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zaterdag 6 juli 2019

Anarchic update news all over the world - 5.07.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  WSM.ie: Pride Alternative protests 1st cop bloc on Dublin
      Pride (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  Holand, [Amsterdam] Manifestation: Free Carola! Stop the
      criminalisation of rescue at sea! (nl) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Briyain, AFED, organise magazine: IFA #1 - When the Robots
      Fire Us (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Canada, Announcing 2nd Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair -
      September 7th, 2019 10am-6pm (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  ait russia, The 33rd action and 3rd assembly of "Yellow
      vests" [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The presence of uniformed cops marching as a bloc on Dublin Pride meant that for the first 
time Pride Alternative was organised. Many participants may not have been aware that just 
across the street 3 van loads of riot police were lurking down a laneway, presumably there 
so that if there was any attempt to block the cop bloc they would have charged in. Thats 
so, so far from the roots of Pride in the riots that followed police raids on the 
Stonewall Inn. ---- Pride Alternatives was protesting at that Garda & PSNI presence but 
also at the growing commercialisation of Pride and the media sponsorship of RTE and in 
particular its deliberate whipping up of a transphobic shit storm during the year. We've 
included the speaker from MERJ in the first video who talks extensively about the issues 
with Pride in its modern form. The second video contains the rest of the speehes we 
recorded along with some footage of the crowd and passing parade.

If you want to know more about the Stonewall riots we recommend the excellent Working 
Class History podcast which has two episodes that are based around extensive interviews 
with a couple of participants.


In advance of the protest we'd sent the email below to our contacts
The WSM invites you to join us for Pride Alternative next Saturday 29th June at 12 pm on 
Rosie Hackett bridge. The event is being organised by Queer Action Ireland (QAI) to 
protest the increasing comodification of pride and co-option of its radical roots by 
corporations and the state, particularly the involvement of Gardaí in this year's Pride.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2634677889895621/ and full statement from 
Queer Action Ireland below.

QAI are also holding a banner making session prior to Pride Alternative on Tuesday 25th 
June at 6.30 pm in A4 Sounds, St. Joseph's Parade, Dorsett St. Dublin 1. All are welcome 
to attend and help getting banners ready ahead of Pride Alternative. Facebook event: 

Please RSVP if you intend to join us for Pride Alternative on Saturday. You can also keep 
an eye out for our red and black flags on the day so feel free to drop over for a chat if 
you'd like to find out more about the WSM.


Queer Action Ireland regret that we cannot conciously participate in Dublin Pride 2019, 
even in an oppositional radical bloc, as we have done in previous years.

The participation of Gardai in uniform in this year's parade is in direct opposition to 
the liberatory principles of Pride, which was established 50 years ago; initially in 
response to police brutality that was directed towards the LGBTQ+ community of New York 
City, and then broadened out internationally. The police continue to target LGBTQ+ people, 
sex workers, migrant and other ethnic minority people in Ireland today. Just this week, 
the Gardai have
arrested migrant sex workers on both sides of the country.

Cops marching in Pride is not a sign of progress, but rather a representation of the 
further cooptation of our struggle. While police will make concessions and recruit from 
our queer and migrant poplulations, their role remains the same. We in Queer Action 
Ireland view the police force as a weapon that is designed for the specific purpose of 
keeping us down. The police are not just workers in uniform and they were not created to 
protect and serve the ordinary
population. In fact, the idea of cops neutrally enforcing "the law", when the law itself 
has never been neutral, is an illusory idea.

The origins of the police lies in their creation to protect the system by imposing order 
on working class communities, breaking-up strikes and repressing workers. The idea of 
"Guardians of the Peace" means guardians of the peace for those who rule over us.  This is 
why we see cops supporting evictions or protecting wealthy land hoarders and landlords, 
and it's why we saw them attack people in the Take Back the City movement last year, while 
protecting private security forces who assaulted housing activists.

We cannot march in a parade that welcomes RTE as an official media sponsor; a broadcaster 
who welcomed transphobic hate speech onto the air not months ago, and whose commitment to 
so-called "balanced" reporting has led to the perpetuation of dangerous ideas and rhetoric 
around the island of Ireland, that endangers the lives of the queer community.

We cannot march in a parade that so readily welcomes corporations who see our community as 
no more than a marketing demographic; who sell our data to political parties and other 
companies for profit; who exploit us all and oppress LGBTQ and migrant workers; who take 
our homes and sell them to the highest bidder; who refuse to provide adequate rights to 
their workers or recognise a trade union; and who rent out homes stolen from the 
Palestinian people in the occupied territories, or shut down the bank accounts of 
Palestinian Solidarity organisations.

