED, Organised: Dorset Radical Bookfair 2019 - An
      Invitation (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  iwa-ait.org: May Day 2019 (ca, it) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

8.  Britain, Red and Black Leeds: Slogan of the month - May '19

9.  al bruxelles: Let's organize for libertarian communism!

10.  Belarus, pramen.io: About May Day and eight hours [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

11.  [France] Paris: A call of the Yellow Vests for the
      mobilization by the demonstrations of the First of May! By ANA
      (pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

12.  Poland, Workers Initiative: Gdynia: leaflet action
      "Overworked railwaymen are endangered travelers" -- 30 Apr 2019
      Department: Pomorskie gallery [machine translation]

13.  vrije bond: Radek is free! New court date announced (nl)


Message: 1

Venezuela, or officially and institutionally the name of the state, the Bolivarian 
Republic of Venezuela, is another Latin American country that has been characterized by 
social upheaval and coup d'etat since its birth. The same pattern, that is, in the history 
we encounter and in its neighboring states. And as happened to its neighbors, so would 
Venezuela's case not be lacking in the US involvement. Today, at the Maduro era, US 
ministers openly declare in the media. that they would "help" Venezuela if necessary, in 
order to neutralize Maduro. A help that the US as we know, generously shares with freedom 
not only citizens of their own state but also others such as Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, 
Syria, Yemen. However, let's not catch the entire list of countries that have been invaded 
by the US state. because we will escape far, and let us stay in those close to its 
borders. In the past, we would say that its engagement with other countries - and when we 
say engagement - we mean the overthrow of regimes and the orchestration of couples 
(responsible for at least 50 coups in Latin America) - was done more indirectly, with the 
help of mostly secret services ), and today they are cheering on the news. Historically, 
as shown by the course of Latin countries, the US has the last word. Trying to make a 
prediction for the future of Venezuela, what I see is the fall of Maduro, and the 
presidency to be taken over by Juan Guaidos with the full support of the United States, 
what this may entail. Of course, it is the working class that once again will experience 
the political changes imposed by the above and no Maduro, Guaidos, or Tramp.

Leaving the forecasts and the future, let's take a look at the past of this country, and 
let's see how we came to this situation that is so much troubled by the media, beginning 
in the early 19th century and the birth of the state of Venezuela. At that time, the war 
between France and Spain, and most Latin American states, is the property of Spanish 
sovereignty. On July 5, 1811, for the first time, the state of Venezuela was declared 
independent of Francisco de Miranda, a failed attempt to resume and on August 7, 1813, 
which proclaimed its independence for a second time. The famous leader of various 
independence movements, Simon Bolivar, who along with hundreds of people liberate Latin 
American lands from the Spanish yoke. Thus, on December 7, 1821, Bolivar proclaimed the 
Federal Republic of Great Colombia, including Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Equatorial 
(Ecuador). In 1854, slavery in Venezuela was abolished, but in 1859 a civil war known as 
the "Federal War" was carried out.

They are followed by decades of political turmoil and military regimes. One of these is 
the regime of General Juan Vietente Gomez, who held power from 1908 to 1935. Over the 
years, and in particular at the beginning of World War I, in 1914, Venezuela discovered 
within its borders that he keeps oil reserves, and slowly from a rural country he develops 
into one of the largest countries in oil reserves. This meant that the state was ejected 
financially, and good relations and oil negotiations with other states such as the United 
States, Britain and Denmark began. After all, almost all of Britain's oil and "allies" for 
the war (AIPP) came from Venezuela. The CB Gomez, having for many years still the power, 
has long maintained these good relations with other countries, which made him personally 
even richer. Not surprisingly, it is not the rumor that Gomez was the richest man in South 
America. Together with the fact that he was under the control of the "bosses," or "the big 
heads," as we might say more today, as well as the Catholic Church, made Gomez a difficult 
opponent. However, in 1935 he died. This is followed by a period when the Venezuelan 
leadership is trying to take a more democratic turn, more importantly the "February 
Program" of Contreras, which has allowed the establishment of various political 
organizations - not communist, of course - giving impetus to political dialogue and 
partial tolerance in popular mobilizations.

