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maandag 8 juli 2019

Anarchic update news all over the world - 8.07.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  Dover and Folkestone Anarchist Communist Group ACG

2.  Greece, Placements at the events / debates held at the 1st
      Eleftheria Festival By APO [machine translation]

3.  Belarus, pramen: Interview with anarchist from Caucasus
      about the political situation in Caucasus region

4.  Russia, avtonom: "My words are spelled correctly": an
      exhibition of solidarity with the figurants of the "Network" in
      St. Petersburg [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Anti-election campaign in Greece: Neither right nor left.
      Active abstention! By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

6.  ait russia: Monte Veritá: Expressionist Utopia and
      Anarchism [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

We announce a new group of the Anarchist Communist Group in the Dover and Folkestone area. 
Anyone there or elsewhere in South East Kent should contact us via the ACG national 
address info@anarchistcommunism.org

Meanwhile our West London group is continuing to develop. They can be contacted at 



Message: 2

"We do not scare the ruins.[...] But do not forget that we laborers, we also know and 
build.[...]We will inherit the land, and so do not have the slightest doubt. The 
bourgeoisie, then, let down its world before it finally leaves the scene of history. We 
carry a new world here in our hearts. And this world grows every moment. " ---- 
Buenaventura Durruti ---- * an extract from an interview with Pierre van Paasen about the 
Toronto Star newspaper in 1936 ---- The 1st Eleftheria Festival was a public field of 
dialogue where struggle experiences were presented and the participants were able to draw 
political conclusions from resistances that break out both in Greece and internationally, 
far away from each other, but they are common fronts of struggle towards common enemies 
with a common perspective on social liberation. In more detail, the themes of political 
events and presentations have been extended to the full range of social competition. From 
labor struggles and major strikes, to struggles of international solidarity, anti-fascist 
struggles and solidarity to refugees and immigrants, to resistance to state repression and 
the Emergency, the struggle against patriarchy and gendered violence,

Below are all the oral, collective and individual oral presentations submitted in six 
thematic debates / events and largely maintain the style of the speakers, of which five or 
part were issued in view of the second libertarian festival of social, class and 
international solidarity (1).

1. State repression, Terrorists, Emergency

2. Social and Classical resistance from the bottom

3. Occupations and Self-managed Match Areas

4. Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) from Turkey

5. From Greece to Turkey, women's struggles for freedom

6. Modern totalitarianism, war, nationalism, fascism. The anarchist movement and 
international solidarity

Eleftheria Festival of Internationalist, Social and Classical Solidarity # 2

Athens 4-5-6 July 2019 | University Campus of Zografou | School of MITHE, Entrance from 
Taxilos (3rd FEPA, buses 220, 221, 5th stop of Ilissia)

3 days of political discussions, book presentations, cinematic screenings, anarchist 
printed material and bookstore, poster and photo exhibitions, artistic events


The political call here.

(1) The choice of the oral placements listed in the brochure does not reflect a hierarchy 
among the themes that they have been involved in the festival, but rather the constraints 
and technical difficulties of publishing the whole, which however anyone can find in her 



Message: 3

-What exactly is it to be an Anarchist? ---- -Form me as a Militant Anarchist being 
anarchist means fighting against Fascism and Capitalism. Capitalism steals money and 
resources from people and fascism puts power over people. Anarchism is a people's 
liberation movement, regardless - race, gender and sexual orientation. We are all equal 
and should live free. ---- -How you became an Anarchist? ---- -Well, It's a long story. 
I'll try to make it shorter. Since early childhood, I was against hierarchy and was 
searching for freedom. So I started reading a political literature. After reading 
anarchist writers (Pyotr Kropotkin and Errico Malatesta), I realized that most of my world 
views were really close to Anarchism. Than I started reading about ?istory of Anarchism 
and realized that if we want to be free we should stand in solidarity with each other and 
fight against injustice. So I started searching connections with anarchist from all over 
the globe and start talking with them, but most important part of becoming anarchist is - 
education and being able to make analyses of political situations.

-What Anarchists are doing in Caucasus?
-Here we are small group of anarchists, who really trying to do things. Our main problem 
is lack of coordination and lack of self discipline. I can't judge or talk about others, 
but I'll say what I'm doing here... I'm trying to build platform for an anarchist movement 
by making connections with workers and other oppressed groups. Also, I'm trying to 
organize people around me, to make space for training and build some industry, which will 
give us some money to start new projects and buy land for agriculture and to form a 
radical movement.

-What kind of local activities are you involved?
-I participate in: Food Not Bombs, Book Not Bombs, Education against War, and also in some 
Eco activities, but most important activities that I'm doing is -Building a Network of 
Workers. Network of Workers will be something like a IWW but local one. Also I'm a member 
of IAGU - Agitation Network, which agitates ideas of militant Anarchism and uprising on 
the international platform.

