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zaterdag 31 augustus 2019

Anarchic update news all over the world - 30.08.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  alas barricadas: [MEXICO] No one said it was peaceful + We
      are his worst nightmare (ca) [machine translation]

2.  Britain, AFED, organise magazine: Solidarity with Exarcheia!
      - Statement in Solidarity with Exarcheia! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Czech, AFED, Self-help culture: Review of a book with the
      subtitle Economic and Political Dimensions in the Czech
      Subcultural Environment of Late State Socialism and
      Post-Socialism (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Czech, AFED, The seventh among the anarchist books - A look
      back at the 7th Anarchist Book Festival (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

      AGAINST THE STATE CONSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN (de, it, pt)                 [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Upon knowing in early August in Mexico City the sexual assaults by several police on 
teenage girls of only 16 and 17 years old, the streets exploded and there were riots and 
graffiti in front of the Ministry of Public Security, the Florence Police Station or Some 
subway stations. Below we reproduce some of the releases issued after the actions. ---- WE 
Witch and Insurrectionist Females ) ---- "Provocation" and "Illegality" is any action that 
is not executed by the State and exceeds its laws and regulations; That is why the 
authorities insist on presenting the anarchic war against the system of domination as a 
"provocation" that seeks to unleash repression. But reality teaches us that repression is 
here and now and is practiced from power on a daily basis either veiled or brutally.

The State continues to exercise the monopoly of violence and is only willing to share it 
with the so-called "organized crime" groups with those who also share DNA, demonstrating 
that there is nothing new in its Fourth Transformation. As we have always said: they are 
the same misogynist dogs now with the icing collar. Finally, the antisystemic rage managed 
to spread rage to broad fractions of the so-called "feminist movement", sadly asleep until 
yesterday afternoon. They have finally understood that pacifism is the most active 
accomplice of patriarchal power and domination.

We have always expressed that we are not feminists. WE ARE ANARCHISTS and that's why we 
fight against the Patriarchate, not for feminism. We know the feminist ideology and we see 
it daily in "action", occupying seats and public positions, perching on our lives and our 
bodies to propagate "the feminist Homeland" as a senator from MORENA declared, forgetting 
(consequently) that the Homeland is the territory of the Patriarch.

Waltz421 design
Neither Martha Lucia Michel nor Marta Lamas nor Marilú Razo nor any of the systemic 
feminists (political, academic and dialogue) represent us. His reaction against the purple 
and black violence, his amasiato with the Sheimbaum, only reinforces his condition as 
opportunists in search of bone, so they lick his boots and suck his president's wevos. The 
best example of its complicity is the hashtag #ellas do not represent us, stating that 
with anti-systemic violence we tarnish "the defense of women's rights", promoting 
complicit passivity and imposing the politically correct conduct of the "good people".

We are not people. To be "people" is to delegate our reality as women, our freedom and our 
autonomy to Another, is to deny our individuality and our essence. WE ARE ANARCHIC 

We are aware that we are at war and know who our enemies are. We know what we are facing, 
as we also know who are the allies of the system and who are our accomplices.

We recognize what others are silent: the presence in the national palace of a misogynist 
and sexist, pro-life, ultra-conservative and evangelical fascist to whom the left has 
allied in its constant opportunism to "take power" at all costs.

Therefore, we do not ask for justice from our executioners or the removal and punishment 
of their puncturing swine pigs. That would distinguish between good and bad police. For us 
the best policeman is the one who is dead.

We do not want dialogue, so we do not put limits to the revolt. Our desires for 
destruction and our desire for freedom will not get stuck in the dream catchers: we will 
be your worst nightmare!

If one day we do not return home: Do not light candles, light barricades!

Neither God, nor State, nor Master, nor Husband!

The Capital-State, with AMLO or without AMLO, patriarchy is what weaves!

Let's destroy everything that dominates and conditions us!

Anarchic solidarity with all the companions and fellow prisoners around the world!

Against the patriarchal civilization!

For the control of our lives!

For the destruction of gender! For the insurrectional anarchic tension!

For Anarchy!

Fire to all that exists!

Women Bruges and Insurrectionists (FBI)

Mexico City, August 17, 2019MEX]No one said it was peaceful + We are his worst nightmare
Submitted by anonerror (not verified) on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 09:12
Upon knowing in early August in Mexico City the sexual assaults by several police on 
teenage girls of only 16 and 17 years old, the streets exploded and there were riots and 
graffiti in front of the Ministry of Public Security, the Florence Police Station or Some 
subway stations. Below we reproduce some of the releases issued after the actions.

published by FBI group ( Witch and Insurrectionist Females )

"Provocation" and "Illegality" is any action that is not executed by the State and exceeds 
its laws and regulations; That is why the authorities insist on presenting the anarchic 
war against the system of domination as a "provocation" that seeks to unleash repression. 
But reality teaches us that repression is here and now and is practiced from power on a 
daily basis either veiled or brutally.