Ten years later, however, the army once again acquires a leading role in the Venezuelan 
political scene, and with a new coup in 1945, power is taken over by Romulus Betancourt, 
leader of the re-established Social Democratic party, Accion Democratia (AD). However, 
Betancourt has failed to maintain the country's presidency for much, and in December 1947 
elections are held, which are considered the first fair elections in its history. Thus, on 
February 15, 1948, Romulo Galileo (Rumulo Anchel does not Mante Carmelo Galileo Freire) 
with 74.3% of the votes held the presidency. He presided over the presidency for about 
nine months, and was overthrown on 24 November 1948 by a new coup d'état, whose chiefs 
were three army officers, Mark Perez Jimenez,

 From 1948 until the end of 1952, when Marcos Peres Jimenez is president, the country is 
under a military junta. Jimenez's dictatorship is characterized by extreme political 
corruption, very great police repression and enormous unemployment. In January 1958, after 
several popular uprisings, we have a new coup, and Jimenez falls out of power and flees in 
the US. (it's rumored to have taken $ 200 billion with him). This year, after the removal 
of Chimene, a special "social contract" (Puntofijo Pact) was signed in Pontos Fichos by 
representatives of the three major political parties (the Social Democratic Party of 
America, the Christian Democratic COPEI and the center-left URD party) which aimed to hold 
democratic elections and maintain democracy in the country. With this written and signed 
treaty, the three parties would observe the results of the elections, and together they 
would fight any impending dictatorship. However, the effects of this treaty on the 
underworld, at the same time, meant the retention of subordination in the United States. 
and the implementation of anti-social policies with a "democratic" mantle. The winner of 
the election is the Social Democratic Party, headed by Romulus Betancourt. and the 
implementation of anti-social policies with a "democratic" mantle. The winner of the 
election is the Social Democratic Party, headed by Romulus Betancourt. and the 
implementation of anti-social policies with a "democratic" mantle. The winner of the 
election is the Social Democratic Party, headed by Romulus Betancourt.

In November 1961, Venezuela interrupted its diplomatic relations with Cuba, the year that 
the island was proclaimed to be a socialist democracy, and in the summer of the following 
year, in 1962 (the year in which the US imposed a commercial and economic stake in Cuba); 
there are violent and bloody clashes between government troops and left groupings. 
However, since the beginning of the next decade (1970), the country is experiencing 
enormous economic growth due to oil, as the oil price is rising internationally, while in 
1973 the oil crisis is taking off. This will not last long, and since the early 1980s, the 
prices of black gold - as it is commonly called oil - are falling. This, on the part of 
the government, results in policies of economic austerity.

During this decade (1980), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) emerged in the country. 
In 1988, Peres was elected president for the second time, and after consultations with the 
DTN. wants to implement a macroeconomic adjustment program in the country. This DTN 
package is somewhat similar to what will be implemented many years later in Greece, as it 
concerns foreign debt and commerce, taxation, the financial system and public services. 
This program, which is imposed by the IMF in the country, aims for the next three years 
that the Venezuelan state would put in the $ 4.5 billion fund. As if not all of this, in 
February 1989, the Energy Ministry announced a 30% increase in gas, and at the same time 
announced increases in the prices of public transport tickets, which were expected to 
double after the end of the first half of the same year. The poorest strata are severely 
affected by these neo-liberal tactics, and Venezuela is one of the biggest social unrest 
in the country, culminating in the revolt of El Caracazo, as it has been known.

El Caracazo (the great rebellion in Caracas, the capital of the country) has resulted in 
the radicalization, say, of a piece of the national army, resulting in 1992 in two new 
failed coups in one of which is composed of low-ranking military personnel led by the 
country's future president, Hugo Chavez. After this failure, Chavez was arrested and 
imprisoned until 1998 when he was released. After his liberation, he leads the front of 
the "Patriotic Pole" consisting of the Party for the Fifth Democracy (MVR), the "Homeland 
for All" party and the "Movement for Socialism", with the central slogan "For one peaceful 
and democratic revolution ". In the December 6th election, Chavez comes out with a winner 
of 56.2%.

With the arrival of the new millennium and more specifically in 2002, the two major 
parties in the country - AD and COPEI - together with the Fedecamaras (the employers' 
federation) will join forces and launch a new coup against President Chavez. But that 
fails, and Chavez will still retain his political power for years. The dead in this failed 
coup will overcome the hundred. This move, however, not only fails to throw Chavez out of 
the presidency but, on the contrary, has managed to empower the government. Then, until 
2010, Venezuela's "Missions", which managed to put in place 28 missions aimed at 
eliminating illiteracy, providing health care and meeting the basic needs of the 
population, came into force.

