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zaterdag 8 juni 2019

Anarchic update news all over the world - 8.06.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #295 - 52 th confederal
      CGT congress: Unions push to the left ! (fr, it, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  cnt.es: June 7 to 10. CNT calls a four-day strike at
      Industrias Cárnicas La Cope de Torrent (ca) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Britain, brighton solfed: 'I train people for free because
      that's how it works': CJ Barbers owner Cyrus Shabani admits to
      not paying worker (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Poland, rozbrat.org: Position of the Wielkopolska Tenant
      Association regarding evictions to substandard premises
      rozbrat.org [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Britain, anarchist communist group ACG: New ACG pamphlet on
      NHS (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Demands, yellow vests, general strikes, class struggle, anticapitalism, internationalism 
dominated delegates' interventions during five days of debate. On many occasions, union 
delegates loudly voiced their distrust of the confederal leadership, which was defeated on 
several votes. Left all ? ---- During the opening speech (1:40 anyway), the Secretary 
General, Philippe Martinez, for the sake of mine clearance, had raised all the problems 
posed to the CGT, but without proposing any response. It will not have been enough. The 
guidance documents were relatively tasteless, excessively long and often contradictory. 
They had, however, been somewhat colored by the integration of about half of the 
amendments tabled by the unions. For example, the amendment calling for a strike on World 
Women's Rights Day on 8 March has been incorporated.

By demanding a vote on certain rejected amendments, the congressmen have several times 
failed to put the management in the minority, and sometimes imposed an addition. All in an 
electric atmosphere where the congress office has redone two votes, paying dear each small 
maneuver or posture authoritarian.

For clarity on union unity
With Martinez, the notion of "unionism gathered" is no longer quite the same as the time 
of Viannet-Thibault - where it was to obtain the agreement of the CFDT before deciding on 
an objective. The formula continues to thrill a good half of the room with anger. Not 
without confusion with frankly sectarian amendments and others that more accurately evoke 
the search for unity on clear claims.

Syndicate students ?
While there are already some CGT student unions recognized by their local union (UL) or 
their departmental union (UD), several motions have put the record on the table. 
Management has rejected the proposal, saying it would break the unity with existing youth 
organizations. The current implosion of what remains of the Unef could however help to 
change the situation.

Passing arms on Internationalism
Proponents of a return of the CGT in the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) 
[1]promised to make the subject "the mother of battles". They had to pull it down. The 
management has played finely (as it can sometimes !), For example by inviting an 
independent Iranian trade unionist, just out of prison and facing the Iranian state union 
affiliated to the WFTU ... In the end, the FSM did not dare to submit to a vote or a 
withdrawal of the CGT from the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC, social-liberal) 
or an observer status to the WFTU. They and they were satisfied with a symbolic victory: 
the addition of "FSM In a sentence that already stipulated that the CGT would work with 
combative unions, regardless of their international affiliation.

Read "International trade unionism: A panorama to see clearly" , AL September 2018.

Action strategy and yellow vests
Many interventions have criticized the confederation for not having a mobilization plan or 
clear demands. If the majority took care to specify that there is no magic button to 
trigger the general strike, the answer was generally that the confederation was not there 
to "pilot" but to "support" the struggles. This illuminates the coldness of the device. On 
yellow vests, it is the illegible strategy of the CGT which has been denounced. Especially 
since some and some delegates gave examples of successful convergences, even union 
strengthening through the links woven.

The jigsaw puzzle of isolated unionists
More than 80,000 isolated, attached to no union, never have a voice, and their mandates 
are monopolized at conferences. To solve this problem, the Confederal leadership is 
pushing for the creation of multiprofessional unions. But if these structures (in fact 
mini-UL) can be a stepping stone, they do not solve the problem posed by the dominant 
model, the trade union, which each finds that it is viable only in the very large 
companies. An Airbus union has chosen to become a "site union " To include subcontractors. 
Proposing to reflect on the benefits of the local industry union, the SGLCE (Paris Book) 
was rejected at the price of rough handling, the congress office saying that there was no 
question of imposing a "model unique" ...

Blocking of the industrial zone of Babeuf, Normandy, in 2016, by a post CGT.
Declining on regional committees
The rise of regional committees, adapted to the new administrative regions, was surrounded 
by a thousand precautions: UL and UD remained theoretically essential in the territories. 
The delegates, however, fired red balls against the project of management, rightly 
accusing him of wanting to caporize the CGT, create new layers of bureaucracy, copy the 
CFDT, siphon means already insufficient for UL and UD. .. The management preferred to 
throw in the towel and pushed the issue to the next congress.

Around the Confederal Executive Board

During the confederal conference, from 13 to 17 May, an analysis ticket was published 
every day on the blog of the Libertarian Communists of the CGT .
After so much tension, the delegates nevertheless largely validated the list presented to 
the Confederal Executive Committee (CEC), despite a battle to maintain four names refused 
- three outgoing and one applicant. This last, carried by the UD of Seine-Maritime, 
resulting from the extreme left and virulent actor of the debates, did not find favor 
neither with the direction nor with the congressists. The candidate carried by the UD 
Val-de-Marne, just as virulent, but integrated by management, was protected by his 
membership of the PCF ... There is a danger for the CGT: confuse the return to Radical 
positions with the return to the old CGT-PCF complicities.

