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woensdag 10 juli 2019

Anarchic update news all over the world - 10.07.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  cnt-ait: Gendarmes -- Par CNT l - TUNISIE / Tunisia - Lien
      permanent (fr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  Poland, Workers Initiative: Trade unions at the Poznan
      University of Art against the release of prof. Jaroslaw Kozlowski
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Britain, AFED, organise magazine: Churchill's Secret War |
      Review (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

      WINTER (ca, it) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

 5.  Anarchist Communist Group ACG: Upcoming meetings in Norwich
      and Birmingham (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  cgt catalunya: From the CGT Hospital Joan XXIII Union
      Section and the CGT Health Union of Tarragona (ca, it) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

 From thorns in the shaving of the verses and the refuge of their nourished milk into the 
mantle of the new bourgeoisie (why have we become a grudge)? ---- The revolution of Ali 
bin Ghadham al-Majri in 1864 against the regime of Mohammed al-Sadiq Bay. The direct cause 
of the outbreak was the doubling of the state tax subsidy from 36 riyals to 72 riyals in 
Tunisia, in which several tribes participated in the center and west of the country. On 
that date, it was known that the gods of Gardma were constantly rebellious against the 
authority of the present - the capital of the government - and the failure of its 
inhabitants to pay taxes and hand over their crops to the houses .. despite all attempts 
to subjugate their thrones and herding the sheikhs with money and the king and the threat.
After months of exile in Algeria, Ali Ben Gadham decided on November 17, 1865, after his 
nostalgia for home, to return to Tunisia secretly with his brother, where he found refuge 
in the mountain range of Garedmaou in the northwestern heights of the country. It is 
hidden on the Albai, but he covered this news for fear that the people around again around 
him and then tried to elicit the elders of Gardimao's captors and promised money secretly 
if they helped him to be able to feed them but they refused and surrounded the forces of 
General Salim Gardma mountains but their people refused to hand over their refugees 
because they were As we have already mentioned in ongoing wars against the government of 
Bay and Kanu Kadiri To repel all attempts to blackmail. Until the hero was captured by the 
hero and his family during a treacherous plot that began to call Al-Bay for reconciliation 
and to meet the demands of the rebels .. to draw him and beat him in the city of Tabarsak 
from the state of Beja. According to Leeds Arab magazine in a research published in 2016

After the signing of the Bardo colonial agreement in 1881, the French army found it very 
difficult to penetrate the border between Algeria and Gardema and control of the tribes of 
Wastatah and Sadara and other tribes located along the border because of the unity of 
these tribes and synergy and organized by the arbitrator in repelling wild attacks The 
French enemy, and this is documented in the newspaper - Le monde - in an article written 
in 1901 entitled 'the hell of the border mountains', prompting the colonizer at a later 
stage to retreat and establish what was then called 'New Gardema' or downtown instead of 
the old Gardemay, Between Hensher for Khaliliya and Arush Huraiz and Aruz Which many 
historical references agree was a colonial goal before the announcement of the occupation 
of Tunisia.

We have not forgotten the campaigns of arrest, execution, deportation and forced 
conscription that affected the sons of Gardamaa in retaliation for their support of the 
Algerian revolutionaries and their participation in armed ambushes, which caused 
significant losses among the colonialists and broke the arrogance of French imperialism on 
several occasions, the most important of which was the Battle of April 4, 1938, Which was 
an example of the ability of the masses of peasants and the currency and the marginalized 
to organize itself from outside the walls of elite and central guardianship .. This walk 
in the resistance is the attempts of the official organs and loyalists to neutralize and 
dwarf in the historical readings of that period and presented as a blending utopian 
between On the one hand, and the embodiment of the loyalty of the interior to the concept 
of national sovereignty and the project of its independent state, which will succeed 
foreign colonialism on the other.

The re-identification of the offspring and genealogies was the first of the Bourguiba 
states, beginning with the dissolution of the resistance thugs under the agglomeration of 
the Gardama in the national body, which renounced the old Arushite, tribal and 
reactionary, whereas the real reason for this policy was Bourguiba's fear of a possible 
return Against the policies and method of governance that he wanted to be a Christian in 
the right of an area accused of separatism and Yusufism and communism and the revival of 
the Kantara at the expense of national economy was not only national in the coast of the 
coast and capital, a capitalist economy imperial guardianship protect the interests of the 
foreign bourgeoisie and a Tunisian agency Stomachs and balances are not affiliated with 
the Constitution Party and dedicated in the skin of the dreams of the people and their 
aspirations to muzzle in the liberation of my people to be a real socialist content of the 
historical path and Malahmeh inimitable.

