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zaterdag 13 juli 2019

๐ŸŒˆ Updates from Eastern Africa and Georgia

Hi  –
Pride month may have come to an end, but here at All Out we still have a lot to celebrate! Check out some of the most exciting updates from the past few months:
Grassroots Empowerment in Eastern Africa
Images of the chicks being delivered at the poultry farm.
Last year we launched our first-ever Grassroots Empowerment campaign, a program that jumpstarts the business plans of LGBT+ people struggling to secure economic independence. 839 members helped fund four different businesses from LGBT+ refugees living in Eastern Africa. Check out their stories here.
One of the businesses was a poultry farm, started by a group of trans women. We recently got this message from the women:
"With much gratitude, excitement, joy, smiles, [we] are blessed with a poultry project. The project has kicked off with 200 chicks and looking forward to expand more and more as time goes on... One of our aim[s] for starting this project is to create job opportunities for the trans refugee women and self reliance as we wait for the long hectic resettlement process that has made so many of us acquire AIDS and many died, indulging into sex work in search [of] opportunities to sustain ourselves... Thank [you] ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™"
Thank you again to everyone who donated! Your kindness and generosity helped kickstart this life-changing business.
Shelter and Safety in Tanzania
Partners in Tanzania.
After a task force was formed to hunt down and arrest people suspected of being LGBT+ in Tanzania's most populous city, many LGBT+ people had to flee their homes to look for safety.
Thankfully, a local LGBT+ rights group called Eagle Wings was able to provide safety to some – but their capacity quickly reached its limit.
To help them out, back in April almost 900 All Out members donated enough to fully fund a new shelter and help support LGBT+ people in Tanzania. And now the shelter has opened its doors!
This shelter will provide safe housing and legal support to a lot of people in danger. It wouldn't have been possible without the support of All Out members.
Tbilisi Pride
Video thumbnail for the Tbilisi Pride celebration. Click here to go to the video.
When activists announced Georgia's first Pride in the country's capital city of Tbilisi, radical hate groups started sending violent threats and harassing organizers.
Over 28,000 All Out members jumped into action to urge Georgian authorities to ensure a safe and peaceful Tbilisi Pride. All Out campaigner Yuri Guaiana joined our partners to bring the signatures straight to the office of the Interior Minister.
In spite of the attacks and lacking the support of the government, the first Pride march in Georgian history finally happened on July 8!
Your support helped LGBT+ Georgians make history. Thank you! Check out a thank you video from partners with footage of the historic event here.
Don't miss another update on the global fight for LGBT+ rights by connecting with us on Facebook Messenger! Just click here and type 'Start'.
Thanks for going All Out, 
Matt and the rest of the All Out team

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