Nicolas Maduro will take over the presidency. True Chabic, as they say, who tried to 
continue the pastors' missons, but without political maturity to maintain any balance that 
Chávez could keep. Thus, any reaction of the people, whether from the opposition or from 
its closest or distant camps, was facing violent violence, but maintaining the support of 
a large part of the people, perhaps with a more critical attitude, after being re-elected 
president on 20 May 2018. In such a climate, opposition leader Juan Guaidos appeared, and 
on 23 January 2019 he was proclaimed president of the National Assembly and a transitional 
president of the country until elections were again held. This has brought tremendous 
tensions within the country,. However, we do not want to place ourselves on today's 
events, except to give a summary of Venezuelan historical path, in order to understand, at 
least, the political and economic games played against its people, and to look at it more 
critically a burst of selective news that the Greek-speaking media poses to us. Certainly, 
however, we do not believe that any government and no one suspected as a leader can do 
good to the people. Only people who will sense their strength together and make the 
courageous step towards self-organization aimed at the classless society can bring a 
decisive change in their lives.

More information about:

oil crisis 1973:
https://www.academia.edu/35487224/ENGLISH/ % AE_% CE% 9A% CF% 81% CE% AF% CF% 83% CE% B7_1973
2) the insurrection of El Caracazo:

black tulip, gagas



Message: 2

I've been non-monogamous for all my life, although I didn't realise there was a term for 
it for a long time. ---- I remember my friends in school getting partners for the first 
time. I still wasn't interested in sex or romance at that age and the concept of 
relationships didn't really interest me, so I was often looking from the outside. There 
would often be arguments centred around jealously - stares considered too long, drunken 
flirting, days out with other people. My internal reaction to these goings on seemed 
extremely counterintuitive considering the societal norms and learnt behaviours I had seen 
growing up. ---- - Why does it matter if they like someone else, if they like you aswell?
- Is it not possible to ‘fancy' (fuckin hell, what a nostalgic schoolhood word!) more than 
one person at a time? ---- - If someone does, does it make them a bad person?
- Is it possible to suddenly stop finding other people attractive?

I thought all this would change when I got into my first relationship.

I got my first partner. I told him I had no issue with him seeing other people. We didn't 
work out.

I joined the local BDSM scene and met my second partner. She was already in a relationship 
with someone else, and lived with them. I learnt of the term ‘polyamory' and realised that 
I wasn't actually alone in my relationship ideas. We didn't work out either but I learnt 
that my dislike of monogamy wasn't something I had to change.

I am non-monogamous because I believe it is possible to fuck, date and love more than one 
person at a time. I want to open my heart to as many people as possible and I want my 
partners to feel free to do the same; as long as all participants are consensual then it's 
all good. I don't do the whole primary and secondary partners - I reject that form of 
relationship style completely. I also don't believe in having any ‘rules' when it comes to 
relationships and seeing others, it's up to me who I want to involve myself with and for 
me to decide, none of my partners have the right to ‘veto' my decisions. There is no 
ranking system when it comes to relationships - be they sexual or platonic in nature and I 
don't believe in any sort of hierarchy when it comes to relationships, nor in any other 
aspect of my life, for that matter.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't sometimes get jealous, though I don't see that as a bad 
thing. However, seeing someone I care about deeply share their happiness with another 
person (again, whom is usually someone I care about too) is honestly one of the best 
feelings in the world. Communication is an extremely important aspect of what I do, and 
it's important to be honest about problems when they arise. I make sure if I do have a 
problem, or something is bugging me, that I speak about it and discuss it, and I encourage 
others to do the same.

It isn't always easy trying to find others with similar views. I've found the fetish scene 
is a bit more open to ideas of polyamory, but a lot of men (yes, surprisesurprise it is 
usually men) seem to think it means they have more chance of getting their dick wet and 
like to use it to try to sound edgy or to try to get a fuck. Trying to explain these views 
is also hard - especially when I tried explaining to my parents! When my partner got very 
close to another women, we realised it was such an integral part of our lives that we felt 
the need to speak about it freely with those around us.

This isn't an article saying everyone should be polyamory, however, monogamy isn't for 
everyone and a lot of people don't realise there are other options out there. For me, 
being polyamorous gives me more autonomy over my relationships with people - not just 
sexual relationships, but platonic ones as well. It gives me a sense of independence. Even 
today, there still seems to be the focus on the ‘nuclear' family, settling down with a 
singular partner (preferably in a heterosexual relationship of course, the bisexuality 
phase should be over by now...) and that's the end of it, and this is deeply ingrained 
into our society, our culture and how we relate to each other. I reject that idea as the 
default position, the one that is often endorsed by governments and instead embrace the 
idea that there isn't a default position, we build our relationships in a way that suits 
us and our own needs and we fill the world with love.



Message: 3

We will be holding our second open meeting on Saturday 4th of May in Halkevi Turkish and 
Kurdish Cultural Centre in Dalston starting at 3pm.
The full address is: 31-33 Dalston Lane, E8 3DF
Come along if you want to find out more about how you can get involved with the Green 
Anti-Capitalist Front.