We cannot march in a parade with establishment political parties who dress up in rainbows 
yet oversee the for-profit racist detention centres that they call direct provision, which 
makes lots of money for their ruling class. Only this month we learned that Sylva Tukula, 
a trans woman that they housed in an all male centre who died last year, was buried in 
secret, without telling her friends and without it being known where she is buried, or how 
she died. Nor can we march with government parties whose decision to end the Irish Navy's 
ability to engage in search and rescue work will inevitably mean thousands of more deaths 
at sea of those who seek refuge. Nor can we march with a government whose department of 
justice carries out deportations, and who issued a refusal form, in April of this year, to 
a lesbian seeking asylum from persecution. Nor can we march in a parade with a semi-state 
company who perpetuates bigotry by driving around with an advertisement for a fascist one 
month, and a rainbow the next.

We cannot march in a parade that comprises itself of all of this, and then purely 
symbolically sets its theme as "Rainbow Revolution", an empty gesture. This is insulting 
to the millions of queer people whose shoulders we stand on, who struggled before us for 
every right we have today, while never needing the sponsorship of any big corporations to 
achieve their wins. This hypocrisy speaks volumes as to how detached Dublin Pride is from 
the fight for queer liberation. It has become a shadow of what it once was, co-opted by 
capitalists who hope to assimilate and profit off the queer community, reducing us to no 
more than statistics in their empty marketing campaigns.

We invite and encourage all queers who refuse to accept this sanitised and assimilated 
version of Pride, to meet us at the Rosie Hackett Bridge on June 29th from midday at 12pm, 
for a celebration of what Pride should be: Listening to each other in our struggles and 
working to draw attention to the issues that continue to affect our community today, in a 
fight for a better world where we control our own destinies."

In solidarity,



Message: 2

***ACTION*** Join us this Thursday (4 July at 5PM) at Spui to show your solidarity with 
Carola Rackete, captain of the Sea-Watch 3, and all those who are fleeing in search for a 
better life. ---- "Neither the EU-Commission nor any European government brought about the 
solution for the disembarkation of the remaining 40 survivors aboard Sea-Watch 3. In the 
end it was captain Carola Rackete who was both forced and willing to take responsibility 
and who brought the people to safety against all adversities. Without permission she 
entered Italian waters and later the port of Lampedusa. She enforced the rights of the 
rescued people to be disembarked to a place of safety." ---- Read more from Sea Watch 
here. https://sea-watch.org/en/sw-and-cpt-enforce-human-rights-eu-failed/
OUR DEMANDS to the Dutch government:
Call upon the Italian government to free Carola. The criminalisation of those rescuing 
people at sea must stop now!
Get the Sea-Watch 3, sailing under the Dutch flag, back to out to sea to continue her 
rescue-work asap.
Heed our call: refugees welcome, freedom of movement for all!
More info t.b.a.



Message: 3

Computers are replacing people's jobs much faster, than new ones get created. What shall 
we do then? ---- Our work is low paying, unsecure, and appalling. We are working less and 
less with what is beneficial to us, but spend more and more time fighting with our bosses 
and the state. Whoever doesn't come to terms with this misery runs away to the West. 
However, analysis shows that even there it will soon be even harder to make ends meet. 
---- Aristotle was afraid that the machines would eventually replace people. You don't 
have to be an ancient genie to realize the fact that new technology may leave you without 
work - such as the notorious rebellions by Luddites who destroyed machines to save their 
jobs. Industrialization changed the labor market. First it replaced highly skilled 
craftsmen with low skilled laborers with the use of machines. After the introduction of 
machines, the need for maintenance workers was created to keep the machines working. 
Unlike the craftsman, however, today's specialists don't create the end products which are 
instead products of the machines.

Through the last decade, the increased involvement of computers into production also 
changed the labor market. Studies show that this has led to the loss of middle and lower 
class jobs, which has led to the creation of a U shaped curve with many lower class jobs 
and upper class jobs, but few in the middle class.

Today, computers are in charge of many tasks that demand precision in factories, armies, 
schools, and in offices. There is no period in history in which machines have been able to 
do as much work compared as human laborers. However, trends in collecting and analyzing 
large amounts of data that was until recently missing or unanalyzed created new industries 
which at this point cannot continue without computers. Tasks which ten years earlier were 
dismissed as work that cannot be done by robots, such as driving in urban areas, are today 
seen otherwise - self driving cars are already being tested on the streets of Florida, 
California, and Nevada.

Researchers at Oxford university have calculated how the latest trends in machine 
self-training and mobile robots will affect the labor market. They distinguished 3 
difficulties in front of the computerization of tasks - "knowledge and management of the 
field", "creative intelligence", and "social intelligence". Data from the Ministry of 
Labor in the USA determined 702 professions, whose difficulties can be quantified. With 
help from various experts in mechanization, they determined 70 of these professions that 
can easily be fully automated with today's technology. The resulting models are with 90% 
certainty able to measure whether certain profession will be fully automated or not.