The State continues to exercise the monopoly of violence and is only willing to share it 
with the so-called "organized crime" groups with those who also share DNA, demonstrating 
that there is nothing new in its Fourth Transformation. As we have always said: they are 
the same misogynist dogs now with the icing collar. Finally, the antisystemic rage managed 
to spread rage to broad fractions of the so-called "feminist movement", sadly asleep until 
yesterday afternoon. They have finally understood that pacifism is the most active 
accomplice of patriarchal power and domination.

We have always expressed that we are not feminists. WE ARE ANARCHISTS and that's why we 
fight against the Patriarchate, not for feminism. We know the feminist ideology and we see 
it daily in "action", occupying seats and public positions, perching on our lives and our 
bodies to propagate "the feminist Homeland" as a senator from MORENA declared, forgetting 
(consequently) that the Homeland is the territory of the Patriarch.

Waltz421 design
Neither Martha Lucia Michel nor Marta Lamas nor Marilú Razo nor any of the systemic 
feminists (political, academic and dialogue) represent us. His reaction against the purple 
and black violence, his amasiato with the Sheimbaum, only reinforces his condition as 
opportunists in search of bone, so they lick his boots and suck his president's wevos. The 
best example of its complicity is the hashtag #ellas do not represent us, stating that 
with anti-systemic violence we tarnish "the defense of women's rights", promoting 
complicit passivity and imposing the politically correct conduct of the "good people".

We are not people. To be "people" is to delegate our reality as women, our freedom and our 
autonomy to Another, is to deny our individuality and our essence. WE ARE ANARCHIC 

We are aware that we are at war and know who our enemies are. We know what we are facing, 
as we also know who are the allies of the system and who are our accomplices.

We recognize what others are silent: the presence in the national palace of a misogynist 
and sexist, pro-life, ultra-conservative and evangelical fascist to whom the left has 
allied in its constant opportunism to "take power" at all costs.

Therefore, we do not ask for justice from our executioners or the removal and punishment 
of their puncturing swine pigs. That would distinguish between good and bad police. For us 
the best policeman is the one who is dead.

We do not want dialogue, so we do not put limits to the revolt. Our desires for 
destruction and our desire for freedom will not get stuck in the dream catchers: we will 
be your worst nightmare!

If one day we do not return home: Do not light candles, light barricades!

Neither God, nor State, nor Master, nor Husband!

The Capital-State, with AMLO or without AMLO, patriarchy is what weaves!

Let's destroy everything that dominates and conditions us!

Anarchic solidarity with all the companions and fellow prisoners around the world!

Against the patriarchal civilization!

For the control of our lives!

For the destruction of gender! For the insurrectional anarchic tension!

For Anarchy!

Fire to all that exists!

Women Bruges and Insurrectionists (FBI)

Mexico City, August 17, 2019

Mexico: No one said it was peaceful

The passion for destruction is also creative passion.
The Mexican State, the media, people say that we lie whenever we denounce a sexual 
assault, that we exaggerate, now publicly it is indicated as a lie a mass rape by police 
towards a young woman who was afraid to continue with the complaint, because nobody 
guaranteed her security to her and her family, and the unsuspecting moan and reaffirm 
their putrid postures, rejoice that they were right and once again the woman lied, 
reaffirm with grace that they are men and that they are innocent.

People are satisfied with the version of the videos published by the media, where they 
deny the statement of the young vejada; it is easier, it fills them with peace of mind to 
know that they can continue to trust their executioners, it is more comfortable for them, 
so they can continue without feeling guilty of sustaining a social system that enhances 
violence against a woman's body, they can walk calmly thinking that his cops wouldn't rape 
his daughters ...

What they forget is that this is neither the first nor the last case where women report 
that they have been raped by public officials throughout the world, they have always 
abused their power, they will always do so, just as a man who is not an official hide in 
the dark to attack, so they hide behind their titles of police, military and politicians.

  August 16, 2019; Demonstrations against gender violence in the Mexican region .

At dusk everything enters the margins and statutes of good behavior, being citizens, well 
behaved, shouting slogans, asking, almost begging to be heard ... that we do not like to 
survive everyday life with fear of being taken, to torture us until death, that they kill 
us, that our mothers see our bodies in a state of decomposition, or that they never find 
us ...

