Today's Topics:
1. [Chile] Santiago: TWO WEEKS OF FIRE! - 14th day of social
upheaval By ANA (pt)[machine translation] (
2. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #299 - Editorial -
Wind of revolts (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]
3. Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group: LESSONS OF THE ROJAVA
REVOLUTION by ablokeimet (
4. Ecuadorian Armed Forces Hunt Anarchist Cells By ANA (pt)
[machine translation] (
5. Czech, AFED: Letter from the village of Jinwar, speaking at
a demonstration against the Turkish invasion of Syria. [machine
translation] (
Message: 1
From early in the morning, protesters have been occupying Piazza Italia, as the hour
progresses, the place is filling up. In a strange mix of undercover, hooded people,
protesters and salesmen of all kinds with their posts. Some walked until they reached La
Moneda, the government headquarters, and were scattered by water jet cannon. Violent
clashes between hooded and footmen continue for several hours. ---- With mutual support
and self-organization, the protesters make a human pyramid and collectively put out the
fire that a tear gas bomb has produced on a Chilean palm tree in Alameda, Santiago's main
thoroughfare. Other protesters manage to topple a police drone on Promenade Bulnes,
attacking a key point of the crackdown: surveillance.
In Iquique protesters burn a toll. In Chiloe, protesters attack Angolan mayor and house.
In Valparaiso, a hooded man climbed the roof of a water jet cannon armored and, while
walking, the water cannon was rendered unusable.
Strangers burned an arena in Copiapó, the place of ill-treatment for rodeo animals.
A few days ago, the arrival of international human rights observers from the UN, Amnesty
International, etc. were expected. Many had a naive hope that with their arrival police
brutality would end. The harsh reality: An INDH (National Institute of Human Rights)
observer was hit by a shotgun blast. And the reality is indiscriminate shooting at
children, grandparents, peaceful and hooded protesters. People killed by sticks, rape,
sexual abuse, torture, disappearance and murder by state agents.
The Ministry of Education has announced the cancellation of the SIMCE test for fear of
boycotting students, parents and teachers.
Chilean diplomatic headquarters are attacked in Brussels and Italy.
The horizontal and autonomous instances of neighborhood organization continue to multiply.
Honor all our dead and missing in the Uprising! We are not all, prisoners are missing!
Related Content:
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 2
For reasons and in different contexts, many parts of the world are shaken by massive,
unprecedented popular revolts. ---- From Hong Kong to Iraq, via Chile, Haiti, Lebanon,
Catalonia, Ecuador, etc. the list is impressive. Each uprising has its own starting point:
the high cost of living, corruption, a new tax, judicial repression or a democratic
aspiration. But what is striking is the similarity of the forms of struggle, the
articulation of social and democratic aspirations and the massive confrontation with the
forces of repression. A wind of revolt is blowing on the old world. ---- This is obviously
a step forward in the crisis of capitalism. And it's a safe bet that these revolts will
spread. For the frenetic accumulation of capital has led to a tremendous increase in
inequality and a major ecological crisis, while in the bourgeois democracies, public
liberties are being forced down. The crisis of capitalism is not only economic, it also
affects its ideological aspect. The ruling classes are no longer able to legitimize their
domination, because the alienated adherence to capitalism fades before the evidence of its
cruelty. Violence, to maintain their privileges, is their only and last resort.
There remains the question of alternatives: if the revolt is there, it will be necessary
that the self-organization of exploited es extends and strengthens to make credible
another model of society.
UCL, October 28, 2019
Message: 3
This leaflet was first distributed on 2 November 2019 at a Melbourne rally to protest the
Turkish invasion of northern Syria. ---- Abandoned by the United States, the Rojava
Revolution in northern Syria is being crushed. On the one side, there is the tyrant
Erdogan and his genocidal Turkish nationalism. On the other side there is the butcher
Assad with his Arab chauvinism. The balance of military forces is vastly unequal and, if
any of the social achievements of Rojava survive, it will only be because Assad sees
Erdogan as a greater long term threat. ---- The defeat of the Rojava Revolution is not the
end, though. The Kurds have been defeated many times, and betrayed by putative allies just
as often, but have always risen again. So it is vital to learn the correct lessons. What
were the successes of the Rojava Revolution? Why are the Kurds suddenly confronted by two
vastly better armed enemies? And what should be done in future?
The Achievements
The Rojava Revolution achieved much in northern Syria. The most obvious is the defeat of
Daesh and the fall of its so-called "Caliphate". The YPG-YPJ's heroic defence of Kobanê
and the subsequent drive to the east and south rid the world of a truly horrific
barbarism. While Daesh's "Caliphate" was an impossibility, it produced vast quantities of
blood in the attempt to create one.