Message: 4

"It's better to fill the days with life than to load life with days" ---- Lorenzo Orsetti 
---- There is no other way than the new uprising, the rebuilding of the forces of the 
slaves, the resurgence of the social and class struggles, the backlash in their elections, 
the commission of the election of our people. No fatalism will help, nothing has to be won 
by an open hand that begs. ---- Against the state, capital, oblivion and representation, 
the radical message of the May 1st revolt, through the connection of the struggle for the 
eighth hour with the overall social demand of social liberation, continues to remain alive 
and to be a point of inspiration for the social and class counter-attack of all the 
oppressed in the world. ---- ATHENS: MUSEUM 11.00 ---- THESSALONIKI: KAMARA 11.00 ---- 
PATRAS: OLD OLD 10.30 ---- Anarchist Political Organization Federation of Collectives



Message: 5

Dear Comrades, Today the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group distributed its annual May 
Day statement at the 8 Hour Monument in Melbourne.  The monument is diagonally opposite 
the Victorian Trades Hall Council building.  Here is a link to the statement: ---- 
https://melbacg.wordpress.com/2019/05/01/may-day-2019 ---- Melbourne Anarchist Communist 
Group: MAY DAY 2019 ---- Chicago 1886 ---- May Day arose in the late 19th Century from a 
campaign to free the Haymarket Martyrs. Police had moved to break up a peaceful workers' 
demonstration in Chicago in the US on 4 May 1886 and an unknown person threw a bomb. As a 
result of the explosion and ensuing gunfire, which came largely if not entirely from the 
police, seven police and at least four workers died. Eight Anarchist union organisers were 
convicted in a rigged trial. Seven were sentenced to death, of whom four were executed and 
one committed suicide. The labour movement mobilised in their defence and a tradition was 
born, International Workers' Day.

Capitalism Today

It has been over 130 years since the Haymarket Massacre. The world has seen booms, busts 
and two World Wars. The Russian Revolution, which started with such optimism, was 
perverted into the most disillusioning defeat. All the old feudal and colonial empires 
have fallen, the social productivity of labour has grown immensely and the new working 
class of China is now larger than the entire population of the United States. And all is 
not well. The world has not yet fully recovered from the Global Financial Crisis of 
2007-09 and economic growth is slowing to a stall. Another slump threatens and, at the 
worst possible time, the US has initiated a trade war with China, with the risk of 
escalation to a shooting war. And this is occurring at the very moment when the world 
stands on the brink of a slide into extremely dangerous climate change, possibly 
threatening the existence of industrial civilisation.

Australia Today

Here in Australia, the capitalists won a major victory over the labour movement in the 
1980s, when the ALP, in alliance with the union officials, instituted a program of 
neo-liberal restructuring. The capitalists showed no gratitude, of course, and continued 
the program under Liberal governments, with the added objective of the elimination of the 
union movement. Now we see the fruits of this. The profit share of national income has 
skyrocketed and the wages share has plummeted. Wages are stagnating, despite what the 
media describe as low unemployment. Union density is low and falling, while strikes are so 
rare as to be newsworthy. The result is a surge of Right wing populism and the rebirth of 

The Solution

The only way out is struggle. We, the working class, must organise in the teeth of all 
obstructions. We must build the unions that the officials manifestly can't build by 
themselves. We must use our vital weapon, the strike, and if the officials won't help, we 
must act without them. And we must build solidarity across borders, because only 
international solidarity can beat the power of global capital. Standing together, in 
defiance of nationalism, we will have built a movement that embodies the values of a new 
and better world, a movement which also has the power to create that world. We can make a 
revolution to overthrow capitalism and create libertarian communism, worldwide.


Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group

PO Box 5108 Brunswick North 3056
1 May 2019
macg1984 @ yahoo . com . au


Message: 6

Dorset's third Radical Bookfair will take place on Saturday 7th September 2019 at the Corn 
Exchange, Municipal Buildings, High St East, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1HF Our clash with 
Bradford Bookfair is unintentional and unavoidable, we hope you'll support one or other 
event! ---- We're a ten-minute walk from either railway station - Dorchester South or 
West. The stalls will be on the ground floor, wheelchair access to meeting rooms on first 
floor is via lift. ---- Stalls ---- We invite applications for stalls from individuals, 
non-hierarchical groups and campaigns, grassroots unions, independent and non-commercial 
booksellers, artists, publishers and distributors. Priority will be given to those active 
in class struggle, antifascism, anti-oppression, environmentalism and mutual aid. No 
political parties please.