Then, you paint on the walls, performance with fire, pink and purple smoke, movement, 
louder and louder shouts, the first glass collapses, the cries of empathy overflow, 
improvised tools, more glass falls. We shout with fury, with joy, with sadness ... Yes we 
were, if we would do it again and a thousand times more, if we ran to the men of our 
contingents, of our space of action. They had nothing to do there, they were not invited. 
They were not welcome or friends or allies.

Patrol destroyed by women in the state of Puebla, Mexico.

"Florence" Police Station
The night covered us and we felt no fear of the police, or of the dark streets, we were a 
tide of strangers, together, strong, disorganized rabid, sick of anger and frustration. In 
our path we paint everything, we break every symbol of the authority responsible for 
everyday abuse. We burned what we could.

Why are they so angry? They ask

Others say: bitches, crazy, hysterical, whores, shameless. They make fun, they scoff, they 
ask that they kill us, that they rape us, that they imprison us, that they are not ways of 
protesting, that the walls are not, that the glass is not, that the monuments are not, 
that who is going to clean the city, that we are kagonas chamacas, that we distort the 
movement, that we are infiltrated, provocative, fascist, anvil agents, sent from the 
right, batons from the left.

I was born with this body that identifies me with all the history and society of all 
regions, as something they called a woman, and they built me to be subjected, trampled, 
raped, to be a mother, to care, attend, endure, silence , serving the servant of the 
master and the master ... identified the story of the other as mine, that's why I go out 
with them, that's why we all went, that's why we don't leave any and celebrate each 
other's actions.

Nobody called for a peaceful march, none of us came out in the name of the other, we do 
not want to represent anyone and no one represents us, we do not ask for justice from the 
executioner, we do not beg for crumbs of the traitor Sheinbaum, or the merolic of the 
presidential chair, What happened yesterday was an explosion of fatigue, we know that they 
will not move a finger to guarantee our safety or to punish those who violate us. There 
will be more murders of women for being women around the world, they will continue to 
blame us, they will continue to say that we lie, scammers of famished ideologies will come 
to tell us that we are not true feminists or anarchists, that we do not do politics; the 
mothers of the murdered and disappeared will continue with their pain, they will continue 
searching in clandestine graves for their daughters, search organizations will continue to 
be born,

Yesterday's events only allowed us to see and recognize in complicit glances, in polished, 
naked and vibrant bodies that we are not alone ... And  that we do not want to continue 
hiding and perpetuating a social system of death, neither as women, nor as human.

I recognized myself in the look of the other, I took her hand, then we gave each other an 
honest hug, a hug from a woman, from companions, after breaking a few glasses and chasing 
away nosy men and policemen we returned home each, last message of the night and for what 
it is worth fighting for: get home well, rest.

Just one more anecdote.

Anti-democratic proletarians

As a final detail, an association of women cultural heritage restorers, Restauradores with 
Glitter , refused to clean the graffiti made during the demonstrations.

"Cultural heritage, as defined by UNESCO, is" a product and a process that provides 
societies with a wealth of resources that are inherited from the past, created in the 
present and transmitted to future generations. "

This does not encourage the deterioration of other cultural assets, but they do expose 
that last week's protests are "a desperate cry" against "normalized" violence against 
women and that the media focused more on violence against objects. than in feminicides and 
sexual violence.

Mexico DF
Women Witches and Insurrectionists
Anti repressive
Related Links / Source:



Message: 2

On Monday the 26th of August, the Greek police launched a large operation in Exarcheia, 
the famous rebel district in the centre of Athens. This is a unique place in Europe for 
its high concentration of squats and other self-organised spaces, but also for its 
resistance against repression and solidarity with migrants and the precariat. ---- Early 
in the morning, the squats of Spirou Trikoupi 17, Gare, Rosa de Fon and Transito were 
surrounded by huge police forces: anti-riot police, anti-terrorism police and secret 
police. The police then launched a large repression operation, leading to over 100 
arrests. Migrants have been sent to camps known for inhuman living conditions. More than 
15 kids that grew up in Athens and had their life there were deported. The security forces 
are now walling up the buildings that used to be home to so many.

This operation aimed to directly attack the incredible solidarity efforts that were 
developed by a network of people, many of them anarchists, to cope with the austerity 
measures the Greek state and the EU implemented.
It aimed to destroy a neighbourhood that has invented a new world where it has been 
possible to exist and live regardless of your economical, social or cultural background.
It aimed to keep Exarcheia under the control of a violent state that, like the rest of 
Europe, is ready to put humans in camps, simply because they were born on the other side 
of a border.

Exarcheia has many other squats, around 20, but the newly elected Greek prime minister 
promised a complete "cleaning". More battles are to come.

The Anarchist Federation is expressing its full support to everyone in Exarcheia.

For a future without state, police or borders.