During the sixties, these policies continued to turn into the new feudalism through the 
state's acquisition of agricultural land in the region of Ghardmaa under the title of 
agricultural division and farming Tunisia. The land, the land and the land were destroyed 
after the local producers retrieved them from the hands of the foreign, Increasing 
people's marginalization and marginalization and deepening class differences.

There is no doubt that the cultural, political and economic isolation imposed on several 
areas of the north-west as Kardemans is the result of the idea of neo-colonialism to 
maintain ignorance and flattening and begging for the state and not just a mistake of 
judgment or misjudgment or weakness of resources and resources, And power thinkers.



Message: 2

Two trade unions operating at the Poznan University of the Arts - NSZZ "Solidarnosc" and 
the Employee Initiative (Inter-Enterprise Commission at the Theater of the Eighth Day) 
issued a joint stand against the dismissal of prof. Jaroslaw Kozlowski. Below we publish 
the content of the position. ---- Common position of the NSZZ "Solidarity" enterprise 
organization at the University of Arts in Poznan and the Interprovice Commission of the 
OZZ Employee Initiative at the Eighth Day Theater in Poznan ---- We strongly protest 
against the termination of the employment contract by the Rector of the University of Arts 
in Poznan prof. dr hab. Wojciech Hora, a prominent, world-class artist, a great academic 
teacher, an educator of a large group of successful artistic artists around the world, 
prof. dr hab. Jaroslaw Kozlowski.

We protest against ignoring the opinion and position of the academic community, the 
artistic community and the trade union organizations operating at UAP, which explicitly 
commented against the termination of the employment contract of prof. dr hab. Jaroslaw 

We would like to remind you that in June last year, after almost two years trial, based on 
a final judgment of the Labor Court, prof. dr hab. Jaroslaw Kozlowski was restored to work 
at the university and depriving him of the function of the head of the drawing studio and 
dismissing the employment contract was considered unlawful and unfounded.

Currently, the current Rector of the University of Arts, prof. dr hab. Wojciech Hora began 
his term of office by firing professors who were most distinguished for the University. 
The project started in September 2016 and still continuing the "proprietary" idea of the 
current Rector for the restructuring of the Poznan University also included many key, 
dedicated staff at the university, administration and service staff. As a result of the 
implementation of this "strategy", several dozen employees of UAP lost their jobs.
University scholars and administration and service staff who were dismissed from 
university were in many cases connected with UAP for several decades and their work and 
involvement in the affairs of the university, as well as artistic activity and pedagogical 
successes of prof. Jaroslaw Kozlowski aroused widespread recognition and contributed to 
the development of this institution and the consolidation of its position among the best 
European art colleges.

The resignation of the employment contract of professor Jaroslaw Kozlowski can not be 
justified with rational arguments. Such a Rector's decision fits perfectly into the 
sequence of activities of the current UAP authorities, which by successive decisions 
consciously transform a recognized and valued university into an authoritatively managed 
"corporate" institution, which is less and less reminiscent of an outstanding art school.

It is in this institution that the current Vice-Rector for student affairs wanted students 
to protest against the unlawful release of their favorite Professor pacify with the 
participation of the police.

Unfortunately, this fact was only a prelude to the later activities of the current 
university authorities, which know the freedom of expression, tolerance for different 
views and attitudes, and the democratic model of university governance only from their own 
pre-election declarations.

At present, everyday life at the University of Arts in Poznan looks different. And the 
case of Professor Jaroslaw Kozlowski is an eloquent proof of such a situation that is 
particularly bizarre for an art school.

The "NSZZ" Solidarity Trade Union Organization and the OZZ Inter-enterprise Committee. The 
Workers' Initiative at the Eighth Day Theater jointly demand the immediate withdrawal of 
the Rector of UAP from the action taken against Prof. dr hab. Jaroslaw Kozlowski's 
decision and immediate restoration of one of the most meritorious people for our 
university, its former Rector, to work at the University of Arts in Poznan.

We are appealing to the newly elected Council of the University of the University of Arts 
in Poznan and the UAP Senate to take over and make public the position of the University 
Council and Senate in this matter.



Message: 3

Coincidentally, I started reading this book two days before an MEP from Scotland called 
Churchill a ‘white supremacist mass murder' on twitter - a statement I already agreed with 
from what I knew of him. I didn't start this book completely uninformed, I certainly 
didn't think much of Churchill beforehand, knowing what I did about his opinions on India 
(amongst other places and people), and I had heard the odd quote from Amery in passing, 
however, reading Madhusree Mukerjee's book was eye-opening and the extent of which the 
Bengali famine could have been avoided, is both heart breaking and infuriating. Even more 
so within the context of the British cultural show of admiration for a man who deserves 
nothing but condemnation for being a racist, imperialist piece of scum.