Stalls are £25 each in the main hall, £18 if booked by the end of May. In the unlikely 
event that we have any spare tables we'll do our best to share them out on the basis of 
need. Setup from 9:30, open to public at 11:00. The hall must be cleared by 18:00 so we 
can set up for the gig.


We'd appreciate suggestions for talks, discussions, presentations, workshops and films. 
Please send us a brief description of what you'd like to do, anything you would need, and 
a summary for the programme.

Other facilities

We aim to provide vegan food, snacks and drinks throughout the day. There will be a kids' 
area - supervised play not crèche, guardians to remain in sight of their charges. There 
are a limited number of parking spaces at the venue for stallholders, if you need one 
please reserve it, priority will go to disabled drivers then those from out of the area. 
There are large public car parks nearby.

After Party

Live music from 7:30p.m to midnight, £5 suggested donation to Bookfair and to cover 
artists' expenses.

We ask participants to endorse our statement of common principles

We want everyone attending this event to feel safe, comfortable and included. We reject 
hierarchy and coercion, we do not use or tolerate oppressive language: ableism, 
homophobia, racism, transphobia, sexism, snobbery or otherwise. We do not make excuses for 
sexual abuse or authoritarian regimes. We respect each other's boundaries. We may ask 
people to modify their behaviour or take it elsewhere.


We should have a bank account set up by the end of this week and will post the details 
here. In the meantime payment can be made by paypal to: 
forevertrevorknits[at]gmail[dot]com or in cash to a member of the collective. ?

Our e-mail for enquiries dorsetbookfair@riseup.net
Our website dorsetbookfair[dot]wordpress[dot]com



Message: 7

On this May Day 2019, the International Workers Association sends greetings to all workers 
in struggle. The fight against exploitation and for the dignity of the working class 
remains a strong aspiration of workers around the world. From the IWA we would also like 
to remind the world of our goals of regaining control over our lives, of wrestling the 
work places out of the control of those with wealth and power. In order to create the 
egalitarian society to which we aspire, all things must be run by the workers and society 
directly, always with the goal of striving for the real well-being of all those who really 
make the world run and liberation from the miseries of Capitalism and the State.
Our struggle must be global because none of us are truly free as long as the harsh 
inequalitites typical of capitalism exist, where workers slave away in many parts of the 
globe, to enrich others and provide for millions who enjoy the products of their greatly 
devalued labor. The IWA sends its warmest greetings and support for those around the globe 
who have joined our struggle and we hope that the revolutionary spirit will grow in new 
places in the years to come.




Message: 8

"I know we will create a society where there are no rich or poor, no people without work 
or beauty in their lives, where money itself will disappear, where we shall all be 
brothers and sisters, where every one will have enough."

- Sylvia Pankhurst



Message: 9

For the second year in a row the Revolutionary May 1st Allianceorganized a revolutionary 
demonstration in Brussels. The opportunity for us to remember that this date is neither 
the Labor Day, nor a simple day of commemoration, but a day of struggle around the world. 
---- All over the world the oppressed are rising against an ever more unfair system: Women 
on strike, yellow vests, ecologists, Kurdish fighters, all in our own way we dream of a 
world where we could finally live free and equal. ---- Capitalism is dying and the 
bourgeoisie wants to drag us down. Only our struggles will be able to resist the 
authoritarian, inegalitarian and precarious future that we have. ---- Unable to stem the 
ecological, social and political crisis, the dominant classes are also organizing their 
camp. They play racist and sexist divisions and make us glimpse some meager privileges. In 
reality, we will not get anything if we do not tear it off ourselves, we will not be free 
if we do not impose equality for all and all.

The demonstration of the1st of May Revolutionary in Brusselswas only a stage to build our 
own camp, that of the revolutionaries.

As revolutionaries we must fully engage in struggles for social transformation. Not above 
or in front of the struggles but within these, alongside those who dream of a singing future.

As for the bourgeoisie, it can blow up and demolish his own world before leaving the scene 
of history. We, revolutionaries, bring a new world to our hearts. A world that will be 
feminist, anti-racist and anti-capitalist!

Let's organize for libertarian communism!



Message: 10

Already at the I Congress of the International Working Men's Society, in 1866, he was 
elected fairly obvious trend: the main aim was to put the destruction of wage labor. In 
media workers' movement already is the destruction of the work was aimed at: 
Unfortunately, the work in the factories and the technological progress often been the 
subject of a cult. By the way, if you start counting, it is a huge part of this movement 
did not want to cancel the job (for example, in Germany), but on the contrary, with the 
help of technological progress, make work in factories road to emancipation. ---- Now, if 
you are around the world to celebrate and remember those already distant events 
(especially all kinds of left-wing parties), we do not lead to all these historical 
slogans and evaluation, and to remember that nowhere takes us famous glaryfikatsyya 
historical events. One should always keep in mind that to recall the past in any case to 
be some sweet stroll through the noteworthy pages of history.