Bring this thrust to the left on the ground
How will management take into account the debates ? With only 70% approval of the 
confederal guidelines, a figure similar to that of Marseille in 2016, we can see the 
stability of a base - admittedly heterogeneous - of 30% of delegates demanding a more 
combative CGT. And this despite the filtering upstream in the designation of delegates.

Obliged to take this into account, the congress therefore adopted a final appeal repeating 
amendments that were rejected: stronger defense of pension plans, amnesty for yellow vests ...
The Congress has in any case masterfully rejected the idea that the CGT should be less 
demanding to regain the place of first trade union organization. It remains to make live 
this push left in our unions and structures interpro.

Union activists from the union CGT.

[1] Read "International trade unionism: a panorama to see clearly", Alternative Libertaire 
, September 2018. The WFTU was described as "curious trade union-state team" .



Message: 2

The union representation of CNT in the workplace has called a strike on June 7, 8, 9 and 
10, demanding that the company agree to negotiate the regularization of the situation of 
Servicarne workers to comply with the resolutions of the Labor and Social Security 
Inspectorate. ---- The irregular situation of the workers who provide services in the 
plant of Industrias Cárnicas La Cope SA in the street Carnissers de Torrent has reached 
its limit.Since the Labor and Social Security Inspectorate determined that the company had 
been taking advantage of the fake Servicarne cooperative to keep workers without labor 
rights, the situation has worsened substantially. ---- After the resolution of the 
Inspection, the Social Security formalized the registration in the General Scheme to all 
the false cooperative members but, to this day, they continue to provide services through 
Servicarne, sinceLa Cope refuses to hire them directly. - against the criterion of the 
Ministry of Employment and of the Social Security itself, which has already filed an ex 
officio application requesting the recognition of the employment relationship. On the 
contrary,the company continues trying by all means that the staff of the slaughterhouse is 
hired through a third company interposed to avoid complying with the findings of the 

The union believes that the use of an interposed company as the only alternative proposed 
by La Cope would consolidate an illegal transfer of workers, and considers it shameful 
that a company like Acciona Services can lendto a possible agreement in this regard. CNT 
does not rule out interposing as many demands as necessary to paralyze this legal nonsense.

Therefore,from CNT we believe that the time has come for the company to sit down to 
dialogue and seek solutions to regularize this unfortunate situation . There are viable 
alternatives with minimal business damage and the strike is intended as a warning for the 
search for solutions.

CNT has called this first strike as the start of the mobilizations that are being 
organized for the coming months, without ruling out the possibility of calling strikes of 
longer duration. A demonstration has also been calledon Saturday, June 8, which will visit 
the center of Torrentto inform the population of what is happening in La Cope, a company 
widely known in the municipality.



Message: 3

'I train people for free because that's how it works': CJ Barbers owner Cyrus Shabani 
admits to not paying worker ---- In this video, the owner of CJ Barbers, Cyrus Shabani, 
admits to not paying a worker who worked for him for two months, claiming 'that's how it 
works'. As we have pointed out to CJ Barbers multiple times, that is not how it works. 
This worker's employment did not meet the standards of an apprenticeship (for which he 
still should have been paid), so he is owed at least the national minimum wage for the two 
month's work he has done. That's what we are demanding, and that's what we will continue 
to fight for until CJ Barbers pay up. ---- https://vimeo.com/339827409 ---- More info on 
this dispute: ---- 
http://www.brightonsolfed.org.uk/brighton/no-work-without-pay-boycott-cj-barbers ---- 



Message: 4

For a long time, the Wielkopolska Tenant Association has been receiving information and 
adopting interventions regarding the eviction of tenants from municipal resources to the 
Top Hotel on Torowa Street. We have pointed out many times in the past that the former 
working-class hotel on Torowa should not be a destination for displacement of people with 
low financial resources, especially in cases where other social or health reasons are 
arguing against it. It is not allowed to treat rooms in a hotel as independent social 
housing. ---- he infrastructure of the Top Hotel as well as its peripheral location 
generate a deterioration in the living conditions of the arriving people. In fact, 
resettlements to him are evictions "to the pavement", because indebted and deprived 
tenants, ultimately are removed from their lodgings and either become "clients" of 
shelters for the homeless, or make desperate attempts to rent an apartment on the open 
market; after which the rent debt occurs, it is decided to evict them and returns to the 
entities responsible in our city for housing assistance.

It should also be noted that these people are most often victims of neglect of the 
previous, long-term housing policy of the state and self-government, leading to the debt 
of tenants and limiting access to housing assistance. The city of Poznan did not comply 
with the constitutional obligations of guaranteeing the roof over the head of the poorest 
inhabitants of our community, including the provision of social housing. The change in the 
policy course observed for the past three years in this respect does not absolve the 
current authorities from responsibility for the current anti-social self-government policy.

WSL expects the Top Hotel to be finally considered a residential substandard and treated 
like a container housing estate. We are categorically opposed to further displacements to 
the Top Hotel.



Message: 5

It's out, the Anarchist Communist Group's new pamphlet on the NHS, Our NHS? Anarchist 
Communist Thoughts on Health. ---- With sections on: Health and Capitalism; The NHS, Why 
We Should Defend It and Move Beyond It; Working Fpr The NHS; What Changes in Health 
Services Do We Want To See?and Conclusion: Why Should We As Anarchist Communists Defend 
The NHS. ---- An important new pamphlet, it clearly lays out Anarchist Communist views on 
health, a must get.
£2.50 including postage
Order your copy via PayPal to communistanarchism@gmail.com
For details of our other pamphlets, visit our Publications Page.


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