Anarchist Federation



Message: 3

It seems that dealing with subcultures is trendy. For university students, this is because 
they can capitalize on their subcultural experience in their bachelors and follow-up work, 
and witnesses need to leave a trace in the form of a few memories, visually it is a catchy 
matter, so even photos are not spared. Sometimes it is hilarious, sometimes superficial 
and unprofitable. If I were to evaluate the book Self-help Culture , I would definitely 
place it in the first category. The work with the subtitle Economic and Political 
Dimensions in the Czech Subcultural Environment of Late State Socialism and Post-Socialism 
was attended by nine authors around the Archive of Czech-Slovak Subcultures, which is 
reflected in the thematic diversity and diversity of approaches to the subject of study.

The work focuses on three different but related aspects: 1) self-formation of the 
subcultural scene and creation of one's own collective memory, 2) political (in) activity 
and 3) self-help strategies. Needless to say, the center of interest is subcultural 
autonomy, or dealing with the DIY principle (do it yourself), which in itself is often the 
ideological basis of many subcultures. The book is also interesting in that it does not 
adhere to the distinction "before and after 1989", which in a way relaxes her hands on 
questions about the changes set by this historic landmark, for example in relation to 
drawing inspiration or the subcultural "economy".

Although the introductory chapters are devoted to the theory of subculture research, do 
not be afraid of the reader's ungrateful concept of a la reprinting of structured 
dissertations. On the other hand, do not expect any "big conclusions". According to the 
authors, this publication does not aspire to those.

The DIY principle is commonly associated with progressive subcultures. However, these case 
studies prove that it is a 'dead shell' above which both free-minded and strictly 
apolitical as well as completely reactionary streams can operate. And where will each 
study lead us? The Czech underground and its mythical and enchanted identity. Oral history 
of rock-and-billy. Attempts at neo-Nazi association in the 1980s. From HC / punk to 
alterglobalization barricades. Cassettes and their samizdat propagation. Music exchanges 
outside the official economy. Commodification of punk or who is a commercialist here? Be 
aware that each chapter is informationally enriching and at the same time leads to many 
reflections. But let us leave it to the reader.

Ondrej Daniel et al .: Self-help culture. Economic and political dimensions in the Czech 
subcultural environment of late state socialism and post-socialism . Charles University, 
Faculty of Arts 2017. 170 pages A5, 195 CZK.



Message: 4

On May 18 and 19, 2019, the seventh year of the Anarchist Book Festival took place in 
Prague . In recent years, it has emerged as one of the most important events of the local 
anarchist movement during the year, an opportunity to meet calmly, discuss a number of 
anarchist publications, get to know new (and old) initiatives and collectives, learn 
something during lectures and discuss together and have fun too. ---- For several times, 
the festival was situated in Žižkov, this time in the relatively newly opened Area 39 in 
Rehorova Street. Another program took place about 200 meters further in the downstream 
Orebitská Street, at the Bike Jesus, where lectures and screenings were held, and at the 
Salé infoshop, where something to eat was prepared and consumed immediately. Given this 
layout and the sunny weather, it was no wonder that the street itself became another busy 
festival venue.

Word printed

This horizontal distribution was followed by vertical. On the ground floor of Area 39, 
where excellent vegan gyros were being prepared from the region, you could throw in a 
voluntary contribution to cover the festival costs and buy a hastily hacked bedekr, which 
in addition to the program Sauer or an interview about the Zizkov Clinic. If you were 
thirsty, you could get to the beer bar and a variety of soft drinks through the Salé 
distro , which provided enough foreign titles on one side of the aisle and the Black Seeds 
team offeron the other side. This included cooperative Zapatista coffee and thematic 
graphics and handicrafts from Mexico. Followed by Broken Books and the rich table Active 
Distribution - a large selection of stickers, cakes, badges and, of course, 
English-language books from both Active Distribution and AK Press and PM Press anarchist 
publishers . For those who rule English, a paradise. The Zagreb publishing house Sto Citáš 
also appeared with foreign-language titles. The ground floor was closed with a table with 
desserts, a benefit bazaar of older magazines and books, which were richly contributed 
mainly by the AF publishing house, comfortable seating for tired souls and a children's 
corner to entertain the smallest visitors.