More important than the military victories, though, were the civil achievements of
democratic confederalism. The improvement in the status of women in northern Syria will
echo through the generations. Even if patriarchal religion forces women back into
servitude, the memory of their freedom under democratic confederalism will live on and
fire a burning hatred for their new oppressors. And the experience of local democracy, of
different ethnic groups getting along in peace and equality, will only sharpen people's
detestation of the cruelty and oppression of the butcher Assad. The Rojava Revolution will
live on in the hearts of the people who saw the benefits.
The Road to the Impasse
The Kurds are the largest nation on Earth without a State of their own. Instead, Kurdistan
is divided between four other States, each of which subjects its Kurdish minority to
national oppression. The struggle for Kurdish national liberation has been going on since
the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the imperialist carve-up of West Asia.
If the Kurds haven't yet achieved their liberation, it's not for the want of trying. They
have risen in Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran many times. Each time they faced the same
fundamental problem - they were outnumbered and economically marginalised in the country
where they revolted. Their allies have always deserted them when it was convenient and
exposed them to bloody retribution. It is famously said that the Kurds have "no friend but
the mountains". Unfortunately, while the mountains may assist Kurdish fighters to survive,
they cannot help the Kurds to victory.
Abdullah Öcalan, the primary leader of the Kurdish struggle in recent decades, has had
some important insights and developed new ideas. Borrowing heavily from US Anarchist
Murray Bookchin (1921-2006), he rejects the State as a vehicle for national liberation and
advocates bottom-up democracy, which he calls "democratic confederalism". He also insists
on equality for women, saying all bodies should have two co-chairs, one male and one female.
Democratic confederalism has been an important advance in northern Syria, allowing
equality for Kurds and for a range of ethnic and social minorities, as well as those Arabs
willing to work within its structures. Democratic confederalism also contributed to the
establishment of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which absorbed the YPG-YPJ. It has
not, though, been sufficient to counter the political isolation of the Kurds and their
suppression by militarily superior forces.
To counter that isolation, the Peoples Democratic Union (PYD) chose to ally with the
United States. The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group opposed this decision from the
beginning (Victory to the Rojava Revolution! 25 October 2014), warning that democratic
confederalism and US imperialism were incompatible. We called for the PYD to break its
alliance with the US and throw in its lot with the workers and oppressed masses of West
Asia instead (Drop the Charges Against Jamie Williams! 6 August 2015). And, in the wake of
the USAF bombing of Raqqa, we said in The Anvil (Sep-Oct 2017):
The MACG recognises the right of groups struggling for national liberation to acquire arms
from wherever they are to be had and to be judged on what they do with them. However, the
collaboration of the SDF with the USAF, and allowing US special forces to be embedded
within them, is politically disastrous and must be condemned as a betrayal and a strategic
blunder of the first order.
The alliance with the US prevented the Kurds from allying with the oppressed masses of
Syria, Iraq, Iran and, most crucially, Turkey. When the United States betrayed them, as
everybody surely knew they would, the Kurds were left where they are today - with no
friend but the mountains.
Where Now?
We have no military advice to give the SDF. They will make the best of the choices they
face. It is clear, though, that little or nothing of the democratic confederal bodies will
be left standing. The struggle must move to a new phase. The question of the hour is what
that phase should be.
The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group firmly believes that the only road forward is
class struggle. Öcalan, when he took up Bookchin's great insights, also took up his most
profound mistake - the rejection of class struggle. The workplace is the source of the
capitalists' power and also their Achilles' heel. And it is also the means by which the
Kurds can find better friends than the United States or whatever regional power might be
pleased to use them as expendable pawns.
In Turkey, for example (similar observations apply in other countries in the region),
Kurdish workers are an important component of the working class in cities like Istanbul,
Ankara and Izmir. There, they are viciously exploited by the Turkish capitalists - as are
workers of Turkish ethnicity. Joint struggle against the capitalists is in their clear
material interests. National chauvinism, however, has been a key ideology binding Turkish
workers to their masters and crippling their struggles. Only a small minority of the
workforce is covered by genuine unions.
The burning necessity is to take democratic confederalism into the workplace and make it
the basis of the struggle. Bottom-up democracy, with autonomy even at the lowest level,
allows both unity and flexibility, while building trust between groups of workers who have
sometimes been in conflict before. And there is a name for this strategy. It is called
Anarcho-Syndicalism and was once practised in Spain by the CNT, which had a million
members in 1936.
Democratic confederalism is a strategy of workplace struggle that can unite workers in
Turkey and across West Asia against all oppressors. Such unity will bring all other strata
of the oppressed masses in behind them. This, in turn, will fatally weaken the sheiks, the
generals, the Islamists and, last but not least, the Zionist war machine in Israel.