On the contrary, the past is only useful if we are able to take advantage of it for the 
sake of confrontation with the current dominance, the fact that we have now that we can 
feel in the past is what makes people inflexible and nepadparadkovnymi power to ourselves 
to be able to not obey it. In this sense, the first question that may come to us, for the 
fact that remains of the acquisition and victories, which is so proud history.

Even fairly successful experience of what is happening around, leaving some feeling some 
strachanastsi: this, too, had a revolutionary idea to destroy wage-labor seems more 
nezdyaysnyalnay how the ghost of past eras, from which there was not a spirit, and which 
today is simply ridiculous to say. It is hard to imagine that today's generation is 
seriously apprehend the person who wants to inspire them to fight against the work. Those 
prospects, which could be seen the lack of wage labor, now completely blurred and vague, 
and sometimes they just can not see at all. We are trying to convince that ended the 
Revolution and today have only one horizon (ie, the only ideology), "bright" future, which 
we sell on a daily basis, with cars, banks, countries and new technologies. Capitalism was 
a very significant victory, and pasledstvy it, we feel more and more difficult each time. 
For example, everything in mind that the daily "needs" is almost entirely unconscious and 
confused individuals are forcing them to look for work, as a basis for all of its 
existence, without which, as they say, just did. But it should be noted that it could not 
be otherwise, because the person is a part of reality, which itself imposes on it these 
needs. If the person will not be able to convince himself of the correctness and everyday 
life these needs, system collapse. But the people, however, have to earn their bread. 
Although, each time, bread and most of all the other things are just a pretext, a pretext 
to move money from one place to another and spend all these things, and even the people 
themselves. It is known that our reality, most in vysokaarazvityh states have monetary 
reality, so the individual has to live almost no ability even to imagine yourself without 
money. How wonderful was Agustsin Garcia Calvo, the modern individual does not just my 
money, he himself, in his essence, made of money. The very complexity of social life and 
its own reactionary nature prevent the individual to think about what life could be used 
for something else, not to subordinate his money. But probably as impressive as it is. 
What is most impressive is the fact that capitalism is not just some sort of formal 
domination over society (focusing on labor exploitation), and that it is his domination is 
easily felt in everyday life, in detail. This kind of influence on how and how much we 
work. In big cities (if you can still call the city), in the so-called agglomerations Sag 
worker must often 1, 2 or 3 hours a way to get to his workplace. That is, it turns out 
that these workers are given a job Sun 8 hours, which were won by the labor movement, and 
10-12 hours, or even more. As is often noted, with the help of technology, it was possible 
to work much less. But for real so happens, the technique does not exempt a person from 
the work: it is almost completely serve the needs (and also determines their) capital and 
the state, making the person more tied to work, no matter he is or is not a place in the 
labor market. It is well known that to be out of the market is only one of the forms to be 
part of it. Life in the big "cities," it is simply impossible to imagine without the 
constant need for vehicles. The local conditions, each time more and more applicable to 
the most important principles of the system: yields and displacement (circulation). In 
such krugavarotnyh conditions, work or even an official has to spend a huge amount of time 
on the road. Then there asks: when will we throw work and rest? If we return to the house, 
or on a weekend or on vacation? But here also we have the opportunity to feel this win 
state and capital and their presence in their daily lives: the fact that the system works, 
sharing our lives to the work and free time. Free time is a very important part of the 
system. Usually, we are told that it is free time. But this is nonsense! It's work, but on 
the other way. It is well known that free time is the same devastated and destitute time 
that society uses for consumption between working hours and days. Leisure should always be 
emptied, people suddenly began to use it for something else, forgetting for the 
consumption of goods that are produced by the system. Due to the fact that consumption is 
one of the most important mechanisms of modern society, it becomes clear why free time 
acquires a social significance. Capitalism is vital for society to consume goods of all 
kinds (by the way, the type of goods do not matter). Thus, free time is not at all the 
time, where a person can do anything on their own, although we are trying to convince 
otherwise. With this free time what happens is that a work: he does not belong to the 
person, and the system, which is based on consumption of goods and the theater. Many are 
no longer working for 8 hours a day: it seems that our whole existence is entirely goes to 
work in its various forms (or its search). And here we are talking about, of course, of 
those sections of the population, who have their place in the labor market. Each time, 
more and more clear that today's social section takes place on a global scale between 
those who are included in the market, and those who do not have access to it. The latter, 
depending on the extent of its social exclusion, forced to look for some work out of the 
market, which only prolong their shortage, or look for a place in the world of crime, 
well, or is there an option to pulling training in anticipation of the emergence of 
cherished "the opportunity to work." The main thing is that they also can not break free 
from the domination of money, although they do not have rights to the 8:00, social 
security, etc. They are excluded from the market, but so far they have not seen the 
ability to organize themselves apart from society and from the market. They are not an 
exception to untie them from the market, but rather binds. At the conclusion, it is worth 
recalling that the memory should not be relegated to Sitemy domination. Former against it 
we can not be ignored, but it would be a big mistake to think that today our task is to 
repeat the same thing. Capitalism has greatly changed the conditions of its dominance, and 
this must not be forgotten. Requirements in the field of labor, improving working 
conditions are almost never lead to the abandonment of the system. 8 hours, 1 May sound 
beautiful and heroic, but current conditions make them largely harmless to the capitalist 
system. Those who are fighting for better working conditions, will get his services. 
Former against it we can not be ignored, but it would be a big mistake to think that today 
our task is to repeat the same thing. Capitalism has greatly changed the conditions of its 
dominance, and this must not be forgotten. Requirements in the field of labor, improving 
working conditions are almost never lead to the abandonment of the system. 8 hours, 1 May 
sound beautiful and heroic, but current conditions make them largely harmless to the 
capitalist system. Those who are fighting for better working conditions, will get his 
services. Former against it we can not be ignored, but it would be a big mistake to think 
that today our task is to repeat the same thing. Capitalism has greatly changed the 
conditions of its dominance, and this must not be forgotten. Requirements in the field of 
labor, improving working conditions are almost never lead to the abandonment of the 
system. 8 hours, 1 May sound beautiful and heroic, but current conditions make them 
largely harmless to the capitalist system. Those who are fighting for better working 
conditions, will get his services. but current conditions make them largely harmless to 
the capitalist system. Those who are fighting for better working conditions, will get his 
services. but current conditions make them largely harmless to the capitalist system. 
Those who are fighting for better working conditions, will get his services.