Upstairs, Prague's Kolektiv 115 , the Extinction Rebelion climate campaign and the Limits 
Initiative were our tables . There was also the main lecture hall. Those who did not 
linger and climbed up to the third floor could stop at the stalls of the underground 
publishing house Pravek , the Prague solidarity network Solis , the Historical Association 
Zádruha , the environmental bimonthly Seventh Generation , the Rubato publishing studio , 
KPK group , independent cultural biweekly A2 . Our two fully loaded tables were also 
presentAnarchist Federation publishing house , which presented mainly three new books ( 
A-song , Anarchy works and Radical Buddhism ). In addition to our own books, brochures, 
comic books and anarchist revue Existence, we also offered beneficial handmade cigars, 
black and red flags, bags, stickers and poetry titles of rebels Milan Kozelka and Milan 
Kohout. Our stand also included Rupression distro - benefit t - shirts and sweatshirts to 
support anarchists and anti - fascists imprisoned in Russia in the Network case, 
supplemented with leaflets describing the case and introducing individual prosecuted 

Word spoken

As the accompanying program was very rich, we split up again so that we could bring the 
readers closer to what was offered in this report.

Jana: "The first event of this year's Anarchist Book Festival was a lecture by the 
historical association Zádruha on the history of Czech anarchism. There were few people 
(not everyone wants to get up on Saturday morning), but even so I would say that the 
lecture was very successful. We learned about mining strikes in the late 19th and early 
20th centuries and about the radical actions of the old anarchists. The ensuing discussion 
was inspiring and continued well beyond the set time. "

At noon, the Anarchist Federation Publishing House presented its book novelties: Marek 
Seckar, translator of the book Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos, summarized above all the 
reasons for the Czech edition, and Max Šcur, who compiled a reader of radical Buddhism not 
only for anarchists.

Emil: " I will never miss the Lectures Collectively Against Capital (KPK) at the festival 
because the problems are mainly from the class point of view and try to be based on 
practice. This time they chose a somewhat more abstract theme, but still managed to tie it 
to the experience of concrete workers 'groups - the welfare state versus workers' 
self-organization.. At the beginning, the lecturer focused on the radical left, which 
after 2008 became attached to the defense of the welfare state and became such a 'social 
democracy on steroids'. However, similar demands can also be seen on the current extreme 
right. The truth is, however, that the welfare state can never be the basis for a social 
revolution, it will not remove the dictatorship of profit, on the contrary, it creates a 
playground for capital accumulation and leaves people unprepared for the crisis of 
capitalism. He then demonstrated two different political concepts on the example of 
meetings between teams working from two hospitals. The first is to rely on our own 
self-organization, with the greatest power we can have in the workplace. The second is to 
speak out in public space and to appeal to representatives of the public interest, based 
on the illusion that the state is on the side of the people and that the real struggle can 
be avoided. While the radical left wants to solve problems across the board at the state 
level, we must focus more on how 'human resources' can become an active, state-independent 
actor. It is a question of power in the workplace, for which no formalities at the state 
level is enough. In answering the following questions, the welfare state was spoken of as 
a de facto loss of the real workers' movement, of the Yellow Vests as a anti-fascist 
movement, calling for a strong state and building its identity on the absence of debate. 
In this regard, the KPK spokesman said: 'We are in chaos.' He was referring to it: rather 
the possibility of free expression of everything than doubtful unity without discussion. 
for which no formalities at national level are enough. In answering the following 
questions, the welfare state was spoken of as a de facto loss of the real workers' 
movement, of the Yellow Vests as a anti-fascist movement, calling for a strong state and 
building its identity on the absence of debate. In this regard, the KPK spokesman said: 
'We are in chaos.' He was referring to it: rather the possibility of free expression of 
everything than doubtful unity without discussion. for which no formalities at national 
level are enough. In answering the following questions, the welfare state was spoken of as 
a de facto loss of the real workers' movement, of the Yellow Vests as a anti-fascist 
movement, calling for a strong state and building its identity on the absence of debate. 
In this regard, the KPK spokesman said: 'We are in chaos.' He was referring to it: rather 
the possibility of free expression of everything than doubtful unity without discussion.