According to the results of the model, for 47% of these professions (which currently 
employ 68 million people) there is a 70% certainty that they can be fully automated with 
modern technology. Also, those professions with a 30% to 70% chance of automation are 
certainly going to rise because "knowledge and management of the field" is the most 
improving of the previously mentioned difficulties. The most affected will be "most 
workers in the transport and logistics industry, along with many office, administrative, 
and production fields". The service industry, in which many USA jobs have been recently 
created, is also very susceptible to automation. Unlike the last decade where middle class 
jobs were lost, the first ones to be automated and lost will be lower class jobs.
There is no reason to think automation will not affect work places outside of the USA. 
Wages in countries such as China are undoubtedly lower, but in long term machines are 
always cheaper, compared to real workers. To be able to find jobs, we must first find work 
what machines cannot do, or be forced to compete with them. There is no way we can all 
become dentists or drive goods 24 hours, day and night.

In 1589, the priest William Lee invented the first sewing machine with the hope that it 
would free workers from sewing by hand. When looking for a patent to save his invention, 
he showed it to Queen Elizabeth the First. But the queen was very worried about the 
situation. "Think about what your invention would do to my poor subjects! It will surely 
destroy them when it leaves them without work, and it will turn them into beggars." She 
denied his patent. William Lee was forced to leave the kingdom. Half a millennium later, 
in our so called democratic societies, the situation is the same. Robots continue to work 
more, but instead of us working less, we are becoming more and more redundant. Why is 
something that is supposed to improve our lives instead making it more difficult and unsecure?

When ownership over the means of production (resources, machines, and more recently 
technology) is concentrated in the hands of the few, the people receive a share based on 
how much they can sell their labor. If somebody cannot sell their labor, they must rely on 
the good of others who have more in order to survive. Today, when few are without work, 
aspects of society such as social, health insurance and pension funds work as distribution 
of excess, so that nobody dies of hunger. But the time is coming when a large part of us 
(according to the study, close to half of the population in the USA in the upcoming 
decades) will be cheaper than the food they need. The machines will create even more than 
today, but it won't be ‘right' for us to use what they produce because we haven' worked or 
sold our labor for it.

What will we do then? Will we destroy the machines like the Luddites? Will we chase out 
the inventors like Elizabeth? Do we love work so much that we don't want machines to do it 
instead of us? Barely.

Technological progress gives us opportunities to work less and less, and to create more. 
Instead of this, however, the need to sell ourselves on the "labor market" threatens to 
ruin us. The only decision is to remove this market, the removal of ownership over our 
natural resources, technologies and robots, distribution of resources based on the needs 
of the people. We are valuable because we are people, not because we work. Only then will 
we be secure in our futures. We will surpass the monotony of work, the repetitiveness of 
every day, and the shorter days with more creativity. ?

Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria - anarchy.bg

Categories: Articles, IFA 1, IFA Magazine, International



Message: 4

At 5450 Russell St, Halifax (Kjipuktuk), unceded Mi'kmaq territory ~For anarchists, and 
those curious about anarchism~ FREE - Welcome to all. ---- We are living in a world where 
ecological collapse is imminent, and fascist forces militarize borders, destroy land and 
livelihoods; a world where basic freedoms are a further and further reality for most 
people, a world where prisons still incarcerate our loved ones. In the spirit of 
rebellion, we are calling for a gathering, the largest anarchist event in the Atlantic 
region, to learn collectively how to challenge and disrupt these forces. In this time, it 
is crucial for anarchist gatherings to take place, to share stories, strategies and plans 
for dismantling capitalism and all forces of coercive control, and to experience and 
create together a culture based on mutual aid, solidarity and freedom for all.

In this spirit of rebellion, we invite you to come to the 2nd Annual Halifax Anarchist 

Come out whether you're a seasoned anarchist, excited to learn about anarchism, a curious 
skeptic, a lover of books, or if you are simply becoming disillusioned with capitalism and 
the government. Featuring publishers and book distributors, vendors, artists, and 
facilitators from all over North America/Turtle Island; the day will be filled with 
presentations, workshops, films, discussions, kids' activities, art exhibits, parties and 
more! Let's connect our struggles, build our capacities, and support anti-authoritarian 
revolutionary culture and community.

Last year's bookfair was an incredible success. Over 400 rebels attended throughout the 
day to peruse the huge selection of literature, and participate in workshops that inspired 
new ideas and actions. Parties and events brought us together; new friendships were formed 
and old friendships rekindled. We send out a huge thanks to everyone who came and helped 
make the weekend an overwhelming success.

We are now inviting you to help make this year's bookfair weekend as incredible as last year.