But anarchists have to remember that the work - it is a punishment of the gods, which 
should be destroyed with the company (together with these gods, chief among them - money). 
Much of the classical theory, we will not help: you have to fight back domination almost 
bare hands. This does not mean that all the old, we just hav



Message: 11

The May Day demonstration will be launched from Montparnasse, Paris ---- Arrive at 2:30 
p.m.! The rest of the journey has not yet been revealed. ---- For 130 years, all over the 
world, the workers and popular classes made May Day a moment of struggle and social 
demands.---- The First of May represents the collective force of the popular masses when 
they unite in the face of their bosses / companies. ---- In this sense, the movement of 
the Yellow Vests is inserted in this journey of struggle. Close to unions, or rather ahead 
of unions. For these 4 months were the Anonymous Yellow Vests that carry the social 
struggle and are paying a high price. ---- For this May Day of 2019, we call on all 
citizens who really want to combat political, economic and financial power to lead this 
leadership in the Parisian demonstration wearing a yellow vest.

We will show our determination and our wisdom to this president of the rich. And we will 
show that we can be in solidarity with and with all the social forces really determined to 

First of May 2019: yellow head and black anger!

Cerveaux not available

Source:  https://paris-luttes.info/1er-mai-les-gilets-jaunes-prennent-12021?lang=fr#maj51272

Translation> Markus Markus

Related Content:


anarchist-ana news agency


Message: 12

Information campaign at the station in Gdynia ---- On Monday, April 29, at the Dworzec 
Glówna and Tczew stations, a leaflet was held: "The Directorate of Regional Transports 
plays with the fate of travelers. Overworked railwaymen are at risk for travelers. " ---- 
On Monday, at the Main Railway Station in Gdynia and Tczew, the members of Pomeranian work 
committees of the Employee Initiative and sympathizers of the association organized a 
leaflet campaign for passengers. The campaign informed about the danger of travel as a 
result of violation of the rights protecting employees and passengers of Przewozy 
Regionalne. The present expressed solidarity with the PR railwaymen fighting for better 
working conditions, associated in the new Workers' Initiative commission. The hundreds of 
travelers were given leaflets informing that the POLREGIO management against the law 
enforces the dangerously long work of railwaymen. This translates into threats to the 
health and life of passengers - usually poorer employees who do not have the means to 
travel on the expensive Pendolino.

The action was very favorably received by passengers. Many of them were outraged at the 
fact that the management of Regional Transports without their knowledge put their health 
at risk. Travelers were informed about the right to lodge formal complaints about unsafe 
journeys of PR. They were informed about specific legal acts that the directorate of 
Pomeranian transport is violating.

