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vrijdag 12 juli 2019

Why is Mitch McConnell Afraid of Democracy

Tell Congress to Pass HR 1 and Protect Voting Rights for ALL Americans. Sign Now.
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Dear friends,
In the aftermath of last year's midterm election cycle, which was rife with voter suppression allegations, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, or the "For the People" Act. It is a sorely needed package of anti-corruption measures to protect election security and voting rights, and it comes with massive support from the American public.
The legislation seeks to reform three major areas of electoral and voting laws. First, it would revamp campaign finance, most notably by calling for a constitutional amendment to end Citizens United, and requiring that sources behind political ads and donations are made public. Second, the law would improve ethics, by mandating the release of 10 years of tax returns for presidential and vice presidential candidates (including current office holders) and forbidding members of Congress from using taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment or discrimination claims. Finally, HR 1 would also bolster voting rights, by making Election Day a federal holiday, ending partisan or racial gerrymandering, increasing election security, protecting voters from being purged from the rolls, and training more poll workers ahead of 2020.
The bill's main obstacle to passage is the Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has called the bill a "power grab." How is protecting democracy a "power grab?" On the contrary, this bill would safeguard Americans' most fundamental right to choose their own elected officials. The fact that the Republican leader would disseminate such a lie is unsettling, to say the least.
Clearly, McConnell and his Republican colleagues realize that Democrats have been so egregiously disenfranchised that any effort to make voting easier for the American people could benefit the Democratic Party. They don't care about our Constitution. They don't care about our voting rights. But they should. They've proven that they'd rather maintain their grip on power than protect the tenets of our democracy.
Thank you,
Andrew M
The Care2 Petitions Team
P.S. Tell McConnell to stop gobbling up our democracy. Sign the petition.

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