Please get in touch with your workshop proposals, table requests inquiries, accessibility 
needs, collaboration ideas and wildest dreams at:



Proposals for tables and workshops are due by Aug 1, 2019

For a more Anarchic Halifax, and a freer, more joyful, and just world!

P.S. We know Halifax is far from most other major cities, get in touch if you want to 
participate but distance feels like a barrier. We'll try to work out creative solutions to 
this issue.


Message: 5

Despite the 40-degree heat, thousands of "yellow vests" for the 33rd time took to the 
streets, roads and crossroads of France. According to the organizers, more than 10 
thousand people took part in the actions. Performances took place in Agen, Besançon, 
Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nice, Paris, Rennes, Toulouse ... ---- In 
Paris, the main theme of the central demonstration was a protest against police violence. 
The march started from the Clichy gate in the north of the city, in the atmosphere of the 
festival. participants carried a mock yellow submarine. Performers performed. Many 
demonstrators bought water in minimarkets and poured water pistols on each other to 
somehow resist the unbearable heat. Although at first everything was calm, in the end the 
march ended in clashes with the police, who used tear gas.

Demonstrations were also held in the historic center of Bordeaux, in Toulouse, Montpellier 
and other cities.

In Lille, a demonstration was devoted to the fight against neoliberal pension reform. 
During clashes with the police, protesters set fire to the urns, erecting barricades, and 
beat the windows. 1 person was injured, 5 arrested.

In Reims, the prefect banned a demonstration. When trying to start her, 18 people were 
detained, 9 of them were left under arrest.

In Rennes, clashes with police broke out when demonstrators attempted to enter the city 
center. The guards of a capitalist order attacked a group of demonstrators with a black 
banner, brutally beating people with batons, but managed to defend the banner. The 
policemen threw various objects at them and shouted insults at them. 3 people were detained.

3rd Assembly of Assemblies

Delegates of the yellow vests movement from all over France gathered on June 29 and 30 in 
Montceau-les-Mints to attend the 3rd Assembly of the Assembly to discuss the continuation 
and coordination of the protests. About 650 people came to the meeting, including 250 
delegates. The assembly's meetings were held in the building of the Poulay gymnasium in 
Bois du Verne.

Participants confirmed their intention not to retreat and continue the fight. The work 
went on in a lively atmosphere of discussion. There were many speakers. Some sought to 
necessarily express their opinions and talk about sore. Others tried to strictly adhere to 
their imperative mandate. Working groups prepared projects for the plenum of the assembly, 
which made the decisions.

One of the topics discussed was the "exit from capitalism". Participants agreed that this 
was necessary, but found that the issue should be further worked out to discuss how this 
can be achieved.

A petition was approved in support of the "civil referendum", that is, the right to submit 
any controversial issues of a political and socio-economic nature in the country to a 
national referendum. "Yellow vests" hope that this practice will be able to stop the 
neoliberal attack. For example, support for a referendum against the privatization of the 
Paris airport was discussed.

Much has been said about the need for a "convergence of struggle", that is, a combination 
of protest movements against specific actions of the measures and reforms of the 
authorities in various areas. It includes, in particular, support for the fight of 
ambulance workers, teachers and other struggling categories and professions, as well as an 
increased presence at the local level. "The goal is to remove all obstacles and put an end 
to Macron and his system." The need for "convergence struggle" at the international level 
was also mentioned. One of the speakers drew parallels between the struggle of the 
protesters in France and in Algeria. Haute Savoie's Yellow Vests collaborates with groups 
of yellow vests in Switzerland and Italy. Special attention was paid to the "convergence" 
with the struggle of the poor and working-class districts.

Assembly participants discussed the future actions of the movement in connection with the 
beginning of the holiday season. In early July, coming new shares, including, on July 14. 
In the future, it is planned to resume the struggle after the holidays, organize a "fall 
struggle", discuss performances against future reforms (for example, pension) and 
participate in the activities of social movements.

Among the topics discussed at the working groups are issues of self-government and 
representativeness of the assemblies, publication of a general journal, preparation for 
the next, 4th "assembly of the assemblies."

At the same time, journalists drew attention to the disturbing activity of the more 
"reformist" wing of the movement, which is less in love with statements about 
anti-capitalism and which requires discussing the question of participation in the 2020 
municipal elections at the next assembly.

Hitting the Pocket System

Meanwhile, politicians recognize that the damage caused by the protests to the capitalist 
economy will be greater than expected. The National Statistical Office estimated it at 2 
billion euros in the last quarter of 2018. But now representatives of the Senate said that 
the turnover in urban centers decreased by 30% as a result of the protests, and this will 
also affect the second half of 2019. Among the damage factors are delays payments to 
suppliers and tax payments. An increase in the number of defaults and bankruptcies of 
enterprises and institutions is expected. Many consumers avoid shopping on weekends, etc.



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