On February 22, a new OZZ IP committee was established in Pomeranian POLREGIO. The main 
postulate of the railway teams associated with it is to count the time of commuting as a 
passenger until working time. The request is firmly legally grounded. A handful of legal 
citations can be found below in the leaflet distributed to PR passengers at the Gdynia 
Glówna station.

Below the photo from the campaign, a copy of the leaflet and the explanation of the 
Company Collective Agreement signed by the management regarding the time of commuting to 
working time. This and other rights of railway employees remain on the paper, which is why 
more and more railwaymen are associated in the Workers' Initiative in PR committees.
* * * * *
Contents of the leaflet:


Railroaders of Przewozy Regionalne are working too often. The POLREGIO Directorate breaks 
the laws protecting travelers and ingests penalties imposed by the Labor Inspectorate. 
Savings at the expense of passenger and employee safety is a local PR management model. A 
model that can lead to a railway disaster.

"Dangerously long work of the driver": the State Labor Inspectorate alarmed about the 
impending passengers overtired by the railway inspectors in 2012. The inspection at the 
Pomeranian Regio showed "extending work time over 13 or even over 15 hours". In the 
Pomeranian plant in just half a year of inspection "172 cases of work over 13 hours were 
found." At that time, the management sent tens of thousands of passengers without their 
knowledge that train drivers are dangerously overworked. The inspector imposed fines for 
violations of working hours and unpaid hours.

Despite controls and mandates, the management still dangerously extends the work of 
railway teams. Against the law, it does not recognize their travel time to distant 
stations as working time. Because of this, the necessary rest is pure fiction. Employees 
do not want to wait until the harm happens. They unite in relationships free of bosses and 
fight for all employees and rail passengers.

The reaction of the local management of POLREGIO is alarming. Instead of removing the 
risk, he sends the defiant to work for further stations and even shortens their recovery 
time. This sometimes means up to 20 hours of work for them.

Who will be guilty of a potential railway accident resulting from the exhaustion of 
railwaymen? Today, labor inspection penalties do not work, and employees protecting the 
welfare of travelers are silenced. That is why we turn to the passengers for support.

Do not accept a risky journey? You have the right to lodge a complaint with the management 
of our Pomeranian employers:
e-mail: reklamacje.gdynia@pr.com.pl
phone: 722 341 590 (on business days from 7: 00-14: 45).

The most important legal acts to protect drivers and passengers:

"The time of work is the time in which the employee remains at the employer's disposal in 
the workplace or in another place designated for performing the work"
Collective Labor Agreement for employees of Przewozy Regionalne, par. 41

"In particular, the working time is the period of driving as a passenger from the 
designated place of entry to work"
Explanation of parties to the collective agreement, Warsaw, 13 May 2014

"Time of arrival from the home station to the work station is included in the working time"
Resolution of the Supreme Court, March 18, 1998 III ZP 20/97



Message: 13

Today was the pro forma hearing for the court case of Radek, a Polish worker who had been 
in custody for over six months in the detention centre in Alphen aan den Rijn. 15 
comrades, of who some from Poland were there today to show solidarity. ---- Radek is 
suspected to have walked in to the Polish embassy and pour gasoline over himself, drawing 
attention to the inhumane situation that Polish employees in the Netherlands find 
themselves trapped in. ---- During the court case today, Radek spoke briefly about the 
situation he and other Polish employees in the Netherlands find themselves in. They are 
structurally underpaid. There is a constant threat from the employment agency to lose 
their job and home. Even if they cannot work due to sickness, these threats are hanging 
over their heads. Radek spoke about how his employment agency also broke into his house. 
When he made complaints to the police about being unhappy with the official report on the 
burglary, the police even threatened that he should let go "or they would have no problem 
finding hard drugs in his house."

At the end of the hearing today Radek has even said that the circumstances for the past 
months, in the detention centre were better than the housing situation through the 
employments agency. Radek wanted to draw attention to the exploitative situation Polish 
employees find themselves in. It was not his intention to actually set himself on fire. He 
had disabled the lighter he was carrying. The Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) also 
confirmed in their report that the lighter did not work. Radek at the time did not see any 
other way to draw attention to this situation.

His plea was interrupted by the judge, saying that the hearing today would not go over the 
substance of the case. His lawyer asked the judges to release him from the custody he had 
been in for over six months. Of course the district attorney objected this. After a recess 
of 15 minutes the judges decided Radek should be released today.

The court case against Radek will continue on May 16th at 15:00 at the Court in The Hague 
(adres: Prins Clauslaan 60.

Against oppression and exploitation. For anarchy!

Vrije Bond Secretariaat



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