-Why are Anarchists are feared in Caucasus?
-First of all, anarchists are feared, not only in Caucasus but in a whole world. 
Anarchists are feared by governments most of all, but by the people themselves as well, 
because government and media propaganda use people against them. In Caucasus when someone 
hears about Anarchism they think its a chaos and destruction. It's because of Soviet 
Union, because during Soviet occupation, anarchist were in Gulag and Soviet Regime was 
demonising them and making propaganda that anarchists want to destroy everything and live 
in chaos.

-Why People in Caucasus are against Socialism?
-Hmmm, they are actually not against Socialism they doesn't know what socialism is. Its 
happened because of Soviet Union which was not Socialist but Imperialist, Colonialist, 
Bolshevik and Totalitarian State.

-What are your views about Russian occupation?
-I'm totally against of Russian occupation. Not because I support idea of state. No, I'm 
against Russian Imperialism. Russia is nowadays fascists state. Russian Empire are doing 
same thing in Caucasus, like Erdogans Turkey are doing In Kurdistan, or America in Puerto 

-Tell us about diversity in Caucasus and political situation in Caucasus region.
-Caucasus is one of the richest Region about Ethnic diversity. 83 different local and not 
local Ethnic Groups are living here. There are lot of languages and dialects. 80% of 
Caucasus are under occupation. Mostly by Russian Empire but also partly by Turkey. 
Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan are not under fully occupation but state freedom is not a 
freedom of people. We doesn't have direct democracy here. We are still under World Wide 
Capitalistic Occupation and Economical Occupation. Georgia Economically depends on Turkey 
and EU, Armenia On Russia and Azerbaijan is a State with a Fascist Dictator.

-Do you think it is possible to unite Caucasus?
-Yes, it is, but not now or in near future. People here are under Russian or under 
fascists propaganda. Russian Empire achieved their goals to brake unity inside Caucasus 
region. Russian Empire put people of Caucasus in the situation where they are forced to 
fight against each other. For example, Georgians and Osetian people were living in a peace 
during centuries. Clashes happened between them but not like today, when this two ethnic 
groups are so divided that they are ready to kill each other in the name of nationalism. 
And, there is same situation all around the Caucasus region, war and hate.

-What do you think about 2008 August Russian Georgian war?
-Well, I'm against war. I support only Class War. But, this war was nothing but just act 
of divide and rule. It was act of Imperialism. None of EU states really cared about it. It 
was just a game of politicians where lot of people died. All dictator need war to stay in 
power. So, in 2008 Putin played well known game called - "won a war and stay popular" and 
about Georgian side people were victims but politicians were traitors. They also were 
playing with lives of people.

-It's possible to build direct democracy in Caucasus?
-Yes, it is possible and here was lot of villages in Georgia, in 1917. Chechenya, Dagestan 
and other part of Caucasus, where people were living without state and ruler. We are 
trying to educate people about history of anarchism and Caucasus.

-Do you have connection with anarchist from different parts of Caucasus?
-Yes, I have connections with anarchist from Dagestan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and 
other places but it's just connections. I'm trying to build united platform, but because 
of borders it's really hard. And, everyone knows internet is not safe.

-Are you a part of any militant group?
-I'm militant Anarchist and I'm part of some militant groups but I'm not part of local 
militant group, because there is no Anarchist or leftist militant group. Just a people, 
who are militants but not a group. Some are trying to build Anti Imperialist Anarchist 
Militia, but we are facing lot of problems about it.

-What is CLF?
-CLF is Caucasian Liberation Front. It's project on which me and my comrades from other 
part of Caucasus are working on. This is a project of decolonization of Caucasus, to make 
?latform of people and defend Caucasus from Imperial powers.

-Did you ever been in ?ombat?
-Huh, it's a question that I doesn't want to answer. First of all, I doesn't want to talk 
about such a thing openly, because it's not safe for me and people around me.

-What About International Support?
-Right now, there is no platform for direct international support but we will need 
economical support for our projects. On the other hand, I'm sure if something will happen 
or war will start, lot of people will come here to protect civilians from war.

-How do anarchist spread their Idea in Caucasus?
-By agitation, by music, by art, by internet... There are endless ways to spread 
information and idea. You just need to know, how to find and use them. Also, I want to add 
that me and some my comrades are working on series of?ocumentaries called - Caucasus and 
Anarchism. In this documentary, we want to show the world, what kind of problems people of 
Caucasus face and what kind of problems anarchists face and how we are trying to solve them.




Message: 4

Pictures of political prisoners who came in letters from the detention center, and the 
works of joint artists in the wild will be presented together at the three-day exhibition 
"I have written correctly with my words" in the Navicula Artis gallery on Pushkinskaya 10 
(St. Petersburg). Prison jobs were carried out by anti-fascists and anarchists accused of 
participating in the Network's terrorist community. Artists and artists in their works 
reflect on the topic of state violence and torture, repression, lack of freedom and false 
accusations. ---- Opening of the exhibition - July 5 (Friday) at 18:00. The exhibition 
will open the performance of the art group {homeland} and the performance of the musician 
Stas Pochobuta. The exhibition will last three days. On the closing day, July 7, a lecture 
on modern places of detention and a concert of the Tehno-Poetry cooperative are scheduled. 
All three days at the exhibition it will be possible to sign postcards to prison, and also 
to buy a new merch - with a picture of a prisoner, Yuli Boyarshinova.