This lecture seemed to be indirectly followed by the one and a half later Arnošt Novák 
discussed the topic Outside the State and Parties: the Politics of the Autonomous Left. It 
was a controversy with the notion of a homogeneous left. We can divide it according to 
generalized characteristics into two basic streams, institutionalized, party, playing 
according to the rules of statute quo and autonomous, criticizing state, with horizontal 
structure... He pointed out different practices of these two directions, different 
space-time in which they operate, and different relationship to the non-human world. In 
short, he recalled the various historical forms of disputes between these two approaches 
and the theoretical perception of their relationships. He returned to the hopes that left 
the political projects, such as Syriza and Podemos, on the left, which had come from 
bottom-up mobilization to end up in liberal centrism and reactionary 'responsibility for 
the state'. In reflecting the situation in the Czech Republic, he criticized "Daddy's 
politics", which resulted in vain reliance on enlightened 'personalities at the head of 
the state, and the legacy of the Czech dissident who, instead of the more far-sighted view 
of Jan Tesar, inclined to the legacy of Vaclav Havel. Subsequent reactions initially 
blamed the lecture that it generalized it and did not contain it as if it could be 
inflatable and last for half a day. Opposition from the majority of the audience was 
appealed to be united against capital and complementary on the left. In vain, I wondered 
when, over the last 150 years, this strategy had not betrayed anti-authoritarians from 
their 'allies'. The voice of the audience objected to such a challenge through the 
experience of Italian workers' autonomists. " that it generalized it and it did not, as if 
it could be inflatable and last half a day. Opposition from the majority of the audience 
was appealed to be united against capital and complementary on the left. In vain, I 
wondered when, over the last 150 years, this strategy had not betrayed anti-authoritarians 
from their 'allies'. The voice of the audience objected to such a challenge through the 
experience of Italian workers' autonomists. " that it generalized it and it did not, as if 
it could be inflatable and last half a day. Opposition from the majority of the audience 
was appealed to be united against capital and complementary on the left. In vain, I 
wondered when, over the last 150 years, this strategy had not betrayed anti-authoritarians 
from their 'allies'. The voice of the audience objected to such a challenge through the 
experience of Italian workers' autonomists. "

Andrej: "We were followed by a speech by a representative of the Limity group, 
environmental organizations fighting especially against coal mining and burning. The 
initial historical excursion revealed that fighters against the exploitation of this rock 
shifted from the original strategy of lobbying to the promotion of general interests 
through direct action. Limitak emphasized the significant interconnection of coal business 
and the state. A friendship firm and disadvantageous for all but the few charcoals to 
which black gold sprinkles while villages are demolishing, emissions are rising and small 
ones that fail to translate into tax havens can never be enough to eliminate the 
environmental damage done for the profit of several people. It is similar at the global 
level: more than half of the emissions are emitted by a few dozen companies, which of 
course belong to the rich global north, while the poor global south suffers the most from 
the effects of pollution. The speaker may have asked the audience somewhat in a hurry to 
ask questions during the lecture, which was used by only a small part of the audience but 
intensely. As a result, the lecture was somewhat disjointed, but the speaker managed to 
satisfactorily answer the inquisitive questions and say a lot of essential information. 
Among the more interesting contributions from the audience it is necessary to mention 
above all criticism of the apolitical nature of environmental organizations or emphasize 
the need for decentralized networks using ecological energy sources. There was also the 
question of what to do when an individual ecological approach is no longer enough. 
Associate in environmental organizations such as Limits and act collectively and 
decisively. The opportunity for this was at this year's climate camp. " but the speaker 
was able to satisfactorily answer the inquisitive questions and say a lot of essential 
information. Among the more interesting contributions from the audience it is necessary to 
mention above all criticism of the apolitical nature of environmental organizations or 
emphasize the need for decentralized networks using ecological energy sources. There was 
also the question of what to do when an individual ecological approach is no longer 
enough. Associate in environmental organizations such as Limits and act collectively and 
decisively. The opportunity for this was at this year's climate camp. " but the speaker 
was able to satisfactorily answer the inquisitive questions and say a lot of essential 
information. Among the more interesting contributions from the audience it is necessary to 
mention above all criticism of the apolitical nature of environmental organizations or 
emphasize the need for decentralized networks using ecological energy sources. There was 
also the question of what to do when an individual ecological approach is no longer 
enough. Associate in environmental organizations such as Limits and act collectively and 
decisively. The opportunity for this was at this year's climate camp. " when an individual 
ecological approach is clearly not enough. Associate in environmental organizations such 
as Limits and act collectively and decisively. The opportunity for this was at this year's 
climate camp. " when an individual ecological approach is clearly not enough. Associate in 
environmental organizations such as Limits and act collectively and decisively. The 
opportunity for this was at this year's climate camp. "

After Pavel Karous's lecture on anti-fascist art in the Czech Republic, she resumed 
Magda's lecture hall: " Bob Kurík (and Ondrej Slacálek from the audience) introduced the 
book Microphone is Our Bomb within this year's programthat everyone probably already has, 
and who doesn't, he certainly bought it after this lecture. It's a bomb, too. Describes 
and analyzes the politicization of subcultural scenes (so of course it is mainly music and 
also squating) in individual thematic chapters in quite a large time span - from the turn 
of the 80s and 90s to today, not only in the navel of the Czech Republic, but also in 
Northern Bohemia or Wallachia. The formal language is a case study, in a book we will read 
in the book about our activist life, our struggles, ideals and the contradictory everyday 
life. And writers about it write: besides Bob Kurík and Ondra Slacálek Arnošt Novák, Petra 
Kumová, Marta Kolarová, Anna Oravcová and Jan Charvát. It was no coincidence that the 
lecture was crowded.