It is a tough a read. It took me over a month, stopping and starting when it got too heavy 
and the statistics tired me down. I guess that is the nature of a book like this. The book 
is filled with sources and footnotes; however, I have to be honest and say I have not 
checked these sources so can't confirm their reliability. However, the fact that are so 
many provided, from so many different sources, certainly seems a good thing; maybe one day 
I will get around to looking at the primary sources. The author, who is Indian herself, 
also talks to survivors of the famine and relatives, which adds a more personal touch to a 
very dense book.

The books main focus is on the Bengali famine of 1943, where according to most sources, 
roughly 3 million people died. Mukerjee analyses the British response regarding food 
shortages at the time - many of the issues leading to which were caused by prior British 
policies and also the general disdain members of the British government felt for South 
Asians which lead to a lack of action. However, the book also looks at this within the 
wider context of World War Two and at British policy in India on a broader scale, 
including the potential invasion of Japanese ships, British efforts to divide religious 
persons to try to combat opposition to colonial rule and India's huge contributions to the 
war effort.

Between Churchill and his aide, Cherwell, a eugenics fan and supremacist himself, it is 
clear that their neglect of this issue was not based on either ignorance nor necessity 
(whatever that actually means...but that's a whole other blog post) but their racist, 
colonial attitudes and their personal hatred towards Indian people, particularly Hindus. 
This tragedy could have been prevented at numerous times by the British government but it 
was allowed to take place due to ideological reasoning, convenience and a desire to 
discredit, and weaken those who opposed British rule. Of course, this attitude wasn't 
exclusive to India, it is part of Churchill's wider attitude towards colonised peoples, 
the working-class and anyone who was non-white.

As I say, this is a tough read and it isn't a pleasant read either. However, in my opinion 
this is an important book about a subject that is often overlooked or defended as a 
necessary tragedy. I would recommend this book to anyone who is British or has an interest 
in learning more about the horrors of British imperialism; this book is about a man who is 
often idolised by politicians and media and a lot of discourse is left behind in favour of 
the old troupe ‘he fought the Nazi's so he must be great'. I can't imagine anyone reading 
this review is a fan of Churchill anyway, but for a more in-depth analysis of his role in 
the famine of 1943 this is book is great addition. ?

NorthernJam is an Anarchist and Feminist from reet up North. Passionate about cross 
stitching, reading and the downfall of the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

Churchill's Secret War. Published by Tranquebar Press 2010 . Written by Madhusree Mukerjee.



Message: 4

As a bad student, who year after year is not able in winter to pass the different subjects 
that the nine months of school year, the Board of Castilla y León in Segovia, is still 
choking the environmental subject and one more summer Today, the first day of July, the 
three months of summer have to be studied, with high economic and human efforts, as the 
bulk of the operation to extinguish forest fires begins in the province of Segovia and 
throughout the regional territory. that in the end the result is uncertain. ---- This 
student simile can be applied to the territorial environment service of Segovia and its 
political managers. Territorial service that every day is more like a desert, a desert in 
which you can end up turning our mountains, forest lands, habitats in general great 
ecological, landscape and recreational value, as we leave from Segovian society aside our 
rich provincial ecosystems.

Every summer we hear in the news repeatedly that "... the Junta de Castilla y León will 
invest millions of euros in the prevention and extinction of forest fires in the 
province." In the end, it is the former named subject, as the administration has not been 
able to carry out their tasks during the winter, prevention, in summer they must redouble 
their efforts to put out the fire, the extinction that is coming year after year, fire 
that only goes off if the weather and geographical conditions are right.

To not depend on the good weather luck, the combustible material is completed, ie trees, 
shrubs, grasses, housing and other elements that find the fire in its path completely 
burned, ultimately of the lucky in the extinction of forest fires , adequate conditions 
have to be given in the forests, which will only be achieved if preventive silvicultural 
work is carried out in the appropriate periods on the forest surfaces and for this it must 
have resources, both economic as humans.

It is clear that there are economic resources, political will less , because every year 
increases spending on firefighting and not prevention , for example from 2014 to 2015 this 
expenditure increased by 12%, from 47 to 53.3 million euros. The personnel dedicated to 
these tasks in the community, according to the Chief of Defense of the Natural Environment 
are 4,369 people in 2018, of which only 56% of those are public employees, the rest of 
them belong to private companies in the sector, especially Tragsa, carrying out these 
silvicultural tasks between 4 and 10 months per year, many of them coinciding with those 
of greater time of fire danger in the forest masses, with the added risk that this entails.

