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maandag 6 mei 2019

Demand justice for the seven puppies thrown into a dumpster to die

image of President Bolsonaro
A woman threw away seven puppies into a dumpster. Sign now to demand justice.
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Dear friends,
Deborah Sue Culwell from Coachella, California, went to the dumpster to throw away rubbish. This is not unusual, right?Except her "rubbish" was seven helpless, three-day-old puppies.
Surveillance video captures it all. She peers in the trash can before dropping a plastic bag in between two dumpsters and getting back into her car to drive away.
These puppies were only found out of sheer luck, when someone stumbled upon the pups while looking through the bins. Although they were rushed to urgent veterinary services — sadly, one puppy died from the trauma.
According to the Riverside County Animal Services (RCAS) of California, Culwell later surrendered a further 38 dogs found in her home.
This woman cannot be let off the hook. Animal abuse is usually associated with abuse of humans and it's important we treat crimes against animals similarly to crimes against humans.
Which is why I have signed this Care2 member petition and urge you to do the same. Because we must demand that the justice system stands up for these poor puppies today.
Thank you for caring for these animals' well-being,
 Steff D.
The Care2 Petitions Team

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