People wishing to learn something were also squeezed in the basement of Bike Jesus.

Olga: "This year's bookfair also included feminist themes. The Spanish writer María Barba 
has come to present her book Overview of Depilation Techniques from the End of the 19th 
Century to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century in Spain ( Depilación (definitiva).)), 
which she originally wrote as a diploma thesis and her friend offered her a book edition. 
The book was published a week before the Spanish Book Fair. At the outset, Maria pointed 
out that the phenomenon of shaving did not appear until the 1960s, as many think, but that 
hair removal has been a concern for people since ancient Egypt. At that time, it was 
common to shave the whole body, including hair, for both men and women. The reason for 
hair removal in the course of history was both trying to differentiate from animals and, 
second, to artificially highlight the difference between man and woman. In presenting the 
main theme of the book, which is hair removal in modern history, Maria mentioned some of 
the techniques that have emerged over the course of the history. Some have had fatal 
consequences, such as the use of X-rays, scraping the top layer of the skin along with 
hair or anointing the skin with poisonous arsenic. You can order the book online, but so 
far only in Spanish. "

Lectures followed by Klara Lang "The Body as Space for Anarchist Strategy" and The 
Anarchist Black Cross on the Phoenix Case.

Petr: "Lecture I cry" It's me. "Milos Hroch and Viktor Palak, which took place in the 
afternoon in the Bike Jesus club (and due to its overlap with Arnošt Novák's lecture), she 
presented the book of Hippo and Palák of the same name. It deals with Czech fanzines from 
the 1980s to the present and various authors present fanzines about computer games, riot 
girrrls and feminist zines, sci-fi, hardcore, comics, photographic and metal zines. The 
author of the latter chapter is Viktor Palák, and so the lecture after a more general 
introduction by Miloš Hroch focused on this subculture and its zines. Palák mentioned 
several subcultures of major fanzines and then devoted himself to one of the most 
important (and perhaps even the most bizarre) characters of this scene - Lada, who is a 
long-time organizer of the poll for the best metal band Britva. Anyway, everyone,

Another interesting lecture was given by members and a member of the Exarchia team from 
Bologna, Italy. They presented their book Precarietà novaand its background. Their 
motivation for writing it was, of course, that precarization is generally paid far less 
attention than it would deserve. In their words, however, they lacked particularly good 
qualitative research, because this topic is too sensitive to be quantitative. That is why 
they also tried to find people from the broadest possible social groups. In the lecture, 
they first discussed the situation at their university where, as the only anarchist 
organization, several 'established' left-wing organizations are devoted to the rights of 
students. They often do not want to let anyone new among themselves, and this was also the 
case with research for this book, when they encountered various obstacles on their part. 
Most of the lecture, however, was devoted to the precarization of studenthood itself and 
how it affects the rest of the city around them. Interesting were, for example, 
descriptions of compulsory traineeships, in which students have to work tens of hours for 
free and others for ridiculous wages, while in some fields they do not even get to their 
specialization and do jumps in companies. In the ensuing discussion, there was also a 
comparison of conditions at Italian and Czech schools. "

Word sung

The cultural program of the festival was started by the release party of the anarchist 
hymn A-song . Selected songs were played by Dáša Fon Flaš, Oi Oi Piratoi and Beltza 
Gorria. It was nice, so in Area 39 the shutters were opened, the audience filled the whole 
street and old anarchist songs and contemporary radical works were carried by Zizkov. The 
atmosphere was pleasant and the party on the street lasted long after the concert, so 
passers-by police bodies just looked like fans.

In addition, on Saturday, attendees could visit the screening of the documentary Network 
and discuss repression in Russia , learn about the Black Isla Mystic Brothers art project 
, which can give you an interview in the latest issue of Existence , or discuss the 
experiences of Food not Bombs . And who did not have enough, could rejoice with others at 
the Night Afterparty in Bike Jesus.

For the most enduring ones, a Sunday (yet more relaxing) program started with a zinc 
workshop .