As has been well said, the theme "fire-fighting", forest checkpoints, would give in itself 
for a specific complaint in the labor and environmental field, companies that perform 
silvicultural work on forest land and make use of equipment with a high risk in This is 
the time of maximum fire danger , in summer, since chainsaws, brush cutters, chippers, 
skidders, forwarders, forestry tractors, trucks and other used mechanical equipment can 
produce a spark or even burn with the consequent damage to the environment.

This is not here, this operation of forest checkpoints, which are contracted to put out 
fires, work during their working day cutting, clearing, stacking branches and in those 
jobs that are not done in winter . If there is no type of fire or conatus of the same in 
the forest masses of the province or community, they return to their homes with work on 
the body, but if a fire occurs , both in the day and out of it, they must go to the same 
one to suffocate the flames, extending this way their labor day, their fatigue, with the 
consequent risk for the health of these workers .

In the Territorial Environment Service of Segovia, there are a sufficient number of places 
for forestry workers and tractor drivers, who could carry out these preventive 
silvicultural tasks during the winter season , without the enormous costs for the 
administration that the campaign entails of extinction of fires and the later repopulation 
of the calcinated lands, in Segovia there are 15 places of tractoristas, of which only 4 
are occupied, that is to say 75% of the squares are empty and as for the forest peons 
there are 21 squares of which only 3 are occupied, ie 86% free .

When these covered places are not found, the administration and its managers resort to 
private or "semi-public" companies for the development of the works that would have to be 
executed by the public employee, benefiting these private companies and damaging our 
pocket and times to the environment. The private company benefits, in some cases, in that 
it only has to hire the worker with normally low wages, worse working conditions, because 
the administration is already in place to put the tractors that will perform the work on 
the mountain, which results in great benefits. for the contract, since, you do not have to 
worry about or fix the breakdowns of these vehicles, working as a temporary work agency, 
but with higher hiring budgets.

This situation is aggravated by the lack of public announcements in these positions or 
hiring from the employment exchanges in them, makes our forest masses are in the hands of 
these companies "semi-public" or private seeking more than a correct execution of the 
works, simply the realization of the same, leaving on many occasions forest tracks in poor 
conditions of trafficability, harlot accumulated under the trees, trails and creepers 
without repair once used with the consequent deterioration of them when it rains, damage 
on the regeneration of the tree masses and on the feet cut, burn under trees in good 
condition, feet in poor sanitary conditions with pests that can spread to the rest of the 
mass, untimely actions or not perform the same on forest resources and other damages that 
often, because not visible, are harmful for the correct health of these masses.

The hiring of public employees to carry out the work, would entail multiple socio-economic 
benefits, public employees are cheaper , as well as for the rural environment and the 
forest masses, decent and quality employment for forest workers, that these jobs be 
supervised by the administration because when carried out by it, the conditions in which 
these ecosystems would be adequate, by prioritizing the quality of the execution over the 
quantity of the executed, the work would be carried out in a timely manner, in winter and 
appropriately , dedicating thesummer for the exclusive tasks of surveillance and control 
of habitats , as well as reducing the budget allocated to the extinction of fires and 
subsequent reforestation , due to this improvement in the forest masses, rural 
depopulation and population fixation of the various regions of the province, as many of 
the existing and vacant places are distributed throughout the provincial geography, wealth 
would be generated in the rural environment , to put in value the forest masses of the 
province, with the continuous rise of rural tourism.

For all these reasons, the Junta de Castilla y León and its political leaders begin to 
really work for the conservation of our environment, for rural development and to avoid 
the depopulation of our community, not only being the text of the advertising campaigns or 
when it is convenient and that we repeatedly listen to in the different media, but the 
cornerstone of their policies and our development as a community.



Message: 5

We've got a couple of meetings coming up in July. Details below... ---- Saturday 20th 
July, 2pm, Norwich ---- Norwich ACG: Breaking the Wheel ---- Film showing of Breaking the 
Wheel by "Lucky Black Cat" followed by feedback and discussion on the role of social media 
in winning the war of ideas. Venue: The Rumsey Wells, 4 St Andrews St, Norwich NR2 4AF. 
---- Also... ---- Saturday 27th July, 7pm, Birmingham ---- Birmingham RAG & ACG: No War 
But The Class War meeting ---- With yet another capitalist war on the cards, this time 
with Iran, Birmingham Revolutionary Anarchist Group are hosting a No War But the Class War 
meeting. Speakers from RAG and Leicester ACG. Venue: The Anchor, 308 Bradford St, 
Birmingham B5 6ET. ---- For news of other coming events, check out our Events Page.


Message: 6

We invite you to the meeting that will take place on Monday July 8 at 11 am at Alghero 
street no. 11 from Tarragona, in front of Mc Mutual.
On the occasion of the defense of the health of pregnant women in the ICS.

Union Section CGT Hospital Joan XXIII and Union de Sanitat de Tarragona CGT.



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