Figures of the "Network" case, the works of which are represented at the exhibition: 
Victor Filinkov, Ilya Shakursky, Maxim Ivankin, Dmitry Pchelintsev, Yuly Boyarshinov.

Artists participating in the exhibition:
Anya Kurbatova

Daria Apahoncic

Anna Ten

Polina Zaslavskaya

Anna Tereshkina

Cyanide Angry

Max Evroprop

Dana Rwana

Katya Sytnik


Rakel stammer

Strong books

Dasha Rakhmetova



Meetings in social networks:
on facebook



Message: 5

Against the brutal tyranny of the so-called democracy | Against all sorts of "saviors" | 
Street fighting and self-organization ---- Greece will go to the polls next Sunday 
(07/07), and New Democracy (right), led by conservative Kyriakos Mitsotakis, holds a clear 
advantage over Syriza's government (left) by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, second 
the latest polls. ---- On the other hand, in the last days, various anarchist 
anti-election interventions have taken to the streets of numerous Greek cities: marches, 
graffiti, posters, protest banners in public places, leaflet distribution, attacks on 
party headquarters, occupations , assemblies in neighborhoods, events in schools and 
universities ... ---- Against the political quackery of the State and Capital

" The electoral process and voting are a democratic methodology tailored to political and 
economic leaders and can not cause any social disruption. All the rest are fairy tales to 
spoil the "opposition parties ."

" The fight is won on the streets, with social experiments of resistance and 
self-determination. Abstention from the election festival is never enough if it is an 
isolated and occasional choice, if it is not related to collectivization, reciprocity, 
critical thinking, action. An individual and collective attitude, resulting from conflict 
and rupture with authoritarian barbarism, self-organization of daily life and struggles, 
vision of another world, pluralism, reciprocity and mutual help. A world without a state 
and hierarchy, without capital and individual property, without borders and homelands, 
without religions and specialists, without patriarchy and sexism, without nationalism and 
militarism, without racism and discrimination, without any form of superiority and power. 
Away from the elections. Resistance, self-organization, solidarity in neighborhoods."

" The path to social liberation does not go through the polls, but through the 
uninterrupted struggles, the intensification of the conflict with the state forces, 
capitalists and fascists, with small and great revolts. In this journey, we call all the 
exploited and oppressed of this world. "

" As long as we continue to delegate our problems to" specialists, "with delusions of 
civic participation through the elections of bourgeois democracy, as long as we move to 
the logic of lesser evil and humble ourselves in the polls to legitimize the intensity of 
our exploitation without being able to organize against all this, politicians and 
bourgeois leaders smile. "

" Mass media propaganda continues to try to convince us of the" conscientious citizen's 
sacred duty "to go to the polls and vote on anything, confirming their confidence in 
representation. However, whoever wins the election, the result will be support for 
parliamentarism and the re-establishment of the same bipartisan system managed by the 
pre-crisis state. For us, participation in the elections has always been a class 
compromise and a deviation. The logic of the lesser evil and crumbs that the state shares 
as charity is an insult and disorientation to our class. Changing our heads in state 
administration will bring no radical change in our lives. State and capitalist 
restructuring will continue, and we will continue to be pieces for oppression and 
exploitation. "

" Abstention, whether as a result of indifference, be it frustration or fatalism, or rage, 
de-liberalizes parliamentarism at its base and questions the rhetoric of" popular 
sovereignty. " However, the depreciation of parliamentarism at this level is not enough. 
What we stand for is conscious abstention, the rejection of parliamentarism for what it 
really is. Abstention for us must coexist with our active participation in all the 
struggles that affect our lives. "

" Our proposals are not a kit, we do not capitulate with any" revolutionary "and" 
philanthropic "government, waiting for the crumbs they give us. We have never been afraid 
of any government and the repression it promises us. We support and participate in social 
and class struggles, promoting their interconnection and globalization in a revolutionary 
direction. Against the dilemmas posed by the election, electoral or otherwise, we set our 
own dilemmas and give our own answers, through our self-organized, anti-party struggles, 
engulfed by social revolution, libertarian communism, anarchy. "

Above, excerpts from anti-election texts distributed in Greece.

Related Content:


anarchist-ana news agency


Message: 6

Anarchism and performance are linked by long-standing and strong ties - historically or, 
as Foucault would say, according to genealogy. It is difficult to say which of them arose 
first, but in the twentieth century you can count a lot of episodes when both coexisted in 
space and time, forming one chronotope. This chronotope, in which political practices are 
closely linked to artistic ones, is sometimes called the "avant-garde", sometimes - the 
"counterculture". Examples are well known: Dada and Fluxus, the Beat Generation, partly 
French Surrealists and the Situationist International inspired by them, American Yippies 
and British anarcho-punk. We will return to the very beginning of the twentieth century, 
to the fact that, perhaps, we can consider Ur-episode or the birthplace of what later 
became known as "performance art". ---- https://aitrus.info/node/5291


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