Marcel: "Sunday is often weaker in terms of the number of participants, but surprisingly 
many people did not miss the Fridays For Future afternoon lecture(FFF), a newly emerging 
ecological movement. At first, the speakers gave a very general introduction to the 
worldwide inception of the FFF in 2018, with reference to its pioneer, the Swedish 
activist Greta Thunberg. Lecturers then showed how this growing movement influenced the 
youth in the Czech Republic, which joined the movement in 2019. The principles and reasons 
for striking Czech students were very briefly mentioned, as most of the listeners already 
knew the FFF. A large part of the lecture was devoted to the description of the 
functioning of the FFF, for example that Czech students have over one hundred members from 
various cities across the country. This large amount must be organized somehow. The whole 
Czech FFF is a strictly non-hierarchical movement. Thus, there is no vote in this large 
group and there must always be a 100% consensus. As has been said, the movement is spread 
all over the country, Therefore, FFF uses mainly Internet channels for communication. To 
exchange views and organize common action, young activists also hold meetings to discuss 
passionately. This lecture was also followed by a discussion of the participants. Most of 
them were primarily interested in how the movement works and how decisions are made in 
practice. There were also very interesting stimuli for discussion, for example regarding 
the requirements and whether they should be asked at all. Another of the questions focused 
on how the movement is linked to other environmental organizations and why, for example, 
it does not reciprocate the support it receives. " how the movement works and how 
decisions are made in practice. There were also very interesting stimuli for discussion, 
for example regarding the requirements and whether they should be asked at all. Another of 
the questions focused on how the movement is linked to other environmental organizations 
and why, for example, it does not reciprocate the support it receives. " how the movement 
works and how decisions are made in practice. There were also very interesting stimuli for 
discussion, for example regarding the requirements and whether they should be asked at 
all. Another of the questions focused on how the movement is linked to other environmental 
organizations and why, for example, it does not reciprocate the support it receives. "

The whole bookfair was then closed at four in the afternoon on the activities of the 
Prague Solidarity Network SOL! S, the work and the importance of organizing and trade 
unions. Interesting comments were made and several people were talking about their bad 
experiences with the employer.

Undoubtedly it was a great weekend full of books, lectures and entertainment. We can only 
look forward to the next year.



Message: 5

The repressive operations of August 26, with the invasion of a squadron of MAT squads and 
the evacuation of four occupied sites, the arrest of 3 occupiers, the recruitment of 143 
refugees and immigrants and their expulsion from housing squads, are the first major 
occupations. business. A business that has long been heralded by the ruling elite, and 
challenged by the systematic targeting of the anarchist movement and those fighting by the 
media. ---- This operation was preceded by the adoption of anti-labor measures, the 
abolition of asylum, the reinforcement of racist legislation against immigrants and 
refugees, repressive movements against occupied sites in Athens and Ioannina. Following 
the elections, the new government, pushing ahead with the actions of the previous 
government, unfolded the agenda for the coming years and highlighted its main enemies, the 
enemies of every government: Anarchists, militants, immigrants and workers. This war 
against those who fight is part of a systematic effort on the part of the Greek state for 
decades to subdue social and class resistances and enforce subordination. An effort that 
hit the wall of mass and militant mobilizations, uprisings, struggles.

The bankruptcy of the state and capitalist system, the constant reproduction and deepening 
of its ransom, entails escalating exclusions and countless violence for the poor, looting, 
and irreversible destruction of the natural world, the death toll and death in the world. 
, miserable survival in the workplace.

At both the international and local levels, the fear of the rulers for resentment and 
anger at these conditions leads to the upgrading of their legal and repressive armor, to 
the gruesome ideological warfare that reaches the point of humanizing the opponents and 
annoying about the regime. From Greece to France, power lords call "trash" and "trash" 
those who target, as a prelude to the practice of murderous violence.

They are trying to sow fear because they have thousands against them. The images of 
armored cops and the invasion of the platoons in Exarchia and the occupations have many 
recipients, all of them drowning in exploitation and subjugation. The anarchist movement 
appeals to them and from there draws its strength and is a key issue for the days when the 
mass and militant descent are coming to the streets, the counterattack of the Praetorian 
guards, the colonization of the fighters and the oppressed. The outcome of the battle 
against this long-term repressive campaign will judge the power correlations between the 
state and the bosses on the one hand and the affected on the other for years to come.

With our weapon of solidarity we give the slogan of counterattack to state and capitalist 
barbarism. To rekindle the outbreaks of social and class resistance. We call on the 
anarchist comrades, the squatters, those who fight all over the world to organize 
solidarity actions and movements in the anarchist movement and squatters in Greece. 
Transnational solidarity can be another embodiment of the plans of the state and of 
capital and enhance the resistance of all competitors in every corner of the globe.

As an Anarchist Political Organization, we participate, support and call on the 
mobilizations organized by the Assembly of Anarchist Occupations, Occupations of Refugees 
and Immigrants, Haunts and Political Collections NOPASARAN! in Athens, as well as the 
demonstrations on August 31 and September 14. We support the Occupy Festival in 
Thessaloniki (September 3-6) and call for a demonstration against TIF on September 7, and 
a rally in Patras on Saturday August 31 in Espero.


They will NOT!





August 28 , 2019



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