Revolution will be on the agenda.
The Rojava Revolution is being buried. But, if its democratic confederalism is sown in the
workplaces, it will flower again, in a riot of freedom.
Message: 4
The Ecuadorian Armed Forces have a new mission following the 11-day protests in Ecuador.
Identify, isolate and neutralize insurgent groups. ---- In a public act on Wednesday
(30/10), Commander Altamirano (photo), referred to the new directive issued by the
Ministry of Defense, for the Armed Forces to identify the insurgents and anarchist cells
"detected" during the last manifestations. ---- For his part, Fabián Fuel, Director of
Joint Command Operations, referred to the statements of the president of the Confederation
of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Jaime Vargas, about the creation of an
army for indigenous communities. "These are the missions that the only army of Ecuadorians
fulfill. The brigade that will once again fulfill the defense of sovereignty and
territorial integrity against this new threat of delinquents, of terrorists, where our
mission will be to identify, isolate and neutralize them to be delivered to the competent
Source: News Agencies
Related Content:
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 5
Here is the text of the letter that was heard on Saturday's demonstration on World
Resistance Day against the Turkish invasion of Turkey. It was written by women from the
north-Syrian village of Jinwar, a haven for women and children: ---- Dear women all over
the world who are fighting for peace, freedom and justice, dear friends in the fight
against fascism and patriarchy. ---- On the occasion of World Resistance Day for Rojava,
we send you our most heartfelt greetings right from the heart of the Resistance in Rojava.
Since the beginning of the Turkish invasion, our turbulent collective struggle to defend
Rojava and the goals of the women's revolution has continued on all fronts, in all parts
of the world. We would like to express our deepest love and respect to our sisters and
friends who fought in the front line of the YPJ / YPG and SDF against the cruel and
inhuman violence of the Turkish army and their jihadist military forces. We salute all
women and people of different communities in North and East Syria, in all parts of
Kurdistan and the Middle East, in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Latin America and North
America who have united their hearts and deeds to support resistance to Turkish fascist
attacks to Rojava.
Thanks to your solidarity actions, we have learned about the other struggles that women
and oppressed people must fight in all parts of the world against occupation, oppression,
fascism, dictatorships and violence against women. In the last 24 hours we have gained
strength and inspiration from each of them and we see them as the basis of our common
victory. We have again convinced ourselves that we are fighting together against the same
enemy: a capitalist patriarchal system that seeks to create from the world every
alternative based on collective human values, female culture, justice and the ecological
understanding of life. This is what we defend here in Rojava, and it is the thing that
connects us all.
In the face of Turkish aggression and hostility towards our lives, our communities and the
country, and to women's will and freedom, we issued the Women's Declaration: Let us
immediately stop the Turkish occupation war against eastern and western Syria! To date,
1930 human rights defenders, academics, artists, politicians and activists from various
social movements have signed this declaration. In this way, we were able to connect the
creative women's action movement around the world. Our aim was to force the UN and the
global community to take immediate action against Turkish genocide and violence against women.
Although the Turkish attack has been condemned by the public and various powers have
negotiated ceasefire agreements with Turkey, the Turkish war campaign against eastern and
western Syria continues. We have repeatedly been convinced that sexist violence and
numerous rape are part of this campaign. The torture and execution of a female
revolutionary supporter Hevrin Chalaf, the crippling and sexist abuse of the YPJ Amary
Renas warrior's body, and the kidnapping of civilians and wounded YPJ members threatened
by rape and beheading are just some examples of Turkey's war against free will and
organized female power. War devastation, occupation, threats of further violence against
women and genocide persist.
Today, we have resubmitted our declaration with all its signatures - we urge its
addressees to prevent further crimes against humanity by immediately launching airspace
closure actions over northern and eastern Syria for the Turkish Air Force and ensuring the
retreat of Turkish occupiers from Syrian territory. The representation and participation
of women and people's representatives of the various national, cultural and religious
Syrian communities must continue to be ensured. Only in this way can we secure peace,
women's rights and democracy in Syria. We must upset the dirty machinations for profit and
play by the colonial powers by forcing them to accept the fundamental human rights that
have been gained through the international struggles of the people.
To achieve this and to defend the women's revolution, we will continue and strengthen our
organized struggle in Rojava as part of the global struggle against patriarchy and
fascism. One day after World Kobane Day, we will join forces on World Resistance Day for
Rojava. Five years ago, we were able to achieve the impossible when, through international
solidarity, we broke the siege of Kobane by ISIS fascism. Today we will achieve the
impossible by defeating Erdogan's fascism through our united resistance throughout the world.
That is why we call on all women and people who love freedom to join us and strengthen our
fight against fascism everywhere!
Defend Rojava and spread the women's revolution around the world!
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